The Rock & Cena To Wrestle 3 Times In The Next Year?

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
Source: The Wrestling Observer

We previously reported that WWE officials had been discussing a John Cena vs. The Rock rematch later this year. To update on this WWE officials also talked about the possibility of doing a third match between the two. If they go with the trilogy, the first rematch would take place later this year, likely at SummerSlam. The third match would then take place at WrestleMania 29 in New Jersey. The Rock has agreed to return more often and also participate in more matches. As for the possible Rock/Cena rematches, it all depends on this year’s WrestleMania 28 buyrate, crowd reactions, etc.


It's a good move by the company. Should WrestleMania 28 sell as well as they expect thanks to Rock-Cena and then should the subsequent pay-per-views featuring their rematches sell equally or close to as well, they'd have made a shit ton of money.
It's a good move by the company. Should WrestleMania 28 sell as well as they expect thanks to Rock-Cena and then should the subsequent pay-per-views featuring their rematches sell equally or close to as well, they'd have made a shit ton of money.

It's actually a pretty douchey move, but it should get the company some money. The big draw of this match is that it is the big, one-time only match between Cena and Rock. Every time they have them face off again, you just water it down to a point where it's not different than seeing Cena vs. Punk or Cena vs. Orton. Plus, it will mean they sold Mania on a false premise.
I agree that it dilutes the "One Time Thing" at this Mania, if the Rock is willing to stick around and really put the effort into an almost full time program with The Rock then I am all for them having rematches.

Having rematches is the only way I will accept a Cena loss this Sunday. If Rock wins only to walk away again for multiple years then it's stupid and makes no sense. If Rock wins then sticks around because Cena wants a rematch at Summerslam where Cena gets the win and then they have the tie breaker next year at WM29 where Cena would ultimately win and Rock could ride off into the sunset, that would be amazing.
On the one hand, it's a great move for WWE, as it'll certainly draw attention and produce for them in a big way financially- Cena/Rock is a huge draw, no question. It's also nice to see that Rock, who's gotten a lot of deserved flack for not being faithful to the WWE, commit a little more time to return to the WWE more often. I respect that. However, in the short-term, if these reports are true, it certainly dilutes the match this weekend as being "once in a lifetime", as its being hyped. I'd like to see the Rock back for a few more matches, sure, but they don't have to be against Cena, he can feud with others. I hope he does other, non-Cena related programs OR I wish this news never came out pre-'mania, because it does dilute their match on Sunday to some extent.
Here's what were going to get, be ready

Rock vs Miz
"the whatever Rock claims to be that week vs the most must see champion of all time"
Rock vs Triple H
Because we haven't seen it enough times already
Rock vs Mark Henry
ya know because Henry got Rock-bottomed last week and that's more than enough reason for a feud/program between the two
Rock vs Undertaker
Its no longer a question of who can beat the Undertaker, but who can carry him during a match without injuring him.
Rock vs Otunga
More Rock I can get along with. Just hope they allow him to expand his horizons beyond John Cena. At this point they've said everything they could, or at least wanted to, to one another. I doubt anyone has an interest in The Rock vs. The Miz as speculated on some dirt sheets, and the next person in the company ladder from what I can see is CM Punk.

Although the idea of The Rock vs. The Undertaker next year may tickle my fancy if done correctly.
I know this would be far from the first time, but that doesn't make it any less shitty.
Why? You're paying for Rock vs. Cena a match for the ages, a match built for an entire year. Is having another match 6 months down the road really going to affect your enjoyment of THIS match?

It's pro wrestling. Their job is to sell tickets, not worry about whether fans get upset because they did the same match 6 months ago.

Although the idea of The Rock vs. The Undertaker next year may tickle my fancy if done correctly.
There's no way you could do a Rock vs. Undertaker "correctly". It would be an awful build.
How so an awful build?

Do you think the Rock is going to come back to "be scared" of Undertaker?

How would Undertaker ever respond to the verbal beatdowns Rock would give him?

If Rock isn't giving verbal beatdowns, what's the point of putting him in a feud?

Who would actually be at the show to further the feud, since both of them only show up every once in a while?

Why waste the rub you can get from Rock and Undertaker separately?

If you do it at Wrestlemania, what would be the point in watching since you know Undertaker is going to win?

It would be a terrible build and a terrible feud. Furthermore, it would do nothing for anybody else in the company. Terrible idea.
It's actually a pretty douchey move, but it should get the company some money. The big draw of this match is that it is the big, one-time only match between Cena and Rock. Every time they have them face off again, you just water it down to a point where it's not different than seeing Cena vs. Punk or Cena vs. Orton. Plus, it will mean they sold Mania on a false premise.

