The Revolution.


Championship Contender
Randy Orton has been stuck in a lacklustre title reign as the sole WHC of the WWE. In a recent column, Chris Cash puts it well when he said that the focus of the WWE in the last many months has been anyone BUT randy orton. Randy Orton has seemingly done it all, not unlike John Cena. He's had protracted feuds with HHH, Batista, and John Cena- 3 of his only biggest rivals of the 2000s. He's had dozens of minor feuds, emerged victorious, and has basically beaten everybody there is to beat- from Ric Flair to Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker to John Cena. He can't even wait or live for that "one last greatest match or moment" against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania, which he's done long ago. That's what John Cena must wait for, after having surmounted The Rock and Brock Lesnar.

Most people including me hardly find Randy Orton as a character interesting in the least anymore. Sure, he's a hell of a wrestler and one of the must-see wrestlers on any single wrestling event. But, there are only so many times a character can turn face and heel, and win, lose, and regain the WWE WHC. What's left for Randy?

Don't get me wrong this is a thread about Randy and yet not about Randy.
What if Evolution unites again? It sure is one of the few highly consequential and successful factions but the only one to never have a Rebirth, Reformation, or Resurrection. What if , Randy Orton were to lead Evolution once again? A Re-evolution of sorts? Bring back Ric Flair, have Randy be the new HHH, with or without the WWE WHC, and have 2 relatively young good-looking superstars with decent mic skills to form the new evolution- Revolution.

I would choose Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow.
Now I know Rhodes has had a history with Orton, but the Legacy faction was quite jaded and did not quite have the multi-dimensionalism of a DX or an Evolution. Partly because it was all about Randy being a great heel champion ,and partly because Ted Debiase Jr was simply an odd man out, and had the charisma and mic skills of a Curtis Axel. Their body types even look similar. Not muscular or totally ripped, nor suffiently bulky but just tall and lanky-looking. But I digress.

Cody Rhodes too, has done quite a bit in wrestling on the mid-card level. He's been a great heel, a great face, tag-champ multiple times, IC champ, but now he's just stuck with Goldust, and it doesn't seem he's going to be featured as a main-eventer anytime soon. Why not have him restart his career for a short time as an Evolution member? maybe win the IC title again?

Damien Sandow is self-explanatory. He's got it all, size, charisma, mic skills, desire. But he doesn't have mentorship, or the right amount of "Rub" so to speak, which Orton did have from 2002-2004. Where would Orton have been had he still been on Smackdown and never gotten Evolution? World Champ? sure. But not so soon as at Summerslam 2004 .

What are your thoughts? Do you think Revolution, or Evolution 2.0 could save his very bleak career(sure, he's the WWE WHC, but consider how Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns are much more of a highlight weekly than Orton)

If you agree Orton should lead this faction, do you want Ric Flair back as the mouthpiece? Whom would you include, besides Rhodes and Sandow?
WWE made a mistake with Randy Orton and it's a mistake that we've seen the results of over the past few years. That is that Randy Orton was given a constant and sustained mega push when he was far, far too young.

Between 2004 and 2009, he was a 6 time World Heavyweight & WWE Champion, a 1 time World Tag Team Champion with Edge, a 1 time Intercontinental Champion and a 1 time Royal Rumble winner. It's an impressive list of accomplishments and all of them came about before Orton was even 30 years old. The hell are you supposed to with a guy who, before age 30, has already done every damn thing worth doing? Where does he go from there? How is he supposed to progress and stay fresh when he's been at the top of the mountain almost from the minute he debuted on television a decade ago?

When you compare the way Orton has been booked with how younger and/or fresher stars today have been such as The Shield, Cody Rhodes, Daniel Bryan and Cesaro, you see a world of difference. For one thing, you don't see WWE constantly slapping titles on or taking them off these guys. It's something that we got used to as a result of the Attitude & post Attitude Era style bookings where we'd have 8 or 9 different title runs in a year. It can lead to a ton of title reigns over a relatively short span of time. Orton's a perfect example of it. Looking back on things, MAYBE WWE should have waited until Orton was about 28 or 29 before pushing him to the main event. As a result, MAYBE he wouldn't come across as being stale and boring at only 33 years of age.

I don't really see any means of injecting a ton of fresh life into Orton. He's gotten pushed far too strongly for far too long and it happened far too soon. Hindsight is always 20/20 and I'm thinking that's why you don't see a ton of guys in WWE anymore in their late 20s or early 30s who've already had 5 or 6 runs with any title: because they don't want them to peak too early.
Wasn't there a similar thread to this like two days ago?

