The Rusev Conundrum


King Of The Ring
So, after the most recent edition of Raw a few days ago, we now know that Rusev will be one of the members of Team Authority at Survivor Series who takes on Team Cena. There has been a lot of discussion for a while now about who the man to finally pin or submit Rusev will be, with many people believing that the Belorussian will finally be taken down at Wrestlemania; however, with Rusev now apart of the Survivor Series main event, it seems that his pinless streak will end sooner than anticipated unless Rusev manages to be one of the sole survivors, which I really don't see happening.

Personally, I think the man to pin Rusev at Survivor Series will be Ryback which should solidify his main event push, but it seems a pretty lackluster way to end one of the longest streaks that we have seen in recent memory.

How do you think Rusev will be booked at Survivor Series? Will he be beaten or will he survive? If he is beaten, who will be the one to finally put Rusev down?
I can see him getting disqualified or taking another superstar to the back. I forget when that has happened, but I know it's happened before. The safest way to keep Rusev looking good would be for him to go that route. No one has to pin Rusev for him to be removed from the match.
DQ or countout. Maybe they use Rusev to "take out" Cena by either dragging him out getting both guys counted out or using a foreign object making Cena unable to continue to compete. It allows The Authority to win without damaging Rusev or Cena plus gets them in to the rumored feud that they are supposed to have.

It is a problem that is simple to avoid.
It's not really a guarantee that Rusev will even remain on Team Authority, given how there's been a surprising amount of turnover already.

As safe as a DQ may be, an even safer route is to break Rusev off entirely, maybe by virtue of someone else stepping in and drawing him out- this has the added benefit of putting Rusev at odds with the Authority. Gives you some running room post-Survivor Series where you can have Rusev crush Kane at TLC and then see where he can go from there.
So assuming team cena is show, ziggler, big show, ryback, orton and cena. Imo the only logical person to get the pin is ry ack. Everyone else already has storylines going or are not important enough to win. I see ryback and rusev brawling outside to a double count out thou.
As has already been stated, Rusev could easily be eliminated via countout or disqualification. Given the way their match on Raw ended, it's likely that his feud with Sheamus will continue, so it's entirely possible that the action could break down between them at some point in the match, leading to all of them getting into a brawl, with Sheamus & Rusev being the legal men. The ref might not be able to control them or he simply counts them out.

Like GSB mentioned, they could have Rusev target Cena and do something to take Cena out of the running. Use some sort of foreign object, go to town on one of Cena's legs with a steel chair, beat him senseless with the belt, maybe even use that gold star medal somehow.

Of course, Vince could have a sudden attack of paranoia that fans might lose faith in Cena and have him be the one to first pin Rusev or make him tap, especially if the plan is for Team Cena to lose. This way, even though Cena loses, he gains a moral victory by being the first man in any sort of match to pin Rusev or make him tap. Would it be a waste to have Rusev lose in such a way? Hell yeah it would and, unfortunately when it comes to John Cena, Vince is pretty shortsighted in the sense that he goes overboard in protecting him. I hope it doesn't go down this way but I won't be surprised if it does.
Yeah I feel like an idiot... I didn't even think about a DQ or count out finish and it seems very likely that something along these lines will happen... Oh well, continue commenting if you have any other insight or ideas.
Rusev will not submit lol lets make that clear. If this russian monsters submits he might as well get an oversized bunny costume. There is a chance sheamus doesnt stay on the team. I see him taking an after match rusev beating so he cam take time off till the rumble.
I'm guessing a DQ or Count-out with either scenario involving Sheamus in some fashion as their feud is far from over,lMO, given how last night's match ended with Sheamus close to winning.
While I could see Ryback getting the pin on Rusev, Rusev has been so well protected over the past several months that feeding him to Ryback kind of seems like a waste. I think the more likely scenarios are either:

1.) DQ/Count Out - He could easily get taken out of the match without actually being pinned or submitting. & WWE has certainly been known to do a few double DQ's or Count Outs when there are guys involved in a mulit-man match that have their own feud going on & that WWE wants to keep protected. I could see exactly that happening with Sheamus & Rusev, then they could go onto TLC to have their final blow-off rematch for the U.S. Title.

2.) Rusev Survives - This is a little less likely to me but still more likely than Rusev being pinned. I don't think The Authority will lose at Survivor Series, there is no other strong heel authority figures to fill their role right now & while some fans may be sick of the overall Authority stable/angle, I don't think the WWE is yet. Also a win like this would be a lot more for younger guys like Rollins, Rusev & Harper. Except for maybe Ryback, I don't see this match doing any favors for anyone on Team Cena. So I think Rusev actually has a pretty good shot at being one of the sole survivors to win the match for The Authority.
I'd like to see Rusev put Cena in the accolade and refuse release the hold, causing a DQ. It would make him more threatening and get him out of the match. I'm a big fan of he and Lana though, and would think it to be awesome if he survived the match!
I'm in the crowd that sees Rusev being eliminated via either a Double DQ or Double Count Out scenario where he brawls away with a Cena team member.

