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The Old Switch A Roo!!!!


Dark Match Winner
O.k i am assuming that everyone is getting pretty tired of seeing all the same raw matches as well as SD! but we'll just talk about raw. Remember when HBK turned on hogan? or when hogan turned on teh world and was the infamous third member of NwO, those were sick ass switches that were made, and they paid off huge, and then there was the rockers splitting up...etc...etc... well while i was watching raw i was thinkin about how huge would it be to have HBK turn on HHH, side with orton, and start up an alternative DX type thing, kind of like a parody of DX that would piss off all of the Dx fans. as well having HHH be the face in a feud like that would also be different. then you have lashley return heel and have kennedy turn face. that way there can be two new fresh stables on raw. something like this



you have something like that, so you have all the major talents inter twined with each other. so you could have matches like this. HBK works a great long term program involving kennedy, to give him his push. then you have HHH work a program with lashley, so lashley gets a good run to prove he belongs at the top (i just don't think he's there yet) then let hardy have a long term program with RKO, those two guys could definatly have some crazy ass matches. and then obviously have L&K work a good program with tag team and single matches against WGT. then you have umaga job to Y2J for a bit until the program with orton and hardy is over, have it end with an injury or something, and then Y2J goes for the title.

This way all teh top stars on the program have quality matches and they all get mixed up because it would be like a stable vs. stable type thing. have HHH run in and screw over Micheals against Kennedy, which then turns into some kind of crazy TLC match between HHH/KENNEDY VS. HBK/LASHLEY.
the possibilities would be endless and no one would see it comming. it would mix things up and allow for good talent movement on the roster. for example

every time umaga fights in a squash match, it would still be good because there's a chance Y2J or HHH is gunna run out and mess him up, or vice versa. every match would be more enjoyable to see, have more surprises, and give the smaller guys liek RHodes etc... a chance to be involved in a good storyline, even tho it's gonna be a squash, they are still involved. that in a way gives him a push, and an opportunity to perhaps get a second raw match the following week in the main event spot (once they're ready).

over all i think this would be a good thing to do. Start a heel stable and a face stable and have a major face turn heel and a major heel turn face.

just like in the good ol days of the attitude era.

so does anyone agree or disagree, or have any ideas of your own.

This way all of the above can also get involved in each others matches,
Yeah, I think it's a little to detailed. And in case you haven't noticed, with the way things are going lately, When was the last time the WWE turned a magor player face/heal? I think it was Booker T like two years ago. I can't remember anyone important turning since then.

Edit: And Triple H. But that was for DX, and they knew that'd be better than solo.
i am not saying that HBK and HHH should fight anymore.... just interfere with each others matches and screw each other over

and also it's time for a change.... vince needs to make this type of change to make raw better and more enjoyable... we all know vince can't cut it anymore, and his programs have suffered. if he cared about the fans at all he would make the changes.
I just dont think this would work. HBK and HHH has been done over and over and over and it's just expected that they'll turn on each other at some point, regardless of who it is. I'm not sure who would be worth switching that would make a huge impact, I just dont think anyone is that big.

People would say a Cena turn would be big, but only if he goes complete heel. When Punk is RAW or Smackdown, I think a turn for him woudl be good. Otherwise Orton, Kennedy, whoever, I don't think it really matters.
I really agree with noone 911. Putting Orton/ HBK together is kinda blahhh. Especially if it's to rip dx and make a parody out of it. I think that pissing off DX fans is the last thing they need. As far as HBK/ HHH fueding again for the 800,382,500 time......I think thats about enough.

Now Cena turning heel....thats intresting.....thats fresh. Or maybe Batista......something like that. Or if you want to make it less boring.....here's a head banger. Why not end the brand extension and everyone will have more options.
cena was entertaining when he was a heel. i think itll be hard for WWE to sell copies of the marine and his rap cd if hes a bad guy though
I don't think it would do anything to help RAW at all. Serioulsy, the big intertwined feuds using the entire federation get bored quickly. What Vince seriously needs to do is start coming up with stories that have a beginning, middle and an end and try and tell them the right way.