Anyway, no thanks. I'm intrigued by the idea of getting Ric Flair's insane corpse on my TV each week but Orton leading a faction just doesn't have much appeal right now. We already have The Shield (who should not break up) and The Wyatt's. Plus Legacy doesn't feel like it was that long ago and frankly didn't work with Orton leading the way. Throw in the fact that HHH is still very much a part of WWE programming but not part of this group and it doesn't make sense.

I love today's Orton. He's this giant contradiction of insanity, cowardness, pride, and self loathing. His mic work seems more comfortable than ever. Plus I've enjoyed a lot of his matches. He's exactly who he is meant to play - an underachieving, maniacal, egotistical workhorse heel champion.
Ortons reign has been lackluster to say the least. IMO he got too much too soon. Hell before you reach 30 you already what won the RR,your a tag team champion,a six time WWE champion before you reach 30. After that,really whats to accomplish? That is already a HOF career. But his Mic work is the best its ever been,he seems to be finally comfortable with that part of his career!
Orton's best work in recent years came from a short fued with Kofi and when he was that anti hero face/heel austin-esque character, everyone was all over him during that but they turned him compeletly face and blew it. What he needs is a fued with someone he's never been involved with in anyway and for it to have meaning behind it other than "im better than you" or "I hate you" or over a title, proper story telling can excel orton. Have him do something dastardly to someone (a diva maybe, like summer rae) have fandango turn face and have him go after Orton aggressively. Anything like this would work because Orton can now be the guy that can make someone a massive babyface, has to be someone fresh though! I vote a fued with Dolph :) No factions though, Orton is a viper and a loner and works best compeletly looking out for himself.
First off, I like the name, rEvolution.

A Evolution rebirth with Randy Orton at the helm is a good idea. Gives him something to do and injects life into the character. I personally would want to see bits of the character that he has been rumored to be in real life. Things like:

- Too much partying.

- Immature pranks that kind of go to far (you could show him doing something disrespectful to the Divas' locker room; really depends on how serious the WWE is still about the PG thing)

- Bring back RNN to interrupt lower card matches:



(Look at this in the context of him being a heel who interrupted segments with these updates)

Has a lot of potential if you make him the head of rEvolution as a party heavy dude who is immature for his age. Sort of like a college frat douche but actually successful at what he does so he's even more annoying.

Another way to do the rEvolution stable would to have it be HHH, Orton and Batista (although they've kind of already booked themselves out of this) as a nWo/Millionaire's Club "old guard" type stable (to fight during the summer against the new guard of Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, etc.), with Cena eventually turning heel and joining in the Survivor Series match. Maybe somehow the title is screwed off of Daniel Bryan and given to Cena with rEvolution's help. Eventually leading up to Roman Reigns vs. Heel Cena for the WWE Title at WM31.

Or you could make him crazy, sociopathic as fuck for no reason after he loses the title at Wrestlemania, inexplicably beating the fuck out of midcarders and shit, maybe even beating up Divas, leading to a Psycho Ambrose vs. Psycho Orton match at Summerslam.
First of all, there was already a group called "The Revolution" in WCW which consisted of Shane Douglas,Perry Saturn, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.

Secondly, someone made a similar thread like this, a week ago.

Now on to the topic, any reformation of Evolution without HHH is not "Evolution". And WWE already kind of did this with "The Legacy".

With that being said, If they bring back Evolution.They should

-Let HHH take Ric Flair role as the mentor/mouthpiece
-Orton take the HHH role as centerpiece/leader of the group
- I don't see any guys who can take the role of Batista/Orton other than Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns. Reigns will eventually get a big babyface push after his split from the Shield and Rhodes is the the only guy I can see that would fit into the Randy Orton role that can benefit from another reformation of Evolution.
*drives his car while eating a giant burrito*

Me: OH MY GOD!! This burrito is so fucking good. I feel really sorry for anyone not driving while eating a giant burrito right now, losers.

*radio chimes in*

Radio: Hello, this is Vince McMahon with OnStar. Would you be willing to take a quick survey so we can better suit your unique needs as a customer?

*drops his burrito on the floor and swerves erratically almost hitting a cop*


Vince: At OnStar, we're dedicated to suiting your unique needs as a valued customer. For this reason, your car is rigged to explode if you either ignore this request for a survey or your car falls below 88 miles per hour.


