The Problem with WWE-- They give fans NOTHING to talk about. TNA does.

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
This topic came up last night when we were discussing the Awesome Kong and Bubba incident and Hogan humorously blaming Russo for supposedly encouraging Kong to go attack Bubba.

Obviously, that is nothing but pure BS designed to work the Internet. However, how exactly are they working the Internet in that regard? Nobody with a shred of intelligence is going to believe that Vince Russo told Awesome Kong to go attack Bubba The Love Sponge ... regardless if Hogan and Russo didn't get along in the past. Obviously, Hogan is supposedly calling for Russo's job.

However, I don't even know if THEY expect the fans to believe that stuff.

But, what they are doing and how they are working the IWC is that they are getting the fans to at least TALK about TNA. And that is publicity in it's own right. Regardless if it is all nothing but bullshit, Hogan and Russo are getting people to discuss TNA and that results in nothing but increased interest in the product.

So it's brilliant, and I hope they continue doing it, as I want to see TNA succeed.

When you look at the WWE, what do they honestly give the fans to talk about and discuss these days? Who the next Guest Host is going to be, who the fans could care less about?

The WWE gives the fans absolutely NOTHING to talk about or get excited about anymore. In essence, because of the absolute tight ship they run on rumors, planned things for the future, etc. they give the impression to the fans that they are absolutely yesterday's news.

Other than putting on the same matches time and time again, and having a new Guest Host on Raw, there simply is nothing to discuss of interest with them.

And I'll tell you this much. That is precisely why WWE fans sit there in attendance at the shows like a bunch of mimes ... simply going to the shows out of habit .... and even why often times the TNA section itself here on Wrestlezone receives so much more visitor traffic than the WWE section, as of late.

Take a look at various intervals, because often times, there are a lot more people viewing the TNA section than the WWE section, and that is because TNA can provide people with things to actually talk about and get excited about, where as WWE does not. Even as I type this, there are 340 people viewing the TNA section compared to 34 people viewing the WWE section, because TNA has new content that people are interested in talking about and WWE simply does not.

People are more interested in what is going on with TNA than what is going on with the WWE, because they know with WWE, they are getting absolutely nothing new, and there are very few new things to discuss with them, that haven't been discussed to death already.

So very simply, do you agree or disagree and let me know why or why not.
I watch the numbers besides each wrestling section carefully.

The last time the WWE section really blew up was when people were talking about the Orton versus Kofi "botch". So, the last thing that got people talking was more of an accident than anything WWE was trying to accomplish.

But I feel, if WWE did pull swerves, if they did have stuff similar to what the accident was I just mentioned, they could get people talking. The thing I just mentioned was actually a really small thing. A throwaway news item if you will, but because it could be taken so many ways it sparked debate and got people talking.

Now WWE has to manufacture controversy like that if they really wanna get people excited and talking.
Vince McMahon is working a deal with Dwayne Johnson. That alone can outshine any talk of TNA. I don't know who would rather watch Hogan Mr Anderson and The Nasty Boys over Dwayne Johnson.
Kids don't want complicated or extravagant, they want simple, linear and repetitive. That way they can keep track without paying much attention, which is the base state of being for a child between the ages of 5-12.

The WWE doesn't target us anymore (and by "us", I mean the 18-49 male demographic, obviously, not the IWC which has rarely ever been a target - since the "Mr. Kennedy as Vince's son" angle anyway), they target the kids.

Will this mean that they lose business in the end? It's hard to tell, but we're rapidly approaching the same situation we had when the Attitude Era came about. This time, however, I have a feeling that the WWE will keep focusing on their demographic. I have no hopes whatsoever that WWE will try to cater to (young) adults for a long, long time.

With that being said, should Cena turn heel, Orton go tweener, Mysterio turn heel, Taker retire, DX disappear forever and Hornswoggle only be allowed to fight starving tigers, then... yes, I would consider discussing the WWE in any real capacity.
TNA surprises me every Thursday night. I find myself more anxious to watch Impact than Raw every week. Every storyline with TNA has either shocked me or entertained the hell out of me so far. WWE had something going with the McMahons and Triple H VS Orton storyline last year, but they blew it by having Orton admit the whole IED thing was a fake, and the match at Mania 25 didn't help things either.

