The Rock, The Character, Is A Jerk

Lol at this one cares! What I mean by that is you ask any wrestling stan off the net, they'll tell you The Rock is the man, he's a bad ass. No one cares if you felt offended that he hurt John Cena's feelings and reputation lmao.

The Rock doesn't cut great promos anymore? Last night was legendary. The promos he cut during an after the show were amazing. Being there, witnessing that, I felt like I was 9 10 years old again. The Rock turned the hardest guys in the arena mark out like little girls. Nothing but Rock shirts, signs everywhere. Even little kids who never saw this man wrestle, were like oh I love The Rock.

That is legendary. John Cena can't even hang with The Rock let alone Dwayne Johnson. Like others said that's Rock's character to be an ass. When he developed that character he was much more of an ass and we love it. No one likes the good guy. We were tired of Cena. Period. And then walking away because no one cheered for you? Back in 03 when people were cheering Hogan over him he didn't walk away. And Cena suppose to get respect for that? Lol please.

And the whole satellite thing...really? Really? Really? Lol Dwayne is too busy making double what Cena is making a night putting on his jorts. He's an actor he has a job to do. The fact that he even graced his presence is enough. The man did everything Cena and the other WWE superstars are trying to do for 8 years. And he didn't do it on just Raw or Smackdown. He did it on BOTH on top of house shows and ppv. So he doesn't have to justify anything. If he wants to be there live or via satellite then by all means please feel free to. He's earned it.
John Cena's feelings weren't hurt, he understands pro wrestling. no one (at least not me) is upset at how cena was treated. I liked it. I love how Cena is the ultimate good guy and Rock is a prick. It makes it 'the clash of generations'. It's 'the anti-hero vs the anti-hero of the anti-hero generation'. it's awesome.

Rock's promo last night (the one on TV) wasn't legendary. I predicted half the promo because it's all sing-a-long. Which is why he's good at promos, but still, sucking up to NYC and horribly singing a song isn't "legendary". Well, maybe to a 25 year old who was turned into a 12 year old mark and has a pic of Rock in his avatar.

Cena didn't walk away becuase he wasn't getting cheers, he was being the classy guy and allowing Rock to have his time. You have a weird way of seeing things. the fans aren't tired of Cena, if they were, he wouldn't sell so much noise, they wouldn't write about him on the boards, and they wouldn't buy tickets. WWE has researchers that know this shit. People who boo cena love to boo him. They smile when they boo, it's fun. Why the fuck else would they want to turn him heel? It's so it'll be cool to cheer him.

Also, Rock didn't really draw in more new fans, he more maintained what Austin brought in. Rock is super talented and super over, but don't credit him with starting the Tude era or being as big as austin.

rock isn't this huge movie star, Rock is david arquette, a former WCW champion, Razzie nominee, and a guy who is occassionally in blockbuster franchises (scream/fast and furious) but is generally seen as a shitty actor.

Yea Rock's earned it, and it pisses some people off that he says he loves it. He stirs emotion, he's doing a good job, just like Cena. Difference is, most Cena fans are marks enough to think "fuckin Rock sucks, go away" they think "Rock is doing a good job at pissing me off". people who hate Cena (yet spend hours a week bitching about him) don't have that logic. they can only think selfishly and not see the big picture.
Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.

ACTUALLY, you completely BS'd your point here.

Fact is IT WAS CENA who started it by cowardly making attacks at Rock. He was constantly calling out the Rock for doing movies in interviews. Both He and Orton criticized Rock in the press saying he hasn't given back enough, when the Rock has done more than those guys ever have so far. ( he was doing charity stuff, public appearances, worked harder....even still did wrestling appearances when he 's getting grief from the insurance companies ,...picked up slack early when Stone Cold abruptly left WWE.... Put GUYS OVER....he even put over Hurricane for crying out loud)

So theres nothing here remotely any more Heel-ish than the Rock has always been. So EVERYTHING the Rock has done has been perfectly in character with the Rock.

Im a Cena Fan too, but get your info straight.
The IWC is a pathetic-ass joke. For 7 years you guys BLAST John Cena for doing his job, WISHED that the attitude era would come back and kick ass again, and FINALLY when the biggest start to walk out of the Attitude Era comes back and does EXACTLY what youve been begging for, you bitch and moan some more. There is absolutely NO PLEASING you guys. The Rock is STILL better than most the guys in the ring, he's STILL better than EVERYONE on the mic (Yes even CM Punk, hes good but not THAT good), he's STILL selling out arenas, STILL headlining Wrestlemania(s), STILL is the topic of discussion, STILL making everyone look like they are 7yrs old, STILL GOT IT and when hes on tv, people watch and pay money to see him. God-forbid he has a life outside wrestling at damn near 40yrs old. He makes shows n does promos when his schedule allows him to. So what he cant be there all the time, so what we see him wunce in a blue moon. WHO CARES?? Shouldnt you admire someone with the ability to barely be there and STILL steal the show and perform circles around everyone? Nobody can do what hes doing right now as well as hes doing it, and make as big an impact as he is right now. Not Austin, not Hogan, not Flair, Not Taker, Not HBK. Instead of having your feelings hurt that he "left you for hollywood" why dont you open your eyes to whats going on. You guys have been begging for this to happen but now that it is hes a jerk? REALLY??.