*Cop chases me while calling in back-up*

Vince: All ready? Now let's get started. Randy Orton has been falling out of favor as of late, and I would like to convince fans of my other project that they should want to see more of him.


Vince: Now I'm of the genius deduction that we should repackage our old stable known as Evolution, only this time have Randy Orton as the figure-head of this stable.

*Helicopters fly over head*


Vince: Our plan was to possibly have Ric Flair come back, and this would leave two open spots for Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. On a scale of one to ten, one being bad idea and ten being great idea, what number would you rate this idea?


Vince: Ooooh, I'm looking for all tens in this. Can you give it a little more thought please?

*car punches through a phone booth while screaming cop cars pursue*


Vince: Ten, got it. Now then, we're thinking of two names for this stable. Evolution 2.0 or Revolution.


*accidentally drives his car off a cliff*

Vince: Using the same number scale as before, give each name a rating.

Me: I'm about to die, so fuck it, one and one.

Vince: Oooh, darn. I'm looking for all ten....

*car is absorbed into the ground and I awake in the Matrix chair*

Morpheus: Did you get the code?

Me: How was that supposed to teach me Kung Fu again?
Wasn't there a similar thread to this like two days ago?

Anyway, no thanks. I'm intrigued by the idea of getting Ric Flair's insane corpse on my TV each week but Orton leading a faction just doesn't have much appeal right now. We already have The Shield (who should not break up) and The Wyatt's. Plus Legacy doesn't feel like it was that long ago and frankly didn't work with Orton leading the way. Throw in the fact that HHH is still very much a part of WWE programming but not part of this group and it doesn't make sense.

I love today's Orton. He's this giant contradiction of insanity, cowardness, pride, and self loathing. His mic work seems more comfortable than ever. Plus I've enjoyed a lot of his matches. He's exactly who he is meant to play - an underachieving, maniacal, egotistical workhorse heel champion.

I don't know about the thread from two days ago. This idea popped in my head while reading Chris Cash's recent Stars in Progress column. It just sort of occured to me.

As far as you preferring today's Orton, and liking his recent run as a heel champion, good for you, it's only your opinion. Most have not really loved Randy Orton over the past few years based on many factors. But most recently, I'm of the same opinion as Chris Cash in that his run as the WWE WHC has not felt like it should, not important, big, grand. It just doesn't feel like it. Just think about it. The WWE has one world championship for the first time in 11 years, and yet it didn't have that epic feel. Not even as Epic as when Rock, Austin, Angle, and Jericho were involved post-Survivor Series 2001. But I digress.

His recent reign has been lacklustre, and Raw has been about all but randy orton. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns are getting bigger reactions and spotlight, while Orton just whines ambivalently to the ambivalent heel-face Authority who on one hand call him "The face of the WWE " and on the other at times treat him condescendingly, and so on. Something's just wrong, and either ways, this thread is not to argue about that but about Re-Evolution.
First of all, there was already a group called "The Revolution" in WCW which consisted of Shane Douglas,Perry Saturn, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko.

Secondly, someone made a similar thread like this, a week ago.

Now on to the topic, any reformation of Evolution without HHH is not "Evolution". And WWE already kind of did this with "The Legacy".

With that being said, If they bring back Evolution.They should

-Let HHH take Ric Flair role as the mentor/mouthpiece
-Orton take the HHH role as centerpiece/leader of the group
- I don't see any guys who can take the role of Batista/Orton other than Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns. Reigns will eventually get a big babyface push after his split from the Shield and Rhodes is the the only guy I can see that would fit into the Randy Orton role that can benefit from another reformation of Evolution.

I see. But certainly the WCW faction "The Revolution" didn't have the same amount of brand value to be remembered forever, as DX, NWO, or Evolution. But I digress. The Re-evolution that will be will not really be reminiscent of some other former Faction from a second-rate programme which at then was seeing the downfall of NWO.

I agree with your idea of having HHH/Flair take the role of a mouthpiece, and Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes being a part of it. Also, I was thinking Damien Sandow would be an amazing member with potential, and not another jobber/unworthy member which usually is the case with factions and why they don't become as popular as DX/Evolution/Horseman. Even DX at one point seemed pretty lousy with Outlaws, and X-pac in 2000, and when they kicked out Billy Gunn, it was all about HHH and Stephanie, with Road Dogg and X-pac being two idiots running around, and Tori. God her boobs were amazing.
First off, I like the name, rEvolution.