As far as the growing interest among wrestling fans in TNA goes, I think it has a lot to do with TNA being the #2, and having the guts to go up against the big bad wolf that is WWE and Vince McMahon. I have a friend who admitted to me he always heard of TNA, but never watched until they decided to go up against Raw on Jan 4. He said to me,"They're actually going to try and challenge Vince! I've got to see what they're going to do". He has been watching Impact every Thursday ever since then. I think this the mentality of a lot of people who want to get into TNA.

The guest host concept hasn't been entertaining to me ever since Shaq, and Bret Hart(I know it wasn't that long ago, but still).Seriously, who couldn't see Tyson's face turn coming from a mile away? Also, what about the guest hosts that have been absolutely horrible, like Vern Troyer,Johnny Damon,ZZ Top,and others.

Yeah, WWE does put on the same matches over and over again, but TNA does this also. Although I will tell you this, I would rather watch Angle/Styles again and again, then watch Orton/Kingston or Mickie James/Beth Phoneix over and over.

Now on to the crowds. I think it depends on how smarky a crowd can be at times. For example, when live wrestling crowds start chanting "What!" I don't think this is because a promo is bad. Smarky crowds do this because because they want to be obnoxious as possible. Unless it's a case like where Vince delivered that promo on Bret Hart a couple of weeks ago, and that crowd really gave it to him. Vince really didn't put any fire or emotion behind that promo. That's why it came off as awkward or bad. Although, WWE matches and segments or promos can be so redundant,bland, boring,or lifeless, that it will cause the live audience to turn into zombies. I've seen it happen at a couple of shows I've been to.
I will have to disagree, but not as much, so I kind of agree and disagree. The Guest Hosts are generally Hit or absolute disasters. But when they bring out great stars like Shaq...Tyson..and then depending on the person it could be anyone. Just because you don't like a Guest Host, before they show up, doesn't mean other people aren't talking about it. Example: For me being a BIG PSYCH fan I am ecstatic that James Rodey and Dule Hill are hosting next week. Another one was Johnny Damon, sure if your not a baseball fan than maybe not your cup of tea, but as a baseball/Yankee fan it got my hyped to see that episode. One again it's all personal preference, if they get a celeb you like you are more likely to be pumped for that show, if you don't know who the person is than you could careless, but that isn't saying that other people aren't talking about it.

Also you got Bret Hart coming in more than a Guest Host and I remember the day I read he signed with WWE, myself and some of my friends couldn't stop talking about it regardless of how it turned out or how you thought it would turn out.

What about the interest and signing of Bryan Danielson???? Guess no one talked about that. Also there has been interest or rumors of them looking at other Indy guys like The Briscoes...Roderick Strong showed up at a FCW show...Davey Richards had a small part of a blog where he talks about being contacted by WWE.

So they do give fans something to talk about. It is just right now TNA is the hot topic, but that doesn't mean WWE isn't giving fans something to talk about. Who isn't curious of the dark matches wrestled by Kaval and/or Bryan Danielson??????

Bret Hart returning after 12 years.
The same Bret Hart hugging Shawn Michaels, the guy he still recently referred to as a "chicken shit."
Sheamus...some obscure nobody suddenly becoming WWE Champion.
Massive hinting at Taker v. HBK II.
Umm...who's going to win the freaking Rumble?

I'd say that WWE is giving us plenty to talk about, Sid.

Bret Hart returning after 12 years.

Botched return, with interest now deflated. Interest is now dying in the angle, because it was a big to-do about nothing on his first night, when they did absolutely nothing with him at all, of any real interest.

The same Bret Hart hugging Shawn Michaels, the guy he still recently referred to as a "chicken shit."

Okay, this is still all one thing to talk about, not two things. Nice try, though.

Sheamus...some obscure nobody suddenly becoming WWE Champion.

Who is he and why should I care?

Massive hinting at Taker v. HBK II.

Already seen it once. Why should I care?

Umm...who's going to win the freaking Rumble?

Let's see ... who always wins the Royal Rumble? Triple H, John Cena, or Randy Orton. Nope, nothing to talk about here. Been there, done that.

I'd say that WWE is giving us plenty to talk about, Sid.

I'd say you are wrong. And prove me wrong. Start talking up a storm in the WWE section, Ricky, on all the "exciting" things there is to talk about in the WWE and quit acting like such an Apologist mark.

TNA clearly has more people talking right now in the WWE, because they are providing the material for people to talk about. WWE's material is either boring, or nothing new. That is why the TNA section has so many more visitors now, and the WWE section has less visitors.