Example this past week, Khali attacked Coach, is that going somewhere or was it just suppose to make me laugh? It didn't do the latter for sure.

Right now, the WWE just likes to pop the ratings. Do something that will give them a shot in the arm, we all watched waiting to see who Vince's kid was and now that went no place. Now, at least in my opinion, they are holding out on Jericho return to keep people watching every week.

It is backfiring. I am starting not to care if Jericho comes back at all.
Now Cena turning heel....thats intresting.....thats fresh. Or maybe Batista......something like that. Or if you want to make it less boring.....here's a head banger. Why not end the brand extension and everyone will have more options.

I agree with this, but the problem is there are far too many turns. Remember when a turn MEANT something. I can remember looking forward to Saturday's morning when they were slowly turning Orndorff heel again. Same with Andre's turn.

Now they mean nothing.

HBK turned heel for one PPV to face Hogan and then was a face a month later. In the interim he superkicked Lawler and Piper. Neither ever came back after him.

tag teams are even worse, every one of them is destined to feud now. Why not just have some teams like Tully and Arn that stay together and write interesting programs and angles for them.

The last turn that meant something was Edge, his new attitude took him to the title.

When Hogan joined the NWO it meant something. When Bret went heel and started the new hart foundation it meant something.
WWE could use more of this unpredictability. I think a good switch a roo that is kind of a mid card shocker would be lance cade turning on murdoch. I like the way cade looks and wrestles. Reminds me of a jbl/bradshaw typ guy. The tag team division sucks so who cares if they split.

The switch a roo needs to be done with some younger talent, it has already been done b4 by the likes of hbk, hhh, taker. So if it were to happen to someone like that it wouldn't make as big of an impact because it has been seen already. With a young guy it would be a shock to us all and would draw more of a reaction.
IF BATISTA WENT HEEL NO ONE WOULD LIEK HIM....i think the whole reason he is even where he is... is because of that stupid thumbs up thumbs down thing against HHH, Batista is slow and predictable if he became a heel, his mic skills aren't the greatest so that wouldn't work, his in ring skill is that of an IC champ not a world champ. so i think teh batista heel thing would bury him.

the only reason i said HBK and HHH is they are the top draws on raw right niow... and every time they feud HBK is the face and HHH is the heel..... i think to have it the other way around altho it may be simple, it might be more effective then you guys give credit... HBK needs to be a heel again... he needs it... that's how he will get away form HHH in teh long run, is to start up a new feud with Kennedy or whoever else, so that way when cena comes back there's a good feud... HBK the established Heel going against Cena the returning face...that's GOLD just because HBk at this point would be established as a heel and maybe even be the champ as Heel. and Cena returns to work a two month program with HBK. now i don't like cena very much he's got great in ring talent and mic skills but he was always being shoved down our throats.
so my original suggestion was to just have it all start out with another HHH/HBK feud but with HHH face instead of his usual heel. so you have all tehse switches happening to open more match space and more talent can be displayed in a variety of matches...

I'd actually love to see Shawn Michaels back as a full time heel. Maybe a very short feud with HHH to set him in a solid heel role, but I wouldn't do anything longer then a few weeks between the two of them going directly at it.

I also wouldn't mind seeing Orton/Michaels teaming up in some fashion. Granted I wouldn't set them in an Anti-DX style group. I would say a mentor/student group with the two, but Orton is to over for that. I could see the two of them working together though in some fashion (even with the whole Orton trying to end Michaels career thing in the past).

I actually was really hoping during the first DX Reunion, HBK would of turned on HHH and joined up with Rated R-KO.

