The Rock's new interview-- Says he wants to work with WWE- do MORE than Guest Host

let's call a spade a spade the rock hosting RAW IS MCASSHOLES way of getting back at hogan for signing with tna, he needed something to counter that shit so he went begging to dwayne asking him to host RAW!!
let's call a spade a spade the rock hosting RAW IS MCASSHOLES way of getting back at hogan for signing with tna, he needed something to counter that shit so he went begging to dwayne asking him to host RAW!!

I think you're calling a spade a spoon with this one. I honestly don't see any relation between The Rock getting back involved with the WWE and Hogan signing with TNA. If Kurt Angle got signed back with the WWE then maybe, just maybe, you could make a connection. This? No, I don't see it.

As it is, I'd hope The Rock would have a bigger impact on Raw ratings than Hogan is on, uh, iMPACT! ratings. An increase of 0.1 ain't gonna be hard to beat.

That's what i been trying to get out. The Rock is gonna take that Cena role. Sure everybody is gonna enjoy The Rock with the millions and millions chanting his name. Then about 3-5 months later half of those millions are gonna chant. "Rocky Sucks" (which are adults viewers or kids in their right mind) and the other half chanting Rocky. Like I said he should job to the mid-carders, elevate their career and get lost.

Many, many things wrong with this post. Firstly, the wrestling audience of today is not inherently different to that when Rock was on top - the same crowd that bought into the image of the most electrifying sports entertainer on the planet because that's what he was. Far be it from me to suggest The Rock is another league to Cena altogether but... well, I guess that's what I am suggesting.

As for your assertion that the third biggest name in all of wrestling should job to midcarders (which I hope you know will never happen); that's just nonsense. Not only is The Rock younger than Triple H, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, he's only one year older than Edge - and in better physical shape than half the roster. No fucking way should arguably the greatest wrestler of this generation waste all that potential that he still has left.
The problem with The Rock coming back, and I hate to say it because I love the guy's personality so much, is that it ultimately shows the entire audience how awful the WWE product of today really is. The guy simply is in a league of his own compared to every single person on the damn roster ... and nobody touches him in ability to light up a crowd and capture an audience's attention.

That's B.S. Triple H is so undervalued when it comes to this subject. Triple H is AMAZING at capturing the audience and he never fully gets the credit he deserves for that. Whether as a heel or as a face, Triple H has a lot of charisma and IS in the Rock's league and always was.


Thank you for making me spit my drink out in laughter.

Anyway, I responded to your comments in your Triple H thread in the Old School section, to not keep this thread from getting off-topic.

To say otherwise would imply that The Rock was in a league of his own in the year 2000 which is TOTAL BS because we all know that when Austin was out that year, it was the HHH/Rock show. It was NOT just The Rock show. Again, HHH is really forgotten. People always narrow it down to Austin and Rock this and Austin and Rock that, but Triple H was right there with them and does not get the credit he deserves for that. I think I might even start a thread about this very subject because it's unfair to a very charismatic and dynamic performer that is Triple H.

The point is, Triple H is in the Rock's league then, and definitely now, so it would not show up the entire WWE Roster. I'll give you Cena, but not Triple H. The only way this will be great is if it's short term and around Wrestlemania. The Rock is the man but I think that would be the best way to handle it momentum wise....short term, around Mania, that's it.
If The Rock wants to help WWE and do more than guest host, then I say give him a programme from now until Wrestlemania.
Bring him back as a guest host for the 3 hour Raw, then have him get into an "altercation" with someone... Cena, Orton, HBK, maybe even CM Punk. If Rock wants to give sometime back, then he's gotta put over someone, make them huge. The Rock was always credible, right up until his last match in WWE. He's 37 so there should be no problem with his body, especially since he's been out for like 4 or 5 years. So he should have a few matches, maybe even challenge for the world title, maybe make a rumble appearance, then keep the programme going until Wrestlemania, where Rocky puts over someone who needs it and goes into the HOF.
That's how he gives back to the fans and that's how he gives back the WWE. And then we'll finally have the big sendoff for The Rock that all the fans have wanted since 2004. Make it happen, Rocky.
The problem with The Rock coming back, and I hate to say it because I love the guy's personality so much, is that it ultimately shows the entire audience how awful the WWE product of today really is. The guy simply is in a league of his own compared to every single person on the damn roster ... and nobody touches him in ability to light up a crowd and capture an audience's attention.

Having The Rock around, even for a night, ultimately shows how Cena actually pales in comparison to him in just about every way imaginable. And Cena is the biggest star they have.

It would have been a lot more interesting if Cena was able to keep the Rapper character and had a showdown with The Rock, but once again, we can all thank the PG rating for that one. So what can you do?