Now, if we could only turn those visitors into actual posters, and get them to register and start contributing.
Well if you're talking about the incident between Bubba and Awesome Kong incident, then you're obviously just referring to the IWC. TNA and WWE sections of forums do occasionally battle it out for supremecy and most views. But WWE still gets the most posts and most views, so obviously more people want to talk about it. Yeah, at some hours of the day, TNA has more people having discussions in it and viewing and that's a testament to TNA's success. But WWE is still the most discussed until now.

Obviously, when it comes to finding stuff for the IWC to talk about, TNA are trying various things out, seeing what sticks. They've got Hogan, they've got Hardy, they've got The Band, AJ Heel turn, Flair and so on... But alot of fans I know don't find these things as interesting as Bret Hart's return. They've seen all of the above before, it's just the same thing. But Bret Hart coming in with so much to do, say and deal with is immersive programming. Have people lost interest in the Bret angle? Who knows. I guess we'll have to see what the pop says when he returns on whatever Raw he decides to show up on.

Who is he and why should I care?

You say this about Sheamus after talking about Bubba the Love Sponge?
Botched return, with interest now deflated. Interest is now dying in the angle, because it was a big to-do about nothing on his first night, when they did absolutely nothing with him at all, of any real interest.

Yeah...the angle is completely dying. That's why they bring up Bret every week on Raw. That's why Vince is cutting promos about it. That's why fans keep chanting "You screwed Bret" at the events. :rolleyes:

Okay, this is still all one thing to talk about, not two things. Nice try, though.

Pretty sure I listed it as a separate thing to talk about. Thus, two things. At least 1.5.

Who is he and why should I care?

You would know if you watched WWE instead of 24. Sounds like you are slacking in your job, Sid.

Already seen it once. Why should I care?

Because it might have been the best match in Mania history? I don't know. If you can't get pumped about two of the biggest icons in wrestling history squaring off...then you might want to go join some forums that discuss 24.

And you've already seen Hogan once. You've seen Flair once. You've seen "The Band," Nastys, Foley, Angle, Bisch, Jarrett, etc etc etc etc etc. You've even seen Styles v. Angle once. Need I go on?

Let's see ... who always wins the Royal Rumble? Triple H, John Cena, or Randy Orton. Nope, nothing to talk about here. Been there, done that.

Trips - 1
Cena - 1
Orton - 1

Yeah. They ALWAYS win the Rumble, Sid.

I'd say you are wrong. And prove me wrong. Start talking up a storm in the WWE section, Ricky, on all the "exciting" things there is to talk about in the WWE and quit acting like such an Apologist mark.

I talk about plenty in WWE sections when I get a chance. Got those 500 pages of reading to do a week for grad school though, pal. :)

Apologist mark? You mean...marking out for common sense?

TNA clearly has more people talking right now in the WWE, because they are providing the material for people to talk about. WWE's material is either boring, or nothing new. That is why the TNA section has so many more visitors now, and the WWE section has less visitors.

Yes...this is clearly the case. It really shows up in the weekly ratings.

Now, if we could only turn those visitors into actual posters, and get them to register and start contributing.

Do it, Sid. Start a crusade!
The WWE gives fans nothing to to talk about? Yeah, I'm sorry but I don't buy that for a single second. Steamboat Ricky listed several interesting topics of discussion going on in the WWE. People are talking about what's going to happen at the Rumble. Could HBK win it? Will Taker drop the title to Mysterio? Will HBK cause Taker to lose the title to Mysterio? Could this really be the year Taker's streak comes to an end? Will Sheamus successfully defend against Randy Orton? Who's gonna win the Rumble? Could someone completely unexpected win the Rumble? Is Sheamus gonna be the champ until WrestleMania? Could Bret Hart's deal with the WWE turn into a long term working relationship? Could Bret Hart ultimately wind up as the Raw GM when the guest host angle comes to an end?

There are lots of things going on in the WWE right now that gives people something to talk about. The WWE does something unexpected by putting Sheamus into the #1 contender spot for the WWE title, people complain. Something even more unexpected happens when Sheamus wins the title, people complain. Drew McIntyre wins the IC title in his first match against Morrison, people complain. The WWE has pushed a number of young stars in the past 7 or 8 months, people complain. The WWE brings back and manages to have a working relationship with one of the most respected and revered pro wrestlers of his generation, people complain. The fact that you say the return was botched simply doesn't make it so. They put Bret Hart in a situation with Vince McMahon that has people waiting and wanting to see where the WWE takes it, people complain. I guess the point is that no matter what the WWE does, the IWC in general seems to want to complain rather than acknowledge the WWE is not only doing some things right but is doing them in an interesting way.

