The Official Yazstrong Thread

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
Motherfucking Yazloz is an awesome dude. Ever since joining here he instantly can get along with just about everybody here. He quickly made a splash in WZCW (no pun intended) with Mikey Stormrage.

As he told us recently, he had just lost his girlfriend. But everyday I texted him he told me he was going to stay strong for her, and he was there every step of the way. Now Mikey is a big guy, but it takes heart to stay with someone you love the whole way through and help them fight, even when it seems hopeless.

I fucking love you dude, I don't know if I can say that enough on your phone, so I'll just do it here. Hell, everyone can join in and just give the man the respect he deserves.
Like I said before, you have my full support throughout this, Yaz. My PM box is always open if you need someone to talk to, man. You've always been willing to lend a helping hand to all of us, so it's high time we return the favor. Keep your chin up and fight through this. It'll be tough, but you need to try to be as positive as possible.

I don't know what turned me onto the Yazloz, I'm pretty sure it was Pancake introducing me to him during an XBox Live session, but I haven't looked back since. That dude is awesome.

I don't do hashtags. What I do do (haha, poop) is tell Yazloz he's the man, and that he's my e-brother. If you need to talk, you know how to reach me sir.
He's fa -

No, he gets a pass today.

Yazloz is good people. I wish I had Xbox Live Gold, and a video game he played, and maybe we could become friends. But, I can appreciate him from a distance, like a wise and noble stag, or a majestic mountain, or Pancake's ****e -

No, no, none of that.

We don't talk enough, but it's okay - I still love you. Stay strong and keep fighting the good fight. It'll get better.
Yaz, you're fucking awesome. You're one of the guys here I wish I knew better. Everyone's already said it but I'll say it again, you need to talk, or anything, I'm here.

Stay strong, buddy.

Like I said in the PM I sent, I'm here if you need my support. My thoughts are with you and I hope you are able to return to us here in WZCW when the time is right for you, whether it be sooner or later.

Stay Strong Yaz.
There isn't much else that can be said that everyone else hasn't yet and I'd like to repeat those sentiments as well. My prayers go out for you Yaz and I give you all the best in staying strong. If I could summon Pinkie Pie to keep a smile on your face and help you along the way, I'd do it a thousand times over.

Thunder buddies for life Yazloz.

I've said all this over the last few weeks but fuck it I'm saying it again.

What you have done is one of the bravest and hardest things you could do. The respect and admiration for you is indescribable and this thread just goes to show that I'm not the only one who thinks it.

Don't come back before you are ready and you know how to contact me if you need me.
I hope you already know that I am here for you whenever, but just so I can show my visible support: You have my prayers and thoughts. Cheers.
I've already PM'ed you, but I just want to say it again. If you ever need anything. DO NOT hesitate to PM me. I don't know if a lot of people here do, but I know what you're going through man. We love you here and want you to know we're pullin for you. #yazstrong.
I don't have anything to do with WZCW, but I couldn't ignore this thread. Yazloz and I joined these forums at roughly the same time almost a year ago, and he is one of the few special posters who makes my experience, as well as many others I'm sure, worthwhile and incredibly fun. I hate it when bad things happen to good people. Rooting for you, bro.
I already told you this and I'm sure they're others who you would rather talk to about this but I hope things get better man, get back when you can.
You guys, like I have no words to tell you how much it means. I know I haven't replied to every PM sent my way, but I read and appreciate each one. You guys are amazing. I'm just a guy on the internet, but your support has been fantastic. Nothing could make this easy but you guys have soften the blow, and even provided me with a few smiles. I can never repay what this means to me.
You guys, like I have no words to tell you how much it means. I know I haven't replied to every PM sent my way, but I read and appreciate each one. You guys are amazing. I'm just a guy on the internet, but your support has been fantastic. Nothing could make this easy but you guys have soften the blow, and even provided me with a few smiles. I can never repay what this means to me.

No need to thank us, we are all like family here. We look after our own. If you need to talk to any of us just let us know.

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