Sell Out Steve Austin?

As Sly and the Lord pointed out there can't be a double standard. If you believe that the Rock sold out then you must think SCSA has as well. To not do that is straight bullshit. I believe the OP was talking more about the fans, the IWC rather than Austin. To give a pass to Austin and not the Rock is stupid.
I personally don't believe the Rock sold out. He can do whatever the hell he fact I applaude him for leaving when he did. Yea it sucked big time not having him on my screen but he left on top. Who wouldn't want to leave their job on top, before they overstay their welcome? I have no problem with his decision.
Austin should get the same treatment. He did a lot for the buisness. And he's been back multipule times. He said himself that he wants his apperances to have an impact, not just some random spot. I agree. He's allowed to do whatever the hell he wants.
so I agree to a point that if your going call Rock a sell out then you better call Austin one as well. If that's how you fell about them. I don't see them as sell outs tho.
Of course Steve Austin is a sellout, are you people nuts? It's amazing how people criticize Rock and Hogan, and then give Austin a pass for the same damn thing. Some people in the IWC need to grow up.

The WWE MADE Steve Austin, much more than they ever made Hogan or the Rock. But what happens when it is time to pay the WWE back? Steve Austin is no where to be found. Hogan came back, not once, not twice, but three separate times (not counting his appearance on Raw once). The Rock has given multiple video promos. Austin? Now that he's trying to be an actor, suddenly he's too good to do things for the WWE.

Want Austin to job to Brock Lesnar? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to put over one of the leading heels on Raw in the Coach? See ya WWE.

Want Austin to do a video promo for Smackdown anniversary or guest host Raw? See ya WWE. And why? Because he wants to be an actor, and he thinks he has to distance himself from the WWE, despite the fact they were the ones who gave him his acting start.

If you think the Rock is a sellout, or Hogan is a sellout, then you absolutely HAVE to think Austin is one.

Oh, and one more thing. For all of you people who keep talking about breaking necks and knees and stuff...fuck that. That comes with the game. Just because Owen Hart broke Austin's neck, doesn't mean he can't be a sellout. Grow up.

Austin made the WWF/WWE a factor again. WWE didn't make austin. Some of you seem to forget that if no for SCSA WCW would have put the E out of business. While people hated the Rock, Austin was everyone's hero at that time. Go watch some old ppvs, or raw when Austin was on top of his game. WWE didn't make him. He made WWE. If not for the WWE there would be no Rock.

Taking the storylines out of context and just saying he wouldn't job for this guy or that guy makes it easy to rip Austin. Remember, they wanted him to job to Mark Henry. Rock ever jobbed to someone like that? Hogan? Didn't think so. Point being, Austin was the main reason for the WWF/WWE not crumbling when WCW was hot. He carried the company more so than anyone else. It was disrespectful of them to have him job to Coach.

Austin has made mulitple appearances since he stopped being a full time wrestler. More than Rock or Hogan. Fact.

Stop hating on Austin because he won't come back to give Hogan another payday and time in the spotlight he doesn't deserve. Go back and watch some old shows and learn about what Austin did for the WWE before you talk out your ass.
None of these guys are "sell outs" I honestly believe that the rock is the smartest pro wrestler in history, he made his name as one of the top three draws in WWE, cemented his legacy and got out while still being young and in great health. I hope he doesn't come back and stay around way too long like Hogan or Ric Flair, be happy with the years of great entertainment he gave us and accept that he is doing what's right for him and his family.

Austin is in the same boat, the man gave everything he had to this buusiness, he has nothing left to prove so why come back and run the risk of tarnishing the legacy of his amazing career.

Neither man "sold out", they made smart decisions that so many before them could not and still can't make.

You wanna talk about "sell outs" look at Ric Flair, despite the emotional send off he received after his "last match ever" he still can't stop trying to come back, the only reason he hasn't is because Vince doesn't want him. Its a slap in the face to Shawn Michaels who made him look like a million bucks at mania and everyone who stood up and chanted his name at his send off.

