The Rock, The Character, Is A Jerk

Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.

Well, yeah! Have you ever tried to make fun of someone and NOT be a jerk? It doesn't come off as being very funny, or entertaining. The Rock talks smack like no one else. That's why everyone likes him.

When you're going to talk smack about the most disliked face of the company in it's modern history (and make no mistake, Cena may be the deserved face of the company and extremely over with the fans, etc, but at the same time he is still the most hated too, that's what gets the debates about him so heated because both sides have a legitimate point) you're going to both be liked and come across as a jerk.

However another reason people love the Rock character is that every now and again you see a smile, or a raised eyebrow, or something that's out of character for The Rock, and is a recognizable sign that Dwayne is just having fun with the guy he's talking to. Like how The Rock always teased Lillian Garcia about how she knows about the strudel every time he'd cut a promo in the ring and Lilian was ringside. He was teasing her simply to make her laugh, and while his words, taken at face value were grounds for sexual harassment, the look on his face showed it was nothing more than an inside joke between the two.

It's the dichotomy between Dwayne Johnson and The Rock that so many people like. Perhaps not his smarky wrestling fans so much, but you know? Normal people. They like that kind of thing a lot. It makes them relatable and seem like a guy they could really have fun hanging out with in real life.
Before this comeback, he always said he never would return to the ring and really wanted nothing to do with WWE. Now that he's "back" it means he's back associating himself with WWE and bringing back the Rock character.

I believe he was only saying that to break the Hollywood stereotype. Look at what he's accomplished since stepping away for 7 years. Dwayne had to distance himself from wrestling to be taken seriously as an actor. Once he did that and got established he knew he could come back into it.

When he first did The Mummy 2, it was "come see The Rock has an ancient mummy" and Hollywood went "yeah...he was ok, but he fit that character". Then he did Be Cool and Hollywood went "ok, so he can do comedy not just action. Good versatility". When he did his first Disney movie Hollywood said "wow he can do action, comedy AND family? I think there is something in this guy!". Hollywood took notice and his career took off.

Look at WWE Films. They are not taken seriously because they are done by WRESTLERS from a WRESTLING COMPANY. All credibility is thrown out the window. Wrestlers aren't seen as actors. They may act on TV each week, but its not seen as the same thing as doing a REAL soap opera. In order for WWE Films and its superstars to be taken seriously, they need a good script and need to take the WRESTLER out of the equation. Use them sparingly and not as the main attraction.

I bet if any superstar on the WWE roster could break into Hollywood like Dwayne did...they would leave too! There is less of a risk to your body and money is better. Even as a top guy in WWE there is only so much only money you can collect.
Yes exactly. As I said in a thread about a month ago he is just plain boring to me anymore. And the heel Rock got brought up, what I dont understand is The Rock kinda taking shots at Cenas Rise Above Hate message. I dont see whats to make fun of that its a very good message. Keep the boring fruity pebbles joke going but taking shots at that is just stupid

what shot at rise above hate???? all the rock said is cena shirt says rise above hate, while cena should be concern about the rocks size 15 boot rising and kicking his lady parts not word by word but thats sums it up.. there was no shot there..
I believe he was only saying that to break the Hollywood stereotype. Look at what he's accomplished since stepping away for 7 years. Dwayne had to distance himself from wrestling to be taken seriously as an actor. Once he did that and got established he knew he could come back into it.

When he first did The Mummy 2, it was "come see The Rock has an ancient mummy" and Hollywood went "yeah...he was ok, but he fit that character". Then he did Be Cool and Hollywood went "ok, so he can do comedy not just action. Good versatility". When he did his first Disney movie Hollywood said "wow he can do action, comedy AND family? I think there is something in this guy!". Hollywood took notice and his career took off.

Look at WWE Films. They are not taken seriously because they are done by WRESTLERS from a WRESTLING COMPANY. All credibility is thrown out the window. Wrestlers aren't seen as actors. They may act on TV each week, but its not seen as the same thing as doing a REAL soap opera. In order for WWE Films and its superstars to be taken seriously, they need a good script and need to take the WRESTLER out of the equation. Use them sparingly and not as the main attraction.