People talk about the difference in promos between the two. Heres whats really going on if your not catching on. The basis of the storyline is Cena talking about Rock while he was gone, not thinking he would ever show up again. Rock comes back and confronts Cena about it, and just completely tears him open. Cenas fan base has not been the same ever since Rock came back. Yea he got boo'd before but nowhere near as much..i credit CM Punk for some of this too..But this is what happens in real life. If you talk about someone enough, eventually your gonna have to answer to them. Cenas held his own ill give him that, but The Rock is on a completely different level of greatness. Cena will NEVER be able to control the crowd like the Rock does or be as big as the Rock. bout 65% of the fans dont even like him, not because hes a heel and there not suppose to like him, but because hes corny..not very far off from Barney actually. Rock is the same guy hes always been. But i gotta keep in mind that there are always gonna be haters. All the greats have their haters so i guess this is no different. Im just putting it out there that this is what youve been dying for, for years and its finally happening..AND yes...HE STILL GOT IT
"Cena will NEVER be able to control the crowd liek the Rock" how over was Rocky Mavia when he was restricted with PG?

You guys seem to forget that Cena has sold a TON of merch under the PG restriction (really fuckin easy to get over when you can cuss and be vulgar). Rock couldn't. Cena DID get over when there was less of a restriction.

To me it's a wash and people only remember Rock as the vulgar guy and not Mavia because Mavia didn't get over and had to change. Cena didn't. Cena works the smarks into wanting to see him get beat up.

Cena is like Barney? So either you watch Barney or you are downright stupid. Cena isn't like Barney, Cena is like Woody from Toy Story.

Yes, all the greats have haters (or as I call them, people who are worked into disliking a character). John Cena and rock both have them. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum. It's why the dynamic is so awesome.
i think is is just great.I mean,promos he does it like nobody does.Wrestling..he still got.Look how he is trained.He has more muscle then a lot of the wrestler,you can see he is in shape.

Im just glad that he is back.And i do think it would be great to see Cena as a Heel.I really felt sorry for him yesterday with all that booo :D
Here's the difference, Rock tried really REALLY hard to become a pro football player first. His passion isn't wrestling, anyone with a passion, a true passion (and it almost killed me) can see that.

Rock's passion WAS wrestling. His whole life was spent around it, like he explained. He devoted himself to it when he came into the business, he loved what he did and he crafted a character that became a legend in itself. He loves his fans and he loves wrestling. He tried getting into pro football because he played football in high school and was damn good at it, so then he played football in college and was damn good at it. He was injured in football, kept on the sidelines for the rest of his college education and re-evaluated what he really wanted to do with his life (like many people do in college). Guess what that was? Be a wrestler, like his father and his grandfather. Anyone who tries to argue his passion without even knowing him is genuinely ******ed.

Austin retired because of his health. He wrestled until he couldn't anymore.

While Austin did retire for his health, he did not "wrestle until he couldn't anymore." It's funny how people forget that Austin refused to job to Triple H, Brock Lesnar and several others in 2002, no-showed events and then blatantly walked out on the company until he came back for his one last match.

I've been watchin wrestling since 1995 and have gone back and watched stuff from way before then.

It sounds like you're just saying this to try and make your post mean something, because you clearly lack any knowledge of wrestling history. And your girlfriend does need to know her role. The fact that she associates one of the most classic songs of all time as being from "Glee," instead of being a Frank Sinatra song really says a lot about her.

Vince is PG because it's a better long term model. For most of the WWE's history, they have been family friendly, do you not know this?

No, once again the fact that you're pretending to know things shines through. WWE is PG because Linda McMahon has been running a political campaign since 2009. And while the product was certainly "family-friendly" from 1986 to 1996, if you go back to the true classic days of the WWF and the WWWF, before Hulk Hogan, there was nothing "family-friendly" about the product. The 60s and 70s saw some of the most brutal, realistic matches in the history of the business. Real cage matches, lots of blood, lots of genuine badasses that talked some pretty good trash and said things that other media outlets found very offensive.

Yes, Rock is making a movie, Cena makes movies too, only Cena puts wrestling first.

And so did the Rock, while he was wrestling. Then he decided that he had done enough, that putting his body on the line every night wasn't smart and wasn't worth it, so since people wanted to put him in more movies, he made a smart career change. He still put wrestling first even in 2001, 2002 and 2003 while he was making movies.
The IWC is a pathetic-ass joke. For 7 years you guys BLAST John Cena for doing his job, WISHED that the attitude era would come back and kick ass again, and FINALLY when the biggest start to walk out of the Attitude Era comes back and does EXACTLY what youve been begging for, you bitch and moan some more.
Because there's no such thing as "the IWC". It's just a silly shorthand way to refer to wrestling forumgoers in general, which means referring to thousands of people with wildly different opinions. Trying to get some cohesion from this won't ever make sense.


