The Return of Cody Rhodes??

Jeff Deliverer of Mail

Money for nothin, chicks for free
Titus O Neil has been interrupting Stardust backstage during his crazy rants about space and the cosmic whatever. Then Titus said during a commentary that his plan is to bring back Cody to the masses. If this is true it's kind of interesting what they can do with this story. Titus O Neil aside, wiping Stardust away from Cody Rhodes could be just what the doctor ordered for him and he could bring back Dashing Cody Rhodes.

Then, Dashing Cody Rhodes could win the Royal Rumble and win the WWE Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania. There, go get em Cody !!!
It could be an interesting program.....but if Rhodes still has no personality when he returns as Cody, I don't see that his career will benefit.

I've never heard his voice, but am told he speaks in a bland monotone. Watching the manner in which he delivers his words, he appears almost disinterested in the part he's playing, despite some of the spicy programs he's been given........and honestly, now that Daddy Dusty is gone, will Cody still be given the 'Disfigured' & 'Dashing' stuff he received before?

As Stardust, he's playing a role and comes off better than playing himself, even as silly as the gimmick may be.

Granted, Cody can't do a weird portrayal like Stardust forever, but if he comes back as Cody and goes to the same boring speeches as before, he's going to find himself in the same nowhere position as he was a couple years back.

Poor Cody....a good ring worker but a personality with the excitement of a paper napkin.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Bring back Cody Rhodes and also his Dashing gimmick..... He isnot relevant at main roster anymore.... So first make him relevant.... Bring back him into a tag team with Damien Sandow thus making them "Something Deserving" again and also bringing depth to tag division too...
But most probably it will Never happen because Cody has said in past that Stardust is just a way to give tribute his dad whose first gimmick name was also Stardust....and thats why he has holded on this gimmick till now...
I'm going to be lazy and quote myself

What truly interesting thing did Cody do before becoming Stardust?? Turning on Hardcore Holly to team with Ted Dibiase Jr? Getting his ass kicked in Legacy. Playing scond fiddle to Damien Sandow/Goldust when they teamed together? I know people go on about Dashing and Disfigured Cody but were they really that good?

Like it or not Stardust has actually made Cody interesting. He's had more tv time as Stardust than at any other time bar when he's with someone else. Do you think Cody from three years ago would have been in a match with an actor from a popular tv show. Nope.

The thing is Stardust has made Cody relevant far more than anything else he's done because it's different for a wrestler of the last ten years to be doing. Young fans have never seen anything like this.

Maybe he can revert to 'Cody' but still act like Stardust. But to me to get rid of the Stardust gimmick completely he'd be back to where he was five years ago where no one really gave a damn.

And my point still stands
YES, YES, YES!!! Bring back Cody Rhodes.....the Stardust character was good when teaming with his brother Goldust, but now it's time to move on from Stardust and if i were Cody, i would WANT this because as Cody Rhodes, he actually has great mid card potential...i would even consider putting him in a tag team with either the Miz or Tyler Breeze....but no matter what they do, they need Stardust gone because Stardust is a cartoony character that is only good when he is tag teaming with Goldust, however, Cody Rhodes is a more real character who is great either on his own or teaming up. get him back to Cody Rhodes and have Titus help with it, only to back fire in his face when heel Cody Rhodes returns and beats him.
Stardust just screams lower card to me, Cody Rhodes is someone I could have seen in the title picture at one point. While Cody does a great job portraying Stardust, he's not going anywhere as him, and the appeal has really worn off as he's done it long enough.

I'll accept Cody Rhodes back with open arms, it means he can evolve his career again, SOMEWHERE that isn't a black hole of a gimmick.
Here's the thing, WWE clearly has their eggs in a select few Superstars' baskets and all the others, amongst them, Stardust/Cody Rhodes feed off scraps in mainly crap storylines with no proper build whatsoever that would help them connect with the audience in a proper manner.

Stardust, lMO, had loads of potential at the beginning, but it became very apparent that all WWE saw was a lower midcard act who spouts off nonsense in backstage segments and jobs to a more relevant midcarder every now and then. That said, I do agree with others that as Cody Rhodes, he was bland and with Dusty now gone, reverting back to 'normal' might spell the end for him.

Long live the midcard enhancement talent, Stardust! :thumbsup:
First of All, Cody Rhodes doesn't want to bring back the Cody gimmick back. He preferred to stay as Stardust. Either way, even if he recomprehenses himself to be Dashing Cody Rhodes, it still isn't gonna be some huge deal.

Cody is quite ignored by most of the fans. They've been pitching ideas, I mean the WWE creative for Cody, but it hasn't been credible for him. Making him win the Royal Rumble is a waywatx idea. Out of 100, 90 it won't work
First of All, Cody Rhodes doesn't want to bring back the Cody gimmick back. He preferred to stay as Stardust. Either way, even if he recomprehenses himself to be Dashing Cody Rhodes, it still isn't gonna be some huge deal.

It doesn't really matter what Cody wants to be honest, if Vince and HHH want to scrap Stardust and turn him back into Cody Rhodes, that's what will happen. I don't know what's happening with Stardust right now. WWE seems to want to keep him on Raw every week but rarely have him doing anything worthwhile. He's not challenging for titles, the thing with Ascension seems to be over already, and his promos have become nonsensical and meaningless because of his lack of character development. If they want to stick with the Stardust character, they should really do something worthwhile with him because right now, he's vastly underutilized.

It may be the right time to bring back Cody Rhodes. He seems to have completely broken through his shell with this Stardust character, so much so, that I just can't see him going back to being bland old Cody. If he can take Stardust's charisma and entertainment and combine it with Cody Rhodes' character and wrestling ability, a rejuvenated Cody Rhodes may work.
Would we really want the Cody character back if Stardust was being pushed? I'm sure some would based on their personal opinion of the character, but I'm willing to bet some might change their tune.

