The Rock, The Character, Is A Jerk

Calm on and admit it. If a person on this forum or in real life acted half as obnoxious as the Rock does you wouldn't put up with it for a second. The Rock's character is a bully plain and simple. And it's funny that it comes right in the middle of the WWE's anti-bully campaign. Here we have this big shot who walks in after a 7 year absence and acts as though he's too good for everybody. Now take this and imagine you've been working at a company for the last few years and doing a pretty good job when suddenly the guy you replaced comes back on a part time basis and treats you with the same lack of respect that the Rock's on air persona treats the other WWE superstars. I don't care how nice that co-worker treats the customers, if I saw him treating his fellow employees in such a way I'd think he was a jerk. And nobody cares that he left for hollywood. Good for him. But there's a difference between working in hollywood and "Going hollywood".

Again, this is where I lose people. The Rock is a character. Dwayne Johnson is a person. When people go on rants like this, it makes it seem like you believe that the character Rock and the person Dwayne Johnson are one in the same.

The guy refers to himself in the third person. Of course he's a "jerk" character. And yeah, he's a bully. So is the Punk character (making Del Rio give him a title shot while in the Anaconda Vice isn't a baby face way of doing things).

This isn't real life. It's fiction. And The Rock acting like that is part of his appeal.

Your reply confuses me... Because you openly admit its an on air character, and then talk about real life and how he disrespects co workers like its real.
I grew up watching the attitude era and of course The Rock was my favorite wrestler. But I'm in my 20's now and I'm just not that big of a rock fan anymore. I'm not criticizing anyone who is but why should I cheer rock and boo cena? Because i'm grown now? The rock is a complete ass. Even CM Punk says that he's not very respectful to any of the guys on the roster. I'm not a huge John Cena fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I respect the guy because no one works harder than the guy. He busts hit butt for the fans and all he gets is boos and 14,000 people telling him how much he sucks. The Rock just up and leaves and is gone for 7 years and is welcomed back like some type of hero? Sunday night at SS Cena gave the rock the ring out of respect, but instead of just enjoying the moment rock just wanted to rub cena's nose in it and then rock bottom him. And people are cheering this guy? That was a bitch move and if Cena did it to him people would be calling him a bitch and a wuss, but since The Rock did it it's ok. The attitude era is gone, and I really wish we would stop trying to re-live it. If The Rock left again forever....wouldn't hurt my feelings because I liked him a lot better when I was 11.
Sunday night at SS Cena gave the rock the ring out of respect, but instead of just enjoying the moment rock just wanted to rub cena's nose in it and then rock bottom him.

It's called a storyline. That was what was supposed to happen. In fact, I think I saw while watching it Cena say to Rock, "When I turn around to leave, spin me around and Rock Bottom me". It's a work. It's not real. Why can't people grasp this?

And people are cheering this guy? That was a bitch move and if Cena did it to him people would be calling him a bitch and a wuss, but since The Rock did it it's ok.

People who cheer it realize its the product of two guys putting on a story. Allowing both of their characters to shine the way that their characters have been developed. The Rock as the guy who felt Cena completely disrespected him by running his mouth, and Cena as the always "rising above" guy who wanted to give The Rock his moment.

It's a storyline, fueled by two guys who are both EXTREMELY good at what they do.
Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

That just shows how much fans still like The Rock. He's a legend and one of the best of all time. He is so over that a traditional heel turn would NEVER work on him. No matter what he does at this point, he'll get mostly cheers out of fans.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

Look at the part of your post I bolded for you. Cena is the face of the federation. He's not going to be the villain in any of his feuds unless he finally turns heel. The Rock is closer to being the heel than Cena right now in their feud, legend or not.

He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.

Yeah that part kinda got on my nerves too. More in-ring appearances would have been nice. We should be thankful that The Rock even came back for this dream feud at all though. He makes a ton of money doing his movies and he didn't HAVE to return.