A real, true heel Shawn Michaels is deffinitly needed though. Especially with Chris Jericho returning (who we all know, no matter what Vince tries will be the most over face on RAW instantly). HBK/Y2J matches would be great. Along with the rumors of Mysterio coming over to RAW. There would be another set of awesome matches.
Michaels won't turn heel cuase he's a born again Christian. They can't turn Cena heel becasue it will hurt merchandise sales. Thta's what happened when the Rock turned heel, and Vince learned his lesson on that.

Part of the problem is you have wrestlers out of character, and RAW doesn't have clear cut heels and faces, with the exception of Cena and Orton, which hurts long term storylines and rivalries.

HHH and kennedy should be heels, the storylines are better with them as heels. Umaga, Santino, Carlito and the tag teams of Cade and Murdoch and the WGTT, along with Orton, should be longer term heels.

Faces should be Cena, Lashley, HBK, HArdy, Cody Rhoads/HArdcore Holly, and the teams of London/ Kendrick and the Highlanders. Jericho will probably come in as babyface, im guessing.
There has to be an underlining and valid reason for a heel turn, for it to work. The reason the Hitman's heel turn worked as because it in a sense it was real. The fans really did turn their back on him, they started to like the bad guy, and he was the good guy.

I dont like "out of the blue turns"- because i dont find them realistic, there has to be a stewing bitterness or resentment to make that pesonality switch. What would be HBK's motivation?

I would say, if HHH became champion again, and HHH was inadvertantly egotiscally boasting his title numbers vs Shawns, i would be a lil pissed off too. Or it could start off as a friendly contest to see who could win the next world title, and then it started getting comptetive when the other had a world title match, and each deliberatly cost the other....

It would like freind prodding friends until it goes too far, then real feelings and real truths come out in anger... like... 'Guess what? Your clothes make u look like a queer!" "Oh yeah? Would a queer, have done your mom two summers ago!!!"

Anyways, HHH and HBK have loads of history to make it reasonable to HBK to turn heel on HHH.

HHH stealing DX from him
HHH pedigreeing him about his return
HHH having more world title, even though Shawn is better
Michaels won't turn heel cuase he's a born again Christian.

Actually the only thing that Michaels religion has affected is hi status with DX. He was against a lot of the things they did last year, but went along with them cause HHH would talk him into it and be the focal point for most of it, so that Michaels didn't have to do the things he was really and truely against.

I really like the idea of the two of them having a friendly riviarly to see who can become the next WWE Champion and it getting out of hand. Like I said before a HHH/HBK feud needs to be short and sweet to make him a solid heel again. Everyone will always be expecting for HHH to turn Heel, but Michaels doing so would be a bit more of a shocker, not a major one, but a good one.
Not turning heel because of religion is ridulous. That is like an actor never playing a bad guy because its against his beliefs. Wrestlers play parts to create entertaining for others. To make others happy. How can god be against that.

It doesn't change who a person is.... unless your randy orton, and u truely are a prick. Though i assume orton has been a prick since he was a kid.
A bit off topic, but I never found Randy Orton to be a prick. I've meet the guy a couple of dozen times at wrestling shows and outside of them. He was always really cool with me. Might also help that I had family and really close family friends in the wrestling industry though.
Ideally Id like to see HBK not be able to get the job done against Orton, then have a chip on his shoulders about it. Then when it comes time for HHH's shot at Orton, have HBK a little envious or pissed about it, and during a tag match or something to do with Orton, have HBK superkick HHH and cost him the match. Maybe HBK as special ref a HHH vs. Orton, HHH thinking DX has the advantage and easy title win. The a superkick to HHH to cost him the title. Man, thatd be better than sex to see that! Just dont get those moments anymore.
I agree with the idea of ending the brand extension. Put evryone on one show. Now, for a more detailed suggestion from going from there. I'm going to lay out several storylines for the superstars to put them over as new found faces or heels.