But I propose that if Ryback is indeed a member of Team Cena(I still feel like Orton likely ends up on Cena's team though) then he will be the one that ends up a part of this double elimination set-up.

Its the most logical choice as both men need to be completely protected right now and cannot afford to take a pinfall, yet neither figures to be a sole survivor either. This kills two birds by protecting both men, and maybe snags a third as it could to start setting into motion a plan where Ryback is the man to eventually topple the Bulgarian.
I really expect Rusev to be one of the sole survivors. Why not? He'll probably get the last pinfall on Cena and everything. It's been speculated that they're saving Cena/Rusev for WrestleMania. This is the way to build to it.
There is one caveat to all this: Mrs. Trips is rumored to have a bun in the oven. If this is true, no way the Authority wins because she would not be able to go to the ring on TV. So, it would be easy to write them off TV. As for Plovdiv, Bulgaria's favorite son: They have to protect him. So, I can see Rusev and Sheamus getting DQed in the back or parking lot, or Dairy Queen, or...
I don't see just because Stephanie might be pregnant to be an issue. She's only one of the group, and if she has to take time off then so be it. You still have HHH, Kane, Rollins and the rest. The whole storyline shouldn't be shot to hell just because of that.
Personally, I suspect that Rusev and maybe Kane will abandon the authority. The only reason I think Kane because of a strange shot of him when Stephanie said Ryback could be the next monster on RAW. Seemed kinda jealous.

I think he'll just leave after having enough of Rollins' shit. This will be strange as usually such actions would lead to a face turn, which Rusev will not get, but I don't see any other reason why Stephanie would bully and insult Lana so openly unless it was leading to that. For those who think it's heel heat, I'd say being nice to Lana would piss off the fans just as much- if not moreso. Furthermore, if Rusev just leaves, then he isn't technically defeated. That's my theory.
The Lana/Steph confrontation could be used to give Rusev a way out. Maybe Rusev isn't performing well enough and Stephanie gets pissed off to which Rusev just leaves. Hell, if The Authority disbands, who is to say Triple H can lose to Rusev (except, well, Triple H)

A DQ or count-out is a good way to do it. A double count-out with someone Ryback (if he's in the match) would be smart because both still remain looking dominant. A DQ would also be fine, even if it's as something as simple as him not releasing the Accolade.

I'd probably prefer him (or Lana) just walking out of the match. He doesn't need The Authority; he has Vladimir f'n Putin
A DQ would also be fine, even if it's as something as simple as him not releasing the Accolade.

This is actually a really good idea if booked right. Rusev is supposed to be this dominant loner, so make him just that. If Rusev takes out say, Big Show or Sheamus with the Accolade, you can have him just keep it on while his teammates scream at him to release it until he gets DQ'd.

It would turn both The Authority and Team Cena against him and open up many different options for Rusev going forward (maybe even a tweener run that includes Steph and HHH).
Just like everyone else here I think if he does go it is Count out or DQ. I do see him and Rollins being the last men standing though.

I see the Authority winning this match. They have the younger guys with Rollins and Rusev. So I can see them getting the nod.
Oh boy! They've really written themselves into a corner with this one, but I think I know exactly how it'll turn out. Let's all hold hands while I explain (it helps).

Remember the vibe between Steph and Lana when the offer was accepted? Steph called Lana a fucked up bitch, or something like that. Rusev stood stoically as would be expected of a Russian Superhero, but Lana was more pensive. Now let's spin clockwise, keep in step.

What if Steph puts the screws to Lana to such a degree that at the actual match Rusev loses his mind and super kicks HHH before willingly getting himself counted out? Huh!? Does that sound like a plausible scenario?

The obvious aftermath would be the potential for Lana to enter the ring vs Steph, HHH laying down for Rusev in a match and possibly a Rusev face turn. Now promenade.
I don't see just because Stephanie might be pregnant to be an issue. She's only one of the group, and if she has to take time off then so be it. You still have HHH, Kane, Rollins and the rest. The whole storyline shouldn't be shot to hell just because of that.
If that was the case, Vince would not have made it a one-way stip. Remember, it was Trips that storyline removed Vince from power as per the Board. Remember also that Stephanie gives Trips his legitimacy as "The Principal Owner of WWE". Without her in that ring on a regular basis, Trips does not have the legitimacy that he has as COO WITHOUT a PUBLIC McMahon blessing that the fans see every week.
I don't think Rusev will lose. I think he'll just get taken out of the match via count out with Sheamus, leading to a final showdown between the two at TLC. A decisive win over Sheamus for Rusev, would be huge going into WrestleMania season.

Meanwhile, I think Rollins will be the survivor. The past Survivor Series match winners got big pushes, Ziggler in 2012, Reigns in 2013, I could see the same with Rollins based on how strong they've booked him and a possible match with Cena at TLC to keep them both busy until Royal Rumble.

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