The Platinum Keyboard Award for Best Wrestling Poster

Who is this year's best wrestling poster?

  • shattered dreams

  • Gelgarin

  • Great White Sam

  • Nate

  • Dirty Jose

  • Nick

  • It's Damn Real

  • Jack-Hammer

  • Classy JGlassy

  • Rayne

  • Slyfox696

  • The Crock

  • Mustang Sally

  • Coco the Monkey

  • Hamler

Results are only viewable after voting.
This poll will be open until January 1st. If there is a tie, the winner will be decided by written votes.

Shattered dreams
Great White Sam
Dirty Jose
It's Damn Real
Jack Hammer
Classy JGlassy
The Crock
Mustang Sally
Coco The Monkey

Thanks ScreaminNormanSmiley
Thanks ScreaminNormanSmiley

sar·casm (särkzm)
1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
3. The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.

If your High School teachers failed to educate you, allow me to fill the void.
I could swear someone nominated me in this one. Oh well, I guess some guys got more votes than me.

Anyway, I'd go with Mustang Sally. She posts frequently but is always kinda ignored when it comes to mentioning who the best posters are. She also puts in a lot of thought in her posts and most of her posts begin by quoting someone which gives you the impression that she reads others posts attentively as well. Also she is hardly biased on any topic( maybe except Drew) and versatile as well. A lot of the people nominated here can only talk on certain topics. Most of them only like talking about John Cena, for example.
I haven't decided on my vote yet, but I've got to point out Mustang Sally here. She has been a very intelligent and important contributor to the non-spam sections. I think she's easily one of the most overlooked posters on this forum.
I went with Rayne as he has written some great posts but doesn't seem to get the same recognition as the other guys mentioned. In cheesy and patronising award ceremony tradition, they're all winners. ;)
As corny as this sounds, it's just nice to be nominated. I honestly do respect every poster that's nominated for this. Even if Coco seems to hate the air that I breathe, doesn't take away from the fact he's a great poster.

Some posters here have more wrestling knowledge than me no doubt. In the end, I'm just a guy that likes to just state my opinion on pro wrestling, at least when it comes to stars & companies that I'm more familiar with. I'm gonna give in written vote to It's Damn Real. He's a high quality poster and has done a great job as mod of the TNA section. He and shattered dreams, in my view, are two of the only regular posters in the TNA section that are worth checking out.
Nick or Sam. Nick or Sam. Mmmm, tough.

I think I'll vote Nick just because I've voted Sam in two other threads.
I think I'll vote Nick


If that guy can do it...
A lot of superb choices here, but I feel that the best, and definitely most under-rated wrestling poster on these forums, is Mustang Sally.

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