His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).

Just a way for WWE to try to transition Cena and Rock into traditional face and heel roles for this feud. It's not going to work though. Cena haters will boo Cena and cheer for The Rock no matter what. Attitude Era fanboys will flock to their hero as well. Amongst us older fans, only the Cena marks will be rooting for Cena here. Newer fans who do not remember The Rock might boo him for these actions, but I don't really see it working.

He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.

To set up the match for the following year, which will be one of the biggest Wrestlemania matches in the history of the event. That was a necessary evil when you think of what we will be getting out of it.

And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

What did you expect, for The Rock to come over to Cena's house and play WWE video games all night? They need to create tension between the two. For a feud as epic as this can be they need to HATE each other. The Rock started taking it in that direction when he attacked Cena after the match.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.

I already explained that. The Rock cannot turn heel traditionally because he is thought of too fondly by a good number of fans. There is a group of people in the fanbase that will never boo The Rock and cheer Cena in this feud. That's just the way things are happening. They can try to make The Rock a heel all they want, but it's not going to work the way it does for 90% of wrestlers, especially in a feud with someone like Cena who generates mixed reactions.
LMAO!! It seems to me there are alot of idots around here. "The Rock" is just a character, it's not dwayne's real life persona. As far as what punk said....LOL, you actually believe that BS?! Punk is just jealous, he can't stand the fact that even though he's the hottest active wrestler in the world, Rock is still ovrshadowing him. He can't stand the fact that rock is main eventing WM with cena. He want all the attention on him, since he believe he's the face of the company right night. lol after all the shit he's been saying about rock, rock is still ignoring him, and that's making punk even more mad.

I've never heared anyone talk about rock being an arrogant backstage, before. Dudleyz, angle, jericho, bret hart, vince mcmahon, billy gunn, hurricane, nash, farooq, mark henry, godfather, x-pac, austin, hell even alex riley and john cena, said that rock is a class act and down to earth, and you're expecting me to believe what punk said?! like I said, punk is jealous, or maybe he's just trying to set a match with rock(the way cena did it).
I think Punk is just playing to the smart fans. He knows they like to be 6 months ahead of the curve. Rock is cheered and Cena booed, but the net guys are already trying to stick up for Cena and crap on Rocky just to be different. He knows it's gonna be hot to go against Rock in the future so he's playing on that.
I grew up watching the attitude era and of course The Rock was my favorite wrestler. But I'm in my 20's now and I'm just not that big of a rock fan anymore.

So you claim that The Rock was your favorite wrestler, I call BS you probably saying that just to try & get your points across better.

I'm not criticizing anyone who is but why should I cheer rock and boo cena?

Who the hell told you to cheer The Rock & boo Cena? If your a fan of both superstars there's nothing wrong w/not picking any sides & just sitting back & enjoying how this feud unfolds.

Because i'm grown now?

You being grown doesn't have anything to do w/who you should cheer for. It goes like this if your more of a fan of The Rock's then your team bring it. If you favor John then your apart of the puss cake brigade, if you like or hate both guys equally then it doesn't make you any damn bit of difference who comes out on top of this feud.

The rock is a complete ass.

Wait, Wait, Wait you claimed to be a fan of The Rock's & you mean to tell me & other posters on this website that your just not catching on to this?

Even CM Punk says that he's not very respectful to any of the guys on the roster.

Oh so the guy that is equally disrespectful, a whiner, & complainer is the person we should be listening to on the subject of how Dwayne Johnson (not The Rock) is backstage? So all the other wrestlers that say otherwise should be ignore because CM Punk knows Dwayne Johnson much better than Stonecold, Mick, Y2J, J.R. & others smh?

I'm not a huge John Cena fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I respect the guy because no one works harder than the guy.

Okay so you can respect John Cena, but you can't respect The Rock for being one of the guys that made a way for John Cena?

