The Rock looking HUGE!!! Potential return?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Just found this picture of The Rock looking bigger than ever. I never saw him this muscular in WWE.

Now this is probably for a film role, but could it be for a potential WWE return aswell :shrug:

Rock has stated his desire that when he returns he wants it to be big, and not for 1 night only! Yes, we felt let down he didnt come back over the summer as promised but I fimrly believe we will see him sometime in 2011.

So will he return and how would you like to see WWE book him?
Doesn't look all that incredibly bigger than he used to be. Mainly in his shoulders/traps. His arms look about the same. I agree with many of the comments on that site, he could be fresh from a workout and just has the residual pump going on from just exercising. Obvious considering he still has lifting straps around his wrists which you use when doing certain heavy lifts. Looks good though. I don't think he's coming back.
Playing the role of Driver a guy out of prison seeking revenge for his brothers killing. Driving around really fast and killing bad guys, gee how original :p

also 3 other movies this year alone and 1 in post production for next year.

as for a return to wrestling, blah blah blah, been said in countless threads for the past few years., and fueled by his taped Raw appearance and a couple of interviews that were steered towards wrestlling by the interviewers, not him.

Why not just wait and see and be suprised if it does happen, and when did he say he was coming back to active wrestling? He didn't. He also stated he has no desire to wrestle again, that he would be too rusty. Just cause someone posts on a wrestling (mostly made up/guessing) news, don't mean it's fact :)

PS if he did i would mark out, no doubt, unless it turned out to be like a Hogan type return where he makes a fool of himself in ring
How would he fit in the WWE if he returned though? Would they let him call people "roody-poo candy asses?" I really don't think the attitude era wrestlers would work in a PG era now. On top of that, they're old now and seeing them come back past their prime will ruin our memory of them.
Besides, The Rock wants to distance himself from wrestling and be a "legit" actor.
How would he fit in the WWE if he returned though? Would they let him call people "roody-poo candy asses?" I really don't think the attitude era wrestlers would work in a PG era now. On top of that, they're old now and seeing them come back past their prime will ruin our memory of them.
Besides, The Rock wants to distance himself from wrestling and be a "legit" actor.

Haha the same way Mae Young called Laycool "bitches" and "****s" tonight. The Rock would always work in the WWE but no...sadly he's not prepping for a return.
How would he fit in the WWE if he returned though? Would they let him call people "roody-poo candy asses?" I really don't think the attitude era wrestlers would work in a PG era now. On top of that, they're old now and seeing them come back past their prime will ruin our memory of them.
Besides, The Rock wants to distance himself from wrestling and be a "legit" actor.

Why is it when anyone mentions Austin or The Rock, they have to bring in the PG rating. You do know Smackdown, you know the show named after him has been PG since the beginning. Once again the PG bashing bandwagon fails to pick up the facts.

However for the rest of the post I agree, too many past wrestlers return and really it just puts a bad spot on what was a good career. For example when you think Piper, you can easily imagine him being that overweight guy (although he has cut down a bit) rather than his legendary Piper's Pit and his mic skills (although ironically last night was on top form).

What people really have to learn is that The Rock is gone, apart from a celebration of some kind The Rock character siezes to exist.
There is absolutely no way we will see a return of the Rock to the WWE. Maybe for an occasional cameo appearance, an on-screen promo, maybe even a guest host one night schtick. But I don't care how big the Rock is or isn't these days, or what he's been saying or teasing, we will never see the Rock back in the WWE on a full-time basis. This ship has sailed a long time ago, unfortunately. He has severed his ties to WWE. He has his career in Hollywood, whether you like his movies or not. You are dreaming if you think he's coming back just because you saw a picture of him in shape. If so, it's just for his next movie.
Man, can you say steroids. But who knows, I wont believe for him to be back in the wwe until i see it. He seems to be on his way to be doing more actions movies so maybe he is trying to step away from Disney? I really don't know what he's going to do but this is just a rumor and nothing more. People see him looking bigger and the automatically think wwe. What does this guy have to say that he is done with the wwe? We Can't we except the fact this he is more then likely done? I guess its because you never say never in the wrestling business. But like I said , I wont believe him to be back until I see him back.
everyone needs to get this through their heads, the rock is never going to wrestle ever again. He has stated numerous time before he is retired for good. However, he stated he may return for a guest appearance or something like it, but wrestling another match is completely out of the question.
How would he fit in the WWE if he returned though? Would they let him call people "roody-poo candy asses?" I really don't think the attitude era wrestlers would work in a PG era now. On top of that, they're old now and seeing them come back past their prime will ruin our memory of them.
Besides, The Rock wants to distance himself from wrestling and be a "legit" actor.

