The Pope vs. Orlando Jordan

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Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
It's going to happen. Anyone with a brain can tell you that after seeing the backstage segment two weeks ago. And, in my opinion, I'm looking forward to this. If you ask me, Orlando Jordan and The Pope are both extremely talented wrestlers. They've got excellent mat technique that brings old school wrestling to tears of joy, and they can both go high risk.

I've been a fan of both of theirs for some time now, and if you ask me, this could be one of those infamous rivalries that goes down as one of the overlooked greatest.

Your thoughts?
The Pope is a future world champ because of his Rock-like mic skills and charisma. Orlando on the other hand is Orlando, i havent seen anything great in his matches, he wont help TNA in anyway in werestling quality the way the X divison, MCMG, Generation me, AJ, Joe and Daniels or the Knockouts do.
I agree with Supersayin. The whole point of this feud should be to make the Pope look good. They started it with his win over Wolfe (not exactly sure the point of even booking that match, but it was good i guess wrestling wise), and they should continue it. The guy has probably the best promo-skills in TNA, and the gimmick is much better than just an amateur boxer who had a lot of KOs.

I remember the Cabinet in WWE, but I think it was when I was slowly starting to come back to wrestling (there was a phase when Brock Lesnar was around that I lost 100% interest). Was Orlando Jordan anything special? I had to look it up when he came out at the 1/4 show because I could not remember where I've seen that guy before. I only remember him as JBL's lackey, but he apparently he had some US title runs which I don't remember. I don't see Jordan as being this credible veteran that will help Pope elevate. If Jordan still has something in him, then Pope will benefit due to the quality of matches. A feud with Val Venis (that Daniels is apparently having...) would probably be better, as the Pope can do his thing against porn and Sean Mosley (oy), and he'd be beating someone more recognizable.

Hopefully it works out for both of them though.
I think they might make a thin out of how Orlando and The Pope were both amateur boxers. Need to move pope onto something more meaningful hopefully this is a short feud and The Pope gets a nice title run in the near future.
I'd like to see him join Pope as part of his Congregation and rename him The Cardinal, as Pope's lackey. Either that or he's simply jobber fodder for him, since Pope is quite clearly on his way to the top.

I still can't believe he was let go by WWE, bollocks creative didn't have anything for him, he was trying to sell this Black Pope gimmick to them and it's gold in my opinion.

Also, I can't quite figure out the importance of Jordan's TNA debut, he didn't really add a whole lot of star impact to the live show, other than just for the sake of it. Would of been better debuting him before in the lead up to Hogan's debut.
Orlando Jordan hasn't been interesting since...since...


I've got nothing. His penis being flashed across the internet is easily the greatest thing he's ever done, and I wasn't a fan.

This feud, if/when it happens, should serve only to put Dinero over, and hopefully round out his character a bit. I don't care if he goes the homophobe route, and blasts Jordan on TV,, saying he's going about life the wrong way, but it'll help us get a little better idea of what his character really is.

Jordan is average in the ring, so I won't blast him showing up, but hopefully he fills the much needed jobber role.
The Pope has been skyrocketing to the top in TNA, and I don't see how a feud with Orlando Jordan will help that.

At this point, Jordan is basically a complete unknown. I had no idea who he was when he showed up on Impact, and I don't think I'm the only one. The only thing I remember about him from the WWE was that he used to drive JBL's limo, or was his head of security, or some such nonsense. In any case, I have no interest in Jordan feuding with anyone at this point, especially not someone the caliber of Pope (who should be progressing up the card towards feuds with Joe, Daniels or Morgan, ideally). Hopefully the coming weeks will change that.

Basically, I have no problem with Jordan being given a shot in TNA, but I don't know enough about him to say which feuds I would like to see him in. Desmond Wolfe was in a similar position a few months ago (although with an arguably more credible background, having been the ROH champion). Putting him up against a proven main-event talent (Kurt Angle) worked wonders in quickly establishing Wolfe as a credible threat to anyone within the company, to the extent that the Pope picking up a victory over him was considered by many to be an upset. Maybe that's the way to go with Orlando as well.
In any case, The Pope needs to keep proving himself against established stars at this phase in his push, and I think a feud with Orlando would be a step backwards (at least until Orlando has established himself).
The congregation will not put up with the disrespectful attitude of Whoopi Jordan. Like Pope said, he will lay the smack on Whoopi just like Danny glover in the color purple. Pope has already spoken, and the pope is wise. I can see whoopi interfering in Popes match against Desmond Roofeh to keep both looking strong, but the post match beatdown should be good.

I'm hoping then for a 1-1 on Impact the following week, these two can likely have a nice short feud leading to a match at the next ppv
Orlando Jordan isn't a interesting person. He lacks charisma and he's not that phenomenal in the ring. Dinero though, has the mic skills that can make you just appreciate a good solid promo, he's damn good in the ring, and he's drowning in his own charisma. I don't see why they even brought Orlando in on the 1/4 iMPACT. They could use the amateur boxing thing, but meh. That's not enough to build on. They might have a boxing match, who knows? Maybe Orlando can be in a role like he was with JBL. A lackey.
Anyone who watched dinero verbally bitch slap everyone on the panel on the latest spin cycle will see why he doesn't need to waste his time with that chump Orlando. The best thing he ever did was make the Warrior look somewhat decent in the ring in NWE. That's it, and I think it was more the excitement of Warrior being back in the ring than Jordan. Hopefully Pope Pimp Slaps him and sends him and his goofy ass Axl Rose braids out of TNA and be the next World Champ, cause Pope Is Pimpin'!
As with Matt Morgan and Angelina Love, I'll never know how WWE lets these guys go.

TNA has let some great talent go - Petey Williams I still miss heaps. But I mean the guys that leave TNA to go to WWE flunk, except CM Punk.

Orlando Jordan is the only of the new TNA stars I don't wanna see and will never understand why he got hired. But hey, im guessing he has to pay the bills somehow.
I don't understand why their going to have The Pope feud with Orlando Jordan either.

It just seems like a waste of the Pope's time and talent to me.
Reading the spoilers, ( I wont spoile the show for anyone) looks like Pope is on to bigger and better things than that wannabe. He's wrestling nonsense matches while Pope is in for the push to the mountain top.
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