He busts hit butt for the fans and all he gets is boos and 14,000 people telling him how much he sucks.

It's true he does work hard, but his character isn't liked by everyone so that's why he gets booed if people are going to cheer wrestlers just because there hard workers then no one should get booed because damn near all the other wrestlers work just as hard as Cena. He isn't putting on 2hr, 3hr shows by his damn self. He shouldn't be cheered just because he is a hard worker, but he should have all the fans respect.

The Rock just up and leaves and is gone for 7 years and is welcomed back like some type of hero?

Okay so tell me does The Rock get treated by the fans any different from any other legend that has left & came back? You can name every legend that has left the WWE for whatever reason & soon as there music hits there cheered like they have never left. You wanna know why because the fans respect legends cause they have already paid there dues, they don't have anything left to prove to the audience. John is still a full time wrestler so the crowd will respond to him differently depending on how he portrays his character.

Sunday night at SS Cena gave the rock the ring out of respect, but instead of just enjoying the moment rock just wanted to rub cena's nose in it and then rock bottom him.

Did you forget that they have a match at Wrestlemania & John Cena is always running his mouth when Rock isn't there? So I guess The Rock should have gave John some flowers instead of a Rock Bottom would you approve of that?

And people are cheering this guy?

Cause he is a legend & he has a strong fan base that is bias to whatever he does, just like all of Cena fans are bias to whatever he does.

That was a bitch move and if Cena did it to him people would be calling him a bitch and a wuss, but since The Rock did it it's ok.

That wasn't a bitch move that was classic Rock laying the smackdown on his candyass opponent, & if John would have struck first then everyone would be excited cause he would be acting like he has balls instead of letting The Rock upstage him all the time.

The attitude era is gone, and I really wish we would stop trying to re-live it.

No shit Sherlock no one is tryn to relive the attitude era, did you not hear The Rock call this The People's Era, & in this era Rock comes & goes as he pleases cause he is a legend & anybody that has a problem w/that will get a boot to there ass! He will main event as many times as he wants because one he is still a draw, & he has enough fans out there that still like to see him put boots to asses.

If The Rock left again forever....wouldn't hurt my feelings because I liked him a lot better when I was 11.

Obviously you had more sense when you was 11 so much for people getting smarter as they get older.
Okay The Rock is a "bully". Stone Cold handing out stunners most of his on-air appearances. I guess every heel in WWE is a bully then. So R Truth is one for picking at the kids and The Miz is one for insulting the crowd, while we are at it I guess Cody is one for when he would hand paper bags to fans to put over their heads and threw water on Booker T last night. Not understanding your logic. The Rock stayed that he called out Cena upon his return because Cena called him out for leaving the company many moons back. He thanked the fans out of character for their support - i think many tend to forget these guys are in character.

You just pointed out a bunch of heels to justify the Rock's behavior so I'm not really sure I understand your logic. You also pointed out that he sucks up to the crowd after attacking a guy who is supposed to be his partner because he said somethings OOC a couple years ago. It sounds to me like the Rock's character must have thin skin which is usually the case for egomaniacs and bullies so if this is on purpose, it's brilliant.

Again, this is where I lose people. The Rock is a character. Dwayne Johnson is a person. When people go on rants like this, it makes it seem like you believe that the character Rock and the person Dwayne Johnson are one in the same.

The guy refers to himself in the third person. Of course he's a "jerk" character. And yeah, he's a bully. So is the Punk character (making Del Rio give him a title shot while in the Anaconda Vice isn't a baby face way of doing things).

This isn't real life. It's fiction. And The Rock acting like that is part of his appeal.

Your reply confuses me... Because you openly admit its an on air character, and then talk about real life and how he disrespects co workers like its real.