Finlay-At survivor series, have him win the Intercontinental Title from Jeff Hardy. On RAW the next night, Finlay comes out and declares that he is not only the Intercontinental Champion, but is now the official Hardcore and European Champion as well. Jeff Hardy comes out and asks for a rematch, Finlay says no. Vince Mcmahon comes out and says Jeff Hardy is not worthy and kisses up to Finlay. Hornswoggle trots to the ring and campaigns for Jeff hardy to have his return match. Vince tells Hornswoggle to shut up or he'll fire Finlay. Finlay interjects but Vince assures him that he's simply trying to instill proper parenting techniques on his son. This kind of promo goes on for the next month, with Hornswoggle trying to convince Finlay to acccept the rematch, with Vince berating Horny every time, leaving Finlay to see that Vince is a real jerk, and he starts showing greater respect to the faces on the show. The final RAW before Armageddon, Finlay says that he accepts the challenge, leaving Vince to say if he doesn't beat Jeff he fires Horny. At Armageddon, Finlay drops it back to Jeff. Vince comes out and fires Horny, leaving Finlay to say to Vince that he really is a jerk, and that he's made a big mistake. he attacks Vince, and becomes a face. A Finlay/Vince rivalry is born, with Vince screw Finlay out of his titles, thus putting those titles on the circuit again. goes to Wrestlemania in a street fight to reinstate Hornswoggle, Finlay wins and brings him back.

HHH/HBK/Flair-Ric returns at Survivor Series in the Survivor Series match to help HHH and HBK win this match(along with Matt Hardy and CM Punk). The next night, Ric tells the fans and HHH and HBK that he's got a surprise for the new era of RAW. Arn Anderson walks out to congradulate them both on their greatest achivement ever. They will now be apart of the new Four Horsemen.
Seeing HBk go heel or with the belt does not interest me.

Do we really need to see another stable? The ride of the horseman ended years ago - let it die. Didn't anyone learn anything from the lackluster DX return? The lackluster NWO run in the WWE?

And evolution was just as bad near the end.