This is my opinion,of course,but if the rock comes back I think there is one or few wrestlers that could use the noost of a "losing" feud."losing" in that in the end they would come out on the short end of the stick yet still loook good at the same time.I think Miz vs Rock would be awesome.the promos they could do would be awesome.what with The Rock talking....the miz interrupts.....then Rock says "who in the blue hell are you?"....."my name is...."....."it doesn't matter what your name is!!!!!!!"......awwww to only dream.those two could really give a good show.Miz is on a roll as of late but could really USE A PUSH from the rock to really solidify him as an upper midcarder.

What do you think?????(sorry if that reply sounded like the beginning of a new thread)
Rock as i previously posted is younger than: Finlay, Undertaker, triple h, kane, shawn michaels,, batista, jerichoke, kurt angle, foley, it's a few more that were on the tip of my tongue but i can't say them yet, i'll post later. He's 3.5 yrs older than shelton benjamin, 1yr older than christian and edge. The guy is still young in wrestling years. He really started wwe/f at the end of 96 or 97 and basically retired in 2002. The few little matches he did after 2002 don't count. So that gives him only 4.5-5.5 yrs of active wrestling.

That man has so much left it's ridiculous. He's been rejuvenated, and so what if he doesn't need the money. Thats like any profession, some people do it because they like it, not always about the money. Maybe he finally realized after all how much he misses it. Vince is probably turning back flips. And who ever said someone like rock should job to this current crop of wwe wrestlers is obviously on some good dope. He's much better wrestling wise, still has the look, charisma, and body. He's much better than most of the wwe. The only person he should lose to is cena, if somehow cena makes the fu look stronger. It looks weak, and i can't see how even the rock could sell that move.

Triple flab, botchtista, and brokedown michaels are the ones that should be the regular jobbers, certainly not the rock. Triple h can still captivate an audience, but he has lost alot in the ring. Hang em up, him and taker both need to. Taker is starting to look like brokedown michaels. They should be the ones leaving. Rock bring lesnar with you.
Many, many things wrong with this post. Firstly, the wrestling audience of today is not inherently different to that when Rock was on top - the same crowd that bought into the image of the most electrifying sports entertainer on the planet because that's what he was. Far be it from me to suggest The Rock is another league to Cena altogether but... well, I guess that's what I am suggesting.

As for your assertion that the third biggest name in all of wrestling should job to midcarders (which I hope you know will never happen); that's just nons

First off, Half of is fans bailed out on him cause of him leaving the wwe. I mean when was the last time the Rock went to an actual wwe arena? When was the last time he came to the ring and cut a promo in front of his people, instead of being on a titon tron? He gonna electify alright, but it gonna be kids. He will always be The people's phony.

2nd. You act like the rock has never job before. Look Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesner, and Evolution.
First off, Half of is fans bailed out on him cause of him leaving the wwe. I mean when was the last time the Rock went to an actual wwe arena? When was the last time he came to the ring and cut a promo in front of his people, instead of being on a titon tron? He gonna electify alright, but it gonna be kids. He will always be The people's phony.

2nd. You act like the rock has never job before. Look Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesner, and Evolution.

Jobbing to people like Angle, Jericho, and Lesnar is much different from jobbing to all of the midcarders. All of those 3 men have been at or very close to the top of the crop in the WWE world. I agree with you that the Rock seems to have no problems losing matches to stars, but saying he should be jobbing to all the midcarders is a joke. I didn't including Evolution since it was a 1 time handicap tag match, though look where both Batista and Orton are today. Both of them had already been given the ball to run with since their pairing with HHH and Flair. They were hardly typical midcarders.

Also did you actually watch those titantron appearances the rock had, more specifically the smackdown one? Did you hear the pop he got and how he worked the crowd without even being in the ring? That promo was brilliant, even though it was pre-taped he paused at all the right spots for the cheers he knew he would get. The Rock can work the crowd like no one else. He will make them cheer him or boo him based on whether he's playing heel or face, and he most certainly won't get the Cena treatment from the crowd.

As for what I think about the Rock making a return, I don't think we'll be getting anything close to a full time return. He may do a storyline and a big match or two, but that's about as much I can dare to hope for. I don't really understand the argument that the Rock coming back would be a bad thing though. Do you really need to see the Rock in action to realize that the rest of the show has become staler? That should already be evident. The Rock won't highlight it, if anything he'll help to bring it back up.
I really disagree with the people that said he will outshine Cena and show how bad he is. Now while I don't watch wrestling anymore I respect the hell out of Cena and think he is great. Sure he isn't in the rock's league but the Rock's league is a very prestigious one. Cena has done a hell of a job being the face of the company. I highly doubt if the Rock actually returned and then left that people who were fans before the Rock returned would be like "oh this sucks now i'm done watching" if anything they would be more into the show. Cena is doing a damn fine job being the face of the company, and if Rock returns I doubt people would say be bored of Cena.
Personally I think all of this speculation regarding the Rock returning to WWE in a full-time capacity is total bullshit and nonsense, regardless of what he actually said in this interview.

