The Real Reason I'm Mad CM Punk left.


Leading A Revolution
I don't need to give back ground on the CM Punk situation, and it has been talked about to death sense he threw up the douces and walked out of WWE. If you don't know the story try a cool thing called Google, I thinks that's what its called, to get caught up. With that said you're probably thinking, " Okay hypocrite, if its been talked about to death then why the hell are posting a thread about it?"
Well that is a valid question. And I am writing about it, because I want to explain the one reason I'm mad at Punk for leaving. It has nothing to do with backstage crap or my view on him as a person. I'm mad he left, because sense he left I personally have seen some great opportunities where the CM Punk character would've fit in perfectly in an angle and it would have been entertaining as hell to see. At least for me. Sense he left two stories have came to mind that i would have loved too see.The first came to mind before mania and the second after mania. Anyways enough babbling, here they are:

-CM Punk and AJ Lee vs Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Some people cringe at mixed tag matches, however i think this one would have been great. CM Punk and AJ Lee would have bee a perfect anti-authority duo to take on The Authority. I would have loved this feud and I thought it would have been a good Mania match. Probably the highest profiled mix tag match match ever in recent memory. I'm not complaining too bad cause what we got at Mania with Bryan vs Triple H was a great match and excellent story.

-My second Idea is the one that I'm real mad that we wont get. It would work out Awesome for CM Punk to return as a hero and savior to help Daniel Bryan fight the Authority, and then build to a face vs face match between the two for the WWE title. It could be all respect and honorable crap between CM Punk and Bryan, then in the match Triple H interferes and when he walks out the crowd would wonder what he is going to do, sense he has a problem with both men. I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this one. Triple H brings a chair in the ring and then Punk takes it from him, looks like he's gonna hit Triple H, the turns, and blasts Bryan, and hits the GTS for the win. The biggest Anti-Authority figure in the WWE does the unthinkable and aligns himself with Vince's daughter, and as punk once put it, " his doofus son in law." I think it would be a great turn and would lead to a great feud between Punk and Bryan. Sure this kind of angle has been done plenty of times, but with the pieces involved it would still be great.

Sadly though, for me atleast, it appears we won't get either of these situations. Based on everything I've heard and read, and things CM Punk had said in interviews prior to the walk out, if he ever does comeback to WWE, I don't think it'll be until 2015 at the earliest. Anyways, based on what I said:

-What do you guys think? Would you have liked to see either of the ideas I stated?
-What are some Ideas for good angles involving Punk that we won't be getting now that he left?
Personally, I don't care for either idea.
#1. I think the Bryan/Authority played out MUCH better at Mania than a mixed Tag would have. Punks' in ring work was sloppy as I have ever seen it in his last six months. At that rate, he wouldn't have been able to perform the way Bryan did.

#2. "BabyFace" Punk was terrible. You could tell he wasn't "with it". Seemed much more convincing as a heel.
Hindsight being 20/20, the story that was told at Mania this year would probably be 5 times greater than a mixed tag team match featuring Punk/AJ vs Tiple H/Stephanie McMahon. It definitely would've been one of the highest profiled mixed tag team match in WrestleMania history but, not many great mixed tag team matches come to my mind when I think back on those types of matches. The second idea is one that can still happen if Punk decides that he wants to come back and wrestle for the WWE. It'd be another rehash but, as good as Punk and Bryan are, they'd be able to make a great program out of it. Also, let's be honest, what hasn't been rehashed in professional wrestling?
Trust me, I can understand why you feel that way. As a fan, I was watching WM and the RAW after Mania, thinking that somehow or some way he'll make a surprise return and the the WWE universe would explode. It didn't happen, and although I wish it did, Punk does deserve some time off. Nothing has been publicly stated by either Vince, Triple H, or CM Punk, nor has any from of solid information been posted on the net. WWE hasn't breathed a word of it either. You see flashes of CM Punk still there on shows though. The 2k14 commercial and ads sometimes show Punk. Now, to your ideas:

I like both ideas. As Hakushi stated though, Punk's in ring work wasn't at his usual performance level due to injuries. He did need a time off.

CM Punk and AJ Lee vs Triple H and Stephanie McMahon - I see that concept coming along, as CM Punk and AJ Lee are two people you wouldn't have imagined as champions, trying to fight the Authority. The only thing with this is, both CM Punk and AJ Lee make much better heels than faces. What I would rather propose is:

Either CM Punk/AJ Lee vs John Cena/Nikki Bella OR CM Punk/AJ Lee vs Daniel Bryan/Brie Bella

Especially with Cena and Nikki vs Punk and AJ, i just see more of a character build. Oh and of course, I'd be rooting for Punk to kick that jabroni's ass, and have AJ Lee make that plastic doll tap out.

As for your second scenario:


Anything leading to a match between Danielson and Punk is great.
When will you people grasp the concept... There is one reason and one reason only... he had time off each year built into his deal, which his long reign didn't allow for... so it means minimum 2 months per year x 3 = 6 months+... Rumble to July/Expiration...

This isn't fiction... It's the norm for ALL WWE guys... Kane, Henry, Show, Cena they all have a scheduled time off each year, they may not admit it's planned, may book it as an injury etc... but it's there regular as clockwork. Punk hand't got to use it and chose to do so rather than lose it. Whatever was on the table wasn't a factor... it was a principle thing and in many ways right he went with it regardless of the cost...

He knew Bryan was more over, so he didn't lose out not being at 30... he knew Brock was breaking the streak... he even knew that the NAO's were probably in his future... or take your legally contracted time...heal...see where the land lies after your contract expires and let "Dave" do his thing while you laugh.