I can't help it if you infer things I didn't say. I know you're talking about the reports of Dwayne Johnson being a dick flying around the interwebz, but I was actually talking about the Rock character. I considered your CM Punk argument and came to the conclusion that Punk did what he did to Del Rio because he felt like he had no other choice. It was the only way he was going to get his title shot. The Rock on the other hand acts like that because his character is that of an uber dick. Which to his credit is very appealing to an incredible number of young men.
I can't believe there are idiots who believe what punk said about the rock. Punk has been doing this for a while now to get attention. He started with some nfl player, then austin, then angle, then y2j and now rock. It's kinda irritating actually and seem desperate. Makes it hard to believe anything he says now. But his statement contradicted hisself cuz if he never spoke to the rock how can he know what kind of person he is. Maybe phil is mad he couldn't get an autograph from the rock. Punk can take his mickey mouse tattoos, pierced monkey nipples, roll em up in a ball and stick it straight up his candy ass.
It sounds to me like the Rock's character must have thin skin which is usually the case for egomaniacs and bullies so if this is on purpose, it's brilliant.

By definition a bully is a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. Last I checked Rock isn't stronger then Cena. By definition a bully uses superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Last I checked it was Cena that called The Rock out on numerous occasion until Rock finally came back to confront him. It was also Cena who asked for the match at Wrestlemania & also said that the only reason he talked shit about the Rock was so that he could get him to come back home to The WWE. So Cena seems to be somewhat the bully by definition.

Rock isn't a bully he is locked in a feud w/the face of the company, what you expected The Rock to go easy on Cena. Would you prefer he bake Cena cookies, cakes, & send him flowers until there match at Wrestlemania? Rock isn't a bully Cena is just a bitch, & he continues to play the victim despite the fact he ask for this. He knows how The Rock rolls he was once apart of the people, Rock has never went easy on any of his adversaries & anyone w/common sense shouldn't expect any different from The Rock in this feud either.
apparantly people seem to forget that the wwe named a show after the rock. webster inducted the word too. Shows you how big of a star rock is. So why even bitch about him. Has any other wrestler accomplished that?
The thing about the post that confuses me is how it blurs kayfabe and reality... it sounds like you actually hold some contempt for some reason.
These moaning threads are great fun because they highlight just how desperate some people are to make the Rock look less like a star than he is.

See Bret Hart might have been able to wrestle like a demi-God but his promo skills stank out arenas. Austin couldn't make a heel turn work no matter how hard he tried (Plus people were saying he was stale long before his WM17 match). Hogan was legendary but then again he wasn't exposed EVERY WEEK to the audience like Rock was. Hogan would turn up whenever he was needed, he wasn't demanded on a weekly basis because wrestling was different back then.

Is Rock the best ever? No but to pretend he's not in the top 5 is laughable. Just wait for the Wrestlemania reaction, we'll see who gets the bigger reaction out of Punk and Rock. (Spoilers: Rock 10/10 of the time)
So because I'm not a huge rock fan I'm in the "puss brigade" So I see you're one of those fans who is right and everyone is wrong because you say so? And who the hell are you to criticize me sying you call bs because I used to be a rock fan? Do you know me? Are we friends? So how the hell would you know? I don't like the rock, so how are you going to fault me for not liking him? You can go straight to hell you ******ed douche bag

The guy is a complete Rock mark so don't sweat his idiotic comments about you. Isn't it funny how all valid points in this thread are distorted and taken out of context by people with Rock avatar's or references to him in their screen names?

The best defense for his character I've seen so far is "He's from the attitude era so he gets a pass". To me this screams... "He's out dated but we'll cheer for him because we hate Cena so much.". And the first person who stands up and says "I like them both, but the Rock is coming off as a jerk." is called out for being a liar and a member of the fabled "Puss Brigade".

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Even if we don't see eye to eye on the boards I hope you all have a nice holiday!
So because I'm not a huge rock fan I'm in the "puss brigade"

Well if you favor Cena in this feud then you are apart of the Puss Cake Brigade, aka The Froot Loop Troop, aka Cenation. BTY I'm just joking w/all the silly name calling, there's nothing wrong w/being a Cena fan. Overall I do like Cena, I respect him as a person & as a entertainer, it's just that The Rock is one of my favorite wrestlers so I'm on Team Bring It when it comes to this feud.

