The Rock To Wrestle At Summerslam 2012?

I hope I never see Rock again after WM. Rock is supposedly having this historic match against Cena, but he still cant show up to Raw every week leading up to Wrestlemania.

Why the hell do people want to see a guy who doesn't show up half the time to build storylines wrestle again? Enough of these crappy Rock videos airing. WWE should be ashamed of themselves for trying to hype his "twitter war" with Cena. But I guess since Rock doesn't show up much.. that is the only thing they can do to promote this feud. :lmao:

He got way too much credit for the WM 27 buyrate. His in-ring return at SS flopped. Not to mention he made R-Truth and Miz look like glorified jobbers.
I see the rock and cena at Summer Slam in a no holds barred rematch. I think cena will cheat to win at Mania then the Rock will want a rematch in which he can do anything he wants to Cena. It will be in L.A., Rocks new home sorta. I see the rock beating a heel cena and possibly a rubber match to happen at Survivor Series. I think cena will win the feud and retire the rock in an I QUIT Match at the fall classic.
I'd rather not watch Rock wrestle at SummerSlam. When I saw this post I thought about it... got excited... then realized that the build to Mania so far has been a bust... Dude's done. If he can't commit to being around for a while on a weekly basis he needs to leave his glory days in the past... This is coming from someone who actually likes to see the guy in the ring and perform...
With that news report, it makes me not care about the rock vs cena match at mania, and gets me hyped for rock vs punk at summerslam.
No one wants to see Rock vs Cena 3 times.. i sure don't.

WM28 got a year hype so they're gonna finish the feud next year again? Hell no don't wanna see that.
The feud is boring me enough already.. mostly Cena because he is not interesting at all, I hope after Mania we see some change is Cena's character.
No one wants to see Rock vs Cena 3 times.. i sure don't.

At least you're smart enough to realize that's personal preference you're spewing, and not common knowledge. Congratulations.

Having three matches between Rock and Cena wouldn't bother me one bit. We have no idea where this is going, who will be in what role come Summerslam/WM 29, etc. We just don't know.

If they can keep it interesting, I'll love it. If not, I'll hate it. It's really that simple. I love the idea of Rock sticking around, even if he only shows up once every six months. He's still in phenomenal shape, he's young, and he still knows how to work the crowd. Keep him around, if you can. It's great for business, and Vince recognizes that (only an idiot wouldn't).
He's still in phenomenal shape, he's young, and he still knows how to work the crowd. Keep him around, if you can. It's great for business, and Vince recognizes that (only an idiot wouldn't).

I agree with this and the younger talents on the roster would be well-suited to learn from The Rock, in particular who he works the crowd and does a promo, rather than whining and complaining about him being around.

Guys like Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, could all benefit their careers by learning how to work and relate to the crowd and cut a promo that keeps people interested.
So if the SS match isn't a Cena rematch, which makes it more likely that Cena wins WM, could the Summer Slam match even have any appeal? If Rock gets all hyped on the Road to WM talkin all this trash about beating Cena, and then he loses, how is he even going to look good at all going into Summer Slam?
Could they still manage to sell it regardless?
Gut feeling says if The Rock competes at Summerslam later in the year that It'll probably be a rematch against John Cena. My heart, brain and stomach plus the biased part of my soul would love to see The Rock vs. CM Punk for no other reason than some of the things Punk has said in reference to "Dwayne" before. Punk mentioned him in the worked shoot, hes mentioned him after, poked fun at him several times and has even said he doesn't like how The Rock is main eventing Wrestlemania 28. Where better to get material than what has already been said?
Anti Rock fans must be angry at this news. Shows them once again for the cry babies they are...'Oh he said he wasnt leaving blah blah'. Rock is doing great for a part timer, what with this news and WM29 aswell.

Anyway, Rock vs Cena II I predict. I think the loser of the WM28 match will win this one.

As for Rock facing some 'young talent' me a fucking favour. Who on earth wants to watch the Great One against Ziggler or Cody Rhodes? Its a Raw main event and nothing else. If the Great One is in the ring at a major PPV, he needs to be fighting the very best WWE has to offer.
Who in the blue hell is dolph ziggler?
The benefit of rock continuing his feud with cena is that it will take cena away from the title picture for a while, giving the younger guys a chance to establish themselves.

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