A Evolution rebirth with Randy Orton at the helm is a good idea. Gives him something to do and injects life into the character. I personally would want to see bits of the character that he has been rumored to be in real life. Things like:

- Too much partying.

- Immature pranks that kind of go to far (you could show him doing something disrespectful to the Divas' locker room; really depends on how serious the WWE is still about the PG thing)

- Bring back RNN to interrupt lower card matches:



(Look at this in the context of him being a heel who interrupted segments with these updates)

Has a lot of potential if you make him the head of rEvolution as a party heavy dude who is immature for his age. Sort of like a college frat douche but actually successful at what he does so he's even more annoying.

Another way to do the rEvolution stable would to have it be HHH, Orton and Batista (although they've kind of already booked themselves out of this) as a nWo/Millionaire's Club "old guard" type stable (to fight during the summer against the new guard of Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, etc.), with Cena eventually turning heel and joining in the Survivor Series match. Maybe somehow the title is screwed off of Daniel Bryan and given to Cena with rEvolution's help. Eventually leading up to Roman Reigns vs. Heel Cena for the WWE Title at WM31.

Or you could make him crazy, sociopathic as fuck for no reason after he loses the title at Wrestlemania, inexplicably beating the fuck out of midcarders and shit, maybe even beating up Divas, leading to a Psycho Ambrose vs. Psycho Orton match at Summerslam.

I didn't consider all the "partying" and "prank" part but yeah, they could be a bunch-of arrogant, cocky party goers, winners. It'd be a sort of a new revolution in wrestling in that it'd be reminiscent of both Evolution and Horseman. With Randy Orton as your top champion(I'd only add in his jaded moves list, a submission hold), Who's got it all, looks, success, charisma, Cody Rhodes as the new Orton(or the role of Orton in the original Evolution), Damien Sandow would add an Intellectual dimension but yet retain his braggadocio and bravado, and as a mouthpiece, I can't think of anyone other than Ric Flair or HHH, but their role will be a totally non-wrestling one. Like a JJ Dillon to the group. Someone also suggested Roman Reigns as the muscle, but I see Reigns to be too charismatic and individual and a very big star. He doesn't need this faction or any faction, he's like the new Rock. But guys like Damien Sandow do need.
As far as you preferring today's Orton, and liking his recent run as a heel champion, good for you, it's only your opinion.

Who else's opinion am I supposed to give?

Most have not really loved Randy Orton over the past few years based on many factors.

How does making him the leader of a faction more loveable? He's still Randy Orton. Right now he is a heel champion who doesn't feel deserving of his position. He's someone a fan should hope his ass kicked and lose the biggest title in the industry. In other words, he's doing his job and doing it well.

But most recently, I'm of the same opinion as Chris Cash in that his run as the WWE WHC has not felt like it should, not important, big, grand. It just doesn't feel like it.

He's not supposed to make it feel big and grand. He's supposed to make you want to see him lose the title to a guy that would make holding the title big and grand.

Just think about it. The WWE has one world championship for the first time in 11 years, and yet it didn't have that epic feel. Not even as Epic as when Rock, Austin, Angle, and Jericho were involved post-Survivor Series 2001. But I digress.

This is The Authority's WWE. They're heel leaders who are supposed to make you angry because they don't understand the bigness and grandness of the title. You're supposed to think they don't know what they are doing by having an incompetent champion that does nothing more than look good.

His recent reign has been lacklustre, and Raw has been about all but randy orton. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns are getting bigger reactions and spotlight, while Orton just whines ambivalently to the ambivalent heel-face Authority who on one hand call him "The face of the WWE " and on the other at times treat him condescendingly, and so on. Something's just wrong, and either ways, this thread is not to argue about that but about Re-Evolution.

It's not 1972 anymore. You're champ does not have anything to do with your show. We are beyond posters and marquees. It's 2014, enjoy that Orton is more complex than ever before. He's the rich spoiled bad kid that still has to listen to his daddy (HHH) or lose his trust fund (championship) that he doesn't deserve.

But more importantly, how does Revolution make Orton more interesting? Are they faces or heels? Where does HHH fit it? Is it logical for this heel group to exist and HHH just to ignore it? That's not logical to me.

BTW, Raw was really entertaining this week. The week before was quite a lemon but overall Raw has been really good most weeks over the past 9 months. Orton has been this half passed champ for a lot of this time. It works, although it may be coming to an end this Sunday.

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