I think that comes with the industry. You can't always treat legacies properly, because in all honesty, sometimes maintaining them isn't good enough for money. For instance, HBK vs. HHH next year would probably make them more money than maintaining the legacy of HBK's retirement. Douchey? Maybe, but to be honest I don't pay a whole lot to enjoy their entertainment. I understand if they have to piss on history to keep buys up, which they might presently be desperate for since for the case of most pay-per-views, buys have been in decline over the past few years.
It makes me think they may do another match at WM29 in that case. Have one on Sunday, Summerslam, and WM 29.

I can see something like that being very possible.
I HATE the idea of Cena/Rock two more times. What is left for them to say to each other? They have been building this for over a year, (counting the build before Wrestlemania 27) once the match happens, what is left? Another entire year of Fruity Pebbles, Kung Pow Chicken, etc? More Rock/Rap concerts? More in-ring confrontations without actual physical contact? More "live via satellite" bullshit?

NO THANKS. For as much as I am in CeNation for this match, I am ready for it to be completely over. If Rock wants to stick around, great. Feud with someone else. I hear CM Punk isn't such a fan of his...But Cena/Rock has been played out, let them have their match and be done with it. To continue this feud for another year just does not appeal to me at all.

Going to answer Sly's Taker/Rock questions while I am at it, just for fun...and because I think Rock/Taker would have the potential to be absolutely epic.

SlyFox696 said:
Do you think the Rock is going to come back to "be scared" of Undertaker?

No. It would be all about doing the impossible, doing something that nobody else has ever done. It would be more of the respect type feud with the Undertaker we have seen with HBK and HHH, not like the whole Rock hates Cena/Cena hates Rock thing. Rock/Cena is about animosity, Rock/Taker would be about respect.

SlyFox696 said:
How would Undertaker ever respond to the verbal beatdowns Rock would give him? If Rock isn't giving verbal beatdowns, what's the point of putting him in a feud?

The Rock doesn't need to give verbal beatdowns for every feud he is in. Against Cena, it makes perfect sense, against the Undertaker, it would be more of Rock thinking he can do what nobody else could. The Undertaker would deliver one of his typical Undertaker promos where he questions whether Rock has the heart to do what nobody else could do. Rock responds with Undertaker being the one challenge he has yet to overcome, etc.

SlyFox696 said:
Who would actually be at the show to further the feud, since both of them only show up every once in a while?

I think you wouldn't build this for an entire year, I would see a potential Rock/Taker feud being one of those Rumble to Wrestlemania kind of things only...not as a year long thing. That way they both get their allotted 9+ months off, and then Taker returns after the Royal Rumble, say the next night on Raw, talks about beating everyone who dared to step up to challenge him, says something about how there is nobody left for him to face, that there is nobody left with the heart to challenge him...then Rock's music hits. Place would erupt.

SlyFox696 said:
Why waste the rub you can get from Rock and Undertaker separately?

Same could be said about Rock/Cena, couldn't it?

SlyFox696 said:
If you do it at Wrestlemania, what would be the point in watching since you know Undertaker is going to win?

Do we? Do we know that anymore? With his age and nagging injuries, I no longer take the Undertaker winning at Wrestlemania for granted. I am not even convinced he is going to win this year. I think he probably will, but as I mentioned in the official match thread in the non-spam Wrestlemania section, I only would put it at about 60/40. Probably, but not definitely. Not anymore. Another year older, against another WWE legend like the Rock, who can say that it wouldn't be the match that ends the streak? If the Undertaker is going to lose at Wrestlemania, who would be a better opponent to do it, other than the Rock or maybe Cena?
No. It would be all about doing the impossible, doing something that nobody else has ever done. It would be more of the respect type feud with the Undertaker we have seen with HBK and HHH, not like the whole Rock hates Cena/Cena hates Rock thing. Rock/Cena is about animosity, Rock/Taker would be about respect.

The Rock doesn't need to give verbal beatdowns for every feud he is in. Against Cena, it makes perfect sense, against the Undertaker, it would be more of Rock thinking he can do what nobody else could. The Undertaker would deliver one of his typical Undertaker promos where he questions whether Rock has the heart to do what nobody else could do. Rock responds with Undertaker being the one challenge he has yet to overcome, etc.

