The Pope Is Pimpin' His Way To The Main Event

Not that many Asians in wrestling that can speak good English. That's a fact. There's like two in both main companies. English-speaking Asians don't get into wrestling. And a non-English-speaking Asian will not become world Champ in any promotion. With the exception of Giant Baba and the Great Muta in NWA. If you can point to me 5 Asian wrestlers that should've gotten a push, then I can see your point. In the case of African-Americans, there are dozens.

That brings up another point...Why aren't more Asians being signed by either the E or TNA? Is there not a lot of talent coming out of Japan? I most definitely think there is. If WWE took them more seriously instead of the "ignorant foreigner" stereotype ala Funaki got saddled with, maybe we would have a lot more examples in the big two and I think that would lead to the Asian wrestlers realizing the need to learn fluent English.
I was actually surprised to see Pope coming out of this victorious, considering how hard TNA had been pushing Anderson since he arrived. But of course it makes sense, with AJ being trimmed to be the uber-heel of TNA right now, you need a face to compete with him for the title, and not another heel. And Anderson has been getting a huge rub lately anyway by going over a lot of guys, and then laying out Kurt Angle of all people; so he really didn't need the win in the tournament anyway to stay "hot".

The Pope on the other hand is as over as any face has ever been right now, and it's good to see him moved into the Main Event. I think a high-profile feud against AJ can really do a lot to add some more credibility to his name, even though I think they will keep the title on AJ for quite a while longer, until people can no longer stand to see the belt on him, and someone can take it from him in a high profile showdown feud. For Pope, no matter if he wins the belt or not, this is a great opportunity, and I hope he can make the most of it. The weeks leading to Lockdown should be fun to watch, heh.
I was actually surprised to see Pope coming out of this victorious, considering how hard TNA had been pushing Anderson since he arrived. But of course it makes sense, with AJ being trimmed to be the uber-heel of TNA right now, you need a face to compete with him for the title, and not another heel. And Anderson has been getting a huge rub lately anyway by going over a lot of guys, and then laying out Kurt Angle of all people; so he really didn't need the win in the tournament anyway to stay "hot".

The Pope on the other hand is as over as any face has ever been right now, and it's good to see him moved into the Main Event. I think a high-profile feud against AJ can really do a lot to add some more credibility to his name, even though I think they will keep the title on AJ for quite a while longer, until people can no longer stand to see the belt on him, and someone can take it from him in a high profile showdown feud. For Pope, no matter if he wins the belt or not, this is a great opportunity, and I hope he can make the most of it. The weeks leading to Lockdown should be fun to watch, heh.

For once things are starting to make sense in TNA. When the Pope made it to the finals, it made you think back to Impact when the Pope beat AJ Styles on Impact a couple weeks back or so. It seems like TNA is finally getting their shit straight.
That brings up another point...Why aren't more Asians being signed by either the E or TNA? Is there not a lot of talent coming out of Japan? I most definitely think there is. If WWE took them more seriously instead of the "ignorant foreigner" stereotype ala Funaki got saddled with, maybe we would have a lot more examples in the big two and I think that would lead to the Asian wrestlers realizing the need to learn fluent English.

Talk to Asian people. It's not like the WWF and TNA are pruposefully not signing them.

Most fighters out of Japan can't speak English and this business in North Am is talk first, wrestle second.

The WWF stereotypes all races.
I really like The Pope character. I could never really get into Elijah Burke in WWE because he was so bland like many of the new wrestlers thrown on ECW at that time. It's amazing what a new look and a new character can do for someone. I think he has improved in the ring and is much better then years before. He has the look, the mic skills, and the popularity to really be a main event player.

I'm sure him and AJ Styles will tear the house down at Lockdown. So much for that false statement of Hogan holding down the young guys.
Why the need to play the race card? If you want to bring that up, who was the last Asian WWE or TNA world champ? Can't we just talk about the undeniable skills of the Pope without resorting to bringing up race? Enough of that shit already! :banghead:

Didn't mean it as a serious argument more as a note of how both promotions seem to, whether purposely or not, bury their stars of different races. In the end i feel its a shame. and ya good point. we need an asian too..
Didn't mean it as a serious argument more as a note of how both promotions seem to, whether purposely or not, bury their stars of different races. In the end i feel its a shame. and ya good point. we need an asian too..

Which black wrestlers have TNA buried? They put the strap on R-Truth no matter how brief, they pushed Monty Brown, Elix Skipper was part of one of the best TNA teams of the early years, they gave Booker a prominent spot, and now The Pope is getting a main event run. The E buries their black roster a lot but the sustained push of R-Truth gives me hope that they're changing their ways and realizing that's a huge demographic that they have shunned (whether purposefully or not).
I figured that the finals was going to be between Anderson and Dinero, but the outcome amazed me. I didn't think they'd push him into a main event this quickly, but they're clearly going to ride him while it's hot. It's a smart move though.