As far as TNA goes, I think some people are just so thrilled with the aspect that there's a #2 company in wrestling again, that they've built TNA up on this boards to be better than it actually is. The WWE has been around for so long and beating them seems like such an uphill battle that some simply want to bash the WWE for being the huge company that it is. TNA is the underdog and some people just like to root for the underdog no matter what. TNA is such a young company and is very much in a state of transition at this point and that's always something that's interesting to talk about. But, the bone hard facts are that the WWE does do some things right. They do give fans something to discuss. The fact that the IWC has a tendency to complain about these things doesn't negate them.
Sid, answer me this. Has TNA or any part of TNA ever been chanted at a WWE event?

You know the answers, I know the answers. So which promotions fans are thinking about the competition?

And WWE used to have people talking. The million dollar give away, the Donald Trump fiasco at Wrestlemania, the exploding Limo. That had WAY more people talking then this TNA shit. But they were failures. Plain and simple. Fan didn't buy it, ratings didnt budge, and buyrates didn't increase. So what's the point of getting people to talk, if they don't show it with their wallet? Vince could come out on Raw, and have an orgy with every DIVA. Would it get people talking? Sure. Would it help anything? Not a bit. Nobody would tune in next week to find out what happened.

What's pathetic Sid, is you feel TNA needs to use WWE angles to get over. If that's indeed true, TNA is in worse shape then I feared.

And another thing, I REALLY want to order Royal Rumble. Not sure if I can afford it, so I might hit a bar, but I REALLY want to order it. Royal Rumble has some VERY good angles going in. Heel vs Heel title match, will HBK win and fight taker? Will the Legacy split finally happen, will Edge return and if so, he should win right? Can't leave out Cena and HHH. This PPV is actually looking very solid. I haven't ordered a PPV in quite a few years but THIS is change I can believe in.

Instead of giving Vince props for actually promoting a good PPV for a change, we are stuck with the Screwjob 16.0

And I'm saying it here. I don't think HBK will win it. I don't think HBK will fight Taker. I still think HBK fights HHH and Orton fights Ted for the title. I just can't see HBK losing to Taker twice in a row. But I can't see Taker losing at WM either.

See Sid, people are talking about WWE, you just can't hear them cause your head is so far up Hogans ass :D

And for all those "talkers" Sid that loves to yap up TNA, it's such a shame they never order PPVs, or go to the shows, or help boost the ratings. Stuff that might ACTUALLY help TNA.

Want to know why I talk more about TNA? Cause TNA has a chance to give me what I have missed for years. Real competition. And all I see is TNA fucking up and slowing taking away my chance to be excited again
Sid, answer me this. Has TNA or any part of TNA ever been chanted at a WWE event?

As a matter of fact, yes.

At 8:08 the chant starts and gains a lot of momentum.


Now, when has "WWE" ever been chanted at a "TNA" event. Your turn to look it up.

You know the answers, I know the answers. So which promotions fans are thinking about the competition?

No, clearly you don't know the answers. So I suggest you take your pitiful attempt at a challenge to me down a bit, eh?

TNA fans are thinking about WWE's fans, and yes, they want to take them away. And TNA is motivated where as WWE is not. The momentum clearly resides with TNA, to the point where TNA has even been chanted at WWE events.

I can guarantee that nobody is chanting for WWE at TNA events.

And WWE used to have people talking. The million dollar give away, the Donald Trump fiasco at Wrestlemania, the exploding Limo. That had WAY more people talking then this TNA shit. But they were failures. Plain and simple. Fan didn't buy it, ratings didnt budge, and buyrates didn't increase. So what's the point of getting people to talk, if they don't show it with their wallet? Vince could come out on Raw, and have an orgy with every DIVA. Would it get people talking? Sure. Would it help anything? Not a bit. Nobody would tune in next week to find out what happened.

So you actually think it's better not to have people talking, because you don't think it matters? We'll see about that and put that theory to the test. I think when competition is involved, which it was not back then, then it can prove most disastrous for the opposing company if one gives the fans more content to "talk about" then the other. So, we'll see.

