Who should be the man to finally beat Rusev?

Who will end Rusev's winning streak?

  • John Cena

  • The Rock

  • Ryback

  • Roman Reigns

  • Ceasaro

  • Daniel Bryan

  • other

  • He will remain undefeated for his whole career

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Randy Orton. Some agree he has been stale for some time. It doesn't have to be an American/Russian angle outright; Orton is bad-ass and Rusev is a beastly ma'fucka. If Rusev eventually joined The Authority (however much longer that exists) it gives Orton more to rival against besides Rollins.
His winning streak is the reason I do not like him winning a title. Now he has to drop it to someone who is either far above being a midcard champion or someone that doesnt deserve the rub og beating a monster heel with an undefeated streak. Same thing that with goldberg accept they used bs to get the belt off him
I voted for Ryback, but it could go two different ways. The more you build Rusev the more the pay out will be for whoever beat him. Ryback could win it in the short run, but if the WWE wants to do it right they will have a up and comer beat him. It could be someone out of the NXT, or someone they want to push. The US belt, in my OP, is more relevant right now. If they keep it up with the push he is getting they can really help make a star out of a new guy. Or even make a guy a star that is currently on the roster.
In a world where we are complaining about no new stars, why on earth are we feeding him to someone from nxt. You want build someone by burying someone that is very over as a heel. Unlike ryback, kozlov and other people pushed similar to them rusev has lana. She adds alot to this character enough to make him a top heel for a long time. Think about investing in the star you have before feeding him to someone you want to build. He needs to lose to someone very credible but not a part timer. I would love for him to someone like cesaro, but the way hes jobbing lately it hurts rusev to much. This may need to play out to the point that resuv wins the wwe title then drops it to a cena/orton. Also this loss cant be clean. This is the goldberg formula. Hopefuly with a better ending.

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