And seriously, Rock's promo last night was one of the most childish and immature things I've ever heard in WWE, and I'm not exaggerating. Stop and try to imagine someone that don't have the backstory that Rock has, doing that exact same promo, in the exact same way - it would get zero, or negative, reaction. Rock only gets a positive reaction because he's Rock, not because of anything that he has been doing this year.
Of course he's a jerk (kayfabe); he always has been. He's never been the guy who kisses babies and helps little old ladies across the street. Instead, he was the school bully who shook down smaller students for their lunch money. It's a testament to the man's magnetism that he can behave like a crude boar and capture the attention of so many people.....even ones who might not be wrestling fans.

When Rock squared off against Hogan after both had ended their full-time WWE careers, Rock played the heel......and he behaved exactly the same way he does as a face. It's his schtick.... and no one does it better.

It can truly be said he now transcends WWE; he can come in and be whatever he wants, and the fans are going to go crazy for him. He can openly antagonize WWE's #1 man and still be cheered. He can pose as a god who is indulging us by making an appearance in the place he's grown beyond.....and we still cheer him.

Some of you think Rock is boring? I compare that to the occasional appearances of Steve Austin; no one's act has worn thinner than his. It's the same thing every time, the same beer baths and the same lame remarks every time we see come no one calls him boring?

Don't fight it, folks. If this jerk is able to significantly increase PPV views, the company will have him back as many times as it can. He really is electrifying.
Rock's passion WAS wrestling. His whole life was spent around it, like he explained. He devoted himself to it when he came into the business, he loved what he did and he crafted a character that became a legend in itself. He loves his fans and he loves wrestling. He tried getting into pro football because he played football in high school and was damn good at it, so then he played football in college and was damn good at it. He was injured in football, kept on the sidelines for the rest of his college education and re-evaluated what he really wanted to do with his life (like many people do in college). Guess what that was? Be a wrestler, like his father and his grandfather. Anyone who tries to argue his passion without even knowing him is genuinely ******ed.

While Austin did retire for his health, he did not "wrestle until he couldn't anymore." It's funny how people forget that Austin refused to job to Triple H, Brock Lesnar and several others in 2002, no-showed events and then blatantly walked out on the company until he came back for his one last match.

It sounds like you're just saying this to try and make your post mean something, because you clearly lack any knowledge of wrestling history. And your girlfriend does need to know her role. The fact that she associates one of the most classic songs of all time as being from "Glee," instead of being a Frank Sinatra song really says a lot about her.

Vince is PG because it's a better long term model. For most of the WWE's history, they have been family friendly, do you not know this?
No, once again the fact that you're pretending to know things shines through. WWE is PG because Linda McMahon has been running a political campaign since 2009. And while the product was certainly "family-friendly" from 1984 to 1996, if you go back to the true classic days of the WWF and the WWWF, before Hulk Hogan, there was nothing "family-friendly" about the product. The 60s and 70s saw some of the most brutal, realistic matches in the history of the business. Real cage matches, lots of blood, lots of genuine badasses that talked some pretty good trash and said things that other media outlets found very offensive.

And so did the Rock, while he was wrestling. Then he decided that he had done enough, that putting his body on the line every night wasn't smart and wasn't worth it, so since people wanted to put him in more movies, he made a smart career change. He still put wrestling first even in 2001, 2002 and 2003 while he was making movies.
Rock has a passion for wrestling, but not as much as other guys, that's obvious.

My girlfriend has about 8 Frank Cds. she loves him, but if you're under 35, it's pretty gay to listen to his stuff. It really is dude, unless you're trying to seduce a woman. Why the fuck else would it be on glee? I can see it in New York though since they're up their own asses. My point was that Rock, for all his homo jokes, acts pretty fucking gay, all that talk of sticking stuff up people's asses.

I don't give a fuck about Austin, or that Rock quit early. Just that Rock's character is a prick that rubs people the wrong way. I've said this before, I'm not enough of a mark to think that Rock isn't doing all of this without a reason. It stirs emotion.

I'm not going to argue who knows more about pro wrestling history than you. I'm currently watching all of the raw seasons in order when i have time outside of class and work. I love pro wrestling. I could talk about how great Harley race vs Jerry Lawler was or how amazing DDP was in late 1998. I'm pretty eclectic (spelling?)

WWE isn't going to go back to the tude era because it's not profitable in the long run. They were pimping it out when Linda was running to kind of say "WE AREN'T TRASH TV ANYMORE" but they've been more family friendly for a while. I know business and Vince knows business (and more than me). Trash TV shows don't last, shows with mass appeal do.

"True classic days" what does that mean? Is Wrestlemania III not classic? Yes, wrestling was more brutal in the 70s, in fact, I pointed this out to some jackass who was claiming the brutality of the attitude era was something new. However, since VINCE MCMAHON had been the company, he typically wants to shift it to being family friendly because a family is more tickets than 1 man. Kinda funny that you tell me to learn the history when you somehow think that the company in the 1970s was being run the same way as it was when Vince took over. Vince runs things a lot different than his dad, and it's why he's successful. He got rid of the blood and guts and made it family friendly, which was controversial, and that's what made the WWE boom in the 80s.

Again I don't care about the Rock. He is doing what he does to stir emotion. He does to some people what cena does to others. It's why they work so well.
Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.

Stupid dumb post.

Didn't Cena talked trash about the Rock and his family in 2008 ?

Didn't Cena called The Rock a liar and a coward for leaving WWE and pursuing an acting career in Hollywood ?

