[Official] Orlando Jordan is a Creepy MoFo Thread

He looked so weird! I mean where the hell did freakin tna caution tape come from. I think him being bi is a personal issue and i don't wanna see a ugly ass guy with more makeup than fuckin Beyonce on and looking like a goddamn stripper. Just b/c i like tna doesn't mean i wanna see makeup covered ****s and caution tape covered ass wipes in tna.
He looked so weird! I mean where the hell did freakin tna caution tape come from. I think him being bi is a personal issue and i don't wanna see a ugly ass guy with more makeup than fuckin Beyonce on and looking like a goddamn stripper. Just b/c i like tna doesn't mean i wanna see makeup covered ****s and caution tape covered ass wipes in tna.

What if it was Velvet Sky who was wearing the exact same thing as Orlando Jordan? Would you turn the channel then? Did you turn the channel when Jordan first appeared on your screen, or during any other part of his entrance?

People are only tearing apart Jordan because he is a guy. Billy and Chuck and Adian Adonis have all played this same type of character to an extent. All TNA and Orlando Jordan are doing is going to the other end of the spectrum with his character.
I for one could've done without seeing that image of OJ coming down from the rafters ala Beyonce or some whacked out version of Sting in his Lady Gaga inspired theme performance. To me, what I think flair did (And bear in mind, I'm in NO way defending him.) is probably he's such an old school person, is that he probably feels that, that kind of show has no place in wrestling. There are certain performers who to this day believe that its more about the SPORT behind it and certain storylines are okay as long as it ties back to the sport. Take for example, Sid Vicious, he recently said in an interview when asked "Do you believe women have a place in wrestling?" He responded with "Yes, they're called Nitro Dancers." Its sad that there are some people stuck in their ways.

I however still cannot see what this whole 'sexuality' angle is going to bring to any of the storylines right now on TNA. Maybe I'm jumping the gun right now, who knows, but anytime you start bringing personal lives into the spotlite, most of the time, you are asking for nothing but trouble. :disappointed:
Segments like the one OJ appeared in are exactly the type of risks TNA is willing to take, to get wrestling fans talking about their product as opposed to WWE. They are willing to show blood, close-up camera shots of womens' asses, and bisexual men with companions of both sexes. None of those things are shown in WWE, although occasionally unwillingly.

I have to admit, it was intriguing. You don't see much content like that in the competition. And they did the right thing by not having him utter a word. He simply mouthed the words to his song, whatever they said. So people can tune in next week to answer their internal questions about that mysterious guy who descended from the ceiling wrapped in caution tape.
I love OJ's music. I was really digging the first music he debut with as well.

Regarding the whole Flair situation, I do agree that while some of it may be due to homophobia and alcohol, I think the vast majority of it was Flair's Old School mentality where one should have to prove himself by paying dues in order to receive the honor of stepping foot into a locker room.

Sean Connery retired from acting when 50 Cent was starring in a movie. He felt that Hollywood was just giving anyone a starring role in a movie just to make money rather than making an enjoyable film. I'm sure Ric Flair's mindset works the same way.
Yea Don't really care for this garbage. I have always been a TNA supporter and my friends know that but with this crap It is very embarrassing! At least WWE Is PG which Is nice but there wrestling is still garbage. I wonder how Sting feels about this stuff?

I just want a good wrestling program no half naked knockouts and no homosexuals letting us know what they do outside of the show please!
So, for those that have been watching Impact the last two weeks, we've seen two of the most perplexing and downright stupid segments in TNA in quite some time, and that in itself is a bit of an accomplishment. For those that haven't seen the two segments, here they are:


Yeah the angle is stupid as shit. The concept of the angle of having a controversial bisexual wrestler showcase his sexuality on air could be done well, but it's being written by (presumably) Vince Russo, so obviously it's fucking ******ed to the twelfth degree. This guy just has lost his touch permanently and needs to be removed from the wrestling business for good, he simply doesn't have it in him anymore to write inspiring material. Bischoff needs to take some control in there, he's the only one of the three with a pretty decent mind for the booking side of things. He also needs to realize that whatever they're doing right now, that shit isn't working. They need a drastic change in their product, I don't know, someone with some balls and some original ideas to take over the creative side of things. Hopefully someone who hasn't already been the booker of a previously out-of-business promotion (so yes, that eliminates Paul Heyman).