I bet if any superstar on the WWE roster could break into Hollywood like Dwayne did...they would leave too! There is less of a risk to your body and money is better. Even as a top guy in WWE there is only so much only money you can collect.

You're right. My point was, that when he did his first promo when he first returned in February, he said "the rock is back" and gave us his word that he's "never ever going away." When he said that he meant, he'll now always be associated with WWE he did not mean, he's back on the main roster to fight every night. Yet, Cena and all the Little Jimmys will keep pointing to how he "lied" and said he's never leaving. He is a Hollywood actor, everyone knows that but The Rock character is never going away from WWE, that's what he meant.
Yes exactly. As I said in a thread about a month ago he is just plain boring to me anymore. And the heel Rock got brought up, what I dont understand is The Rock kinda taking shots at Cenas Rise Above Hate message. I dont see whats to make fun of that its a very good message. Keep the boring fruity pebbles joke going but taking shots at that is just stupid

You noticed that too. On the bottom of the shirt you'll see the Be A Star logo on it, so Rock gets to make fun of it and put it down but CM Punk gets his mic cut off before he says anything about the anti bullying campaign. Double standard. I know some of this stuff between Cena and Rock has got to be rubbing the locker room in the wrong way. Once again this is why he's a jerk.
You noticed that too. On the bottom of the shirt you'll see the Be A Star logo on it, so Rock gets to make fun of it and put it down but CM Punk gets his mic cut off before he says anything about the anti bullying campaign. Double standard. I know some of this stuff between Cena and Rock has got to be rubbing the locker room in the wrong way. Once again this is why he's a jerk.

Before you get mad at what I'm about to say, I do agree with this.

However, The Rock paid his dues, he put in time and work and became one of the all-time greats.

No one in that locker room other than Triple H or Undertaker could even lace up the Rock's boots and if they're mad, good. They should aspire to become what the Rock became then they can piss everyone off in the locker room.
You noticed that too. On the bottom of the shirt you'll see the Be A Star logo on it, so Rock gets to make fun of it and put it down but CM Punk gets his mic cut off before he says anything about the anti bullying campaign. Double standard. I know some of this stuff between Cena and Rock has got to be rubbing the locker room in the wrong way. Once again this is why he's a jerk.

Wait, hang on.... did you just seriously type that because that's just stupid. Punk's mic was cut to fit the storyline and nothing else, why would they do that to The Rock it wouldn't make any sense. It was all part of silencing Punk for storyline purposes.

'I know some of this stuff' etc - You know jack ****, I mean I could just I know some stuff between Ryder and Ziggler that is rubbing the locker room in the wrong way. I got the story from the same ass you did. You really think The Rock would come back and feud with someone he dislike personally? The same Rock who out and out refused to face HBK due to his past behaviour. I just don't buy into this. The Rock has a lot in common with Cena, The Rock was once in the same position as Cena... hell even worse in many ways before his Nation days.

As for the topic, The Rock is being the same Rock he always has been since his Nation days. Cocky, arrogant and centre of attention. People mention his character is from the days when heels and faces weren't clean cut. Well I would put the likes of Punk, Cena, Orton into that sort of group all are faces but do things heels would do.
To be honest, I really felt bad for cena, last night. He got booed the whole night. Not to mention the post-match scenerio, it was really embaracing. Cena's face tells all the story. "Listen, watch, and GTFO!", that's some hard ****. The rock bottom was just icing on the cake. Bottom line, he got owned pretty hard.

I think cena MUST turn heel, now is the perfect time.
I agree that The Rock has that "Attitude Era" to back up his 'heelish" ways lately. Thats how it was back in the day. I remember because I was a teenager watching every week. I just wonder what is going to happen with Cena in all of this? A heel turn would be ideal but really? Would it even do anything? People already boo him and rather than smiling he'll frown. Oh wow what a HUGE heel turn. Gimme a break.
Bottomline, the "Attitude Era" way of doing things clashes with today's PG era. While its great the have Dwayne back, it will be even better when he's gone.