THAT is the real reason he left... cos he had time off he "had" to take or lose... so he did... it's why there is zero on him and why Vince used the word "Sabbatical"... they won't burn him, he won't burn them... there is no angle/story till June at the earliest and probably beyond.

As for your scenarios... nah... never gonna happen, he wasn't accepting the Randy/Dusty spot, where a mixed tag was used in place of a perfectly good and far better potential singles encounter. Nor was he gonna step on Bryan's toes... of anyone he was gonna let DB have his moment...
I'm only mad now when I realize that with evolution messing with the shield, the best heel the WWE can muster is fucking Kane...and not a single one of the young guys is ready for a Bryan feud for the wwewhc
Bryan vs HHH at Mania was meant to be. It started at Summerslam and needed to end at Mania. What we got was a masterpiece...from the build, to the highlight video, to the match at Mania to him standing tall with the belt at the end.

Punk leaving was the perfect scenario. There really wasnt anything for him at Mania this year, not in a main event match anyway. Plus it let Bryan take the spotlight which he deserves and what WWE needs, another big time player.

WHEN Punk comes back he'll be bigger than ever. Its the absence he should have taken after he left with the title at MITB.

In the end it'll work out best for everyone.
Ive seen it time and time again in the last 3 decades
I'll agree with not being happy that Punk left but it will make for a huge return, because he will come back. Everyone comes back.

Now for the scenarios you gave, had Punk never left we would have had a different Wrestlemania this year. I still think Bryan should have ended up in the main event for the title but we would have had Punk vs Triple H. No tag match, just those two one on one, only wrinkle I would have thrown in is to have Punk take his hiatus from the company but it all be a huge work in the end. Vince would have come back, there would be a struggle between him and Triple H over who should be in power. Hunter offers a match at Mania, Vince says he's on but he can't fight him, he knows someone who will though, enter CM Punk. Mania comes Punk wins, Vince is back in power end of story. AJ Lee still has a match just not against every Diva who ever lived.

As for scenario 2, who wouldn't want to see Punk and Bryan go at it for a few PPV's in a row. There would be some amazing matches there and would keep the fans happy at the end of every show, also would be the nightmare that Vince had when he was a kid since his main events always had 300 pound body builders in them not 2 guys who are around 210 and can actually go in the ring. My issue comes in at the ending of this scenario, in no way, shape, or form should that ending happen where Punk takes the chair and blasts Bryan. This has been tried before and epically failed, need proof? See Wrestlemania 17 Austin vs Rock for an example of how this plays out. It shouldn't be done.
I too visualised a Punk & AJ v Haitch & Steph match.

My personal scenario would have been keeping both off of TV until Payback in Chicago. Have Haitch & Stephanie cut a promo during the PPV, AJ's music hits & she stands at the top of the stage before Punk's music hits & he returns. They run down towards the ring together & attack The Authority, preferably both applying their respective submission holds.
I'm sure he had to go away because of some injury, I doubt Punk wanted to miss out on Wrestlemania, and maybe Punk did have a injury and him, Vince, Steph, Triple H came up with the best possible ideal way to come back rather then the usual "so and so is injuried and here is his story... returns to win the Rumble" maybe Punk wanted different, maybe he wants to make his big return as a heel rather then a face, so have the crowd dislike him. Would be a first.

And I think your mixed tag idea is horrible. The other idea is meh. At best I think Bryan and Punk could do that Mega-Powers type storyline and build up to a match at WM31.
Mixed Tag match on the biggest show of the year? Sounds like something TNA would pull out of the hat of ideas.

Idea 1 would have been alright for the Rumble or any PPV that's not Mania.

Sure, we won't get to see Punk vs Bryan in a Iron Man match or whatever people want to see. But I see Punks side and am glad he left.

Punk is the reason the indie ponyboy Daniel Bryan won the belt at Mania. Had Punk not thrown a temper tantrum, Vince wouldn't give a shit what the fans or Mick Foley thought after the Rumble.
Mixed Tag match on the biggest show of the year? Sounds like something TNA would pull out of the hat of ideas.

Guess you forgot 'Mania 27? If so, let me refresh your memory. Snooki. 'Nuff said. Punk/AJ vs. HHH/Steph could work if they somehow built it properly. As for Daniel Bryan vs Punk, as much as I don't like DB, I can't deny he can go in the ring, and nobody can give him a match like Punk. As for the guy who said Punk can't turn on Daniel Bryan because of WM 17, that only didn't work because Austin aligned himself with Mcmahon. Fans didn't buy it because the "hatred" the two had for each other was still fresh in their minds. They had been feuding for the better part of 3 years. Punk turning on Bryan would work, if he didn't align with Mcmahon and because he and Bryan are pals irl.
Boy, you look at the landscape of opponents for Daniel Bryan and it's awfully lacking. There's Batista, and then.... who? Can't do Orton, it was done to death last year. Can't do Bray Wyatt, that just happened this year. Same with HHH. You could wring a couple matches out of Cesaro. Who else? A turned Sheamus? Big Show? Not exactly box office gold.

The ONLY big-money option out there is a returning Punk. No idea if it will happen, BUT... the timing works, right? Punk's still under contract until July, I think. Perfect timing for a Bryan feud that culminates in a Title vs. Career match at Summer Slam.

Honestly, if they DON'T do this, I have no idea what Bryan's going to do to pass the time until Lesnar is back.

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