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Who could seriously make a successful return?

  • The Rock

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

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Everyone says how great it would be to see Austin OR The Rock return. Personally, I don't want to see a SCSA return. I would much rather choose the Rock under current circumstances.

Rock reasons: It doesn't matter if WWE is PG or not, because it seems to me that The Rock still can keep up with current product. The promo he cut on Smackdown X anniversary was golden and yet the PG aspect of it remained. That just goes to show you how rounded his character was and still is. He cut that entire promo without a single "candy ass" and still managed to entertain on the same level. IMO if Rock came back, he would be the savior of the PG era and make it something that we could actually enjoy.

Stone Cold reasons: Unfortunately for Stone Cold Steve Austin, his character is Attitude Era clad only. Could you seriously see him saying, Open a can of whoop-butt? Dousing himself in Barq's Root Beer? Giving someone a Barq's bath? Sticking up his index or ring fingers? Saying Gimme a Heck yeah? I would hate to see him tarnish what made SCSA great by replacing alcoholic % with purified water.

All in all...Rock can still hang and do his thing. Austin, sorry man, but I'll be looking forward to that next Condemned-esque movie.

IWC, what are your thoughts? Who would you really like to see make a return if at all possible? (Injuries, movies aside)

The Rock?
Stone Cold Steve Austin?
The Rock, easily.

Austin is my 2nd favourite wrestler of all time, and it's been great having him as co GM, special referee's and WM 25. But The Rock could come back, perhaps even do a little bit of in-ring action, plus he has been away so damn long.

SmackDown tonight will be amazing, if he guests host Raw and 'IF YA SMELL' blares out I will pee my pants.
Neither let sleeping dogs lie, because you know they'll never step in the ring as an active wrestler again, so why tease it.

I liked Austin, but I don't want to see him coming out randomly and stunning people

I enjoyed the Rock, but when he was on his way out of the WWE he put on some of the most boring and meaningless segments ever. Anyone remember the time be played acoustic guitar for 20-30 minutes on Raw one night? Not remotely entertaining to me.

Sure they would both do great things for Ratings, but only for the week they were on the show.

Unless the Rock guest hosting Raw lead to the Rock vs John Cena at WM next year, I'd rather not see him on WWE TV
How is this even a legit question? Austin can't wrestle anymore because of medical reasons. The Rock doesn't because he makes way more money making horrible movies. Austin doesn't even have the oppertunity to make a successful in-ring return unless he wants to severely injure himself. Severe injury doesn't sound like something Austin has planned for his life. But that's just my guess.

The Rock COULD return... but won't. We know. This isn't news. So he wins the "successful return" poll pretty much by default. We appriciate the striking up discussion and such... but you may want to research a tad more before making another thread because your poll is pretty much worthless since everybody knows Austin CAN'T return as opposed to WON'T return.

But if need-be, they could both make a return in some sort of non-wrestling role. They could both be successful in that nature. They would both be huge ratings draws.
Its the Rock for me for sure..The stone cold character kinda fizzled out with a couple years..Its amazing how fresh the Rock was over and over...i mean compare both of their returns every now and then..dont tell me that Austin couldnt wrestle and thats why he didnt remain hot..The fact is that u can only so much with that type of character and it showed..where the Rock character was able to reinvent himself and was still exciting..no matter how much u say it's all about in ring performance let me tell u ITS NOT...

The Rock remained interesting throughout and even though I DO AGREE wit my fellow poster before me [in this thread] there was a few things that Rock did that wasnt that good but compared to how fresh that character was u could even call that nitpicking compared to how "cool" the Rock remained..

If the Rock came back today WE ALL KNOW HE WOULD remain entertaining and simply just pick up off on where he left..There would MANY entertaining feuds wit that guy and ALOT of actual interesting developments.


Well if the Rock returned and had a feud with Triple RIGHT NOW??? How does that sound???!!! Sound pretty damn sweet doesnt it?? YES!!

it sounds f*cken fresh..why? Cause none of us dont have a damn clue how that feud would play out..See now youre all wondering huh?

Now youre all thinkin how a Rock/HHH feud would be like right now arent you?

Instead..........i want you do one thing and thats this:

How would a stoneCold/HHH feud be right now??