I want to thank you for bringing up the fact that the 2 era's "Clash". That is the best choice of wording I have heard yet. I am still trying to figure out what the total plan is for Wrestlemania 28, but initial reports (which have turned to the rumor mill as well) is that Mania is going to be "Era Clash"... this includes the already booked John Cena vs The Rock and the heavily rumored CM Punk vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (which by the way don't need one to turn heel or not... Straight Edge vs Beer Swelling Redneck... its pretty well prewritten to be an epic storyline). The fact is that a new "Era" is set to dawn at Wrestlemania, but the question is... Punk has already stepped up and made the change he needed to be the "Voice of the Voiceless" can John Cena step up and give us what we all want a need... "I need a doctor... call me a doctor, I need a doctor... to bring me back to life.............. WORD LIFE, this is BASIC THUGANOMICS" The Rock made the mistake of saying how much he hates being addressed in rap. Last night the seeds were planted for a heel turn of Hollywood Hogan proportions, and you can quote me... either Rumble or Mania, "Would the real John Cena, please stand up?" The Dr. of Thuganomics will be back in his office!
In other breaking news, the sky is blue...


Dude, Rock (character) is and always has been a pompous jerk (barring his run as Rocky Maivia). Rock, along with many other Attitude Era faces such as Taker, Austin, Kane and others, is not a complete babyface in the way that Cena is. He does heelish things for the hell of it because that's the essence of his character (i.e. Him Rock Bottoming Mick Foley then coming out and saying he loves him a couple RAWs ago). If this fact surprises you, then you should go YouTube some of his stuff before reacting.

As for other complaints in this thread, you guys need to stop hating. Rock has delivered the absolute best of promos this year. The only people this year who have cut promos near Rock's level is CM Punk and R-Truth, and even then I wouldn't put them OVER Rocky's promos. The problem is that you guys are expecting 5* quality promos whenever he touches a mic/satellite camera. He's given us a couple this year, but come on, don't bite the hand that feeds.

On a side note, I love how when CM Punk trashes the company, leaves with the WWE title, makes a fool out of Vince and his family, turns the fans on Cena and gets cheered for doing heelish things, he "changed the industry single-handedly", yet when Rock does it, he's a traitorous jerk who overshadows Cena and all of WWE's current performers to satiate his own ego and collect a check while playing the fans. Gotta love the IWC :shrug:
You noticed that too. On the bottom of the shirt you'll see the Be A Star logo on it, so Rock gets to make fun of it and put it down but CM Punk gets his mic cut off before he says anything about the anti bullying campaign. Double standard. I know some of this stuff between Cena and Rock has got to be rubbing the locker room in the wrong way. Once again this is why he's a jerk.

You realize that he's an actor, portraying a character, right?

This kind of thought process makes it appear as though you think this storyline is actually reality. I promise you, it's not.

PS: In this story line... Rock IS the bully. Just sayin'. (and an awesome one at that.)
I think you misunderstand what I said. Im not trying to change anyone's opinion of any superstar...hell I embrace opinions! I just cant stand when douchewads come on here an attack other posters or superstars without FACTS!

Did SS end how we all thought it would end? Yes. Did it end how we WANTED it to end? No. Cena wasn't going to turn on Rock and go heel.

I PERSONALLY think that, with the way WWE booked Awesome Truth...they should've won last night. WWE should've played it off for weeks that Cena needed help, so he called the Rock, a man who he has been semi feuding with for months. The match should've shown that they cant co-exist which would lead Awesome Truth to win. Them losing did NOTHING to help establish them...either has the last few weeks. Miz and Truth have just been pawns in this storyline to help push Rock vs Cena.

This whole storyline is being made out to be like Cena is jealous of Rock and his popularity, how Cena will never match that because he cant get the FULL respect of the fans.

Once Rock walks away for a few weeks/months its going to be business as usual.