That ladies and gentlemen is a sell out, not Steve Austin or Dwayne Johnson.
Im going to say this once, scsa is not a sellout, neither is hogan , neither is the rock. Just because they dont do I Quit matches with mick foley when there 60 "no offence naitch" doesnt make them a sellout. Just because there not stuffing your spoiled face with entertainment every week does not make them a sellout. So Im tired of this sellout bullshit.
If you're going to call someone a sell out then you should at least know what the fucking term means. Selling out means you compromise your principles or integrity for monetary gain. Has SCSA done that? No. Simple as. He said at his HOF induction that he was closing the door on his wrestling career. So in reality if he had appeared on the 10th anniversary of SD (for which he'd have no doubt received a sizeable pay-off) THEN he'd have sold out, because he would have compromised his integrity for monetary gain.
Let's get one thing straight right off the bat:

Austin doesn't owe the WWE nearly as much as the WWE owes Austin. He did way more for the company and for wrestling as a whole then it did for him.

Austin has made MANY appearences since his last wrestling match. Something a lot of you seem to be unable to remember. The Rock has cut two pre recorded promos. I don't exactly think Rock "sold out" but it is a more then valid opinion to think he did and think Austin didn't.

The man just doesn't want to fucking wrestle anymore, so what? He paid his dues 10x over, he made his appearences AND he told all of us STRAIGHT OUT "I'm done". He didn't pull some bullshit like The Rock where he teased he'd return for a match only to dissapoint everyone. He has said numerous times he doubted he'd ever have another match and he said it right to everyones face at the HOF when they chanted one more match. He basically said he's not coming back again. Now we find out he didn't want to do smackdown or guest host and we're going to act shocked? The man already told you his fucking plan! Pull your head out of your asses.

Hell, he didn't even say he's never coming back, he basically said "If I do return, I want it to be with a real story line, and with real impact." He's sick of doing one off random appearences with no real substance or meaning behind them. So he's already loosened up a little from his former stance of "I'm flat out done". Either way, who has he sold out to? Did he sell out Vince? The WWE? Boo hoo, the same people half of us sit around and bash all day long until we're blue in the face? Most of us have little to no respect for the WWE or their creative or Vince these days for that matter. Yet we're going to sit around and bash the greatest superstar to ever grace the ring because he actually had the balls to take a stand about something a lot of piss and moan about? The irony...

Did he sell out to the fans? Last I checked the man still goes to wrestling conventions and signs autographs for fans. When's the last time The Rock did that? Hogan does it sure, but he'll charge you 50 fucking bucks for his lousy name on a piece of paper. Yeah, clearly Austin is the sell out. He's so filthy rich from his failed WWE movie and his about to be released straight to DvD movie that he's just way too full of him self to have anything to do with wrestling. Do you people even know the definition of a sell out? Austin returning to the ring when his heart isn't it, just so he can get a big fat check. THAT'S selling out. Remind you of anyone? *cough hogan cough*

The bottom line is to say Austin sold out... well.. to semi quote the man him self, I think we need a brain cell check on a jackass.

p.s. I'll say it again since this is what the OP seemed to be talking about: It's more then valid to think Rock sold out and Austin didn't, they both handled it two very different ways, and The Rock is still pretty prime along with 100 other reasons.
It was disrespectful of them to have him job to Coach.

At the same time, losing a match like that could involve being screwed over and in no way damage anything at all. As long as Austin didn't just accept that it happened and ultimately got his revenge Austin style then ultimately the situation could have ended up being extremely respectful to the characters usual portrayal and to Austin himself. With that likely being the case, how many people would actually care after a few weeks or less that like any other person he's capable of having a bad night? I know that wrestler's are portrayed as more superhuman than the average person and that Austin certainly was, but still, a stupid loss like that could have a nice aftermath. Like I said before though if he felt that it was stupid and had a good rationality behind it then it's understandable but like Slyfox said part of being employed is doing what you don't like.

You wanna talk about "sell outs" look at Ric Flair, despite the emotional send off he received after his "last match ever" he still can't stop trying to come back, the only reason he hasn't is because Vince doesn't want him. Its a slap in the face to Shawn Michaels who made him look like a million bucks at mania and everyone who stood up and chanted his name at his send off.