What's pathetic Sid, is you feel TNA needs to use WWE angles to get over. If that's indeed true, TNA is in worse shape then I feared

When did I ever state that TNA necessarily needs to use WWE angles to get over and get people talking? I didn't recall ever stating this.
As per usual, Sid, while I respect your opinions and the passion you bring to them, I have to disagree with you yet again.

WWE still has plenty of things to talk about, and talk will only escalate as the Rumble comes and goes and we enter the "road to Wrestlemania."

I vehemently disagree with your assessment of the Bret Hart storyline and how it's been ruined. It hasn't even begun yet. It was introduced early to produce the slow build over the next three months. Of course not much happened that first night. Remember, in the kayfabe world, he came out for one night only to bury the hatchet with HBK and Vince while serving as guest host. While we all know that's not actually the case, it's supposed to be. I didn't expect Bret back the next few RAW's, that wouldn't have made sense. He can't just come on the show whenever he wants. Vince supposedly kicked him and said that's it, Bret's gone. No one is suggesting the kick was so violent or harmful that he's unable to return. Over the next few weeks, Vince's courage will be challenged, as it already has been by Taker, HHH, and will be by others. Eventually Vince will invite Bret back. This will make sense. And then and only then will Bret show us he's absolutely not made of glass, and it's on.

I personally enjoyed Bret and Shawn burying the hatchet. That was better than having them feud in my opinion, especially with HBK in good ring shape, and Hart certainly not.

Over and above this, the Rumble can go so many different ways. I don't think Orton, HHH, or HBK will win the Rumble, but you can't be sure, Vince keeps us guessing which is RAW's appeal. I think DiBiase wins the Rumble this year, or my dark horse wouold be John Morrison.

Who will appear at the Rumble, there's always surprises. Will Edge be there? How will WWE's new youth movement, which the fans have been crying out for in contrast to the old stale main events, how will it proceed? Is Sheamus for real?

How can you complain about the same main events over and over again when we've seen Angle vs AJ three times in the last couple of weeks?

There's a sudden spike in interest, but that's smoke and mirrors. Why do people stop and look at the scene of an accident? Because they can't heelp themselves, not because it's all that interesting. TNA is very quickly going to run out of rabbits to pull out of hats, and the smoke and mirrors will clear to reveal what TNA is: recycled cast-offs who couldn't cut it in WWE and who were released for a reason, attempting to headline an entire organization.

Don't let the numbers of people visiting TNA on this site fool you, I imagine a lot of that traffic is posting negativity about TNA.

Don't get me wrong, TNA has been improving, but you're dreaming if you see TNA as being anywhere near WWE's scope. Especially after that clusterf**k of an iMPACT episode that aired last night.
*The King Industry enters thread and laughs at the OP*

The only people talking about TNA is the same people talking about TNA a year ago.

All the changes they've made [minus a ring, which didn't take a genius to figure out in the first place]- have for the most part sucked.

Sure they have a slight nostalgia bump, but for the long term things don't look good and they've basically are booking a show that resembles WWE in 2002, minus the great production and logic.

Going Live will only lose money, Going Live on Monday Nights will kill them, and Going Live when there isn't really a high demand and a big market begging for TNA to come around, is just fucking dumb.

Pro wrestling is simple as shit to produce. Sure it might be hard work, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t simple. The employees at McDonalds work hard that doesn’t mean the shit they’re doing couldn’t be done by a very smart monkey.

TNA is fucking up on so many levels it isn’t even funny.

First off if you’re going to commit suicide and go against Titan, at least do things that don’t make it obvious that you’re trying to you know, commit suicide. If you really want to compete with WWE, you don’t waste money to do it, because just like everything else in life, you’re going to need it in the long run.

If you’re going to compete at least do competent things that make sense, that expose WWE’s weakness and maximize yours strength . Examples…

1: WWE censors their crowds, a paying crowd at that. TNA should basically let their fans do what the fuck they want as long as it makes the show feel exciting. Sure The Impact Zone are full of smarky morons who wouldn’t know a good match if it smack them in the head with a sledge hammer, but they’re vocal.

You call them Cast Members and tell them to go along with “whatever we do”, then they become really vocal and shit on your company, and it still isn’t the kind of heat you want, so than you ban them and replace them with some Shock Jock’s fan base, and the backlash is going to be fucking brutal and it was something you could have avoided by letting them think their free to express their feelings any way they want to, but eventually they will be doing exactly what you want, because at the end of the day Impact Zone is a bunch that will swallow any shit TNA gives them…

Well anything but letting WWE’s top jobber come in and beat a guy, you’ve had ME a PPV 2 times in a row.