I like Rocky, LOVE HIM. He still makes me mark out. But WWE cant keep going to the legends well whenever they need to help push a storyline. The match at Mania could be used to help further someone not already established. Make a mid-carder, build him up and feud him with Cena, proclaiming that Cena is the new top dog to beat. Would said new guy lose...yes, BUT, it would be a 5 star match.

Rock is part-time. He comes in, does his thing once and a while with Cena and then leaves for awhile.

Once Mania is over...what happens?

I apologize, I realized right after I posted that you might have thought I was disagreeing with you. Not at all. I totally agreed. I was

I also agree that as much as I hate the Miz, they shouldve won last night. I really wanted there to be a more serious altercation between Rock/Cena....It could have, been so much greater....but the ending still raised an eyebrow for me....I still want to see what will happen tonight.
Yes, I agree the character is a prick but in real life most people arent 100% good or bad. That was the idea of the Attitude Era. In fact I remember a video statement Vince gave during that time period where he pointed out that everyone was going to be a "shade of gray", not just the black and white we're accustomed to now.

Also, I hate it when people act like The Rock is the worst person in the world. He came back for you- yes YOU. He doesnt need the money or the celebrity. Fans arent just cheering for him because he's a face from the past, hes not a deadbeat dad, he makes the show entertaining. At least no ones bitching and moaning about WWE having dull storyline anymore (its not all thanks to CM Punk either). If I were Rock I simply wouldnt have returned, seeing as though all hes doing is trying to give back to people who do nothing but criticize him.
The Rock is playing a character, but he's playing the character that got so many fans behind him in the first place. Sure, he's a bit of a jerk, but it works. He's different than most faces, he's a face straight out of the Attitude Era. He's something different -- that's why it works. If there was a legion of guys like Rock, he'd be a heel, I'm sure. The thing is; there's not. He plays up to the fans, while being a complete egotist and a tool, that's why he's always been able to play such an excellent heel. The second he turns against the fans, he becomes one of the best heels in the business. It's flexibility in its simplest form.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

Now, looking at your list, I can see what you're saying, certainly, but there's a few other points you're neglecting. Rock isn't being a coward with his satellite promos, he has other stuff to do. Not a big deal. He has proven to be completely fine with going toe-to-toe with Cena (I like Cena more in the feud, but that's irrelevant). Rock's arguments are childish, sure, but he's pandering to his fan base, as Cena is pandering to his. Rock is almost exclusively supported by males (teen and adult), not to say he doesn't have different fans, whereas Cena has his male fans (myself included) but they seem to be a minority in this thread. Simple -- Rock tries to play up to his fans. That's why he nailed Cena with the Rock Bottom at WrestleMania and at Survivor Series now. He's building a feud, Cena's doing it to. There's a mutual dislike between the men (as we're led to believe), why is it so outside of the realm of possibility that they're going to attack each other? There doesn't have to be a heel or a face in this feud, it's all about the star power. Rock vs Cena is about WAY MORE than heel or face, it's about generation vs generation, icon vs icon, it's a spectacle!

Rock is a jerk, but nobody every complained about his in the Attitude Era. He was a face then and he's a face now. His character is transcendent in terms of his fans, they'll always support him. The WWE is trying to stay away from making a defined heel or face as of right now, building up an eventual turn, or maybe -- they're just going to neglect it all together. Not many feuds can, but this one can. This is one of, if not THE, biggest feuds in the last ten years. It's about more than that.