Didn't Cena gave an Attitude Adjustment to The Rock from behind first at the last RAW before Wrestlemania 27 ?

What The Rock did at Wrestlemania 27 was retaliation.

And all Cena fans same old "Via Satellite" excuse.The Rock is not a WWE Superstar.He is a Legend (not a contracted superstar) and he is just there to make few appearances whereas Cena is paid to be there.

The Rock doesn't need the WWE.The WWE needs The Rock.
Besides, the IWC is so fickle anyway...before the Rock left in 2004 he was getting boo'ed like Cena as well. its the Face curse...if you win too much , are too good, they eventually turn on you.

Fact is Cena and Rock are similar in styles anyway. both strengths are in entertaining in matches, not mat based/technical wrestling. Both have similar finishers ( ie...Peoples Elbow=Five Knuckle Shuffle ....BTW that moves name is an allusion to *********ion for you PG fans )
Both are Very Good on the Mic.

Here's the difference, Rock tried really REALLY hard to become a pro football player first. His passion isn't wrestling, anyone with a passion, a true passion (and it almost killed me) can see that.

Austin retired because of his health. He wrestled until he couldn't anymore. I don't mind the Rock walking away, but basically what Cena says "via satellite" doesn't cut it for me. I've been watchin wrestling since 1995 and have gone back and watched stuff from way before then.

My girlfriend sees the character as a jerk. I'm not going to tell her to "know her role" because unlike attitude era marks, I'm not white trash.

I like what the Rock is doing. He gets me pissed off. He does to me what Cena does to smarks. He's doing a good job.

Whoa settle down spaz.

When I was a kid I wanted to have a career in 20 different jobs. Is that stopping me from trying to become something in Hollywood? I have a job in an industry that DOES NOT involve Hollywood...does THAT mean I cant have a passion for Hollywood and filmmaking? THATS what the Rock did.

First off, Rock lived this industry. He went to college on a football scholarship. He was REALLY good and had the chance to go pro. Who wouldn't do that if they were given the chance? His father didn't want him to join this industry, it was a fallback plan for Rock.

Austin retired because of his health yes. BUT, had he NOT gotten a neck injury like that he still would've retired.

First off I wasn't the one who told you to tell her to "know her role", lets get that straight! If your girlfriend sees Rock as a jerk...then he is doing his job. He is supposed to be. Right now they are playing off the fact that he comes from Hollywood...Hollywood stereotypes are snobbish, hell just look at some of the actors/actresses that come from there. My fiance loves him, always has. He is STILL entertaining.

As far as AE "marks" being white trash...WOW! Uncalled for. I have watched wrestling since the late 80s and watched the AE. I am a fan of the AE...but I am FAAAAAAAAR from white trash. But seeing as how you're one of those type of people on these boards I can't stand, Im going to let that slide.

I love heels and faces equally. I like Ziggler, not because he good in the ring, but because he is good on the mic and knows how to sell being a heel. Same with R-Truth and the way he works with the crowd.
If you are over 12 years old and you prefer John Cena over The Rock in terms of entertainment, you've got issues. The Rock hasn't wrestled in ages and from what we all saw tonight, i think we can all agree that he will always have more stamina in the ring than John Cena will ever have.
If you want to watch the tude era, watch Jersey shore. It's a bunch of muscular guys drinking and fighting and some titties too. Trash TV isnt' hard to find.

Vince is PG because it's a better long term model. For most of the WWE's history, they have been family friendly, do you not know this?

Yes, Rock is making a movie, Cena makes movies too, only Cena puts wrestling first.

"go back to being a heel Cena" aaaaannd there it is. The ultimate "I'm a smark by the book" phrase.

What an ignorant statement... So if I wish that the attitude era comes back but at the same time know that its gone forever and still watch the product put out today i should watch jersey shore instead???

Firstly the number of people watching WWE/F back then were way more than there are now because now uv got internet, result reading, dvr and god knows what. When a guy misses raw he can catch up next week. It wasnt like that in the Attitude Era. So all the fans who saw and loved the Attitude Era are white trash??? What if ur dad watched it and like Rock more than cena. Would u call him white trash too??

Fact is plain out simple, Attitude Era was more entertaining, not just the blood, cussing and tits but the matches in general, the spots, the characters and the storylines. U had feuds like Rock vs DX and Stone cold vs the ministry and hell the rock vs stone cold which actually looked like feuds. U didnt have that yea i respect u but i dont like u shit that cena and orton do nowadays.

U grab a wrestling noob and show him 3 raws of the attitude era and then 3 raws of todays era (i dont like the term pg or god forbid the 'universe' era as some call it) ask him which one he liked more...

The Rock is still more entertaining than cena could ever be. Both worked hard and cena is still continuing to work hard despite the crowd reactions. I dont know if he gets frustrated or not but a big hand to him for working through it. The rock, when he got booed whined but through that gave us the biggest wwe wrestler/superstar the world has ever seen. Maybe Cena should try the same but drifting off topic. oh and considering the rock said hed never wrestle again put on a match where he looked better than half the guys in the locker room i think the WWE needs to raise its standards.

Bottom line... Rocks character is being portrayed as it should be... Dislike Cena and no tag team match in the world is gonna make me like him. Maybe Cena will act the same.