I fully expect to see him guest host an episode of Raw, and likely a significant one. As someone else said, this could be tying in to a possible Hall of Fame induction either this year, or soon for sure.

But the Rock has established himself in Hollywood whether you like his movies or not. Why would he go back to all of that travel, all of the physicality and potential injury, etc., after leaving it all behind and actually distancing himself from it in virtually all ways. For the money? I'm sure he's not hurting for a dollar these days and there's no indication that his acting career won't continue. For the fame? Again, there's plenty of that for him in Hollywood as well. Out of loyalty to the wrestling fans? Total naivety.

I would only like to see a Rock return if it's a true return, ie for a couple of years minimum. I have no interest in seeing the Rock come back for a localized fued with Cena or with anyone else. Guest hosting, great. Hall of Fame, sure. Or a full time return. Not some half assed short term return which would benefit no one.
What changed his mind? His movies have been bombing. They haven't done as good as the older ones did, because the novelty of The Rock as an actor has worn off. He's not that good of an actor, to be perfectly honest.

I would love to see him return, an actual.. return. Not a show-his-face-on-the-screen return. I wanna see him in the ring, cutting a old school promo, laying the smackdown on some jabronis and just being The Rock. He doesn't even have to return full time and wrestle! He can do like, one match like he did in his later years.

The Rock was the guy who got me into wrestling, he is the reason I even turned on UPN to watch Smackdown. It sucked so bad when he left the WWE. Yeah, definitely bring him in. Think of how much of a big role model and a help he could be to this mostly young roster. He's been there, done that. He's still got millions.. and millions of fans everywhere. He would be accepted with open arms.
Nope, I'm not jumping on this band wagon...

The Rock left at a time where the WWE needed him most. I was a huge fan of his, and I always would watch him in the ring and then suddenly he vanished. So as far as I'm concerned, The Rock can take his return, shine it up real nice, turn that sum' bitch side ways, and stick straight up candy arse.

Besides, after all these years of saying "Don't call me The Rock", why would any fan of his still be a fan of his. He doesn't even recognize them anymore.
Nope, I'm not jumping on this band wagon...

The Rock left at a time where the WWE needed him most. I was a huge fan of his, and I always would watch him in the ring and then suddenly he vanished. So as far as I'm concerned, The Rock can take his return, shine it up real nice, turn that sum' bitch side ways, and stick straight up candy arse.

Besides, after all these years of saying "Don't call me The Rock", why would any fan of his still be a fan of his. He doesn't even recognize them anymore.

[FONT=&quot]I think you’re being a little harsh – this is just the same as someone leaving an old job and moving on to one that they enjoy more, will further their career, and give them more money. The Rock did what he thought was best for himself, as everyone does at some point. [/FONT] [FONT=&quot]

Now, he may want to return, he’s had his fun in other career areas. I was a huge fan of The Rock, and therefore, if he does return it’d be really exciting for me. Somehow, I doubt it’ll happen though.
Nope, I'm not jumping on this band wagon...

YUR MOM~!1!!!111!1!

The Rock left at a time where the WWE needed him most.

So did Austin.

I was a huge fan of his, and I always would watch him in the ring and then suddenly he vanished.

No, he didn't vanish. He went to Hollywood to make money. To make more money then he ever made wrestling, and on top of that, he doesn't have to bust his ass every night.

I would do it if I were him.

So as far as I'm concerned, The Rock can take his return, shine it up real nice, turn that sum' bitch side ways, and stick straight up candy arse.

I don't know what's more alarming-the fact that you actually think this or the fact that you're thinking about The Rock's "candy arse".

Besides, after all these years of saying "Don't call me The Rock", why would any fan of his still be a fan of his.

Me. I'm pretty sure there's alot of other shitpimples on this board who hate Rocky, but you can take that number of fuckwinglers and triple it, and you would get the number of fans who still have love for the Rock.

He doesn't even recognize them anymore.


