The Rock To Have SummerSlam Match

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
As of now, The Rock is scheduled to appear on the RAW the night after WrestleMania 28.

According to The Wrestling Observer Newsletter, The Rock is going to have a feud and match for SummerSlam in August. There is no word yet on who the fued could be with. This is apart of a plan for The Rock to have more than one big main event match at a major pay-per-view.

This announcement is awful. Why would this leak? Now the Wrestlemania match isn't as special since we know we're going to see it again.

I’ve said it before and I will say it one more time.

“Rap vs. Rock vs. Punk”

Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship.

John Cena vs. The Rock vs. WWE Champion, CM Punk!!

Book it!!
Probably Cena.

I do have a feeling though that maybe someone attacks Rock on the RAW after WM28 setting up the feud for Summerslam and it gives The Rock a reason not to show until then.
I love how no one even comes close to commenting on the actual premise of this thread.
I love how no one even comes close to commenting on the actual premise of this thread.

Well duh. It's spam. It takes very little for it to go that way. But I'll back you up. Read it in the dryest tone possible.

I like it. Rock is an all time favorite of mine so it will be fun to see him in another match after Mania. I hope it is against Randy Orton or even CM Punk because I think their matches would be uber fun.
Why would I give a shit about a possible match at SummerSlam when WM is right around the damn corner? I'm with D-man, this is stupid time to leak this, they should've at least waited till the post WM RAW.
Well duh. It's spam. It takes very little for it to go that way. But I'll back you up. Read it in the dryest tone possible.

I like it. Rock is an all time favorite of mine so it will be fun to see him in another match after Mania. I hope it is against Randy Orton or even CM Punk because I think their matches would be uber fun.

Oh hell yeah it would be fun and if they wanted one of them heel for the match attacking The Rock will give them so much heel heat.
The prospect does not excite me at this point. I have no interest in seeing a series between Cena and Rock. One match would suffice. I would have liked it better had Rock had his retirement match and quietly stepped away after that instead of stealing the spotlight from the current roster on a semi regular basis.
The prospect does not excite me at this point. I have no interest in seeing a series between Cena and Rock. One match would suffice. I would have liked it better had Rock had his retirement match and quietly stepped away after that instead of stealing the spotlight from the current roster.

Legit question. Where the fuck does it say Cena?
Good point. But that's a bit far-fetched at this juncture.

If Rock wrestles at SummerSlam, it won't be Cena. Makes no sense in actuality. Could be used to put others over, but just don't know who would be up on that level. Last Rock vs. Trips match ever?! OMG!!!!!!!! Lulz.

I am not interested in seeing Rock in the ring after WrestleMania against anyone. I should have probably clarified that point. But a series against Cena interests me even less.

That's okay. I am interested in seeing him in another match. He could do more for a younger guy's career than most on the current roster could.
I really just hope that this is a match in which they use Rock to put over young talent on the verge, guys like Ziggy, Rhodes, Miz, Delberto, etc. would all benefit huge from a good match with Rock, especially if they were to win.
Which will be the total workload for the guy who promised he would never leave. So, Counting the Survivor Series, that's what, 4 matches in 2+ years? What a tough ass schedule. The Rock is clearly overworked, he needs to take some time off to rest up and recover from all those injuries due to his relentless schedule.
Which will be the total workload for the guy who promised he would never leave. So, Counting the Survivor Series, that's what, 4 matches in 2+ years? What a tough ass schedule. The Rock is clearly overworked, he needs to take some time off to rest up and recover from all those injuries due to his relentless schedule.

This shit is really starting to get old, Rock was never coming back full time, I don't care what he said in a promo, get the fuck over it.

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