I've always liked Stardust, but since turning on Goldust, he's barely had a program. I don't get the love for the Dashing character, it was bland and kind of cheesy to me, cheesier than Stardust.

I think Cody is making the character work, but losing, no direction, and being paired with two perennial losers isn't getting him anywhere. I think a lot of us saw a future world champion in him, and that could be the the case still, but like most of WWE's product, he suffers greatly from that lack of direction, and has been leaped over for years by many, many others.

Cody debuted in what, 2007? Long before Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, or Seth Rollins. All three of those guys have fought for world titles at WrestleMania, and I'd dare say Cody has the potential to be far more entertaining than all of them.

Cody has been in WWE for a long time. Come Austin's either year in WWE he was already semi-retired (95 debut, 03 last match vs Rock). I'm not trying to say the ship has sailed. Rhodes is only 30 and has stayed fairly healthy his whole career.

What I'm getting at is that it isn't so much a matter of how, but if and when. Stardust, Dashing, Undashing, Moustache, Rhodes 7.0, it doesn't matter if his character has no direction and isn't being pushed. If Cody is happy, let him be Stardust.
my question is Cody really happy with the Stardust gimmick?? if he is happy with it, then i guess they should really let him keep it, but in my book, there's no money in the Stardust character unless he's tag teaming with Goldust to form a very bizarre tag team....however, Cody Rhodes (face or heel) has money. if they (WWE) would've brought Cody back after his dad passed away, they could've ran with him as a face. if he plays the heel though, he can also run with it. he has proven to me that he has the personality to play a character. his in ring work isn't the best, but it's not really bad either. i always found Cody entertaining and want to see him as Cody, but if he's happy with not moving up the ladder, then leave him as Stardust.
I think with a proper mouthpiece(manager) he could strive as Cody Rhodes again. I don't agree with making him Dashing Cody Rhodes or anything past related from a gimmick standpoint. If it got him nowhere before why revert back to it?
Titus may play a part in helping bring Cody back but overall i think it will be done by Goldust. I dont think they could gain enough interest to do a brother vs brother angle but maybe in the ATGBR match at Wrestlemania 32? Have the final transition be when Cody Rhodes wins.

If WWE give Finn Balor a Wrestlemania match i could see a Rhodes/Balor feud starting Finn's WWE career off with him than winning 2 of the 3 ppv matches after WM32.
WWE desperately needs some decent mid card faces. Everyone who is effective is basically heelish. Cody Rhodes could have a tearful appology with Goldust. Appologizing for all the terrible things he said to him (no need to even cheapen it and mention Dusty) even though it was a big part of the gimmick. Immediate face turn.

Feud with Owens or Del Rio.
BOOM. Book it.
Such a waste of talent.

I think he is a great worker with a good look and could easily fit back into the IC/US Title picture if reverted back to Cody Rhodes.

I liked the Dashing gimmick.

Maybe would work well alongside Axel with an association with the Flairs?
They bring back Cody Rhodes, he will be on GFW AMPED by Christmas, 2016. Stardust, as cornball as it is, added YEARS to his WWE career. He KNOWS that he is not challenging for any titles anytime soon. Cody gets that. His "dashing" character had me changing the channel. He was a third wheel in Legacy. Nobody would give a crap. Stardust? Man, that is a good character. Wacky? Yes. But, damn good. But, if Stanford changes him back, they may as well just Future Endeavor him. Nobody is going to care if he clips his nose hairs or how he waxes his armpits. It will be Bill Behrens and Jeff Jarrett on speed dial.
Why should he go back to being Cody ? At least the Stardust gimmick gives him some personality and keeps him from being just another random wrestler.
Why should he go back to being Cody ? At least the Stardust gimmick gives him some personality and keeps him from being just another random wrestler.

Other than showing he has personality, where has it gotten him? He has pretty much been on cruise control since he split away from Goldust. Apart from the occasional feud. I was hoping the WWE would've capitalized on the Cody chants by having him show extreme frustration whenrver he hears the chants. Could've went somewhere with it.
Cody needs to stay as the Stardust character. This is the most entertaining he has ever been. He won't be winning any World Championships anytime soon but he can easily be a mainstay in the Intercontinental or US Championship title scene as one of its more silly villains. Keep The Ascension alliance going on too. It gives all three something interesting to do. I don't understand why people would want Cody to get rid of the Stardust gimmick. What benefit would there be to returning to his old self? There isn't any benefit in that for anyone.

I liked Dashing Cody but let's be honest, that gimmick was a joke. No one could ever take that character seriously as a threat. Disfigured Cody was stupid and overstayed its welcome. I hated the plastic mask and the paper bag promos. Then he became himself and it was cool for about a week or two, then it was like.... ok, what does he bring to the table that no one else does? Nothing. That's what. His most interesting times before Stardust were when he was a tag team specialist. Betraying Hardcore Holly to form Team Priceless where he was overshadowed by Ted Dibiase? Being in The Legacy when he was just an interchangeable underling for Randy Orton? When he was in Rhodes Scholars and was overshadowed by a tag team partner yet again in Sandow?

Cody needs to stay as Stardust forever. This is his best character and one that could keep him relevant. Silly or not, it sets him apart from the others. Return him to being just "Cody Rhodes" and everyone will lose interest within a month. Then he gets future endeavored and ends up elsewhere where no one will care about him there either. As Stardust he doesn't have to rely on "my dad was a legend". He is entertaining. They need midcard heels for the faces to overcome in their pushes. Stardust fits that need, so "if it ain't broke don't fix it", as they say.

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