Sacrifice a guy you were pushing as the heir to The King of Hardcore throne 3 months ago, [and put over by one of the biggest stars ever]- to a guy who has made a career out of being a fuck up and a two bit hack.

When you do things like that even The Impact Zone ******ed reactions are justified.

2: WWE doesn’t push cruisers heavy…So TNA should push cruisers heavy.

3: WWE isn’t really focus on Women’s Wrestling…TNA should make Women’s Wrestling a big part of the show, seeing as it was a proven ratings draw at one time. But the blame for this doesn’t really fall in Hogan/Bischoff lap, seeing as the Division was fucked before they came in, but they’re not helping the problem either, which was the reason they were brought in.

4: WWE doesn’t have an agreement with the top company in Japan, TNA does…Why doesn’t TNA use it appropriately? Especially when you consider Hogan and Eric have great history with New Japan and Hogan was at one time a big star in the company. USE IT!!!!

5: Don’t beg WWE to notice you, it makes you look bush league, every time Hogan disses Vince it comes across as a scorned broad becoming the neighborhood ****e, who is trying to make her ex jealous. Thing is The Ex doesn’t give a fuck; he married a Rich Supermodel and doesn’t give two shits about a disease ridden bitch abusing her own body…

Too much? I know.

6: Don’t go Live every week until you have built a following that demands it or at least done a few successful gates on the PPV’s you do take on the road.


Then people might REALLY start talking about TNA

High Risk, no reward= Moron

Low Risk, high reward= Success

What up, Sidious!!!!!!

Carry on, kids.

*The King leaves thread*
This topic came up last night when we were discussing the Awesome Kong and Bubba incident and Hogan humorously blaming Russo for supposedly encouraging Kong to go attack Bubba.

Obviously, that is nothing but pure BS designed to work the Internet. However, how exactly are they working the Internet in that regard? Nobody with a shred of intelligence is going to believe that Vince Russo told Awesome Kong to go attack Bubba The Love Sponge ... regardless if Hogan and Russo didn't get along in the past. Obviously, Hogan is supposedly calling for Russo's job.

However, I don't even know if THEY expect the fans to believe that stuff.

But, what they are doing and how they are working the IWC is that they are getting the fans to at least TALK about TNA. And that is publicity in it's own right. Regardless if it is all nothing but bullshit, Hogan and Russo are getting people to discuss TNA and that results in nothing but increased interest in the product.

So it's brilliant, and I hope they continue doing it, as I want to see TNA succeed.

When you look at the WWE, what do they honestly give the fans to talk about and discuss these days? Who the next Guest Host is going to be, who the fans could care less about?

The WWE gives the fans absolutely NOTHING to talk about or get excited about anymore. In essence, because of the absolute tight ship they run on rumors, planned things for the future, etc. they give the impression to the fans that they are absolutely yesterday's news.

Other than putting on the same matches time and time again, and having a new Guest Host on Raw, there simply is nothing to discuss of interest with them.

And I'll tell you this much. That is precisely why WWE fans sit there in attendance at the shows like a bunch of mimes ... simply going to the shows out of habit .... and even why often times the TNA section itself here on Wrestlezone receives so much more visitor traffic than the WWE section, as of late.

Take a look at various intervals, because often times, there are a lot more people viewing the TNA section than the WWE section, and that is because TNA can provide people with things to actually talk about and get excited about, where as WWE does not. Even as I type this, there are 340 people viewing the TNA section compared to 34 people viewing the WWE section, because TNA has new content that people are interested in talking about and WWE simply does not.

People are more interested in what is going on with TNA than what is going on with the WWE, because they know with WWE, they are getting absolutely nothing new, and there are very few new things to discuss with them, that haven't been discussed to death already.

So very simply, do you agree or disagree and let me know why or why not.

It's about time somebody pointed that out! I frequently post on another forum and everyone there can't stop complaining about how Hogan's gonna kill TNA and Bischof's turning it into WCW and they ignore the fact that everything that's gone down this month has EVERYONE talking about TNA!

Thank you, Lord!
Now before I get going, keep in mind I don't use the term smark or IWC has negatives, it's simply what we are.

As someone that frequented the forums daily for nearly 2 1/2 years, and has decided to voluntarily take a step back from the smarkiness of the forums, I have some opening observations of this topic.