I'm not sure if I fault him for wanting to come back since I don't know what it's like to spend so many years performing in front of crowds and having a certain rush and lifestyle. Despite that, I definitely agree that it's a slap in the face to the angle, the emotions that fans felt, and to HBK if he were to actually compete again but as demeaning to the angle as it would be even then I'm not sure if he's a sellout or just someone who made what turned out to be a regrettable decision with not so good consequences. Maybe it's actually the same thing lol.

As much as I'm sure we all understand the concept of truly believing something and then circumstances or feelings change and then wanting to go back on that something, Flair is in an odd situation. If he had been almost anyone else and retired and then changed his mind it wouldn't be an issue but since he got the sendoff that he did it obviously is. It's definitely a crappy situation for him and more unique than we will probably see from anyone else for a long time.
At the same time, losing a match like that could involve being screwed over and in no way damage anything at all. As long as Austin didn't just accept that it happened and ultimately got his revenge Austin style then ultimately the situation could have ended up being extremely respectful to the characters usual portrayal and to Austin himself. With that likely being the case, how many people would actually care after a few weeks or less that like any other person he's capable of having a bad night? I know that wrestler's are portrayed as more superhuman than the average person and that Austin certainly was, but still, a stupid loss like that could have a nice aftermath. Like I said before though if he felt that it was stupid and had a good rationality behind it then it's understandable but like Slyfox said part of being employed is doing what you don't like.

Yeah, this whole thing where he's being paid and you have to do what your boss tells you. Guess what? Bullshit. You don't -HAVE- to do a god damn thing. Your boss tells you to do something and you refuse? You either get fired or you don't. Austin doesn't owe Vince or the WWE anything, they owe him.
Let's get one thing straight right off the bat:

Austin doesn't owe the WWE nearly as much as the WWE owes Austin. He did way more for the company and for wrestling as a whole then it did for him.

Austin has made MANY appearences since his last wrestling match. Something a lot of you seem to be unable to remember. The Rock has cut two pre recorded promos. I don't exactly think Rock "sold out" but it is a more then valid opinion to think he did and think Austin didn't.

The man just doesn't want to fucking wrestle anymore, so what? He paid his dues 10x over, he made his appearences AND he told all of us STRAIGHT OUT "I'm done". He didn't pull some bullshit like The Rock where he teased he'd return for a match only to dissapoint everyone. He has said numerous times he doubted he'd ever have another match and he said it right to everyones face at the HOF when they chanted one more match. He basically said he's not coming back again. Now we find out he didn't want to do smackdown or guest host and we're going to act shocked? The man already told you his fucking plan! Pull your head out of your asses.

Hell, he didn't even say he's never coming back, he basically said "If I do return, I want it to be with a real story line, and with real impact." He's sick of doing one off random appearences with no real substance or meaning behind them. So he's already loosened up a little from his former stance of "I'm flat out done". Either way, who has he sold out to? Did he sell out Vince? The WWE? Boo hoo, the same people half of us sit around and bash all day long until we're blue in the face? Most of us have little to no respect for the WWE or their creative or Vince these days for that matter. Yet we're going to sit around and bash the greatest superstar to ever grace the ring because he actually had the balls to take a stand about something a lot of piss and moan about? The irony...

Did he sell out to the fans? Last I checked the man still goes to wrestling conventions and signs autographs for fans. When's the last time The Rock did that? Hogan does it sure, but he'll charge you 50 fucking bucks for his lousy name on a piece of paper. Yeah, clearly Austin is the sell out. He's so filthy rich from his failed WWE movie and his about to be released straight to DvD movie that he's just way too full of him self to have anything to do with wrestling. Do you people even know the definition of a sell out? Austin returning to the ring when his heart isn't it, just so he can get a big fat check. THAT'S selling out. Remind you of anyone? *cough hogan cough*

The bottom line is to say Austin sold out... well.. to semi quote the man him self, I think we need a brain cell check on a jackass.

p.s. I'll say it again since this is what the OP seemed to be talking about: It's more then valid to think Rock sold out and Austin didn't, they both handled it two very different ways, and The Rock is still pretty prime along with 100 other reasons.