I think you wouldn't build this for an entire year, I would see a potential Rock/Taker feud being one of those Rumble to Wrestlemania kind of things only...not as a year long thing. That way they both get their allotted 9+ months off, and then Taker returns after the Royal Rumble, say the next night on Raw, talks about beating everyone who dared to step up to challenge him, says something about how there is nobody left for him to face, that there is nobody left with the heart to challenge him...then Rock's music hits. Place would erupt.
Great idea! In fact, it's so good, it's been the same Wrestlemania storyline with the Undertaker for the last 4 years.

Actually, on second thought, nevermind. I'm tired of that "I respect you, but I'm going to do something no one else can do" story. Haven't we grown tired of that yet?

Same could be said about Rock/Cena, couldn't it?
No, because Cena is still an everyday performer, and Rock can still give him a rub.

Do we? Do we know that anymore? With his age and nagging injuries, I no longer take the Undertaker winning at Wrestlemania for granted.
Against the Rock? Yes, I take it for granted. What's the point in having Undertaker lose the streak against the Rock? Rock doesn't need the rub, and he's not a full-time superstar. If Undertaker was working against someone like CM Punk, then sure, the ending might be unknown. But just like for the past three Wrestlemanias, and this year's Wrestlemania, there is no point for Undertaker to lose.

Not saying he won't lose this year, just saying it would be a waste of his streak to have him lose to Triple H...or Rock.

If the Undertaker is going to lose at Wrestlemania, who would be a better opponent to do it, other than the Rock or maybe Cena?
Someone who can leverage that win into becoming a better draw. Undertaker's WM streak is one of the biggest draws to the WM card every year. Why would you waste that on people who can't use the rub?
Great idea! In fact, it's so good, it's been the same Wrestlemania storyline with the Undertaker for the last 4 years.

Actually, on second thought, nevermind. I'm tired of that "I respect you, but I'm going to do something no one else can do" story. Haven't we grown tired of that yet?

Very tired of it. But the guy refuses to retire, so they have to keep going with it. I wasn't saying that personally favor that storyline, just that if they wanted to do it, that's how they could do it with two part timers. I think the hype would be epic if it was Rock/Taker...not because I necessarily want it to happen, but because of the hype it would generate. We know the reaction the Rock gets, we know the reaction Undertaker gets...even if we don't see either of them until late January 2013, I think it would be huge.

No, because Cena is still an everyday performer, and Rock can still give him a rub.

I am not sure I believe that. I do believe Cena gets the win because it's best for the current WWE product, but will it really benefit Cena personally? When he wins, the same people critical of him now will be critical of him next week Monday, claiming that the only reason he won was because it's scripted, they need to protect the PG era, etc. This relates back to the idea behind the "Cena can't win" thread in the non-spam section. He is already the top dog in the WWE, beating the Rock won't really elevate him any further than he already is. It's not Cena that will benefit from the rub by beating the Rock as much as it will be the current WWE as a whole, validating the PG era against the ridiculously over-glorified Attitude era. But, Cena personally? Not convinced he needs it.

Against the Rock? Yes, I take it for granted. What's the point in having Undertaker lose the streak against the Rock? Rock doesn't need the rub, and he's not a full-time superstar. If Undertaker was working against someone like CM Punk, then sure, the ending might be unknown. But just like for the past three Wrestlemanias, and this year's Wrestlemania, there is no point for Undertaker to lose.
Not saying he won't lose this year, just saying it would be a waste of his streak to have him lose to Triple H...or Rock.
Someone who can leverage that win into becoming a better draw. Undertaker's WM streak is one of the biggest draws to the WM card every year. Why would you waste that on people who can't use the rub?

Combining these, because I think they are all related...

No point for who? The WWE, or for the Undertaker? I guess it depends on if the Undertaker feels he has the right to call his own shots when it comes to the streak or not. I think if he were to lose at Wrestlemania, it would be 100% his choice, against the opponent 100% of his choosing. If he feels he can only lose to a contemporary of equal stature, then that's what will happen. Not that he is Hulk Hogan with total creative control and is abusing it somehow, but I think the WWE is accepting of the fact that the Undertaker calls his own shots. If I were him, and I am not, and in his position, if I wanted the streak to end, it would be to a fellow legend, not someone else. Selfish? Perhaps...but with what he has invested in the streak, can he trust someone outside of a select few to be worth losing to? The Undertaker is very prideful, protective of his image.

The problem is this, as I see it:

A lesser wrestler would benefit the most from the rub, but might not be worthy of it in Mark Calaway's view.