Rock can do whatever he wants, because it works.
I didn't wanna be the guys that had to say this and I know I barelt post replies, but....are u people freaking kidding me?!?! For all the people putting down the rock and his return, u r completely ungrateful. The rock has always had flaws just like any other great entertainer but yet u guys continue to bitch and moan aboit hes not the same and hes boring. same thing with kevin nash and all the other'm older guys who have come back. The wwe and vince are trying to give u guys what u want and all u do is fuckin complain..u people dont deserve quality entertainment because u dont appreciate it. Me and every other rock fan almost had a heartattack seeing him cut his first live promo In 7 years and performing in the ring for the first time. If u dont like what wwe is doing then stop watching...or....just shut the fuck up and be grateful the rock even wasted his time trying to entertain u fuckheads!!
Firstly congratulations, Rock isn't supposed to be nice, he talks about tradition, #bootstoasses, fruity pebbles and cenas lady parts, so yes, he's playing a jerk! But here's the twist, if you like the tradition of a man who gave his life to wwe, and us, for many years, if you like the though of the rock putting #bootstoasses on cena, if you also think cenas shirts are "rainbow gay" and that he has lady parts (maybe not the last1 but u get the point) your down with the rock, dwaynes here for the cheque, to pass the torch, and to move on, that's all. Like hulk "should" of been, it's great, and I didn't like the guy in the Attitude era, but his promos are a take back, that's why he's not a heel, because when the rock put #bootstoasses week in week out, u talked smack about the recipiant! It's how it's done! You can't bring someone like the rock back and make him play by ur rules, because then what's the point, hell SCSA flipped everyone behind him off for years n he was the only guy was still the only one close to the rock on popularity, it's about the fight your fighting, and not how you fight it!
Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.
LOL at this.

I don't care how he acts, I will cheer The Rock, he's the anti-Cena and I love it, I don't want to see Rock be anything like that fake marine.

You can boo him and be in the minority(IWC)
"So this guy who I thought was just a shitty actor shows up whenever it's convenient for him and makes gay jokes but he was in the tooth fairy and then he sings a song that I heard on glee? Then he doesn't do anything in the ring...but he's a good guy? He's a prick" -my girlfriend, didn't watch wrestling until about a year ago.

yea, Rock is a prick. Honestly, he DOES rub people the wrong way. There was a "via satellite" sign on Raw last week and kids, the most ballsy kids I've ever heard, STILL chanted for Cena a bit.

Of course Rock is going to outpop Cena overall though, it's like when your deadbeat dad finally shows up to one of your baseball games. It's a big deal and you're so happy to see him. Some of your siblings (these are the people who are annoyed) see right though the bullshit but you still love him.

Wrestling fans are dumb people for the most part. Of course they're going to cheer the old nostalgic guy over the new guy. They THRIVE on nostalgia.

The way the message boards are going is that Cena is getting more and more respected. Saw a CM Punk fan (wearing his shirt) holding a sign on Raw that said "don't boo Cena'. Now, at mania, in Miami, Cena won't get cheered over Rock, but I really do think you'll see more people swaying towards Cena. It's just really REALLY obvious that Cena actually loves wrestling and Rock just comes back because pro wrestling fans didn't nominate him for a Razzie.

Right because returning from retirement is completely like a dead beat dad... the analogy is way off. Cena, because of the clean cut shoved down your throat old school face crap draws hate from the people who see through that. Rock has always had his haters, and for a long time now always had those who like him. Even when he is a heel.

Rock did his run, he is retired. People need to stop holding him accountable for not being at every show it is dumb. Who is still around from his era?

Rock is a legend, Cena isn't yet. Maybe in 10, 15 years if Cena comes back he'll be in the Rock's shoes, and somebody else will be in his shoes.

Just get over it. Your girlfriend, rather than displaying some kind of knowledge, I'm not sure what the point of it is, is sounding like a woman.

When was wrestling ever on some feminist shit, it is like a locker room. It's sports that will always be there you don't like change the channel.
Why does Rock being a jerk mean nothing? Because he's a jerk to other wrestlers, not the fans. Why should fans boo him for being mean to his co-workers? They shouldn't.

Oh, and before I am forced to read the whining tale of how mean Rocky is for going off and making movies, forget it, I'm not buying that. Your favorite wrestler would have done the same thing, had he/she been good enough to do so. In reality, Rock is doing you a favor by coming back. Whatever Vince is paying him can't be more than he'd make doing films. He's not a jerk. If he were, he wouldn't have come back at all.
I get the feeling that one of two things is happening: they're actually going to turn Cena or they're trying to make The Rock such a jerk that the audience reaction levels out a bit and becomes even for both guys. You know, almost like directing sympathy towards Cena's character.