Use this thread to discuss this developing angle and Orlando Jordan in general in TNA, please don't start other threads on the topic. Also, any homophobic comments WILL be met with warnings/infractions, so yeah, don't be a bigot and we're all good.
The problem with this type of booking is that it's not actually being booked. It's just being displayed from time-to-time in some type of "shocking" fashion that doesn't actually end up coming to any type of fruition. It's shock value for shock value's sake, which doesn't actually accomplish anything, IMO.

Twice now something was happening on the show that OJ interrupts (in a sense) and does something "shocking", but never actually cuts a promo or is interviewed to explain his actions, which leaves fans both disgusted (in most cases) and confused.

Worse yet, he doesn't even have a natural feud to rely on here in order to actually wrestle through. At least when the WWE did this type of thing with Golddust they actually had him cut promos and develop a rivalry with guys like Razor Ramon, Marc Mero, etc.

Perhaps they're going to establish a feud with him and Rob Terry, but at least have the guy talk. This bizarro stuff doesn't work without some type of explanation other than the fact that's it's bizarre.
i am undone.his appearances are so unnerving it's ridiculous.you like boys okay,TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? don't just drop from the sky and sit down. don't just show up and shoot jizz all over yourself while eyeing rob terry. notice that this cat always comes on before a commercial,they want me to stick around and see what else he's gonna do. I AINT FALLIN FOR YOUR CRAP RUSSO! I just wanna hear his sweet ass entrance music again...

but seriously,the mardi gras mask,cum, and strawberries? I want an explanation dammit:banghead:
Wow nobody is gonna accuse wrestling of being gay now are they. instead of wrestling we get to watch this weirdo play with his boyfriend for no reason... Creepy. this dude is wastin space on the roster and needs to either start wrestling (though he'd enjoy it just a little too much) or just get the fuck out
lol @ everything he's done since signing...he went from a low key no one type of personality when confronting Pope on jan4th to being an over the top attention-****e essentially. i got laughs during the yellow tape segment but the one where he shoots mayo in his mouth or whatever...cant get with that one..just too suggestive...
Worse yet, he doesn't even have a natural feud to rely on here in order to actually wrestle through. At least when the WWE did this type of thing with Golddust they actually had him cut promos and develop a rivalry with guys like Razor Ramon, Marc Mero, etc.

Perhaps they're going to establish a feud with him and Rob Terry, but at least have the guy talk. This bizarro stuff doesn't work without some type of explanation other than the fact that's it's bizarre.

Unfortunately, Jordan doesn't have half of the charisma of Dustin Rhodes. Having him cut promos would only be counterproductive at this point. I think this character has a chance if used correctly, but the risk/reward factor is probably not in TNA's favor considering Jordan's lack of overall star quality and talent.

I think this would be much better if Jordan's target was a face who could carry the feud from a talking standpoint, like Dinero or Kaz. I also think it'd be high comedy if the target of his "attraction" was Black Machismo. Imagine Lethal freaking out Machismo-style to Jordan's gay advances? TNA could use a little genuine laughter in their show.
Everyone should be happy now.

It appears as if Orlando Jordan has toned down his gimmick.

I've stated before that I was a fan of what OJ was doing as it was becoming one of the most talked about segments of Impact, which is what TNA needs. They need people to talk about their show and their product, both good and bad.

In a company greatly void of gimmicks, OJ stood out for having one. His just happened to be over the top and created controversy.

It seems now all of his antics are gone, and now Jordan's gimmick rest in his attire.

Like It's Damn Real supports Shannon Moore, I'm the sole member of Orlando Jordan's fan club, and I look forward to watching him and Rob Terry interact on The O Zone next week.
OJ's gimmick was disgusting. To the point where decent people would rather change the channel than watch it. Decent people don't buy in to the PC bullshit and they'll not watch this crap.

