The Rock / Stone Cold at Wrestlemania XXX ?


Championship Contender
Source: F4WOnline

- WWE has reportedly contacted several major names for cameo appearances at WrestleMania XXX, including "every megadraw" of the last three decades that is still alive.

When I think of the biggest draws in wrestling in the last 30 years: I think The Rock, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan.

Hogan is already the host of WrestleMania which leaves the question for the other two.

First, let's see the possibility of each of these two megastars.



Steve Austin noted on his latest podcast that he will be in New Orleans for the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony.

Chances of him being at WMXXX: 99%

Austin was at the last 2 WrestleMania anniversary: WMXX and WM25 and I have no doubt he'll be at this year's WrestleMania.



The Rock just finished his movie Hercules and the shooting for his next movie San Andreas starts in mid-April.


Chances of him being at WMXXX: 50%

You can't really know if The Rock will be there or not, he does have enough free days and can make an appearance if he wanted to.
It all depends on if WWE has contacted him and they could make him show up for this big WMXXX.

GOAT Take::

WrestleMania XXX won't be that special if either Rock or Austin won't appear.

WWE is trying to make WMXXX the "biggest WrestleMania of all time" and honestly you can't do that if those two icons don't appear.

I think I'm more intrigued to see The Rock than Austin.

We haven't seen Austin in a while but he's pretty much confirmed for WrestleMania. Rock appearing would be the biggest surprise.

I'm also intrigued to see the reaction The Rock would get if he was to show up.

I've bought my ticket thinking WWE was going to eventually do Rock vs Brock at the last minute but they didn't.

I was thinking of selling it on Stubhub last month but Bryan being added to the WWE title match changed my mind.

As much as WMXXX is looking to be great, I'll be a little bit disappointed if Rock didn't at least make an appearance.


What do you guys think? Will Austin and Rock show up? Will it be the same if they didn't show up?
I have no doubt in my mind that both guys show up. Austin is a lock and if WWE has "contacted" every megastar then Rock will be there. Maybe a segment with Hogan or Austin. It won't be anything extraordinary but he will be in a backstage segment.
Austin will show up, rock is doubtfull though,

Even if its a backstage segment aslong as we see them on screen, its wm30 it has to happen surely

Lets hope
I don't think neither will show. There's no place for them on the show besides a cameo. I'm sure either one of them could have easily been the host for WrestleMania, especially Stone Cold.
It will be a great night regardless of those two but it would definitely be better if both feature. I can't imagine they don't have a plan for The Rock. He is a massive name and has had some huge Wrestlemania matches as recently as 12 months ago. Whether it is a pre-recorded promo or actually being there in person they will mention The Rock.

Austin will be there. I'm guessing a stunner on Barrett more or less because he isn't in the battle royal and Austin could actually get physical without breaking a hip.

They mention all the big names of the Wreslemania era and they seem to be doing a good job. Besides those who are no longer with us, in TNA or are CM Punk:

Andre has his own battle royal. Hogan is guest hosting. Warrior, MR. T, Scott Hall in the HoF. Taker, HHH, Lesnar Cena, Batista, Orton, Rey, Miz all wrestling.

Thinking of the other names: Flair, Bret, Shawn, Edge, Foley and Jericho are all missing but could still feature. I'm still hoping Jericho is in the battle royal plus 3 for the pre-show.

They have definitely gone all out to make this a big Wrestlemania and regardless of Rock and Austin we will have plenty of great moments. I'm sure of it. If they can get Austin and Rock then that would be awesome but Rocky is far too busy and I just can't see it happening.
Well I for one being an Austin fan would be more intrigued to see him than rock.

He hasn't been on wwe since 2011 and he'd get an amazing reaction.

I'd love to for him to make an appearance. Ever since he retired wrestlemania isn't the same without him.
I want to see Austin stun McMahon in the main event. All hell breaking loose, McMahon at ringside trying to screw Bryan. Reff bump, Austin's music hits, UNBELIEVABLE POP, stuns McMahon, leaves.