I thought last night's ending was pretty absurd, if only from the aspect of basically highlighting that the biggest guy of the last half decade or so isn't worth marbles compared to the last great era's star. I also thought the match itself played out sort of weird, with Cena getting kicked around the whole time. It's the only time I can ever remember where he was buried -- in this case by both his opponents and partner.

Of course, the commentators pointed it out at one point: why should The Rock care about last night's match? It served no purpose for him. He had no beef with the guys across the ring and he was a begrudging partner. I think his behavior conveyed that.

Well someone's gotta play the heel in order to get any type of heat for this match... because it's not easy getting heat with a boy scout character like John Cena when you're also a babyface.

If Cena's character wasn't such that he'd just sit there, take all the abuse thrown his way with a big smile on his face, and applaud those that abuse and disrespect him, then we could easily be seeing a more traditional, playful Rock here.

But since that's not Cena, and he is content to be the guy that encourages people to disrespect him, then the Rock needs to amp up the jackass side of his personality, play the heel, and try to generate some heat.

It would work too, but Cena's not giving right now, and as a result, he's letting the Rock walk all over him, smiling away the whole time.

There has to be more to this match, otherwise I for one will not be spending anything on it. At some point, Cena's gotta stop taking the high road, put aside the boy scout, and start treating the Rock like any douchebag bully deserves to be treated (which is what the Rock's been to Cena).

Hustle, loyalty, respect? Kinda rings hollow when the guy that preaches that doesn't seem to respect himself that much.
The Rock has always had a lot of catch phrases in his promos - so did Hogan, so did Flair, so did Austin, etc. We all remember "the power of hulkamania", "largest arms in the world", "24 inch pythons", "space mountain", "bleed, sweat, & pay the price", "to be the man you gotta beat the man", "Open up a can of whoop ass", "dont trust a rattlesnake", and my least favorite "WHAT???"

That said Rock can be very creative on the mic when he isnt tied down to one long cliche recital, just like the other guys. As far as Rock doing very little in SS match except make everyone look weak and steal the pin, did you think it would go another way ? WWE needs people to think that a retired movie actor with a pretty boy image is a legit threat to beat it's most popular star, a full time wrestling machine who goes face up against guys like Triple H & Randy Orton evey week ? Of course they are going to ask the oher guys in the match to make Rock look good, if he doesnt look dominant then how interesting is it to see him face Cena ?

This is nothing new. We've seen guys go on lengthy winning streaks when they first enter a company, you're building up to that new guy facing one of your established stars in a big money match. It's Wrestling 101.

I would have liked to have seen a more competitve match, with a dominant pro Rock ending for business sake, but anyone could have seen this match and how it was going to go a mile away. It made perfect sense.

As for Miz & Sin Cara working their butts off and coming off weal, neither one of them lost much of their current position due to this match or how it was booked. Also, niether of them moves merchandise and tickets as much as Cena does and does not draw the same Dream Match Interest The Rock does.
Why does Rock being a jerk mean nothing? Because he's a jerk to other wrestlers, not the fans. Why should fans boo him for being mean to his co-workers? They shouldn't.

Oh, and before I am forced to read the whining tale of how mean Rocky is for going off and making movies, forget it, I'm not buying that. Your favorite wrestler would have done the same thing, had he/she been good enough to do so. In reality, Rock is doing you a favor by coming back. Whatever Vince is paying him can't be more than he'd make doing films. He's not a jerk. If he were, he wouldn't have come back at all.