The only stable I would really want to see is one with some young, new talent kicking asses and taking names of the veterans like HBK/HHH and Flair. That's why I was looking forward to the new Hart Foundation.
In the long run, HBK needs to hang em up. Yeah I said it. Shawn's been my in-ring hero ever since the Rockers days but it's time for him to go. Now if ole Trips was teh one to send him off.....that I'd buy. You could have HBK have another "concusion" or just a scare. Then have Trips, as a friend, try to talk him out of competing. You could drag that out for a couple months, then have Trips throw in a towel in a title match. BAHM!!! Just like that HBK turns on his buddy. By now everyone is sympathetic with Trips for trying to help his friend and Shawn is an excellent heel! You're now 4-6 months into a storyline that WILL draw ratings. Remember those? A couple more months of Trips trying to reconcile with HBK then getting fed up and washing his hands of him all together. You can then put Trips in a #1 Contender spot and have Shawn interfere in his title match or even his #1 Contender match. Another month or so of HHH refusing to retaliate agaisnt his "so called pal", BAHM, you got a nice little segway into HHH giving in and giving Shawn what he wants. But wait there's more! You got a shot here at having a HHH v. HBK in HELL IN A CELL. A Hell in a Cell that will mean something.......loser retires maybe? Let's face it, a long build up to a HUGE match is better than these weekly tit-for-tat stories that stretch out over three or four PPV's with no real meat to the story. Here is your classic FRIEND v. FRIEND, one trying to help v. one blinded by the persuit of WWE Gold. Vince has clearly lost sight of what a storyline is. With the talent thinning every day, take two of your biggest names of all-time, two of your best mic-men of all-time, and make a compelling drama. These two, without a doubt, could sell it. I feel like WWE has been rushing stories to make up for the lack of talent in the ring. The "Bastard Son" was a great idea, but dropping in Hornswogle when Kennedy went down due to suspension was just pathetic. Quit insulting the intelligence of the wrestling fan and give some quality SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT one again! Please save us!!!! Y2J RULES....AGAAAIN!!!
As far as stables go, they SUCK! Only legendary talent a.k.a. The 4 Horsemen (any configuration of it) and the Origianl N.W.O. could make it work. But remember, this was all before the internet spoiled everything. N.W.O. was intreging because you didn't really know if Hall & Nash were really invading WCW. Even if you put in a youth movement, who would be the leader? The Hardy's are old school now. Paul London could carry in the ring but what about the mic? Orton is a solo guy as well as Kennedy. You need a roughneck group made up of 3 or 4 guys to pull it off. No Diva's, no managers. Something like Cade (Powerhouse), Punk (Attitude), London (Excitement). Throw in Burke with a new attitude and that could be magic. Have them fued with everybody! New kids with something to prove? Cade: more than just a Tag Champ, Punk: more than just an ECW (yawn) Champ, London: more than just a sideshow, Burke: more than just a mouth. Have them make a statement by taking out someone like Kane or Umaga or Kahli, someone that will get them over as a group. While the said Superstar is out of the picture, make them into a true faction. Taking on all comers: tag teams of all styles, singles of all statures. Face or Heel doesn't matter. "We're not future stars, we're SUPERSTARS!" I can hear EB now.
The Old Switch A Roo would work with any established superstar. As long as the WWE gives us a good story for it. They have to think of a story that would show this individual as our last hope...the one guy who can maintain what's good in the world....a natural born leader that everyone likes......then BAM, turns heel.....making this biggest, most ruthless, son of a bitch out there. Most notably we've seen this done in the past with Triple H and The Rock (Both when they first joined The Corporation for their respective times). Does anyone remember how Triple H fought long and hard against The McMahons and the Corporation only to have finally join them after Pedigree-ing his best friend X-Pac at Wrestlemania? See that meant something, cause we as the viewers believed that Triple H would never join the bad guys. Or when The Rock worked his ass off in and before the Deadly Game Tournament for the WWF Championship...having the confidence from the people and labeling himself the Champion of the People only to screw Mankind in the end and join with who what we thought was his rival Vince McMahon...Again it meant something because we believed The Rock was our champion and a man of the people, but in the end he turned his back on us and ultimatly skyrocket his career as one of the best heels ever. Now the WWE needs to build up a big time baby-face, both above mentioned superstars got their biggest pushes as soon as they turned heel. So for "The Old Switch A Roo" to really gain huuuuge momentum the WWE would need to do this with one of their younger guys or guys who haven't took that next step to the main event yet. Guys like CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, and Bobby Lashley come to mind when I think of who I wanna see pull of the Ultimate "Switch A Roo"
Y2J is heading to TNA its a trick he has up his sleeve until he debuts his sorry ass on WWE Circus internet rumors will report and speculate otherwise afterall he did pose in front of a TNA logo 2 years ago yet agin he is prick
I was a big fan of Y2J for him 2 choose profitship over sportsmanship in t his business and he is not debuting on WWE RAW since he is 200lbs lol wow
Christine Jerkiko as DDP called him needs to rely on a less hectic schedule like TNA and even though he is 2hrs away from TNA he lives in Orlando he was simpy scared to face STING,Christian,Tomko and Angle as well as Nash and HALL and Xpac lets not even mention Booker T who did the right choice TNA is WCW resurrected ! I d like to see HBG*y Shawn Michaels heel he fits !
Team up the second generation talent - Carlito, Rhodes, DH Smith (if they don't fire him) and let Orton lead it.

Flair was a loner for years, wrestling heels and faces but when they put together the right combo it worked.

Let these guys serve notice to all the established stars - even toss DiBiase's kid in there. And I disagree about any configuration of the horseman. The thing that made the horseman work was the tag team of Tully and Arn. The two guys who were always loyal and would sacrifice even each other for the belts.

Once Tully didn't rejoin every Horseman unit was just an imitation, Paul Roma, McMichaels??? Sting??? Those were sad incarnations.

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