The Only people talking about TNA are smarks, plain and simple. You want to know what I've heard about TNA outside of these forums...

That blank space between here and the last period. Nothing. Why, because no one cares about TNA. It's not a knock, it's a fact. Why, because TNA has done absolutely nothing the last 3 weeks since the 4th to grow their audience outside of the people that are already watching the product. TNA has become such a smark exclusive show at this point, it's ridiculous. This is why the IWC talks about it, because the writers and bookers know who their audience is. It's fine for TNA, but they will never grow their audience to what they want if they follow this course of action.

I'm not one to scream the greatness of the WWE. If you've read my post enough, you know where I stand with many of the wrestlers on the roster. However, I can turn on a Sportscenter nearly every Tuesday evening, and any Raw guest host that is related to athletics will likely make the highlight reel. The WWE is talked about far more then TNA outside of our little bubble.
Well I have to agree and disagree.
WWE has given as stuff to talk about but it has not been as big as what tna has done.

The two things I can really remember that got the wwe fans wild up are.
1. kofi push
2. and the shemus push

but then people say there are doing this wrong so wwe just cant win these days.
But tna has done things that are for more explosive to get people talking. they end there shows with ..what the hell are they going to do next and i think that's how they are getting people to talk about tna more.
tna has done things that i can remember as

1.nasty boys.
2.hogan and bishoff
3.sting was in the rafters again
4.the band..what are they doing with them
...tna just leaves us hanging wondering what they are going to do next
Yeah to some degree I do agree with you Sid - TNA does give the IWC something to talk about, their putting themself on the map in a new perspective, because they work the smarks as I believe someone made a thread about on this forum.

But to some degree I also think WWE does not need the IWC and the smarks to be talking, their on the map already, they don't need to stirr the pot in order to make more people tune in and watch their shows, because the "small" (notice the " ") number that contains in the IWC, WWE's ratings won't go significantly up through that, but TNA needs to improve their ratings if they want to compete, and working the IWC and giving them something that makes them want to tune in, might just give them that 0.1 or 0.whatever extra rating they need to show off as a threat to the big guys.

Besides, around now I kinda would say the IWC does have a bit of WWE to talk about, but its mostly concentrated towards the Rumble, because we're curious who's gonna win it, who's going to main event Wrestlemania, and who's gonna be nr 1 and 30.
Vince McMahon is working a deal with Dwayne Johnson. That alone can outshine any talk of TNA. I don't know who would rather watch Hogan Mr Anderson and The Nasty Boys over Dwayne Johnson.

He's working a deal to host RAW. This is nothing. If WCW taught us anything, its that bringing in one-stop fixes doesn't fix a rotted product. Personally I couldn't care less about the Rock now. I'd sooner tune into Austins appearance. Still, I'm actually looking forward to next weeks iMPACT based on long-term angles, not celeb gimmicks.
So you're basing the WWE's product on the thoughts of a bunch of smarks who post on message boards? That's a real fair fight since the WWE targets to a kid demographic that doesn't visit this website. Your logic is as flawed as a conservative website claiming that there are no liberals in the USA because their message board is flooded with conservatives.

TNA has gotten a nice spike in the ratings recently. I'll equate it to a Presidential nominee announcing his Vice Presidential candidate. There is always a spike in the polls at that point. However, if the Presidential candidate can't maintain that momentum, then the polls go back to where they were before the announcement.

Hogan and Bischoff joining TNA brought quite a bit of interest. What will they do? Who will they bring in? Will TNA compete with the WWE? These were exciting questions.

The answers thus far have been:

They will do some good things and some bad things. They will run a blurred angle involving a power struggle with the company, forcing fans to decide who they think is in the right - Hogan/Bischoff or Jarrett/Foley. It has been a nice angle that I'm interested to see more of. They have also done piss poor things such as trying to re-enact an on-going storyling in the WWE (yes. With Hart back, the MSJ incident is now an on-going storyline in the WWE).

They will bring in Scott Hall, Sean Waltman, the Nasty Boys, Bubba the Love Sponge, Ric Flair and - a guy I've always thought was overrated - Mr. Kennedy.

They will compete ... with Superstars. I just saw the ratings and noticed that TNA beat the WWE's 3rd or 4th best show in the ratings this week. Congrats to them, but as much as Sid says the WWE product is stale, the flagship show still draws at least 3 times the ratings of Impact ... consistently.