Calm on and admit it. If a person on this forum or in real life acted half as obnoxious as the Rock does you wouldn't put up with it for a second. The Rock's character is a bully plain and simple. And it's funny that it comes right in the middle of the WWE's anti-bully campaign. Here we have this big shot who walks in after a 7 year absence and acts as though he's too good for everybody. Now take this and imagine you've been working at a company for the last few years and doing a pretty good job when suddenly the guy you replaced comes back on a part time basis and treats you with the same lack of respect that the Rock's on air persona treats the other WWE superstars. I don't care how nice that co-worker treats the customers, if I saw him treating his fellow employees in such a way I'd think he was a jerk. And nobody cares that he left for hollywood. Good for him. But there's a difference between working in hollywood and "Going hollywood".
Calm on and admit it. If a person on this forum or in real life acted half as obnoxious as the Rock does you wouldn't put up with it for a second. The Rock's character is a bully plain and simple. And it's funny that it comes right in the middle of the WWE's anti-bully campaign. Here we have this big shot who walks in after a 7 year absence and acts as though he's too good for everybody. Now take this and imagine you've been working at a company for the last few years and doing a pretty good job when suddenly the guy you replaced comes back on a part time basis and treats you with the same lack of respect that the Rock's on air persona treats the other WWE superstars. I don't care how nice that co-worker treats the customers, if I saw him treating his fellow employees in such a way I'd think he was a jerk. And nobody cares that he left for hollywood. Good for him. But there's a difference between working in hollywood and "Going hollywood".

Okay The Rock is a "bully". Stone Cold handing out stunners most of his on-air appearances. I guess every heel in WWE is a bully then. So R Truth is one for picking at the kids and The Miz is one for insulting the crowd, while we are at it I guess Cody is one for when he would hand paper bags to fans to put over their heads and threw water on Booker T last night. Not understanding your logic. The Rock stayed that he called out Cena upon his return because Cena called him out for leaving the company many moons back. He thanked the fans out of character for their support - i think many tend to forget these guys are in character.
So this is what it's come to. We're upset at a wrestler for bullying another wrestler. How the mighty have fallen. Yes, Rock's a bully. So was Stone Cold. So was Jericho, even as a face. The anti-bullying campaign is for real life human beings, not characters whose job it is to fight each other. Cena's such a weak milquetoast of a character that the Rock almost makes you feel sorry for humiliating him constantly. Now we're at the point of "Rocky's a jerkface meanie"? Geez man, the Attitude era really IS gone. This is damn sad. Now you can't even turn Cena heel because he's threatening to seem sympathetic after getting outclassed and shat upon all the time. I feel the most sorry for Cena himself. He's better than this. He's stuck in a role he must know is dead in the water and he's shackled from doing anything about it except poking out his lip and pouting about how nobody likes him anymore and Rocky keeps stealing his lunch money and making big movies people actually watch.
Hi guys, this is my 1st post so go easy on me. let me start by saying I am a huge Rock fan. The Rock as a character is a jerk I agree with that because that is what he was envisioned to be. he is an open and arrogant person who is basically a pompous ass. but its not as if he was famous from the beginning people booed him initially but slowly folks started to appreciate his antics they were new and eccentric (the jibroni, candy ass, you smell what the rock is cooking bit) they were a change from all the serious characters of the time except the DX. at the end of the day people who were their in the attitude ere would remember his acts for a lifetime.

The rock's character had amazing depth for a jerk character, from facing undertaker fearlessly to facing goldberg and acting scared or what I call timid or to face Austin as an equal. this was his depth as an entertainer and I think it must be appreciated it gave his character a very multi dimensional outlook he never was held back by his character's personalities. he could do it all. in contrast we have john cena who is a big name himself but does not have the depth to connect with everyone. i was a cena fan heck i even saw his debut match on TV against kurt angle. to be a face all the time is a tough job no one has carried it out successfully, not austin, hhh, undertaker everyone has been a heel at certain points in the wwe timeline. its a tough ask.

The next part is Dwayne Johnson the person. To go to Hollywood I believe would be anyone's dream come true. Dwayne left wwe on a personal high he was among the best of wwe he knew it and his fans knew it, he had achieved all that was put in his path if not more. his decision to go to Hollywood was his personal choice after giving his best to the wwe he wanted to expand his potential from Rock the wrestler to Dwayne Johnson the actor. it's a tough thing to do anyone who knows how to shift from one job to another will probably agree with it. he stepped out of his own comfort zone to go do something which is not his most strong strength but he took it and slowly he is also finding his mark there [ forget the tooth fairy :)


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