The Pokéfags Thread

Whap Me Jungles

singularly terrible
So now that I've got a 3DS (I did have one after all) and Pokémon X, I think it's time we started the animal-punching discussion going.

My current team is:
Randy (Quilladin) Lv20
Combusken (event) Lv22
Leonardo (Wartortle) Lv17
Stringer (Beedrill) Lv15
Szczerbiec* (Honedge) Lv13

*Anyone who gets this reference without Googling it gets a cookie

Anyone else playing? How far through?
Done the game. Really enjoyed it. Can't wait for the bank, want my legendaries/past teams from past gens. When I get home I'll trade friend codes with anyone. Always up for trades/battles.
The eShop server went back up today. Did my first Wonder Trade (Inkay for a Fraxure). That Fraxure is now the sixth member of my team.
I got Pokemon X for Christmas and after not really being enticed by Pokemon since Gold/Silver I can safely say that I am blown away and am loving every minute I play. Currently my top Pokemon is a Farfetch'd that I got from a trade with an NPC early on, though I love my Charmeleon and Quilladin. I also have a Beedrill, an Eevee, and a Dewgong I got from Wonder Trade. I really want to start an army of Sudowoodos led by a single Trevenant, and I really want a Porygon and a Hawlucha. Can you even get Porygons in this game?

God, the music in the game is something else. They must have messed with the sound settings or something because it just surrounds you while you play. Gorgeous.

EDIT: A quick Google says that it'll only be available through the PokeBank. Well, if anyone has a Porygon lying around that they want to give me...
That Gym Battle theme is a thing of beauty. And dammit to hell, the Nintendo server went to hell. Where's my Celebi?!
It's been delayed due to the Christmas Day server outage.

Current team:
Blaziken (event) Lv48
Randy (Chesnaught) Lv41
Leonardo (Blastoise) Lv42
Fraxure (from Wonder Trade) Lv43
Szczerbiec (Doublade) Lv42

I also have a Fletchinder Lv36 in the PC for Flying.
Anyone able to think of a good 6th member for my team?
How about an ice type? A bergmite from forst cavern would turn into a robust Avalugg with cray-cray attack and defence stats, like a steel type without the steel.

I personally had an aurourus through-out my play which was a powerful ally with it's high HP, special attack and ability to learn quite a good few TMs like thunderbolt for instance. Or if you're feeling really frisky, go for something like a Gengar or aerodactyl which'll megavolve pre-elite four. Useful.
Pangoro..... that is all....

Pangoro went beast mode most of my game. Pangoro and my Tyrantum destroyed most trainers for me.

Want to ask, how easy did you guys find the Pokemon League? I thought it was by far the easiest of all the games. Now I just need my Delphox to beat the elite four and the champion.

Also, with older gen pokemon now available, is there any Pokemon that you are missing that you'd like one of? I have a spare of most of them and more than willing to trade one.
Pangoro went beast mode most of my game. Pangoro and my Tyrantum destroyed most trainers for me.

Want to ask, how easy did you guys find the Pokemon League? I thought it was by far the easiest of all the games. Now I just need my Delphox to beat the elite four and the champion.

Also, with older gen pokemon now available, is there any Pokemon that you are missing that you'd like one of? I have a spare of most of them and more than willing to trade one.

Quite easy, I thought gen 5 was probably the hardest though. Almost too hard in fact. I liked gen 6 elite four, hard but still do-able. This threads making me want to play again. Last thing I did was catch a zygarde and now I'm lost.
I absolutely decimated gen 4 league on my first play-through. My party level average was about 50 I think. I had Kadabra (49), Palkia (53), Infernape (50), Drifblim (47), Luxray (51) and Uxie (50) with two revives and a full restore. I was crazy lucky. For me the hardest so far has been generations 1 and 5.
I think the main letdown for Gen 6 Poke League is the no stage 2 of it. Every repeat is against the same levels, with the same pokemon.

With the Elite Four only having 4 pokemon each as well... That is just ridiculously easy.

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