The WWE doesn't owe Austin a damn thing. When Austin was fired from WCW and after he left ECW, who signed him? The WWE. They could have released him after he broke his neck but they didn't. The WWE made Austin who he is today and not the other way around.

Austin said he can wrestle again and people who think the Rock sold out are fucking ignorant. Rock did everything for the business and he decided to go into Hollywood. He didn't do anything wrong to the fans and he left when he was healthy and I can't blame him for that. Everybody talks like HHH and Hogan are the only ones who held people back but they are DEAD wrong. Austin has refused to job to Brock Lesnar and plenty other people but we don't remember that, now do we? You people hold Austin to a godly standard and him and y'all need to be brought down.

And Hogan is the greatest superstar of all time, not Austin.
The WWE doesn't owe Austin a damn thing. When Austin was fired from WCW and after he left ECW, who signed him? The WWE. They could have released him after he broke his neck but they didn't. The WWE made Austin who he is today and not the other way around.

Austin said he can wrestle again and people who think the Rock sold out are fucking ignorant. Rock did everything for the business and he decided to go into Hollywood. He didn't do anything wrong to the fans and he left when he was healthy and I can't blame him for that. Everybody talks like HHH and Hogan are the only ones who held people back but they are DEAD wrong. Austin has refused to job to Brock Lesnar and plenty other people but we don't remember that, now do we? You people hold Austin to a godly standard and him and y'all need to be brought down.

And Hogan is the greatest superstar of all time, not Austin.

and where's brock lesnar now? Looks like Austin made a good call. HHH and Hogan hold/held people back who deserve to be pushed forward, Austin held back Brock Lesnar (The biggest sell out in WWE history, the guy cares about nothing but money and anyone who says other wise is just plain blind.) and the coach. Keep fighting your holy crusade man :lmao:

Oh and WWE doesn't owe Austin anything? While nobody can say for certain, it's highly likely WcW would have taken over.
The WWE doesn't owe Austin a damn thing. When Austin was fired from WCW and after he left ECW, who signed him? The WWE. They could have released him after he broke his neck but they didn't. The WWE made Austin who he is today and not the other way around.

Agreed. I happen to think that neither of them owe each other a damn thing.

Austin said he can wrestle again and people who think the Rock sold out are fucking ignorant. Rock did everything for the business and he decided to go into Hollywood. He didn't do anything wrong to the fans and he left when he was healthy and I can't blame him for that. Everybody talks like HHH and Hogan are the only ones who held people back but they are DEAD wrong. Austin has refused to job to Brock Lesnar and plenty other people but we don't remember that, now do we? You people hold Austin to a godly standard and him and y'all need to be brought down.

If I remember the entire story correctly. Austin didn't want to job to Lesnar without any sort of build up because he felt that it wouldn't have had any impact. Which he is exactly right about. Was he right for walking out? NO. But I do agree about the impact thing.

I'm sorry but until you can name for certain people that Austin has held back or refused to job to, except for Lesnar, then Hogan and HHH will always remain at the top of that list.

And Hogan is the greatest superstar of all time, not Austin.

Because of sheer drawing ability and charisma, yes. However, Austin is Hogan's heir apparent. Austin is, if we go by the drawing ability and numbers, the second greatest professional wrestler of all time. I think that we can afford to hold him to such a godly standard. He is in damn good company.

I still do not consider Austin, Hogan, or The Rock sellouts. They owe us nothing.

That is all!
I like this thread and it's an interesting ongoing argument. This is the only forum in the world where you can get talk like this because the wrestling business is such a unique animal in that its fans and performers have their own literal world that feels separate from the rest of civilization. Where else other than in Brett Favre's world can someone retire and everyone start talking about when he or she will appear next.

I pose a question to all the posters: if you had a job where you worked for 20 years but got an offer for a better job, a higher paying job, or perhaps one of your creative outlets has just offered you a unique chance (say you work out and have the opportunity to buy a gym or something), would you not take such an opportunity? Clearly you are still quite capable of doing the job you've been at for the last 20 years. Perhaps the company will struggle to replace such a wonderful employee and won't bounce back for a while, or ever. Even in knowing your value to said company, would you turn down the opportunity of a new challenge and new success?

