I'm going line by line so you should know from the start I am arguing your idea very strongly. I'll get into mre specifics later but here is my general reasonw why "WWE needs to be using their roster and not bringing back legends." That is the overiding focus in the entire argument I will be making.
Let's face it, Summerslam is the 2nd biggest pay-per-view of the WWE. it usually gets high ppv buys outside of Wrestlemania..
Generally a truthful statement however its paperview rates have been steadily declining. Not going to argue something that I don not need to.
so here is what I propose, let Rock vs. Cena happen in Summerslam.. besides if you look at it, a lot of BIGTIME happenings occured at summerslam (HBK vs. Hogan, Orton vs. Hogan, the returns etc.) so let it happen at summerslam..
And you just ran into the biggest opponent of this match happening at Summerslam. Firstly do we really want to see this at Summerslam. By my count it is rougly 5 months away, give or take a few days. How in the world do you expect this feud to continue for that long. I personally don't think they could at all come up with that much material from now until then. So then the argument is why don't they just stop feuding and then bring it back up closer to Summerslam. The problem with this is that all the momentum and buzz about the feud will then be over. Yes the die hard wrestling fans will be excited but the casual fan would be tink they have seen it recently. However if they wrestle at a sooner PPV think it will make a whole lot more sense. Summerslam is the big PPV but it is too far away from Mania.
then at wrestlemania 28, as we have noticed, the undertaker has faced ELITE stars in the past 3 years (HBK and HHH)..
Apart from being a really confusing sentence this statement really does not belong. Firstly you say at Wrestlemania 28 and then say the Undertaker has faced elite stars for the last 3 years, Must of missed 3 wrestlemania 28s. And that ends my little rant. On bad structure in sentences.
there is no BIGGER name (even compared to Cena) that the undertaker has faced than the ROCK!!!
Once again with the bad sentences. Undertaker never faced the Rock or Cena. Now I know what you were trying to say and I think there is a plethora of wrestlers that Taker could face that are Bigger than the Rock. And they are current as well. Why not use current superstars rather than old guys who have nothing to gain from being at Mania. I would much rather see Taker face guys who are currently big in status like Cena, Miz, Barett, Sheamus, all of which are big superstars in the WWE. they might not have the legend staus but they are much more key in making the WWE even better. The Rock would never last long in the WWE so clearly why invest a Mania match with him.
And since it is exclusively reported that the Rock will stay after WM27 and even up until next year's WM, then I think this is the path to take.. this is the way to go..
And this is why you are wrong. The Rock has no reason to stay in the WWE. And if he does has no reason to wrestle every single week. He is smart enough to know what is best for him and that is why he hasn't been in the WWE all these seven years. The proper thing to do would be to push the youth and not some former wrestler who is making an appearance. And if it makes you feel any better the Rock is already scheduled to be producing three different movies after Mania so don't look for him to be sticking around. Yes he is a movie star at heart. But honestly push the youth to better the product and not let the Rock dominate the WWE.
I think this is a dream match that you would want rather than an actual possibility.