So what, he shows up less than half the time. He shows up when needed and raises buyrates profiting the WWE and keeping his schedule in check... Hes not gonna win the match against Cena so whats the problem ??

And dont diss the 'tude' era. It was a time when wrestling was in the words of CM Punk cool. Despite the content people used to enjoy it more than todays stuff. And dont say white trash enjoyed it. If u saw it which by ur comments doesnt seem likely since u compared it to fucking jersey shore, then u probably enjoyed it more as well.
You guys seem to forget that Cena has sold a TON of merch under the PG restriction (really fuckin easy to get over when you can cuss and be vulgar). Rock couldn't. Cena DID get over when there was less of a restriction.

To me it's a wash and people only remember Rock as the vulgar guy and not Mavia because Mavia didn't get over and had to change. Cena didn't. Cena works the smarks into wanting to see him get beat up.

I am so damn sick and tired of the whole PG excuse. The only difference really is the level of profanity and blood. So in theory, your saying that the only reason Rock is as big as he is is because he cursed more? Never mind the fact that Rock has done everything Cena wished he could do and then some. Dont let Cena fool you, cuz if given the opportunity to do what The Rock has done, he would jump. The only reason he hasent is cuz outside wrestling he's nothing, and he knows it. And Since you mentioned it, Rocky Mavia got about as much hate from the crowd as John Cena does now. The only difference is Rocky did something about it.

Cena is like Barney? So either you watch Barney or you are downright stupid. Cena isn't like Barney, Cena is like Woody from Toy Story.

So we go from one childrens character to another...and im the stupid one??? :lmao:

But this is exactly what i mean. 5 years ago you would NEVER see anybody on this thread defending Cena, certainly not against The Rock..give me a damn break
Austin retired because of his health. He wrestled until he couldn't anymore.

Damn you make me laugh kid. :lol:

He refused to face Jeff Jarrett,Hulk Hogan,HHH and many others.

In 2002,Austin was unhappy regarding Hulk Hogan's return to the WWF, and was reported as refusing to lose to Hogan in a proposed match at WrestleMania X8.

Austin refused to wrestle in 2002.He refused to push up and coming talent like Brock Lesnar and chickened out.

Austin refused to show up and took a week-long break without the company's consent, claiming exhaustion. McMahon claimed his actions caused fury among fans who had paid to see him that night.

Austin still got much left and he damn sure didn't retire because of his health.Austin refused to wrestle because he wasn't getting his way.
My girlfriend has about 8 Frank Cds. she loves him

Yeah, sure, just like you know what you're talking about when it comes to wrestling.

but if you're under 35, it's pretty gay to listen to his stuff.

This is what the idiotic youth of today actually believe. Get some taste.

My point was that Rock, for all his homo jokes, acts pretty fucking gay, all that talk of sticking stuff up people's asses.

You couldn't be more homophobic if you tried.

I don't give a fuck about Austin, or that Rock quit early. Just that Rock's character is a prick that rubs people the wrong way.

If you don't give a fuck about Austin, then you shouldn't have tried to use him as a comparative example. And apparently, the only people that the Rock rubs the wrong way are fickle, fair-weather smarks in the IWC. Because he's still sellin out arenas, getting more PPV buys and having thousands of people cheer for him. That means more than the pedantic whinings of some internet voices.

WWE isn't going to go back to the tude era because it's not profitable in the long run.

WWE isn't going back to the Attitude era because it never reverts to any kind of era. They look to move forward and move on. By 2020, they're going to be in another era as well.

They were pimping it out when Linda was running to kind of say "WE AREN'T TRASH TV ANYMORE" but they've been more family friendly for a while.

Definitely not, considering hardcore matches, strip shows, bikini contests, blood, swearing & "badass" characters were around until mid-2008, when Linda McMahon first started making her plans to run, then fully adapted in 2009 when she announced she was running for office and they're still in effect today because... she's running for office again.

Trash TV shows don't last, shows with mass appeal do.

Nobody's talking about trash TV except you. You really need to get off this point.
If you are over 12 years old and you prefer John Cena over The Rock in terms of entertainment, you've got issues. The Rock hasn't wrestled in ages and from what we all saw tonight, i think we can all agree that he will always have more stamina in the ring than John Cena will ever have.
I see it as I see a lot of other things that fall in the supposedly "kids vs adults" disput, both Wrestling related and not:

John Cena appeals to kids - and to mature adults.
The Rock appeals to teenagers and immature or young adults.

I, for one, can't see how many mature adults would join in in a "lady parts!" chant.
But just generalizing, of course anyway. There are exceptions by the bucket in everything.

(I'm talking about their promos, by the way. I was impressed by The Rock ringwork last night, though it was a bit too short.)
Yeah, sure, just like you know what you're talking about when it comes to wrestling.

This is what the idiotic youth of today actually believe. Get some taste.

You couldn't be more homophobic if you tried.

If you don't give a fuck about Austin, then you shouldn't have tried to use him as a comparative example. And apparently, the only people that the Rock rubs the wrong way are fickle, fair-weather smarks in the IWC. Because he's still sellin out arenas, getting more PPV buys and having thousands of people cheer for him. That means more than the pedantic whinings of some internet voices.