[Insert 9000 blank lines that is annoying as fuck]

How is this even a legit question? Austin can't wrestle anymore because of medical reasons. The Rock doesn't because he makes way more money making horrible movies. Austin doesn't even have the oppertunity to make a successful in-ring return unless he wants to severely injure himself. Severe injury doesn't sound like something Austin has planned for his life. But that's just my guess.

The Rock COULD return... but won't. We know. This isn't news. So he wins the "successful return" poll pretty much by default. We appriciate the striking up discussion and such... but you may want to research a tad more before making another thread because your poll is pretty much worthless since everybody knows Austin CAN'T return as opposed to WON'T return.

But if need-be, they could both make a return in some sort of non-wrestling role. They could both be successful in that nature. They would both be huge ratings draws.

Uh, did you read my post all of the way through? I put in parenthesis (injuries aside, movies) I'm talking about the character, not the real life situation both Austin and Rock are in. I'm talking in the sense of IF they were to return as active wrestlers. Use a little imagination and read everything before you comprehend incorrectly.

Secondly, explain how Austin would be successful? What could he do as SCSA without breaking PG paramaters? Stun everyone he comes in contact with? Oh WOW, we haven't seen that one before.
The Rock with ease here given the time were in and the state of the WWE. It's PG and kid friendly and The Rock would light the crowd up and wouldn't need to go out of the lines with the rating to get a good reaction. With Austin though, he just beat up everyone without cussing and giving the middle finger to everyone. Rock all the way here even though I'd prefer Austin.
ok 1st if anybody saw the video of the rocks promo, he said the word hell, so therfore austin would say hell yeah, rock did say candy-ass, yea it is pg rated but austin would be able to do all of his things, if dx can say suck it, why wouldnt austin, drink beer and throw a finger here and there, and how many times do we sit here and think abt seeing austin-hogan or austin-cena and such. to be honest, i would LOVE to see cena-austin, rock-cena will have their comedic moments, we would see great interaction and great promos but the in ring action wouldnt be that great. now austin and cena would be classic. cena is a brawler, austin is a brawler. it would be awesome. i would love to see both of them back in the wwe. austin's character did not fizzle out. dx still does the same stuff yet we cheer everytime they come out dont we? heres a question, when u think of the rock what do u remember the most abt him? the promos, the comedy. when u think of austin wht do u remember the most? his matches with bret,owen,hbk,undertaker,kurt,hhh,rock,foley and on. theres a reason that flair called austin the biggest name this industry has ever seen. i rather see austin than rock. my opinion. if austin was capable of wrestling full time, he would still be there. unlike the rock who is fully capable of wrestling and chooses not to. tenth anniversary of sd and the rock couldnt even show up in person in boston? sends a taped promo? austin would have been there if asked.
Personally, I'd much rather see the Rock, as I always found him the more entertaining of the two. Don't get me wrong Austin fans, I am one of you, but the Rock was it for me in the Attitude era. We've just seen so much more of Austin since both of their retirements. It's time to see the Rock! But I still think that Austin could easily make a splash in the PG era. He doesn't have to give the middle finger or swear all the time to get over. All he has to do is run into the ring and stunner somebody and the crowd would pop. And who said drinking beer was rated R?
This is why I always preferred the Rock over Austin. The Rock can adapt to any situation and still entertain. Austin hardly changed his gimmick during his time. The Rock could play any role given to him. He could be funny, be serious, play a heel, play a face, be a leader. Austin was never really funny nor a good heel. You can put Austin in a box, but the same could not be said of the Rock.
Injuries and movies aside and PG-rating, I'd love to see the Rock. The Rock could always light the place up within the first three seconds of his entrance music. He was a pretty good wrestler, his promos were convincing and funny (especially the one with Lillian Garcia lmao.) The Rock is a household name and I really miss him. Triple H and the Undertaker are like the only guys left from the attitude era. I love both of them to death but Triple H is just so damn boring now, like that segment on RAW with Legacy last week. It was gay. The Undertaker is great but he's hardly ever there. WWE's ratings would go through the roof if The Rock came back, even for a year.

Rocky Rocky Rocky!
What if the Rock never left? Do you think we would still absolutely love him?

The answer is simple, no. Why? because if the Rock never left, he would be the John Cena and he would be the stale main eventer we all love to hate. The Rock is only good under TV-14 audiences because when hes making fun of someone, he goes beyond the PG rating. For those who say the promo was good on smack down without using any of those candy ass quotes, realize it was a 1 time like 3-5 minute thing.