Dixie Carter figured it'd shock the fans she was right. It shocked them in to watching raw.

What TNA should create now is a racist/homophobic character to be the company's mega face and beat the crap out of OJ every week. That at least would put some humour in to such a disgusting situation.
The only way this will work is if they have someone one day interupt it and OJ make a pass at them and then the next wk have the same person call out OJ and begin a rivalry
Is everyone on this thread a complete homophobe?

This is one of the best things TNA has done and I'll tell you why:

A. This is a great way to FINALLY get Orlando over. Whether its as a heel or as a face. Its controversial. And something that WWE hasn't been in 5 years, INTERESTING.

B. If done right, he could become a top heel. Who uses his sexuallity as a mind game he can play on his opponents. (think of Goldust when he first came out. He was played up as basically "The gay wrestler". Or go even further back to the days of Gorgeous George in the 50s.) And it worked. Thats how they won matches. They would sike their opponents out and then catch them off guard by out-wrestling them.

and C. this exact thread. it gets people talking. When is the last time anybody said ANYTHING about Orlando Jordan??? NEVER! Neither WWE or TNA knew what to do with him until now.

I think its absolutely brilliant. Im excited to see where this storyline with Rob Terry is going. I think Orlando Jordan has endless potential in this role. And thats something I've NEVER thought about Orlando.
We all know that Eric Bischoff believes that “controversy creates cash.” We also know that ratings equal money. So in effect, controversy creates ratings, and ratings are translated into views and cash. In theory, the more controversial the product, the more people will watch it and comment on it, and the revenue will follow shortly after.

Controversy, like Orlando Jordan’s new gimmick, is a good way for TNA to generate some buzz regarding its product, which will eventually bring in good money for the company. It’s a very sound and smart tactic, especially as an alternative to the PG WWE.
Having said all of the above, Since Orlando Jordan first made his debut with his current gimmick, I have been his sole defender. I was always anticipating what Jordan would do next week on Impact.

I have no issue with the gimmick; I find it is more shocking, than it is distasteful. Most wrestlers that are over with fans usually have gimmicks that are nothing but huge exaggerations of their natural personalities. Let’s not nitpick about it, but the “Stone Cold” character was just an exaggeration of Steve Williams’ personality, just as Dwayne Johnson’s “The Rock” gimmick was himself turned up 500 levels.

If Orlando Jordan is allowed to be himself, just over the top, then he might just be able to get over with the fans one way or another. Even if you don’t agree with or like the gimmick, we can’t help but talk about it every week as it is often the most talked about subject of Impact each week.

Popular music artists like Prince and Michael Jackson, made billions off of presenting fans with androgynous performances. The lines of sexuality, gender, and everything we were taught regarding the roles and attributes of both men and women were blurred.

So far, Jordan’s gimmick seems to be a reiteration along those same lines and could work in today’s pro wrestling and status quo world. The Goldust gimmick, when first debuted was eerily over with fans, as were the ambiguously gay gimmicks of recent Hall of Famer Gorgeous George and Billy and Chuck.

These gimmicks worked because they blurred the lines of everything we thought of as being black or white. Goldust made sexual advances towards Razor Ramon, but he cavorted around with a voluptuous female valet; Gorgeous George was a mean, charismatic figure, but he was prissy and called himself “gorgeous.” People loved every minute of it.

These gimmicks worked with fans not simply because they produced intriguing characters, but because the storylines for were well written and the characters were booked appropriately. For every Chuck, Billy, Gorgeous George and Goldust, there is a Kwee Wee, Rico, and Kanyon.

So far, Orlando Jordan’s character is turning out more of a Kwee Wee than a Goldust as I originally thought/hoped.

I defended Orlando Jordan’s actions since the beginning. I was a firm believer of ‘just give it a chance’ but even I know that no one ever gets a second chance to make a first impression.

Whenever you step out to present something for the first time to someone else, you want to make sure that you put your best foot forward so they’ll be more willing to invest in your potential.

On this week of Impact (03.03.10) Orlando Jordan debut a new segment he calls ‘The O Zone’ I had been anticipating this segment for a while and I thought it would finally be a chance for OJ to show his worth.