WWE isn't going back to the Attitude era because it never reverts to any kind of era. They look to move forward and move on. By 2020, they're going to be in another era as well.

Definitely not, considering hardcore matches, strip shows, bikini contests, blood, swearing & "badass" characters were around until mid-2008, when Linda McMahon first started making her plans to run, then fully adapted in 2009 when she announced she was running for office and they're still in effect today because... she's running for office again.

Nobody's talking about trash TV except you. You really need to get off this point.
She does, I don't like Sinatra, more of a Led Zeppelin guy. I'm not going to argue who knows more about pro wrestling, neither one of us knows as much as Vince and he makes the decisions.

I have good taste in music, most of the other people my age don't. I hate Lil Wayne and all that shit. I just don't like Sinatra, sorry. Most people my age don't, sorry. Times change and people have different tastes.

I'm not homophobic at all. Just saying that the Rock pretty much is in his promos, but then does things that homophobic people would point out.

I saw "via sattelite" posters on Raw. Rock does rub some people the wrong way, doesn't matter who they are.

I brought up Austin because someone else did.

100% correct about them not reverting to any era. However, they likely won't ever go back to the "trash tv" style of programming. They have went back to being familiy friendly. that's my point, it's more sustainable.

They have been getting more and more family friendly for a while now, that's not really arguable. The fact that Cena has been the guy since around '06 should tell you that. They started the move to family-friendly with him.

Funny how people think only kids are Cena fans and "adults" are rock fans. Rock fans are uneducated adults or "immature adults" as Ellye said. Rock isn't all that much more adult (if at all) than Cena. "Kane wants to buy the undertaker chocolates, Undertaker wants to tickle Kane's big red nipple" that's something Rock said. That's "adult"?

My whole point is that Rock vs Cena fits because each guy is on the opposite side of the spectrum and it's a perfect fit. Their fans have totally different preferences and Rock is a huge nostalgia guy and the "old lion".

TheGreat Legend

If you think Woody and Toy Story is at all comparable to Barney, you are ******ed. Toy Story is the most critically successful trilogy of all time (rotten tomatoes) because it blends family-friendly characters with adult undertones. You are probably too stupid to get that. Woody is John Cena because he trusts people and always tries to do the best thing (usually). Should I have used a fast and furious or Immortals analogy? Would that have been more your style?

Also, no the PG argument IS a good one because the FACT is Rock did NOT get over with a PG character. So how the fuck is it not relevant? O yea, you were a 13 year old mark back then.
I'll start this post off by being real: I'm a fan of The Rock.

But, I find a lot of responses in this thread amusing. There are seriously people in here saying the Rock is "fucking gay" and he's a prick and they don't relate to the character at all because of that reason... But here you are... On an internet message board... Calling someone "gay".

I don't like the John Cena character at all, but at this point, that's what the WWE is trying to accomplish. John Cena is the good guy that gets booed in this feud. The Rock is the bad guy who gets cheered in this feud. Both guys are doing exactly as they're supposed to. And both guys, together, are making this whole angle enjoyable.

The little things they do, from their back and forth banter to the way they wouldn't even look at each other on RAW last Monday are the things that really help to build a story.

Not everyone is going to like The Rock character, or the John Cena character. Accept it.

Saying The Rock is boring is quite obviously just to slight the guy because your favorite wrestler is being booed and you don't like it... But really, you should ENJOY the fact that Cena is booed. Why? Because the man is doing his job and doing a DAMNED good job in the process. He's getting heat. Which is exactly what the WWE is trying to do with him. Enjoy that. This is a classic feud.

I'm not sure why people have to call people with differing opinions "smarks" or anything. I'm not sure why people are even saying the people who like Cena are kids/mature adults and the people who like The Rock are teens/immature adults/young adults. I can't at all agree with that. The people that like these guys are people who are entertained.

The Rock is a larger than life character. He says and does things that people wish they could do on a daily basis. It's stuff most people, including most likely Dwayne Johnson, wouldn't do in their every day lives. And while I'm sure John Cena is a great guy, I very much doubt he does everything the right way. We all have our vices, but that's making an assumption.

These are characters. They are played by actors. People, including the posts about other people's girlfriends and friends or whatever in here are getting that confused. The WWE and most of the WWE Universe has wanted The Rock back, and now he's here. It's not like he can just decide when he comes and goes, the company World Wrestling Entertainment can say they don't want him back.

This is a storyline, folks. And my bet is that John Cena and The Rock have been talking about this storyline behind the scenes for a very long time. They are professionals. And they are good at what they're doing. Cheer for either one as you please, wrestling has always been designed for the fans to do just that...

But understand that the roles these guys are playing aren't who these people actually are. It's entertainment.

I'll be cheering The Rock on the whole way... But I'd be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed Cena throughout this whole thing as well. This is a once in a lifetime angle, two stars of their generation squaring off in character.

Take a deep breath and enjoy it.
I simply call it The Rock being The Rock. He has always been the type to blur those lines of heel and face (although most of the time he's obviously been face) because his character has been, and will always be a cocky egotistical prick. Someone these forum's absolutely loves is the exact same way, that person is Chris Jericho. Face or heel both of them have been known to be the person to take shots at whoever they are facing, and there are times it get's to a point of it being childish insults, but that's who they are.