An equal wrestler to the Undertaker wouldn't benefit at all from the rub, but presents the best argument for being capable/worthy of doing it.

You think the rub is more important, based on what would provide the most benefit to the WWE, I think the worthiness of the opponent is, based on my impression of Mark Calaway's belief of his own place in WWE history. Okay, we can agree to disagree on that.

After Cena beats the Rock, Vince doesn't need to validate the PG era any more. He can have a holdover wrestler like the Undertaker lose the streak to another holdover without damaging his product, and I don't think Undertaker would agree to end the streak against any of the full time wrestlers now, except for Cena, possibly. If it's going to ever happen (and it might not) I think it would be to someone the same as him. A Triple H, a Rock, someone who has accomplished just as much as he has, from the same time period, a guaranteed HOF'er just like him, of his contemporaries.

Essentially, IF he is going to lose, it's going to be easier for him to agree to lose to someone just as big a legend as he is, than it is to agree to lose to CM Punk, Sheamus, or someone like that, and I think Undertaker would have no qualms about refusing to job to anyone he doesn't think has earned it.
BROCK-ROCK WM 29. Juggernauts of PPV buys. Vince is seeing dollars. Once in a lifetime match rock cena should just be that ONCE in a lifetime. After cena "whips" the rock he can go after the streak. Put punk austin together and maybe Vince might hit 2 million buys!!
Very tired of it. But the guy refuses to retire, so they have to keep going with it. I wasn't saying that personally favor that storyline, just that if they wanted to do it, that's how they could do it with two part timers.
Yes, but it still would be a terrible build.

I think the hype would be epic if it was Rock/Taker...not because I necessarily want it to happen, but because of the hype it would generate. We know the reaction the Rock gets, we know the reaction Undertaker gets...even if we don't see either of them until late January 2013, I think it would be huge.
I think the only build to a Rock vs. Taker match that would work is simply announcing the Raw before WM they have agreed to a match.

Anything more than that would only cause things to go downhill.

I am not sure I believe that. I do believe Cena gets the win because it's best for the current WWE product, but will it really benefit Cena personally? When he wins, the same people critical of him now will be critical of him next week Monday, claiming that the only reason he won was because it's scripted, they need to protect the PG era, etc. This relates back to the idea behind the "Cena can't win" thread in the non-spam section. He is already the top dog in the WWE, beating the Rock won't really elevate him any further than he already is. It's not Cena that will benefit from the rub by beating the Rock as much as it will be the current WWE as a whole, validating the PG era against the ridiculously over-glorified Attitude era. But, Cena personally? Not convinced he needs it.
I wouldn't say Cena "needs" it, but he can certainly still benefit from it.

No point for who? The WWE, or for the Undertaker?
The WWE. They would lose one of their biggest draws for Wrestlemania, and not get anything back in return.

I think if he were to lose at Wrestlemania, it would be 100% his choice, against the opponent 100% of his choosing.
I agree with this completely. But the WWE can still say, "No, we don't want you losing to him".

A lesser wrestler would benefit the most from the rub, but might not be worthy of it in Mark Calaway's view.

An equal wrestler to the Undertaker wouldn't benefit at all from the rub, but presents the best argument for being capable/worthy of doing it.

You think the rub is more important, based on what would provide the most benefit to the WWE, I think the worthiness of the opponent is, based on my impression of Mark Calaway's belief of his own place in WWE history. Okay, we can agree to disagree on that.
For all the respect the WWE shows the Undertaker, they are still a business. And the Undertaker is basically a once a year event now. If/when Undertaker loses at Wrestlemania, it will likely be his final match. It needs to count for something.

You can sell Undertaker retiring undefeated. You can sell Wrestler A being the one to break the streak. You can't sell Triple H breaking the streak.

At the end of the day, you and I agree mostly on the situation. The only difference is whether or not the WWE should be okay with basically throwing the streak away for good and not making any more money on it (aside from the match which broke the streak, which was paid for before the match anyways).
Am I the only one who thinks Cena does actually benefit from winning this Sunday (which he probably and hopefully will) against The Rock?
Nope, I actually am pretty confident he will win.

If he loses, I think he'll flip out and lampoon The Rock ala Austin Mania X7.

Yes my friends, A HEEL TURN!
If Cena vs. Rock is to happen 3 times, then the WWE needs to turn The Rock back into the heel Hollywood Rock with the drawn out entrance and snarky promos. I know he won't actually get a true heel reaction, but it would add a wrinkle to an already kinda boring feud.

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