To answer the question, i would still love to see the Rock because honestly i find him extremely entertaining when he was able to be funny. I would also love to see Stone Cold in a gm type role he had back when Bischoff was around. Both are the same, but both would not be the same in this era.
You can't have Stone Cold in a PG era.What can he do?He can't middle finger,eventually the beer would become no longer family friendly,can of whoop-ass he can't say,but Rock on the other hand cane work.He may not be as funny, but it can work.
wow its amazing on how all you kiddies on here love the rock soooooooo much! please the guy was great dont get me wrong but he SOLD OUT! austin couldnt wrestle anymore he gave all he could and started and ended the attitude era no scsa no attitude error. rocky could have been the greatest of all time but decided to make movies that no body watches insted of the millions of wwe fans hes a jerk and a jabroni i wish they both come out of retirment so stonecold could throw the rocs wwe belt over the bridge again bottom line hes a sell out cant wait to see the next turd hes workin on
wow its amazing on how all you kiddies on here love the rock soooooooo much! please the guy was great dont get me wrong but he SOLD OUT! austin couldnt wrestle anymore he gave all he could and started and ended the attitude era no scsa no attitude error. rocky could have been the greatest of all time but decided to make movies that no body watches insted of the millions of wwe fans hes a jerk and a jabroni i wish they both come out of retirment so stonecold could throw the rocs wwe belt over the bridge again bottom line hes a sell out cant wait to see the next turd hes workin on

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I am so sick of hearing this!!! The Rock sold out???? No, The Rock was SMART. It doesn't matter how you put it, we chose to cheer him and we chose to make him the most electrifying man in sports and entertainment. He chose to do something else, so what? The Rock doesn't owe a WWE fan not one thing. The Rick didn't have any injuries during his WWE career and luckliy moved on before he did. Just because he didn't want to be a Hogan or Flair, you know people who can't let go, that means he sold out? Do you know how much it takes to make a movie? Plus he didn't have have to cut the promo last night. Taped or not he still gave us a promo and it wasn't from Dwayne it was from the Brahma Bull himself. Plus he is teasing about hosting RAW.... by the way, why isn't anyone saying SCSA sold out when he walked out on the company more than once? People seem to forget about that. When we needed him the most was he there? No, and who was there to keep the WWE afloat after he walked out? None other than the Rock.

Now to answer the question above..... I would love to see the Rock back. He is entertaining and still has it. The Rock did say candy ass two or three times by the way so if he could say that then i dont think it would be a problem for SCSA to say whoop ass on t.v. like someone else said DX still says suck it. But I still choose the Rock.
austin did walk out twice why im unclear but, the rock was smart by making crappy movies???? so let me get this straight if he had stayed and never got injured (wich he never did) and went on to be the greatest champ of all time cause i belive he would of eventually out done flair and hogan you belive he wouldnt of made more money? vince would give him the world to keep him. insted he turns his back on the fans that made him to make doom, and all these crap movies so insted of being the greatest world champ ever he's now known as dwayne johnson and insted of the roc is now the flop! this is the first time in years weve seen him why is that? are you telling me he couldnt of made an apearance here or there stone cold shows up every now and again the roc is way more popular as a wwe guy then a actor he SUCKS in movies if he didnt my stance would be different and no roc doesnt owe me a thing it was SCSA who made and defined that era but the kiddies who get there wrestling education from youtube insted of being there themselves and living it can go clutch there rock dolls and wish for him to return he wont ever. def of a sell out. stone cold just cant his body cant so to defend a helthy rock over a broken scsa is not a fair comparisson but when they were in there prime scsa out drew and kicked the rocks ass all over the arena everytime go youtube you were probably in preschool anyway
austin did walk out twice why im unclear but, the rock was smart by making crappy movies???? so let me get this straight if he had stayed and never got injured (wich he never did) and went on to be the greatest champ of all time cause i belive he would of eventually out done flair and hogan you belive he wouldnt of made more money? vince would give him the world to keep him. insted he turns his back on the fans that made him to make doom, and all these crap movies so insted of being the greatest world champ ever he's now known as dwayne johnson and insted of the roc is now the flop! this is the first time in years weve seen him why is that? are you telling me he couldnt of made an apearance here or there stone cold shows up every now and again the roc is way more popular as a wwe guy then a actor he SUCKS in movies if he didnt my stance would be different and no roc doesnt owe me a thing it was SCSA who made and defined that era but the kiddies who get there wrestling education from youtube insted of being there themselves and living it can go clutch there rock dolls and wish for him to return he wont ever. def of a sell out. stone cold just cant his body cant so to defend a helthy rock over a broken scsa is not a fair comparisson but when they were in there prime scsa out drew and kicked the rocks ass all over the arena everytime go youtube you were probably in preschool anyway