:banghead: For the final time, Smackdown was always PG. Even when they were having Buried Alive, Boiler Room Brawl and Inferno Matches in 1999.

How can you say that "the attitude era wrestlers wouldn't work in a PG era" ?
Have you been hibernating for the past 10 years? After 2004 when The Rock and Stone Cold were pretty much gone, people like Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Shane McMahon, Linda McMahon, Kane, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle etc. were all still working there, and THEY were all attitude era wrestlers.

Those people who still work there haven't been 'ruined' they've actually become more successful than they were in the attitude era, and those of which who would come back wouldn't be ruined by it, they'd just be welcomed back with open arms.
I dont want the Rock returning on any capacity other than appearances. There was so much hype in Bret Hart returning. I dont see as much as a sign at events for Bret now. The new Hart Foundation comes out to little reaction. The less appearances are made the more our ADD society will enjoy there prescence. I could see after a week of the Rock being back the IWC would be bashing him on some level.
Just had a quick hunt for pics of the Rock in his WWE days. He's MUCH bigger in the traps now than he was back then. Still, I don't think he'd come back regularly. He's enjoying acting too much.
I'm not one who believes that we will ever see The Rock full time back in the ring.

However, with that being said I do believe that a number of facVBtors could lead to a bigger connection between the WWE and The Rock. It was very clear several years ago that The Rock clearly tried to distance himself from his past with the WWE. This strategy I think was very clear and very direct. He wanted to be a huge Disney kid movie star. Being one of the faces of the attitude era was not a great way to become just that. Now we see a huge shift in the characters that he is playing. He is playing the man's man again. Like it or not, these are the type of people that wrestling fans like to see. To tap into the wrestling demographic at this time for The Rock would make a lot of sense. This is why I expect to at least see The Rock at some point in the relatively recent future in some role.
What next? If he does the people's eyebrow during an interview does that mean he's coming back?

No, he not returning. At some point, people are going to have to just let go. The Rock is a movie guy, and is invested in that now and is doing pretty well for himself. His time to return on a full time basis has come and gone. We might see a cameo. We might get a video. Hell, we might get a guest host. But he's not returning for a regular role and never will. Time to move on.
Get over it. The Rock doesnt exist anymore. Dewayne Johnson exists he is an actor making movies and done with the WWE. Yeah eventually he will show up again because hes getting older and will wanna relive his young "The Rock" character. As far as ever being back on a permanent basis its not gonna happen. The only way he will be be in wrestling again is when he turns like 50 and his career cools off and hes no longer relevant in movies and he might return for some late career cheers kinda like the old guys like Hogan and Flair.
If and this a big IF, The Rock does come back he needs to come back as a heel type manager not a wrestler. Have him form some new faction and dominate.(Only if Nexus is finished) If Nexus is still around then have rock come back as a face manager and start a face faction to rival them. This way he can be in the spotlight and not have to be in the ring very often. You could call it a modern day evolution. If it's face you could have Morrison,R-truth,Daniel Bryan, Cena(If he is face) and one other if needed. If it's heel throw in Sheamus, Miz, Cena(if he has a heel character) Orton, and another if needed. Thats how it should be done
I really doubt it means a return. Why would he get in such a shape to make a return? Especially considering he was already fairly jacked enough to be making a return if he wanted. There's been no rumors or anything about a Rock return, and I'm pretty sure unlike a lot of times, WWE would be hyping the SHIT out of The Rock returning, rather than making it a surprise thing and having people figure it out themselves.