The difference between the Rock and most others who step foot into the WWE is he can drop to the level of childish insults, or he could cut the most serious promo in history and everyone would shut up and eat every single word he says. Hell, the fact that people are complaining about it says something, he did his job. He has people talking, he has people upset, and he has people loving it, that is what he did before he left, and that is what he is doing now.
I see a lot of parallels with Rock's character and Kevin Nash's. Both interfere with their finishing move and leave in promos and matches. Obviously Nash is no Rock on the mic, but its interesting to see how The Rock can be built as a superface while Nash is pretty much hated.

I agree The Rock (character) is a jerk, but hell, a lot of his supporters (especially in the IWC) are jerks as well. Being a jerk is the perfect antithesis to Cena's babyface persona and it really does make sense.
Try to imagine if all that The Rock did this year was done by someone that wasn't a top face in the past - they would easily be one of the biggest heels right now.

In his short run this year, The Rock feuded with the top face of the company, looking like a complete heel in his ways.

  • He was coward like heels tend to be, mostly only feuding via satellite.
  • His arguments were completely hypocritical. He called John Cena childish, but he was the one that was only making jokes and childish taunts all the time, while Cena was actually talking some sense sometimes (like arguing that The Rock has been away for years, while he has been bursting his ass every single week for the company and the fans).
  • He interfered in a WWE Champion match on the main event of Wrestlemania.
  • And now after a successful tag team bout with Cena, he was the one that resorted to post-match attack.

I find it interesting how much heelish behavior The Rock can get away with and still be cheered like only he does. This does speak a lot about how much he represents.

Why does The Rock get cheered while using heelish characteristics?
Because it's gnarly, he does it in such away that connects with people, Cena is boring and appeals to kids so Rocky taunted him in such a manner. Rock and Cena are like apples and oranges, both fundementally are entertainers but characters are polar opposites, Rock was around in the Attitude Era and earned his stripes in classics with Austin, HHH, Benoit, Mankind, Hogan, Kurt Angle, Undertaker, Jericho and putting guys over who most of the big named guys wouldn't like Lesnar, Test, Bossman among others. Rock deserves a lot more credit than you give him.

Cena on the other hand, hasn't had many classics in his longer career than Rock, he's over with a certain demographic where-as Rocky was over across the board, Cena never puts anyone over cleanly and people can't relate to him, he's stale. Since 2002-2011 he's never changed his look, it's the same style shorts just different colours, same look and same style moves John's boring. John in the middle of his super push in 2005 had the fans turn on him because he was at that level yet always squeeked out the win, hell fans chanted for Christan over John when he was WWE Champion.

What you've failed to realize is that Rock or Dwayne isn't a wrestler nowadays he's an actor and the majority of the time he's off filming movies so "satellite feeds" are the only way he can connect to the wrestling fans and the majority of his promos haven't been feud based until earlier this year.

What pisses me off is how fans judge Rocky for not showing up yet they've forgotten how he worked his ass off between 96-04 on a fulltime then part bases and continuously had high calibur and quality matches with who ever and PUT GUYS OVER unlike a certain John Cena, who's idea of putting someone over is going on twitter and campigning for re-tweets.
John Cena's feelings weren't hurt, he understands pro wrestling. no one (at least not me) is upset at how cena was treated. I liked it. I love how Cena is the ultimate good guy and Rock is a prick. It makes it 'the clash of generations'. It's 'the anti-hero vs the anti-hero of the anti-hero generation'. it's awesome.

Rock's promo last night (the one on TV) wasn't legendary. I predicted half the promo because it's all sing-a-long. Which is why he's good at promos, but still, sucking up to NYC and horribly singing a song isn't "legendary". Well, maybe to a 25 year old who was turned into a 12 year old mark and has a pic of Rock in his avatar.

Cena didn't walk away becuase he wasn't getting cheers, he was being the classy guy and allowing Rock to have his time. You have a weird way of seeing things. the fans aren't tired of Cena, if they were, he wouldn't sell so much noise, they wouldn't write about him on the boards, and they wouldn't buy tickets. WWE has researchers that know this shit. People who boo cena love to boo him. They smile when they boo, it's fun. Why the fuck else would they want to turn him heel? It's so it'll be cool to cheer him.

Also, Rock didn't really draw in more new fans, he more maintained what Austin brought in. Rock is super talented and super over, but don't credit him with starting the Tude era or being as big as austin.

rock isn't this huge movie star, Rock is david arquette, a former WCW champion, Razzie nominee, and a guy who is occassionally in blockbuster franchises (scream/fast and furious) but is generally seen as a shitty actor.

Yea Rock's earned it, and it pisses some people off that he says he loves it. He stirs emotion, he's doing a good job, just like Cena. Difference is, most Cena fans are marks enough to think "fuckin Rock sucks, go away" they think "Rock is doing a good job at pissing me off". people who hate Cena (yet spend hours a week bitching about him) don't have that logic. they can only think selfishly and not see the big picture.

Who are you? John Cena's publicist? Lol thanks for the clarification. I understand Cena understands Pro Wrestling. Never said he didn't. Nor was I being serious about him actually having his feelings hurt. If he did then this is definitely not the business for him. No one is upset by the way Cena was treated? Then this thread wouldn't have been made. Any logical fan, or person who watched The Rock back in the day knows this is who he has always been. An arrogant ass.

