Will we see the "great one" tonight?

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If The Rock did come back tonight as the Surprise GM,the last Member of Team RAW for Summerslam,or whatever would be awesome. Kinda ironic its on this Day 11 Yrs ago Y2J Debuted and interupted The Rock in Chicago. I always love it when Rock says Finally The Rock Has Come Back to whatever City WWE is in like Sacramento tonight. If he does show up please rip on The Miz.
right when i read ur post leemurf i got the biggest smile on my face because i was thinking the exact same thing like 2 weeks ago. and i hope ur right about him being the gm. that would explain why the notes on the email from the gm has alot of sayings from superstars in the attitude era
I've had his return stashed away in the back of my mind ever since he said he was planning something. Of course this was quite a long time ago, but I have never forgotten. Maybe tonight will be that night...maybe not. I'll see it when I believe it I guess.
I have been waiting for this very moment since the beginning of this Summer. If he does return tonight I will just freak out! All the facts are pointing at The Great One returning and I am all for it. He could be the GM and/or be giving Team RAW motivation, but whatever it is it does not matter The Rock will lay the smackdown all their candy asses! FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK...
I'd really like it if He was announced as the new member of team wwe, and thats who cena turned on at SS, which would lead into a feud between the two, the promos would be great! And Rock would beat cena. I'd love it... i know in my dreams right.
wow lads im really lovin everyones oppinion but i did notice something alot of ppl are really looking forward to this and there still is a possibility he wont be here tonight (i really hope he does show up) and if he doesnt please dont blame me for getting your hopes up :p
don't count your chickens before they hatch....it would be nice to see him return to the wwe but nothing is ever set in stone. for all we know someone from the wwe could be reading this (yeah right) and might change their plans for tonight if there are any.
imagine this main event hart/cena vs. jericho/edge. the match comes to jericho putting hart in the walls then all of a sudden rocks music hits and rock sprints to the ring takes out everybody that would be sick everybody would shit their pants and people will want to watch next week to see why he did this it makes ratings all by itself this would get people watching and just be flat out gold for the company:worship:
This would be amazing. I have been waiting to hear his music to play for a while, but I will not get my hopes up, and by that I mean I will get my hopes and being expecting to hear his music everytime there is a lull. If he really wants to come back this summer, this is pretty much the best time because it would help to hype Summerslam. I guess we will have to wait and see.
Yeah I agree that we shouldn't get our hopes up and everthing like that. The Rock might or he might not show up. I just think if he did show up it would give people a reason to turn into to see Summerslam.
I SMELL IT......I REALLY DO! And here it comes............

End of Raw, the remainder of team WWE getting beaten mercilessly,
IF YA SMELLL...........Rock flys into the ring and cleans house, grabs the mic and says he is joining team wwe as it's leader to even the odds.

Sunday, Cena gets disqualified first with hardly any involvement making it look like a set up that he is going to be revealed as the Nexus leader. Rock only one left, NEXUS wins. Cena returns to the ring and FU's and STF's Rock, pissed that he lost............................Wrestlemania Main Event is set up!

Nexus goes on to survive on it's own with the "bigger purpose" to be unvieled at a later date like the Survivor Series (or when the writers actually agree on what they want to do).

Cena is not a full fledged heel, but enough to give him an edge to his charictar.

Well? What do you think?
dude you obviously dont know the wwe,
they want it to be a suprise because that will be more exciting and no one would see it coming and it would f**king get ratings up
remember when bret came back they really advertised him returning and it wasnt all that great
If he does come, cool. If he doesn't come, whatever. I used to always think about the day he'd come back, but I just don't care anymore. I have a lot to be entertained by with the WWE, WWE or its fans don't need the rock.
If he comes, then that's awesome! But if he doesn't, then I don't give a shit. I see that there are lot's of clues, but I have doubt in my mind too.
I'm sorry but there is no way the Rock is gonna show up to Raw tonight. Would be nice, but it ain't gonna happen.
I think we may well hear The Rock's theme tonight...
But it will be Chris Jericho playing a prank on us.
Like CM Punk coming out to Jeff Hardy's theme and Matt Hardy's theme at the Edge/Lita wedding.
He will probably come out and give a speech on his 11 years (it doesn't seem 5 minutes since his 10 years with the company).
But I just don't see it happening. It it does I may spam every thread on this forum but don't hate me for it :)
As for the GM reveal, I don't think that'll happen anytime soon and it will not be The Rock. It's a full time schedule so the only way around it is if he is appointed GM then Nexus destroy him.
But this thread has certainly generated interest for Raw tonight. in six minutes and counting...
well here we go at the end of raw we will either have a giant smile on our face or we'll be shouting god damn prick didnt show up :p :lmao:
I doubt it, but that could just be me playing it down a little bit, because I am sick of the dissapointments!!

With that being said, GOD I hope so!!! LOL... I've been waiting forever!
My guess is that he could possibly be the last member of Team Raw after Hart is taken out, because you know there is no physical way Hart can go in a match like this. Nexus takes out Hart again, Cena enlists the help of The Rock and he becomes the last member of the team. Rock said he had something big planned for the summer, what's more big than a match at SummerSlam?? Can you imagine the incredible rub that Wade Barrett would get from that?!
I think it would be awesome if, at the end of Raw, Jericho and Edge are beating up on Cena and Hart, when all of a sudden, the Countdown clock comes onto the Titantron,...10,9,8.....2,1... Lights go out,....If You smell ,...... and out comes the Rock!

Nastalgia for 11 years ago....
I found this and thought it was interesting. I personally don't think he will be on tonights RAW, but he will be a surprise for SummerSlam.

As we noted in previous reports over the past few weeks, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson does intend returning to WWE soon, most likely during the summer. New details are emerging regarding his return. Johnson noted in a interview with Mix 104 in Boston, MA that he intends to host Raw regularly, which would give him the opportunity to interact with weekly guest hosts. “I do have intention of going back and hosting the show. Hosting a show like that would give me the opportunity to get on the microphone, rip open the writing, and invite guests on to come host with me,” Johnson said on Mix 104 in Boston. “We wanted to create something cool and big and fun for the audience.”

Johnson noted that he has no plans to wrestle.

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also Rock has stated on NUMEROUS occasions that he has NO interest in wrestling Cena. not on Raw, not at Wrestlemania. no interest period. so dont get your hopes up there kiddies.
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