It's better to use him in the main event now, when everyone loves him, than to wait a few months, and put him there when people have started to turn sour. He'll have a great match with AJ at the next PPV, and if they work it right, he can stay there through the end of the year.
I'm loving the Pope's push right now. I've been a fan of the Pope/Burke since he first started in WWE's ECW brand, and I've loved his work so far in TNA. It took me awhile to get warmed up to him again, but once I did, the guy has consistently entertained me week after week. He's solid on the mic, solid in the ring, and the fans are behind him big time, I mean what's there not to like here about this situation?

His push has come a bit out of left field, but I love the fact that they've given it to him, especially over Anderson (though I do like Anderson as well). It's a move the fans can get behind, and with AJ being the top heel in the company right now TNA is testing out the waters with one of their more popular babyface wrestlers. Makes perfect sense, will lead to an enjoyable PPV match with Styles that Styles will undoubtedly win, continuing his great title reign and giving the rub to Pope at the same time. Win-win situation here, and I love it.

Really looking forward to see how this all plays out. Pope is indeed, pimpin'.
As a few people most likely know, Da Pope won the 8 Card Studly Men Tournament on Sunday. That gives him a World Title Shot at Lockdown, which is one of TNA's biggest PPVs of the year. I think it may be #2, but I'm not sure. But is the man formerly known as Elijah Burke ready to be a main eventer?

Personally, I don't really think so. Sure, he's way over with the crowd for some reason, but I really don't see the big deal with him. His rambling promos are somewhat entertaining, and he's average in the ring, but that's it. Doesn't really scream "main eventer" to me.

Kayfabe wise, it's even worse. He lost to Orlando fucking Jordan a few weeks ago. Now he's main eventing? I know he beat AJ as well, but they played that off as a fluke thing, or something.

I get TNA's problem though. With Sting likely kidnapped and Jarrett and Foley supposedly being too old, they don't have many main event options. Angle/AJ has been done a lot , so that's out the window. Same with Joe Anderson may be a possibilty, but a heel/heel matchup would not be a good idea, especially right now.

So, what do you think about the Pope main eventing, both in the short term and in the future? You like it? Why or why not? Where does he get the money that falls from the ceiling? Is it real, or just Monopoly money?
He's not bad, I remember people saying about how he was the future when he was in WWE, I didnt believe them, on account of being a spoon fed WWE Universe Shareholder Fan who always believes what Vince McMahon wants me to believe because I have no mind of my own and only follow WWE out of brand loyalty despite it's stale Main Event that really could've used Elijah Burke to freshen it up because it's stale.

On a side not, I think he's alright actually, him and Anderson, not huge on either guy yet, but they are at the very least quite entertaining on the mic and decent enough in the ring. Prefer Hernandez though.
Personally, I don't really think so. Sure, he's way over with the crowd for some reason, but I really don't see the big deal with him. His rambling promos are somewhat entertaining, and he's average in the ring, but that's it. Doesn't really scream "main eventer" to me.

Well nobody could ever call Hulk Hogan a technical wrestling great etc. He was way over with the crowd though and look at the success that gave him. At the end of the day, if somebody is one of the most over people in the company, these companies usually take advantage of this. So using your argument, you could have Doug Williams in a main event with his great wrestling skills including that SICK Chaos Theory suplex, but The Pope would be a safer bet with how over he is.

I personally think his ring skills are pretty great. His selling of moves is particularly expert so I think that's why he is a perfect choice. AJ as a heel with Flair beside him could potentially see a long title reign to get him really over as the face of TNA. So why not have a competive match where AJ walks out on top and Dinero sells his moves to make him look like an absolute star. It will be in a cage if it is Lockdown too, if Hogan / Easy E keep with tradition, so you know Dinero will sell the steel at one point.

I don't think Pope is ready to win the title just yet, but this could be a great way to test the waters and make AJ look legit. Beating Joe then Pope would ensure he has beaten two of the most over face's in the company.

Kayfabe wise, it's even worse. He lost to Orlando fucking Jordan a few weeks ago. Now he's main eventing? I know he beat AJ as well, but they played that off as a fluke thing, or something.

They played it off that OJ took advantage of an injury. Then they also had Pope win on the rematch where they claimed Pope was at full health. So they more than made up for that.

Furthermore, the fluke win is perfect for this. If they had Dinero win on TV without it being a fluke, so close to Against All Odds where Joe would face AJ, people would have claimed more than anything Dinero should have had the shot. AJ beat Joe, Pope won the tournament and now the fans have seen Dinero do it once but AJ can call it a "fluke" and then the fans can find out for sure at Lockdown. The build-up has worked perfectly in my opinion.