He still cares, and he can still cut a promo. If The Rock wants to get in the ring, more power to him, but I seriously doubt that will happen. However, just to see him cut promos and interact with the wrestlers of today (CM Punk, Orton, Cena, etc.) and his "old friends" (Triple H, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels) would be a treat for me. And I think with rumors of his HOF induction and the convenient timing of him hosting at the beginning of The Road To WM, I have a feeling he will be at the event in some fashion. Maybe he'll just run through like Austin did last year, or maybe he'll wrestle a match. Shit, personally I want to see him be the special guest ref for the DiBiase-Orton match, because with the lack of buildup DiBiase's been getting, that match looks like tits. And not the good kind. The old, smelly, lumpy grandma kind. But I can't complain, Orton's feud with Kofi's been good.
Idk how anyone could say its bad for the rock to return "cuz it shows how bad the wwe has gotten." Bringing the rock back is NEVER a bad idea! He is the most entertaining wrestler of all time IMO cuz of his great promos. No one can cut a promo like the rock. When stone cold walked out on the wwe why did they have the rock return to cut that "get the F out" promo right when the wwf changed to wwe? It was a great promo to cut and no one else coulda done it as good as him.

As a wrestler I don't see him being that great though. He gets beat up all match, slaps a few times hits a spinebuster, samoan drop and then the rock bottom and peoples elbow. He has 4 moves but none the less, he makes everyone laugh and when he's in that ring on the mic nothing else matters. His movie career is the last thing on his mind, he's there to entertain and that's what its all about is entertaining us fans. No one is better then the rock at accomplishing what the wwe is intended to do.
Originally Posted by Jackie Williams View Post
Nope, I'm not jumping on this band wagon...

The Rock left at a time where the WWE needed him most. I was a huge fan of his, and I always would watch him in the ring and then suddenly he vanished. So as far as I'm concerned, The Rock can take his return, shine it up real nice, turn that sum' bitch side ways, and stick straight up candy arse.

Besides, after all these years of saying "Don't call me The Rock", why would any fan of his still be a fan of his. He doesn't even recognize them anymore.
well i just want to add that we as fans were very very selfish when we all got mad when rock quit cause he put a whole lot of time in the ring cutting promos etc. all for us to enjoy and yet we (most of us) would go out of our way just to bash the rock just because we felt betrayed which was wrong on our part. the rock just wanted to make more money and at the same time working alot less maybe not less but its not as hard to act as it is to be a wwe wrestler. before xfear and sidiuos charge me with spamming again i indeed posted earlyer
Nope, I'm not jumping on this band wagon...

The Rock left at a time where the WWE needed him most. I was a huge fan of his, and I always would watch him in the ring and then suddenly he vanished. So as far as I'm concerned, The Rock can take his return, shine it up real nice, turn that sum' bitch side ways, and stick straight up candy arse.

Besides, after all these years of saying "Don't call me The Rock", why would any fan of his still be a fan of his. He doesn't even recognize them anymore.

The Rock gave us about 5 to 7 years to WWE. He wanted to do something different. WWE wouldn't have "needed him most" if they'd aptly built up Jericho, RVD, Benoit, Guerrero and the other talents with potential that had a shitload of momentum coming off the Invasion angle.

He built the shit out of Jericho with their feud. And then they buried him under Stephy's dogshit and jobbed him out to Triple H. And he never rose above midcard for any extended period after that, until years later. Edge and Christian were prime for a chance at being uppercard stars. William Regal was misused and not given any chance when he could have very well broke out too. There were about a dozen guys that could have filled the space that Rock left behind them, but they went with the same old shit. And they built that around Triple H.

The Rock was right to leave the WWE. He got Hurricane the most over he'd ever be in his career, and they jobbed him out to Triple H. Booker is another one of those he helped get over. Jericho too. All of them got shat on and marginalized for years.

He's not wrong for going off and doing something different. At least he's healthy and successful, with a solid career in Hollywood. As much as I'd love to see him come back, he doesn't need to and I don't demand it of him. Nor am I resentful of him that he left WWE, like you seem to be. And without merit. He gave enough of himself to the fans. He doesn't owe YOU anything and he doesn't owe the WWE anything either. Especially since whenever he does give a bit, they always bury it under a mound of sHHHit.
I agree with j.williams. The rock cut two promos on a titontron now everybody is back in love with the rock. Don't get me wrong I want him to come back he needs a attitude adjustment and a punt in the skull by RKO. When he was doing his movies and in an interview not once did he mention WWE or wrestling. Why did you think he use his real name now. I respect he was trying to make some money and all, but never forget where you came from. Its like he went from college football into acting, no wwe, wrestling or anything. Thats why I call him the people's phony. I could care less if he comes back he is just gonna use wwe and forget about his wwe fans again.
Everyone who has posted on here hating The Rock, I just have one thing to say to you:


You represent about .003% of the WWF (That's right, I use the F) fanbase when you bash The Great One. A return from The Rock would make Raw immediately an entire ratings point higher and significantly more awesome to watch.

In short, you can piss and moan all you want about Rocky leaving when he did but when he comes back every single one of you will mark the fuck out and you know it.

IF YA SMELL........

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