The Rock is doing fine in the movie business. He's doing fine with what he's doing on an every day, and he's most likely never gonna make a true return to WWE. An appearance? Maybe, but not in any in-ring action.
If and this a big IF, The Rock does come back he needs to come back as a heel type manager not a wrestler. Have him form some new faction and dominate.(Only if Nexus is finished) If Nexus is still around then have rock come back as a face manager and start a face faction to rival them. This way he can be in the spotlight and not have to be in the ring very often. You could call it a modern day evolution. If it's face you could have Morrison,R-truth,Daniel Bryan, Cena(If he is face) and one other if needed. If it's heel throw in Sheamus, Miz, Cena(if he has a heel character) Orton, and another if needed. Thats how it should be done

Are you kidding me???? Cena sheamus orton and miz in the same group? that would 1 never be believable because they all have feuded at some level at diffrent points and 2 the rock can defff still bring it on a nightly basis but hes not returning for atleast 3 years cause im pretty sure he wont be getting good roles in movies that far down the line IMO hes a bad actor again IMO
WOW i think he's a lot more bigger than when he was in the company. Plus, i don't think he's coming back, matter of fact, i hope he stay retiered. As he said he's done it all, there is simply nothing to prove, why would he risk hurting his legacy? I mean who is he going to face? cena, shamus, orton? come on , it not worth it(unless he face HBK-never gonna happen-). Rock, just enjoy your retierment, you had a wonderful career, and thanks for the memories.
What next? If he does the people's eyebrow during an interview does that mean he's coming back?
:lmao:Awesome line.

People need to stop looking into things so much. Lita appears on television for ten seconds and all of a sudden we're discussing possible storylines. Someone notices the Rock is muscular and now he's returning?

I swear to god there is going to be a thread on here tommorow about Eddie Guerrero returning to WWE because someone said "R.I.P. Eddie"
This is an absolute non-story.

Firstly, The Rock is NOT bigger than he was before in this photo. Anyone who's done any modicum of heavy lifting will know, that the pose struck by the Rock in the photo, makes your traps look abnormally larger than normal. I mean, look at his arms, they look SMALLER than they used to. Also, it is clear from his attire, that he's just left the gym, so as previously mentioned, his muscles will be pumped as shit.

Secondly, The Rock does not need to return. He's making a shit tonne of money, doing less work and less strenuous work and is most likely a lot healthier than his past day.

Thirdly, outside of a Wrestlemania or one off appearance, WWE wouldn't bring him back. Why build up all the young guys they have been recently, to hand the ball over to someone whose heart isn't in wrestling anymore.

Fourthly, The Rock himself has said on many occasions that he won't come back.

End of. Goodnight.
The Rock was always the same size as Randy Orton is about now. In these pictures, Rock looks more like Batista's size. Very weird, indeed. However, and let me set it straight: THE ROCK IS NEVER GOING TO RETURN TO THE WWE. Get over it.
The Rock is a big fucking guy. 6'4, 250+ pounds of muscle. Take into account he's worked out his entire life and of course he's going to be huge. I just find it so funny that the topic was called 'The Rock looking HUGE!!! Potential return?' I mean seriously? :lmao:

You have no proof whatsoever other then he's looking bigger so that must mean he might return. Your topic is what starts rumors btw.
I doubt the rock will be back, he does look huge but was that a little gut I see poking over his pants?????? After being out of wrestling for so long, he prob too unfit to return, even if he has keep up weight training, in ring work is a lot different
I am not sure about his return. Sure I would like him to come back. But it seems like it will never happen. These threads come and go with regularity. Every time the Rock farts, everyone says it is because he is coming back to the WWE.

But what I will say is he is looking bigger than he has in years. As one or a few other posters had said, I am not sure he is "bigger" than his WWE hay days. But, he definitely looks more ripped than he did in those days.

His size is probably comparable. Even though he wasn't much of a "flexer" when he was in the ring. He seems more cut than ever. I have never seen him look like that much of a beast to be honest!

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