I know I wouldn't, and neither should these people. People like the Rock, Stone Cold, Trish Stratus, Lita, JBL. These people have created opportunites for themselves outside of the world of wrestling and have left that world on their terms. It's a peaceful feeling to do so. It's nice to hear about their successes as a wonderful counterpoint to the steroid related deaths, decline of financial situations and working matches in high schools just to get by. As a wrestling purist, you could look at The Dynamite Kid who wrestled himself into a wheelchair as someone who never "sold out".

Back to our office example, if you were to take your new opportunity, do you have any obligation to return to the company you worked for previously? Of course, you do not. However, if you had an off day or some free time, you might find it fun to visit the office, see old friends, shoot the shit, etc. However, you wouldn't go back to that job for the day and sit down to do some work. That's insane! This of course, is what some wrestling fans expect of retired wrestlers who can "still go". I understand wrestling is very different than working in an office, but my point is that as a fan or an employee of the company a beloved one left, appreciate anything they do when they come for a visit, and root for that person to succeed in life.

As for the original question, yes it is unfair to look at the case of The Rock and Stone Cold differently. The main difference is that The Rock walked away at such a young age in the wrestling business that people were baffled. It's like the talk of Mark Buehrle retiring from baseball in 2 years. He would be slated to retire at 34 and people think he's nuts! The dude stated on record that he's made plenty of money to live, feels comfortable in other opportunities he will have, and mostly, wants to spend time with his family more. Yet fans feel cheated that he has a few more good years left in that left arm and somehow he is cheating THEM out of seeing him pitch. I don't know about you, but the only cheating going on is Mark cheating his family out of a husband and father. Being a traveling professional athlete is difficult on a family, ask any of them, so many look forward to retirement, but have to play past their prime sometimes to make sure they are financially stable.

Again, for me, I prefer to hear about my favorite entertainers being successful and healthy, regardless of what walk of life they choose. For some, this is a difficult concept, because we get so caught up in the world of wrestling that it's like a cult. It is such a shock if someone gets out and if they do, they must have wronged us, the fans. Those people aren't true to the business somehow because they arent' "lifers" now. It is people under that spell that see people like this as "sellouts" because they will earn a larger paycheck from making movies than they will from wrestling. But I encourage you to emerge from that spell and see the real world. These men and women are doing well financially and they did start their fame in the world of professional wrestling, but none are sellouts. Not Rock, not Austin, not Trish, not Lita, Hogan we won't discuss because his situation is totally different, but not anyone who makes a choice. So think of Rock and Austin in the same boat. Great wrestlers who were part of the wrestling boom of the late 90s but have survived to make movies unlike all the dead wrestlers and poor ones. And if they happened to grace your tv screens again on a rare occasion....................just sit back and enjoy the ride!
People want to jump on the Rock's back about how he sold out, is not willing to come back, etc. Hell, you want to talk about disrespectful, how disrespectful is it when a company allows one of its top performer's contracts to run out, and not even talk to him about a contract extension or a renewal? Rather, they just leave one of their top two stars hanging ... and then the contract expires.

That's what you call disrespectful and unprofessional. Not surprising coming from WWE Talent Relations and Upper Management.
No Austin is not a sell out. That is simply ridiculous. What he also said on the interview was that he needed to pick his come bakc better and to see f they made more impact. which is completely understandable. He was called the biggest WWE superstar by Vince for a reason, he does not want to tarnish that legacy by comming back every week knowing he cna't really help the busisness. Being Raw guest host does not help the Product, it only improves the rating for one week and one week only.

Austin came back so many times that even him started to feel weird. He got there, stunned someone and go away, that does not helps at all anyone.

Austin is right by picking the moment he wants to come back because when he does, it will mean something.

Also, the Rock is not a sell out, come on guys, the guy left over 5 years ago and you can't move on?

He got out on his own terms putting people over on his way out, does that make him a sell out? Absolutely not.
and where's brock lesnar now? Looks like Austin made a good call. HHH and Hogan hold/held people back who deserve to be pushed forward, Austin held back Brock Lesnar (The biggest sell out in WWE history, the guy cares about nothing but money and anyone who says other wise is just plain blind.) and the coach. Keep fighting your holy crusade man :lmao:

Oh and WWE doesn't owe Austin anything? While nobody can say for certain, it's highly likely WcW would have taken over.

