The Rock, forgotten by the WWE?

Brahma Bull

Getting Noticed By Management
I know people will be confused by the title since they still plug the Rock's movies and such but i feel that the reason that the rock doesnt come back enough isnt just because he has to distance himself to be taken seriously as an acter in hollywood, which i get and respect btw, but because the wwe seems to play down what he did for the wwe. The rock is easily in the top three wwe stars of all time and could be any one of those 3 depending on who you ask, yet he seems to sometimes be neglected. The two things that come to mind is the hof and the top mic workers list. there have been many more instances that ive noticed, but those two stand out to me. For the hof, scsa was recently put in, and now they are doing a wcw theme. What about the rock. Do they not remember that it was his match with foley that turned the tide in the ratings war and that he carried the wwe on his back when scsa had to heel and was kayfabe run over by rikishi, and he was still leading the wwe in beating wcw at that time. He put so many people over its rediculous, and he was always the company man. he never made any qualms about putting people over and jobbing. im not saying that the rock did more than scsa, although i do believe that, but it seems the wwe just forgot about him. then the best mic workers ever. how in the blue hell did the rock not top the list. why was it always him that did the guest roles for the wwe. like snl. because the rock could talk like no other could. he is the only successful actor to come from the wwe. hogan sucked, and scsa is doing a bunch of b movies. im not saying the rocks movies are oscar worthy, but he is definately doing better than scsa, and can pull off more roles than him too. then the wwe not only puts scsa ahead of him, but piper too. wtf. they were both great, but they dont hold a candle to the rock, and most fans know that.
those were just 2 things, but i always notice more where the rock is put rediculously lower. like his finishing move that was the most electrifying ever.

sorry for the rant, but i feel that the rock is neglecting the wwe, because they are neglecting him. he did so much for them, and they dont seem to want to repay him with recognition, so why would he do anything for vince? i want the rock back, but i understand why he wouldnt.

agree, disagree?
In the words of The Rock.... What in the blue hell? It was bad enough I had to read such a big pile of mess twice just to get the point. However, lets get down to it.

1. That DVD means nothing, its not the be end and end all and it certainly doesnt reflect many fans views.

2. The Rock wants a movie career outside of wrestling. Let him be, he knows he would be welcome back should he wish to do so. WWE has no issue with him and do ask him to cut promos for special events. The reason you see more of Austin is that he does work for WWE films and therefore much easily to fit in time for him to visit whenever WWE sees that. The Rock on the other hand has movie offers coming at him all the time and so makes it harder for him to travel to the other side of America just to be a guest host when he has to meet strict deadlines.

3. You don't see The Rock bad mouthing that business, he hasn't turned his back on it. The business hasn't turned his back on him either.

4. The Rock is someone people should admire to not bad mouth whatsoever. He left the wrestling business and kept to it, he isn't one of those who has been living on borrowed time for 10-20 years ruining his legacy.
WWE has not and will never forget about the Rock. If the Rock wants to make movies thats his decision and WWE cant do nuffin about it. Its like they say the show must go on no matter what, they need to build new stars, and forget about the past because right now for WWE its about the present and future. Just think about it what will wwe gain from showing past videos NOTHING. This thread could be said the same for people like Brock Lesnar or Bill Golberg who were top stars and kinda were the comapny amn of the WWE but they left and do u here WWE even mention one thing about them NO. Atleast Rock still gets credit in WWE and he is still recognized for what he did for the buisness. As for the Rock being the true company man and bringing in Ratings in defeating WCW u are Damn straight WRONG! If WWE did not have The "Stone Cold Steve Austin" character WWE would have died ages ago. Stone Cold was the reason WWE made it to the top and even with his injury and his inactiveness people kept watching cause of him. Sure Rock and manknid and HHH had something to do with it too but the main guy was Austin. Dont get me wrong i like Rock too and i cant decide who was the better man between the 2 but Austin for damn sure was the company's main man without a doubt. And This thread is nothing but how u feel towards the rock and how WWE has treated him but in my eyes and maybe others they have treated him very well maybe even too well, But u have to think of WWE not even acknowledging Lesnar or Goldberg or Macho Man. The list goes on and thats how WWE works. They work in the "now" not in the past
The Rock was number 5 in their 50 greatest superstars of all time. He had a noticeably short stint in WWE compared to the other entrants and they mention him very often. Just because he hasn't been a guest host or seen in the back doesn't mean he's unmentioned.
WWE Classics on Demand had "Rocktober" this year, an entire month devoted to The Rock's greatest moments. He was #5 on the list of 50 greatest superstars. He inducted someone into the Hall of Fame not too long ago. The reason he does less WWE stuff is that his movies are much more high profile than Austin's. They aren't WWE Studios films-they're made by Hollywood Studios. He doesn't need the WWE like Austin does. Seriously, no one has forgotten The Rock.
The Rock is not in the Hall of Fame. He inducted his father and his grandfather into the Hall of Fame in 2008.

On the subject at hand, the WWE has opened the door for The Rock to come back and some kind of form whether it be a guest host or just for an appearance. The Rock wants to focus on his acting and that's just fine with me. Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair will be sort of neglected because of their association with TNA. The Rock hasn't been neglected and the crowd will pop like no other when The Rock will be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
i think some of you guys completely missed my point. im not saying the rock turned his back, im saying that they downplayed what the rock did. not being in the hof, and being number 3 were a couple of my choices. of course they still acknowledge the rock, but he doesnt get the credit he deserves from them. him being number 5 and having the 4th biggest catchfraise would be 2 more examples. they have hogan so low because he is in tna, but they downplay the rock all the fricken time. i just think if i was the rock, id say a big f you to vince and not come back till someone else took over.

and to the person who said i was dead wrong about what i said, you obviously cannot read because i said when scsa had to heel. remember when austin was gone? rock was number 1 then. please dont jump to rediculous conclusions. and the night foley won the title off the rock the ratings saw wwf start winning. it was what swung the ratings. im not saying the rock cause the wwe to win, im saying that match saw the turning of the tides. ill also concede that austin got involved with that match, but the rock was instramental in the wwe winning the ratings war, not just austin.
Yeah it is BS Rock isn't in the HOF. He should've been put in right away. WWE has forgotten Benoit, Warrior, Macho Man, but the Rock is still mentioned on air from time to time.

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