I get TNA's problem though. With Sting likely kidnapped and Jarrett and Foley supposedly being too old, they don't have many main event options. Angle/AJ has been done a lot , so that's out the window. Same with Joe Anderson may be a possibilty, but a heel/heel matchup would not be a good idea, especially right now.

Something we agree on man. I think right now Dinero is the only real option. I think we may see Jarrett eventually get his title match after rising from the bottom of the company. For now we have Pope as contender in April. Maybe Hernandez after a feud with Morgan (Seeds were planted at the PPV for Morgan to turn heel so you know they won't hold the belts that much longer). Then you might even somehow be able to make Abyss credible by then to take on Styles after them. And before you know it Sting might even be back on TV after all of this or Jarrett could have rose up the rankings again.

All in all, I think The Pope is the best option right now. I don't expect him to take the belt, but this is his first shot in the main event scene and can only benefit him greatly.

Good post btw Disarray. Major props. You're asking the questions no-one really considered.
I'd say D'Angelo would be the only way to go for now. Lockdown is one of the company's top event's and its apparent that Hogan/Bishoff want to have it sorta "compete" with WWE's Wrestlemania. What better way that to show off your top prospect. Pope has experience in big events. He has good mic skills, can work a good match, isn't occupied with other stories and most importantly, he's hugely over with the fans. I agree that maybe Hernandez and Morgan should've gotten the shot, but if you recall the last time TNA emanated live outside of Orlando (Bound For Glory), neither man got as good a reaction as they did back home. This may be a test for D'Angelo as it was for Morgan back in October.
I like him. A lot actually. I feel like in the WWE he and Punk should have came up the ranks together and if they had I'm sure you would think differently about him. The problem is that creative sidelined him and then released him. So there was probably a year or more since he's been seen on national television actually wrestling. If he had that time then yes, he would probably be in a similar position to Punk.

Unfortunately he didn't have it. He's quickly regained the lost momentum and I think he will be ready for a real main event run by either Fall or Winter of this year, but now seems a bit too soon. But it's nice to see a company try somebody fresh, who has the talent, for once. I just hope they don't pull a Sheamus on us just to pull a swerve. And I'm very sorry to Mr. Dinero for even slightly comparing him to Sheamus.
I dont really think the pope is ready for a title shot. I do think his ready to wrestle some main event matches to really elevate him as a top main eventer. I mean, the best way to see if someone could hack it in a big time main event match is to...........well.....put him a main event match. I think it was wise for bischoff and hogan to put the 8 card stud tourny finals as the main event to highlight the up and coming stars in tna. I will have to admit, I would have liked to see mr. anderson win the tournament but the pope won and he won a clean victory and held his own. I'm not sure how much the pope could draw in a main even title match but the good news is, they got the ball rolling with the aj styles/pope fued last week on impact so they got two months to really build popes character so he can perform the way he needs to in the main event at lock down. We will have to wait and see how he does. As of right now, he doesnt scream top main eventer but he does scream "upper mid-card to lower main event roster who should wrestle some main event matches on impact to elevate his status as future true player in tna. I think for pope to be a true top main eventer, since that's what tna wants for him, give him another 6 -8 months to get to aj's level, or samoa joe's level.
He's ok. I'm not really all that wild about him but he's not really terrible. His promos are somewhat rambling and incoherant at times, but he's able to get over and he's pretty good in the ring. Dinero is also one of the few young wrestlers in TNA, that isn't AJ Styles, that's being built strong. He isn't jobbing out to older wrestlers and is actually in the position I figured that Desmond Wolfe would be in right about now. His loss to Orlando Jordan is just plain confusing.

Do I see Dinero as TNA World Heavyweight Champion? Not really. Let's say that Dinero actually does wind up winning the title. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Depends upon how you look at it. There would obviously be a parallel comparing Dinero to Sheamus and TNA "ripping off" another WWE idea/storyline in order to further its own product. The incident with Sheamus was completely and totally unexpected. Everybody was taken for a ride and nobody saw it coming. That's ultimately what made it so interesting. If Dinero were to win it, it wouldn't be as much of a surprise for me.

Still, if he did go onto win the title, I'd have to give TNA some credit because it's still taking something of a risk on an overall relative unknown. It might ultimately blow up in their face but TNA needs to build young stars. TNA's main event scene, in my view, is in danger of becoming stale. For instance, while Angle and Styles always have fantastic matches, they can't keep relying on that. Angle has been in the world title scene almost from the minute he came to TNA and I don't really see anything to be gained from seeing him back in it. I also won't be surprised if a Dinero title win is more warmly received than Sheamus' WWE title win.

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