At the time where Brock Lesnar was being pushed into championship material, Austin refused to lose to Lesnar so Rock, Hogan, and Undertaker did what Austin was too scared to do. The same things Hogan are accused of, Austin has done the same but we seem to turn a blind eye towards that.

Who has Hogan and HHH held back that deserved to be pushed forward? RVD? Booker T?
I agree with you in some regards...i mean i think its bullshit everyone says OMG rock sold out...he dont come least he can do a promo or something...then when he does...they ask more...Damn dont you get it...HE'S RETIRED!!!!!!....but then again i disagree with the Stone Cold Sold out part...he did break his neck for this sport...neither did...neither sold out...but i bet one lame dumbass will say...rocky sold out...all i gotta say is cry baby its he did everything he could do for the business...let it go...get over it...i mean did you date the guy or something here?....and hell stone cold doing the same thing as rock then...they both are gone from the business...
im with jrocc4dub no austin no roc and how can someone sell out when they are to beat up to wrestle? if austin was 100% there's no doubt he'd be wwe but if you cant you cant roc is def a sellout here's a guy who walked away with no injuries and d dlist movies (not even good ones) austin had to retire he didnt tarnish his legacy by staying past his prime, if he was still wrestling everyone would be bitchen about how hes hogin the main event and the world title scene
Steve Austin isn't a sellout for not doing a promo for smackdown or hosting a raw. I think both sides have points. I agree that he gave everything to the WWE. On the flip side its true that when they asked of him for favors a few times he hightailed out. If I was Steve Austin I'd be HONORED to host a Raw or do a promo. WWE changed Austin's life 100%. He was a WCW reject who was diminished to ECW and given a chance there. WWE noticed and brought him up and he failed as the Ringmaster. They then gave him a 2nd chance to be an opinionated heel. HE took the ball and ran and made MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of dollars. WWE set the guy for life. Him being asked to do a promo or host an episode of Raw is not a huge request. Especially do a prerecorded promo is NOTHING. Put your feelings aside of the current product and give an endorsement. They aren't asking him to risk his life and step in the ring.

WWE doesn't forget who made them, those people shouldn't forget the WWE is all im saying.
just like undertaker's #1 fan the man broke his neck and busted both of his kness for wrestling, if his body would keep going i am damn sure austin would be wrestling john cena and austin wants to do something well written where it doesn't look stupid like right now for example with the stupid pg era austin can't do most of his catchphrases so he doesn't need to come back now but when the stupid kiddie phase is over in the WWE i pretty sure Stone Cold Steve Austin will return and thats all i got to say about that
How can Austin be a sell out for retiring wrestling due to injury upon injury. Broken neck and Austin was never the same. Knees wore out after the years of abuse to them. I'm sure Austin has sustained some other issues with his body as well. Due to that I understand why the man retired. I wanted to believe he would have one more match, but now i've realized that the match he had against The Rock in 2003 is his last match. I learned to accept to that.

So what if he wants to venture into another career, he can't wrestle anymore. So as I say why not act? If he wasn't acting would you be complaining? I don't think so. Austin is done with wrestling and has been done so since 2003/2004. Let him continue to make money in different ventures. He had a wrestling career, but serious injuries led to his earlier than expected retirement. Austin isn't and never will be known as a sell out . His pro wrestling career was stopped for the pure benefit of his own health.
I haven't posted a comment in a long time, but this one really got me going. The words "sell out" should never be mentioned in wrestling conversations. I am in total agreement with those who say that Austin never sold out. Saying Austin sold out is laughable. And for those who always said The Rock sold out, well you can say he sold out on football for pro wrestling, correct? But I don't see no one complaining from the NFL that Rock threw away a chance at being a Super Bowl winner. The bottom line (no pun intended) is that Austin saw the writing on the wall and decided to go another route. You cannot blame him or get mad cause he doesn't wanna show up on that joke of a show called Monday Night Raw, to pander his movies or whatever other agenda he may have.