So I see you're one of those fans who is right and everyone is wrong because you say so?

No, No, No, No, everyone isn't wrong cause I say so, you was wrong all by yourself because the comments you made was ass backwards. You posted some ridiculous comments, I respond to those comments. Now If my responds was wrong then by all means put me in my place.

And who the hell are you to criticize me sying you call bs because I used to be a rock fan?

I called BS because you said The Rock was your favorite wrestler, but after reading the rest of your post it seemed as if you never was a fan to begin with. I have the right to call BS on any post I don't agree w/if I'm in the wrong that person has the right to put me in my place.

Do you know me?

No, & do I have to know you to call you out on your bullshit?

Are we friends?

Again no, but do we have to be friends for me to call you out on your bullshit?

So how the hell would you know?

I don't completely know, & I never said my opinion was fact, but your post gave me reasons to call bullshit on you ever being a fan of The Rocks.

I don't like the rock, so how are you going to fault me for not liking him?

I didn't fault you for not liking The Rock, I questioned whether or not you ever was a fan to begin with.

You can go straight to hell you ******ed douche bag

So when people call you out on your bullshit instead of proving them wrong you call them names & tell them to go straight to hell? Look you must have saw my signature & thought that I was one of those crazy unreasonable Cena hating Rock marks. Look that's not me, I am more of a fan of Rock's then Cena, but I can be reasonable when posters make reasonable comments, & I felt yours wasn't reasonable.
The guy is a complete Rock mark so don't sweat his idiotic comments about you.

Ohhhhhhh so seeing as that I'm a fan of The Rock's my comments should be ignore? Look I'm going to tell you like I told mrwilliams061088 yes The Rock is one of my favorite wrestlers, but that doesn't mean I'm some crazy unreasonable Cena hating bastard. I like Cena, & I respect the hell out of the guy, but when he is feuding w/The People's Champ I'm Team Bring It.

Isn't it funny how all valid points in this thread are distorted and taken out of context by people with Rock avatar's or references to him in their screen names?

I can't speak for all The Rock fans on here even though I do agree w/a lot of them, but I didn't distort or take mrwilliams061088 points out of context. He made some points I didn't agree with so I responded if he felt I was in the wrong he could have responded to all my points & put me in my place but he didn't do that he got defensive & told me to go to hell. Now if you go back & read both our post you are also more then welcome to respond to my post if they seem bias or unreasonable to you.

The best defense for his character I've seen so far is "He's from the attitude era so he gets a pass".

Wait, Wait, Wait so just being from the AE gives wrestlers a pass to be cheered? Who the hell posts have you been reading cause I know I didn't post that nonsense! The Rock is cheered because a lot of wrestling fans appreciate, respect, & love him. The Rock has earned legendary status & is treated as so. You tell me is The Rock being treated any different then any other legend that comes back to the WWE?

To me this screams... "He's out dated but we'll cheer for him because we hate Cena so much.

I can't speak for all The Rocks fans but personally I don't hate Cena & I for damn sure don't feel like The Rock is outdated. I have always been apart of Team Bring It no matter if Rock was heel or face. The only time I'm not just specifically on Rock's side is when he is up against Booker T cause that's my other favorite wrestler. When they feuded way back I was neutral it didn't matter who came out on top.

And the first person who stands up and says "I like them both, but the Rock is coming off as a jerk." is called out for being a liar and a member of the fabled "Puss Brigade".

Did you even read my post or did you just look at my signature & assume that I was some crazy Cena hating unconditionally Rock loving bastard. I said "If your a fan of both superstars there's nothing wrong w/not picking any sides & just sitting back & enjoying how this feud unfolds. It goes like this if your more of a fan of The Rock's then your team bring it. If you favor John then your apart of the puss cake brigade (this was just a joke & not to be taken seriously), if you like or hate both guys equally then it doesn't make you any damn bit of difference who comes out on top of this feud.