Lol no one cares if you predicted his promo. We all did. That's The Rock's schtick. What makes it legendary was just that. The fact that it's the same thing the man has been doing for YEARS. Not one person in the arena sat down. The whole arena responded when they needed to, cheer when they needed, sung when they needed to. THAT is legendary. Not one wrestler today can do that. Be so repetitive yet innovative at the same time. And correction. A 21-year female with The Rock's picture in her avi. I guess the username Jenna through it off for you. Nice try though.

Cena walked away because he didn't get cheers. Lmao he was giving The Rock his time? He was being classy? The Rock didn't need HIS time. He had his time before, during and after the show. If anyone who needed time was Cena. What makes you think The Rock needed his time? Cena could of easily celebrated with him. He had no problem before celebrating with Austin earlier this year or Bret Hart, so I don't get it. Even when he did celebrate, he had such an awkward facial expression as though he didn't want to be there, I for one minute felt bad. If him and The Rock were on good terms, he would of been celebrating right along with him; stop making excuses for the guy. I have a weird way of viewing things? Sweetie I witnessed it LIVE. That's fine Cena sells, and gets mentioned on the boards, etc. But you know what the majority had on last night? People either had on a Rock shirt, CM Punk shirt or a Zack Ryder shirt. Last night there were NO MORE Rock merchandise to be bought. NONE. I couldn't even get a shirt. Oh but there was definitely plenty of stands with Rise Above Hate shirts, etc. This is suppose to be the man though right? People are not tired of him? You ever just think that JUST maybe he's not the only one selling tickets and merchandise anymore?

Lmao The Rock didn't draw new fans? He maintained what Austin brought in? Stop it. No one will ever deny what Austin brought into the Attitude Era. But don't you dare sit there and lie to yourself and say The Rock wasn't just as big, or even possibly bigger than Austin at one point. I can remember when The Rock was so bad ass as a heel, that they had to turn him into a face. Or how in 2000-2001, The Rock was the face of the WWE. Don't sit there and belittle The Rock's status in the Attitude Era. Austin and him were pretty much 1A 1B when it came to status. One point it was Austin. One point it was Rock and it alternated throughout the AE.

You keep bringing up things that no one really cares about....SO WHAT if he isn't a big movie star. He can be a shitty actor all he wants, but you know what? That doesn't stop him from getting more scripts and MORE checks. So he obviously must be doing something right, despite your approval.

And why is that even relevant? I simply stated that The Rock is an actor, and has a job outside of the WWE, making way more money than the top face of the WWE....what was your point?

And no Cena isn't doing a good job stirring up emotion. He just annoys people. The Rock feeds off emotion. Cena doesn't. And no Cena fans aren't smart enough to think "Rock's doing a great job pissing him off." Children under the age of 8 I don't believe are fully aware of what Dwayne is doing. But I digress.

I can't speak for those who hate Cena, just to hate him and bitch on the internet for hours about that. I don't have the time nor energy to care that much. I don't like Cena (the character) because he's stale. Generally speaking that's the point of having a character, catchphrases, etc. You're suppose to do the same thing. But with him he's just stale. He doesn't connect with the crowd. I mean yeah he gets great pops, but when he starts talking, he doesn't connect. I hate how people say he's only suppose to connect with the kids, because those are the ones getting their parents to buy the merchandise and take them to events. That is not the case. There are so many different forms of WWE fans. Age, gender and race. Last night showed me that I wasn't the only adult who still loves wrestling. And yet he just can't seem to connect with the older crowd. You don't have to be a bad ass and curse like Austin did or how The Rock does, but connect with the other people in the WWE Universe, not just the kids and the females (the ones who faint over him, because he looks good) My other reason for disliking him has more to do with the WWE then his actual character. He wins way too often. What made wrestling back in the day great, was the fact that it was just way too unpredictable. You might of sworn The Rock was going to win that match against Y2J, but he didn't. You never really knew if your favorite wrestler was going to win or not. Cena wins every night. When he does lose, it's because it wasn't clean.
Cena walked away because he didn't get cheers. Lmao he was giving The Rock his time?

Cena walked away because that's what the story called for. Storyline wise he probably WAS giving The Rock "his time". He applauded, just like classy Cena always does. In other words, it's exactly what the WWE wanted to have happen... And it did.

And storyline wise, The Rock called him back to make the character John Cena feel like a complete piece of crap.

But in reality, both guys were playing to the emotions of the crowd. They embraced their strengths and weaknesses witht he crowd and embraced them.
The Rock (the character) has ALWAYS been a jerk. The birth of his character was built off of being a jerk. He hasn't changed at all, only added a catchphrase or two in the 7 years he was away. Honestly, I don't think I can get down with this Rock v. Cena match. To me it serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. You got the top talent in the company now and the flag bearer (Cena) versus a legend who comes in for strange reasons to challenge Cena for what seems to be a means to stay in the hearts and minds of the fans. He comes off as hypocrtical and antagonistic which is the way he's always been.

I will say I was impressed with his overall shape and condition he was in. The Dude was straight up jacked!

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