The Return of WCW Is Upon Us...

Having the fake 2nd company doesn't add to ratings like the real thing did.

Too many wrestling fans are in the know to pull off a double company angle in today's internet age. It MAAAAAY have worked 20 years ago, but there was really competition back then.

I would be interested to see them do a "special" episode of all the people who walked out, actually go all out, sell tickets, get the network to host it, and do a show, but revert back to WWE when vince/HHH see that they're serious.
this is nothing more than another failed storyline waiting to happen..just as the Nexus, Kevin Nash text message angle, etc.. WWE has been starting great storylines the last year or so just to drop the ball and feed Cena/Orton the belt again and stop the story dead in its tracks. GAY
That's what I'm thinking. Johnny Ace is just being played off as the one doing it. The swerve will be McMahon who most likely will have formed some kind of rogue stable with Nash, Miz, R-Truth and whoever else that gets "fired."

Knowing them though, they'll find a way to ruin it. They could stretch it out even up to the Royal Rumble or just before WrestleMania. You need that kind of time to help make it believable. Have Trips "quit" or also be "relieved of his duties" soon so Johnny Ace gains control as COO. Doing that, you play the fans to thinking it was him all along... until he starts to get fucked with too in another month or so.

Then Trips, McMahon, Nash, Miz, and Killings invade the show a month prior to WrestleMania at whatever PPV they have then and wreck the show at the end. It would be nWo-like without officially being another damn nWo iteration. But they all come in wearing black and white so as to continue to egg on the marks that for some reason want to see another nWo.

what I think would be iteresti go with above storyline upto wrestlemania, we know Hogan is unhappy with tna and is leaving after his match with sting, bring hogan back as new coo now for wm 28 anounce hogan as special referee, think about wm18 rock vs hogan ten years laterockvs cena(money maker there) have cena when the match and the rock passes the torch hogan raies cenas hand cena is awe cause hes in the ring with hogan, who of course everyone says cena is all of a sudden hogan clothes lines himandout comes NDX(new degeneration X) ad they start beating down on cena, making hogan the mastermind, now hogan is in charge of wwe, the board realises we need vince back so all of a sudden you have vince and hogan fighting for control of th company they built together,
I don't think this is the way it'll go at all.

1, WCW makes no sense, there's nothing at all to tie it to WCW, all the WCW guys that could made that storyline credible are in Impact Wrestling. Sting, Flair, Steiner, Jarrett, whatever. Not only that, but they're too old to compete with WWE these days.

2, Vince never wanted to kill ECW. ECW was INVITED to Raw back in 1997 if you remember correctly, and they did a partnered show together. ECW was brought back because they thought they could make it work; they couldn't.

3, The Brand Extension and the separation of Raw & Smackdown rosters was brought about as a way to simulate competition like that of WWF & WCW back in the day. That wasn't working either, Smackdown was seen as the B-show. Now that's on life-support.

There IS however a nugget in their that makes sense. And that is HHH vs Vince. Maybe that'll happen. Personally I don't see any of it happening. I think it'll be more of a case of drawing a line in the sand between faces & heels with HHH vs Laurinaitis as the figureheads.

All HHH really needs to do is figure out that Laurinaitis or whoever is the main guy behind the undermining and then he can be exposed and things can keep going.

TBH The more this goes on, the more I like the idea of bringing in Jesse Ventura, this is a role made for him.
Not that I think it will happen, but IF the WWE brought back the WCW Brand, why does everyone on this site think it has to be like the old WCW? When they recreated ECW it was nothing like ECW, so why does WCW have to be like the old WCW?

If the WWE were to bring back WCW and create "two companies", it could and would still be styled like a typical WWE wrestling show. Also, why do you have to bring back the old WCW guys for a WCW brand? Like everyone on here has mentioned, the new casual fan wasn't around for WCW so they don't know any of those guys like Steiner, Jarrett, Sting, BUT...that doesn't mean they can't make their own WCW with their own guys. Although the WCW isn't worth much anymore, it still better then creating a "brand new" company to go against WWE and a whole lot better then using an even older brand like AWA.

Not saying it will happen, please don't read into this post as a WCW is coming back post, but if the WWE wanted to make a "dual" company, best bet would be that they would go with a re-branded WCW.
Not that I think it will happen, but IF the WWE brought back the WCW Brand, why does everyone on this site think it has to be like the old WCW? When they recreated ECW it was nothing like ECW, so why does WCW have to be like the old WCW?

What is old WCW (circa 1997) if not old WWF circa 1990?

Old WCW was defined more by their economics & philosophy rather than the style of show.

I WISH they'd bring back the old style of show, 3 hours long, first hour dedicated to luchadores/cruiserweights & (now-a-days) Diva's, with the second hour dedicated to mid-card performers, and 3rd dedicated to the main eventers.
Haha even if they make a WcW (which will never happen). They will just put Cenas bitch ass in the main event of WCW. The idea of a WCW reunion show will not be bad, similar to the ECW one night stand in 2005 & 2006 but all the WCW wrestlers are old.
WCW was originally going to be it's own brand. But the Buff Bagwell/Booker T main event on Raw changed that since the fans didn't give a damn. So Vince decided these guys can't draw and thus the Invasion angle happened.

One year later they did the Raw and Smackdown brand extension.

But no, WCW is not coming back. Just because they are in a video game doesn't means anything. That is a huge stretch and makes no sense.

Why would Stephanie and Johnny Ace want to revive WCW? Makes no sense.
Vince is ignorant, of course the fans didn't care about Buff and Booker.....THEY WANTED TO SEE GOLDBERG, STING, HOGAN etc! Vince doesn't understand anything that Vince doesn't like.

Think about it, the "genius" ruined the single biggest potential angle EVER in wrestling, why? because he was ignorant about WCW, Vince McMahon is to blame for wrestlings current craptacular state.

WWE could have had several years worth of programming, had he cared but he didn't he just wanted to flaunt how much better he thought WWE was
i seriously doubt WCW but Friday night or Tuesday night Nitro can be made and they could in storyline compete against another as in start of brand extension raw n smackdown!
WWE should make WCW a third brand, if anything don't bring back ECW as a brand, bring back WCW as a brand

Then you would have 3 brands, RAW, Smackdown, and WCW
The threadstarter is right about one thing. Someone between the three suspects of Vince, Stephanie, or Laurinaitis are behind everything as far as the conspiracy is concerned. I don't see this resulting in the return of WCW though. WCW has been dead and gone for over a decade. Let it go already. The last thing WWE needs to do is try to be WCW. Look at where that is taking TNA. Nowhere. I really like the conspiracy angle so far and hope that's not where it leads. Even bringing Vince into the onscreen authority figure role would be better than turning it into a revived WCW. Reviving a dead federation does not restore any glory, all it does is kill the brand slowly and painfully. It was bad for ECW and might be even worse for WCW.

Assuming that this DID happen and it resulted in Vince/Stephanie/Laurinaitis replacing a brand with WCW why would it be Smackdown? Raw is the show everyone walked out of. The inevitable second Invasion would be the revived WCW (what used to be Raw) going up against Smackdown (what's left of WWE) led by Trips. I would hate to see that happen, it's a terrible idea because WCW is no longer relevant and some of us who remember how the first Invasion went never want to see another.

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