As soon as Jordan began to talk, I questioned what I had been defending in the previous weeks. Jordan’s actions had been greatly toned down, which I view as a disappointment as he is losing what makes him standout from the rest of today’s wrestlers. Jordan sounded lost and nervous on the mic rather that over the top and over confident with his sexuality and abilities as a preformer.

I believe it is possible for Orlando to get over with wrestling fans and be a positive asset to the company, but in order to do so, TNA will have to push the boundaries without forcing the character down the throats of wrestling fans. A tough task considering many of which don’t agree with his lifestyle and don’t want to witness his sexual antics.

The success of this gimmick and character lies in TNA’s ability to blur the lines and not cross them completely.
What was "toned down" about the Ozone segment? He was still dressed and made up in the same fashion he always has been. He still had the crazily decorated room. He was talking suggestively and counting the "bumps" on a rob terry cutout. He lost his valets (probably due to that incident) but that is all that has changed. We also finally got to see him bring the fight. I am interested just because it is not boring like so much in wrestling today.
I kind of like this OJ. He's almost playing a modern, full blown Goldust. If TNA has the balls to run with it more power to them. They'll get some flack but what don't they get flack for?

And I've never been a Jordan fan but I was actually interested in his OZone sketch. All except for that foam planter bit. That was pretty bad. Hopefully OJ carries over his weirdness into his ring style and doesn't play two separate characters, normal in the ring and weird outside it. It was a great way to bring in a old WWE/new guy and get him over.
The first I saw OJ (Not that killer git), I was like... oooooookay. I didn't know what was going on with his character. But sometime after that it hit me. This guy kinda reminds me of Goldust. They both have freaky and gay-like personas. Only I find OJ less entertaining, not really working for me at the moment. His in-ring performances doesn't really work for me either. Maybe he ought to become a manager/coach for another wrestler or something.
Don't get me wrong, but this Orlando jordan thing is a little creepy. I had no problem with the bisexual angle other than its kind of weird to see it on wrestling but I thought to myself "Self - maybe that will be what makes this gimmick great." But this gimmick has transformed from him being bi to him being some kind of a sexual deviant. That weird scene with the tartar sauce or whatever the hell that was a couple weeks ago comes to mind. I know a couple of gay/bi people and I've never seen any of them do that.

By the way, has OJ had a match since this new angle started? If he has I haven't seen it.
A lot of people aren't used to it 'cause it isn't manly enough or full of tits and ass and pussy--CATS, I mean...-- and blah blah, blah blah blah. Most fans, if not all, aren't comfortable with something like this. I don't blame them. I haven't seem much of Orlando Jordan lately, so I'm not so sure where they're going with him so far. I don't have a problem with it, but I haven't seem much of his persona, so I can't judge as of yet.
Well, I can say that I hope that this works out for Orlando Jordan. The guy got a bad deal when he was in WWE and he has serious potential as an in ring performer. Remember that he was trained by Rocky Johnson. I really hope that this comes out in his in ring work. The gimmick is weird in a creepy way, but it is supposed to be. I'm loving it because it has added depth to OJ that he needs. As long as they can go over the top with it without crossing certain lines, it should be crazy. The spooky obsessed character could really prove to be one hell of a moment in TNA. Anyone ever seen Single White Female?
I can understand not exactly liking or getting the gimmick with Jordan. What I cannot understand is practically everything else said about him. Boring? Are you serious, that is the last thing this character is. It might not be your thing but that does not make it boring. Possibly the most overlooked thing is that Jordan appears to be a plus worker. I think some of this is lost since he is working with frankenstein but his in-ring skills are quite good. Couple that with a character that he seems plenty capable of pulling off and why would TNA not want to use him? Possibly the most overstated thing is Goldust 2.0. That is a lazy oversimplification that does not even make sense as a reason to dislike something. Pretty much every character in wrestling at this point borrows from previous wrestlers several times over, the fact that this is one of the few times something even remotely similar has been done should actually be a plus. The idea that Goldust is exactly like Jordan is hilarious and quite wrong.

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