I don't give a shit if Rock shows up. He loves wrestling like a man who cheats on his wife loves his family. It'd be cool I guess. Maybe via satellite to set up something. Maybe he challenges someone. Not a fan of the guy.
I want to see Austin stun McMahon in the main event. All hell breaking loose, McMahon at ringside trying to screw Bryan. Reff bump, Austin's music hits, UNBELIEVABLE POP, stuns McMahon, leaves.

I don't give a shit if Rock shows up. He loves wrestling like a man who cheats on his wife loves his family. It'd be cool I guess. Maybe via satellite to set up something. Maybe he challenges someone. Not a fan of the guy.

Lmao couldn't of said it better myself. This would be cool too, like what you said he gets Vince with the stunner and if Shane's at ringside(it's rumored he'd be at wm) he stuns him too and throw Stephanie and triple h in there. Helps Bryan win. Celebrates with him drinks a couple with him then stuns him.
Lmao couldn't of said it better myself. This would be cool too, like what you said he gets Vince with the stunner and if Shane's at ringside(it's rumored he'd be at wm) he stuns him too and throw Stephanie and triple h in there. Helps Bryan win. Celebrates with him drinks a couple with him then stuns him.
That takes too much away from DB. It needs to be his victory. He can stun all the McMahons for all I care. Just don't be the reason DB wins and don't share the stage with Bryan. It's his show to end.

I wouldn't mind seeing Bryan get lots of help. Afterall, he has a lot against him. Maybe Authority comes to help HHH, Shield fends them off, Austin takes care of McMahon, Hogan carries off Stephanie, leaving Bryan to win the fatal fourway (or triple threat, whatever it turns into) on his own.
I don't give a shit if Rock shows up. He loves wrestling like a man who cheats on his wife loves his family. It'd be cool I guess. Maybe via satellite to set up something. Maybe he challenges someone. Not a fan of the guy.

The Rock came back in 2011, 2012 and 2013 because he wanted to.

Nobody forced him.

He didn't need the money, he didn't need anything.

He came back for the fans.
Well from what I've read somewhere a couple years ago when he first came back. I read when he signed his Disney contract there was something in it which prevented him from appearing on wwe television. If he loved wwe like he says he does he wouldn't sign a contract knowingly that prevents from appearing in wwe.
Wyatt Family beat down Cena post-match. Hogan tries to help but is disposed of, so The Rock's music hits and they still can't get the advantage as Hogan is incapacitated with a fingerpoke of doom, so Austin's music hits and he makes the save. The 4 legends stare at each other in the ring and Austin stuns all 3. He gets on the mic but is cut off by CM Punk's music. Punk runs in from the crowd/under the ring and hits a GTS onto Austin. They set up Punk vs Austin at WM 31.
Wyatt Family beat down Cena post-match. Hogan tries to help but is disposed of, so The Rock's music hits and they still can't get the advantage as Hogan is incapacitated with a fingerpoke of doom, so Austin's music hits and he makes the save. The 4 legends stare at each other in the ring and Austin stuns all 3. He gets on the mic but is cut off by CM Punk's music. Punk runs in from the crowd/under the ring and hits a GTS onto Austin. They set up Punk vs Austin at WM 31.

So you have Hogan, Rock, and Cena look at least fairly weak, so austin (who isn't exactly what he used to be) run down and save them, and punk take him out? Wow, I've got to give you credit man you have some peter pan like imagination there.

Anyways Doubtful to see Rock or Austin but we get Cena and Hogan which I'm more than happy with
So The Rock and Austin both winded up showing up and giving a great promo and of course a mega start to WrestleMania
I marked out like a little bitch when I heard the glass break and then when Rocks music hit. I purposely stayed away from the forums so I wouldn't ruin any surprises so I had no idea. Although when I went to close out wrestlezone on my phone I saw the Austin "confirmed for mania" heading, but I didn't read it or know the credibility of the report. Had absolutely no idea it would be in this capacity. This alone was worth my money.
This segment alone....made my day. Even if Hogan was a couple of miles far from Austin and Rock's promos. The three of them delivered the most amazing and incredible wrestlemania kick off ever.

And i think that the thing that made this segment that awesome, was that you could clearly see (and taste!) the 3 of them enjoying every bit of it.

That ring was overloaded with charisma.

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