Furthermore mrwilliams061088 claims that he was a fan of The Rocks, he also said that he wasn't a huge fan of Cena's he just respected him cause he is a hard worker. I never claimed that mrwilliams061088 was apart of Cenation aka Puss Cake Brigade aka The Froot Loop Troop, but those wrestling fans that favor John in this feud & want John to come out on top of this feud is :p

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving everybody. Even if we don't see eye to eye on the boards I hope you all have a nice holiday!

Happy Thanksgiving to you also.
Most of the top stars during the attitude era were jerks and assholes during there runs AND THATS WHY WE LOVED THEM.

Rock goes out there, talks a bunch of crap , and just kicks ass. Thats what I wanna see in the WWE now. Wrestling use to be about going out there and kicking ass. Rock came out and rock bottomed foley and then left. Rock bottomed Cena and owned him with the crowd. Thats the whole point of a wrestler like that. You think Rock would ever sit there and clap for Cena and SMILE all the time when hes getting talked down? The rock is all serious business in the ring, and Cena isnt. Thats why I dont like how Cena is BOOKED.

Now you look at Cena, a guy who comes off as getting SHIT ON by the rock constantly and he sits there and claps for him and talks about the respect he has for the Rock? I know its scripted obv but thats the problem. Any normal person would wanna beat the rocks ass for talking so much shit, but not Cena.. Hes too much of a good guy who smiles and claps. Thats how WWE has him right now. When the Rock was getting booed, he talked shit to the crowd, but Cena just talks about how he " loves the WWE universe and thats what makes them special and amazing fans, cuz there allowed to boo him ", which I understand, but it completely alters and affects how his character comes off. I miss when wrestlers use to act how Rock acts. It was more entertaining.

Cant blame Cena for it though, blame the machine. What pisses me off about it though is that Cena obv has alot of pull in the back .. Why doesnt he wanna come off more tuff in the fued? Just gotta see how it plays out.
Most of the top stars during the attitude era were jerks and assholes during there runs AND THATS WHY WE LOVED THEM.

Rock goes out there, talks a bunch of crap , and just kicks ass. Thats what I wanna see in the WWE now. Wrestling use to be about going out there and kicking ass. Rock came out and rock bottomed foley and then left. Rock bottomed Cena and owned him with the crowd. Thats the whole point of a wrestler like that. You think Rock would ever sit there and clap for Cena and SMILE all the time when hes getting talked down? The rock is all serious business in the ring, and Cena isnt. Thats why I dont like how Cena is BOOKED.

Now you look at Cena, a guy who comes off as getting SHIT ON by the rock constantly and he sits there and claps for him and talks about the respect he has for the Rock? I know its scripted obv but thats the problem. Any normal person would wanna beat the rocks ass for talking so much shit, but not Cena.. Hes too much of a good guy who smiles and claps. Thats how WWE has him right now. When the Rock was getting booed, he talked shit to the crowd, but Cena just talks about how he " loves the WWE universe and thats what makes them special and amazing fans, cuz there allowed to boo him ", which I understand, but it completely alters and affects how his character comes off. I miss when wrestlers use to act how Rock acts. It was more entertaining.

Cant blame Cena for it though, blame the machine. What pisses me off about it though is that Cena obv has alot of pull in the back .. Why doesnt he wanna come off more tuff in the fued? Just gotta see how it plays out.

I completely agree with this post. I also don't like how this feud is being booked. It's completely one sided. My dad watched Survivor Series with me. After it was over, he looked over at me and said, "Cena looks like a joke." He does. I just don't know why it's being booked this way. I guess that they think that since Cena is going to win at WM then it's alright if he doesn't look too good right now.

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