I won't say that TNA can't compete - but the initial interest in Hogan/Bischoff is going to wane very soon. Wrestling history has proven that nostalgia can only take a company so far. These two don't have years... they have a few months before the crowd starts to get bored with their presence (Perhaps that's the reason the WWE isn't overdoing appearances by a 50-year old former wrestler who can't take much physical contact...)

If the calendar flips to May, and TNA hasn't done anything of great interest to enhance the arrivals of Hogan/Bischoff, then the new interest in TNA will completely go away.
He's working a deal to host RAW. This is nothing. If WCW taught us anything, its that bringing in one-stop fixes doesn't fix a rotted product. Personally I couldn't care less about the Rock now. I'd sooner tune into Austins appearance. Still, I'm actually looking forward to next weeks iMPACT based on long-term angles, not celeb gimmicks.

UMMM I dont know what you read, but what I read was they were working on a deal that would last a few months. Even if it does end up being just a one night stand as much as I like Austin MOre people will tune in to see the Rock just because there is so much more potential using him for one night than Austin.

Now as far as the topic, I believe it was the previous poster above me, and a few others that said that TNA is aiming everything toward the IWC. I agree, and if they keep that up they arent going anywhere but downhill. I will admit I have been a wwe mark for close to 30 years now, and even back in the original wars I watched both for maybe a year, then WCW got stale. I will be honest I have tried and watched TNA and It doesnt interest me one bit. I have seen this done before, and with the same people for the most part. It may be short time but that short time has turned me off TNA completely I have no interest to find out what is going to happen cause eventually it will be driven into the ground.
Sid topics ALWAYS get people talking.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. TNA is marketing brilliantly. They KNEW that the word of mouth would bring viewers in, especially with all the old AND new faces. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the attack WAS a work, INCLUDING Bubba's comments about Haiti. I doubt it, but still. The internet is now a driving force in wrestling, and if you get people talking, it equals ratings.
Your problem is not with WWE. World Wrestling Federation has already established itself and then had to change their name after they were sued by World Wild Life Fund. And so while that pissed off a lot of fans, it didn't detract them any. Except for those who left after the Attitude Era was over. WWE is a promotion machine. You're not going to beat them at their own game. Sure the matches can get repetitive but fans are interested to see where their favorite wrestlers will go. Wrestling is a series of repetition, but its up to creative to make each encounter different. Taker vs Mysterio is something I thought would never happen, and there is no way that Mysterio will walk away with the win. The rumble is interesting just for the surprises.

Who is TNA targeting? They were targeting the 18-49 Male Demo before Hogan/Bischoff took over. The format of the show was fine. The six sided ring was fine after they switched to it. TNA's main focus was it needed to shave some time to fit more wrestling in it's two hours because the quality was better.

Who are you going to get to watch your show when you tell your audience they're cast members, and they should bow to you, or they can go to hell? Honestly does that get people talking? Yes, but its about how TNA is being run by a jackass, and while they may hate Vince they can enjoy the competition more. There is a strike against you. Then what do you do? You run a show, and while everybody is talking you debut guys who shouldn't even show up right away. Their returns should be saved so you can make a better impact, and keep people talking. So you botched that. What do you do next? You don't showcase the X Division, which is a fundamental reason you've gotten a television a deal. So you fucked that opportunity. Strike two. Then you recreate content we've already seen. Not just content we've already seen but something that was relevant, in which there is currently an angle to put it at peace over at the competition. I mean honestly. How many strikes can you throw before you fail?

So if by talking you mean TNA over looks its talent, is incapable of producing better quality like it was before Hogan took over, and pretty much telling the fans they have to stick with the bullshit Hogan is feeding them I'd think I'd rather talk about the X Division, the World Title, and all their belts being defended. How the women can actually wrestle. I want present day angles. They don't have to be perfect but if I can watch it, it's a start. If you compare TNA & WWE right now. WWE is like a 30 oz steak, and TNA is the dumpster that steak gets thrown in. There is no comparison unless TNA can get back to basics.
Vince McMahon is working a deal with Dwayne Johnson. That alone can outshine any talk of TNA. I don't know who would rather watch Hogan Mr Anderson and The Nasty Boys over Dwayne Johnson.

I agree with this, TNA is the hot topic now. WWE will be a hot topic with the Rock returns. However that will only last a week. Then its back to TNA, good or bad TNA keeps you guessing. And controversy creates interest.

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