See noone wants to talk about SCSA selling out. I guess it is easier not to For starters, if I was in preschool, you were in the 3rd grade. I am not some 13 or 14 year old who doesn't know anything about what wrestling was like before it became the WWE. Maybe you should ask how old I am before judging. I got a wife and two children of my own but I don't have to prove that just know your assumption is incorrect. So I do know what I am talking about. I am not going to lie, most of his movies are crap but who are we to judge? This guys has made more money then he would have had in the WWE. You know it's true. Yes SCSA made the era but he didnt carry it all by himself. It was the Rock who help him mold it into the era. SCSA and The Rock had one the greasest fueds I have ever seen. Plus we are not talking about if both were well not what it is now. You have to use your imagination. Him kicking rock's ass all over the arena is your opinion and sorry I have to disagree with you. Not taking anything from SCSA but hey to each his own. If he was such a flop why is he still making movies? More important people must think he is awesome because they are paying him millions to make more movies. So I don't think Flop is the right word. Yes SCSA would have come back in a second but what else can SCSA do really? He is not well rounded. C'mon you know Condemed sucked!!! They wouldn't even put that movie at our theatre. Every single Rock movie has been there. I know people are upset because they felt like he turne3d his back on us but why is it any of our concern. He is an adult who wanted to do something else? Are you a sell out if you worked at McDonalds and quit just because Burger King offered you more money? No it's smart.
to be fair my assumtion was wrong but i was reffering to most of the other people on here, condemed sucked and to be quite frank all wrestlers movies have sucked all the way back to hogan in that awful mr nanny movie, what i ment was if you could be the absolute best there ever was or be an ok jabroni what would you do? useing your example would you rather make 10 mil a year exciting millions of fans or make 11 mill a year at burger king? now i never said i wasnt a huge rock fan back in the day i was just as much his fan as stonecolds but the question was witch would you rather have back a guy who walked out on you during your shift at burger king or a guy who quit with a broken leg? deciding to do somthing else is fine but why do somthing you suck at when you can do somthing your the best at? kinda like when micheal jordan left basketball to play baseball...... i think wrestlers should never forget that with out the wwe universe they would be a jabroni like me and u he could at least come host raw or make appearences in between flops, so ur tellin me you went to those movies? and was it the great one or the ok one? :shrug:
to be fair my assumtion was wrong but i was reffering to most of the other people on here, condemed sucked and to be quite frank all wrestlers movies have sucked all the way back to hogan in that awful mr nanny movie, what i ment was if you could be the absolute best there ever was or be an ok jabroni what would you do? useing your example would you rather make 10 mil a year exciting millions of fans or make 11 mill a year at burger king? now i never said i wasnt a huge rock fan back in the day i was just as much his fan as stonecolds but the question was witch would you rather have back a guy who walked out on you during your shift at burger king or a guy who quit with a broken leg? deciding to do somthing else is fine but why do somthing you suck at when you can do somthing your the best at? kinda like when micheal jordan left basketball to play baseball...... i think wrestlers should never forget that with out the wwe universe they would be a jabroni like me and u he could at least come host raw or make appearences in between flops, so ur tellin me you went to those movies? and was it the great one or the ok one? :shrug:

I see what you mean. By the way the only movie I liked was Get Smart all the other ones was crap. The Rock was the best. With that promo it seems like he still has it. I guess since SCSA kept coming back so often people want the Rock more because he doesnt come back so often. Hopfully that Raw guest host tease was something true and not just a bunch of crap. Thanks for the clearing that up.
Not gonna lie, I was excited when the Rock's Smackdown Promo started, and quickly that excitement turned to boredom. He was good 7 years ago, but no longer. I don't know if I could tolerate an entire Raw with him as host.

Same thing with Austin. Enjoyable 7-10 years ago, boring now

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