Like someone else said on here, Austin may completely look at Raw as a joke and doesn't want to associate it with it, besides, the WWE will advertise his movies and other projects anyway, so why would he really work to do something someone else can do for him? Think about it.

If Austin is a sell out then John Cena is the 2nd coming of Superstar Billy Graham (I just love ragging Cena whenever possible lol). IMO, Austin, Rock, Piper, Hogan and every other star who did movies or other projects did it to further themselves and should be commended, not demeaned
"l.jerry lawler, you made some great points. WWE hired stone cold after wcw fired him, after he left ecw. WWE could have released him when he broke his neck. Great point. Also, slyfox said how if people think rock is a sellout, how the hell couldnt you think austin wasn't one. Another good point. Rocks movie career took off when he was 30. Austins took off when he was around 43 or 44 when he did the condemned. Truth is when austin retired in 03, it took it 4yrs to finally get into a movie. Before the movie, he didnt have a problem showing up in wwe, whether it was for guest referee, manager, enforcer, whatever. I believe mainly because he needed the money, now since he finally did a movie or two he doesnt need wwe anymore. The same company that financially supported him while he was sitting at home with nothing to do. Way to go austin. Also another OUTSTANDING POINT: HOw can Austin make these action movies that are at least 1.5hrs a piece with a broken SURGICALLY REPAIRED NECK and JACKED UP KNEES, but cant wrestle a 10 minute fake match? And that bullshit story on why he refused to put over lesnar is exactly that, bullshit. So slyfox your right. Oh yeah "little jerry the king lawler", By the way, triple h has caused so many stars to leave, and yet he doesnt get in trouble for it, cant understand that. He buried booker t which by the way has had more overall title reigns than triple h, he buried test, he buried ahmed johnson, he still buries randy orton, he buried cena at first, buried jerichoke, buried edge at first, big show, buried undertaker at no way out, buried batista, kozlov, kevin nash, shawn michaels at one point, rvd, khali, goldberg without a doubt, jeff hardy constantly, chris benoit, rikishi, kurt angle, definitely umaga. Although a few of these stars beat him, they mostly were buried by him, and im sure there's more. Just have to remember them. Austins a sellout without a doubt, but oh well, he'll need the wwe again before they need him. Austin can't do them any good if he can't wrestle supposedly.
I agree with takers number 1 fan and your forgetting that Austin made an appearance at Cyber Sunday which wasn't too long ago.
Anyone that claims that Austin is a sellout, needs to go to a corner and think about what they've said. The Rock isn't a sellout either. He did everything in the WWE, put over everyone, and made them millions of dollars. He probably didn't want to overstay his welcome. Same goes for Austin. The guy is in his 40s, he isn't in his 20s anymore. He wouldn't make a fool out of himself (example-ric flair). Flair is the joke here. They give him a great ceremony and all that other crap, and he shits all over it. They gave Austin a nice little one at WM 25 and he stated that that was going to be his final appearance. He doesn't want to overstay his welcome.
Rock leaves in his prime, he would come back a few times a year and win The World Title within a Month just because he's The Almighty Rock.

You mean like in 2002 when The Rock was the biggest star in the company and put over Lesnar CLEAN at Summerslam a month after he won the title?

You think someone else was a better choice to make Lesnar?

Remember, they wanted him to job to Mark Henry. Rock ever jobbed to someone like that?

Actually Rock lost to Henry on PPV a month before he became WWF Champion in 1998.

Rock even lost to Hurricane and he gave rubs to Christian&Eugene.

Rock never refused to job from what I know and he put more people over
than Austin.

Angle,Mankind,Jericho,and Lesnar all got their 1st world titles vs Rock.

HHH retained the WWF Title vs Rock at Wrestlemania.

Rock lost 3 straight Wrestlemania main events.

I'm sorry but until you can name for certain people that Austin has held back or refused to job to, except for Lesnar, then Hogan and HHH will always remain at the top of that list.

Austin didn't wanna do business for HHH at Summerslam 1999,didn't feel Jarret was in his league in 1999 and I think Hall was originally booked to go over Austin at Wrestlemania but he had that changed.

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