The [OFFICIAL] workout thread: Pt. II

My doctor recently cancelled surgery i was gonna have on my back(I deal with permanent back pain) in favour of physical exercise to help my back. Would i be better off doing swimming or yoga? Or is there a better alternative?
Would being bloated and tired all the time mean my matibolisim is trying to kick back in? That's how it was when I was in school. I'm getting my 8 hours a day, but I feel fatigued, all the time. Drinking my water, trying to get around 1500-2000 calories a day, so Idk why I would feel like that or bloated, other than matibolisim kicking back in. Any ideas dudes? I did my usual this morning a 20 minute, ten minute, and 5 go hard minutes on the strider, and a 30 minute 2 mile walk/jog. Might do a 3 mile jog on this Google map thing it has. Its cape town south Africa? Nordic track has everything.
Personally, I stay away from diet soda simply because of aspertame, but that's just me. I mean really there's all kinds of research about stuff like that and you have to take it all with a grain of salt.

And as far as being fatigued all the time, that would almost sound like symptoms of overtraining, but it doesn't sound like you would be at that level yet. But we're all different I guess.
For workouts I've been sticking to a 5x5 program the past couple months. My strength is going way up. My form has also improved significantly since the initial weight is so light it gives me a great chance to work on it. I've gotten bigger but have only gained about 5 pounds. Weird, but as long as I keep adding the pounds to the bar I won't complain. I've always had a significantly hard time gaining weight anyways since I have an extremely high metabolism.
The reason soda is bad is for the high fructose corn syrup, sugar content, and carbs. Diet soda is devoid of these.

Diet soda still contains artificial sweetener which, for the most part, still causes the insulin spikes that a measurable sugar source would. Beyond that, soda is still an incredible source of phosphoric acid, which provides great detriment to bones and teeth. Your better choice would be to cut out all soda. I used to carry around 2-liters of Diet Dew everywhere I went, but then just decided to stop one day. I replaced with other forms of caffeine. It was difficult for a month or so, but it was definitely worth it.

Artificial sweeteners are in most everything that is processed, so avoiding it will be hard. Best advice is to minimize processed food.
Diet soda isn't the healthiest thing to drink obviously, but if we are talking about body composition and the overall way you look it doesn't affect anything. My sister lost 65 pounds 2 years ago just by switching from Coke to Coke Zero.
Right, they call it diet soda for no reason whatsoever.

If only I had pointed out the lack of any sugar, carbs, or syrup in it the first time I fucking posted this.

Oh wait.
Calm down, guns. Its cool, I've been keeping my pop to a minimum, or none at all. I'm going to get some oatmeal tomorrow, and I've been eating some chili here and there to. Water, and working out. We're doing good. Just need to find the energy to get back on the machine and do 15 more minutes
Here is a breakdown of my dietz

2 Scoops cinnamon bun whey protein
8 egg whites
1 cup oats
2 tablespoons fat free cottage cheese
Blend altogether and pour batter into waffle maker. Makes 4 waffles

Chicken Quesadillas with a salad on the side (the salad is mainly for the rest of the chicken i cut up from the quesadillas) with hot sauce

Hi protein homemade pizza. Just a whole wheat pita, tomato paste, fat free shredded cheese, mushrooms, chicken.

Im not a fan of the whole 6 meals or whatever a day thing just hitting my macros. If i get hungry inbetween meals I just eat cinnamon buns (1 whole egg, cinnamon, cinnamon bun protein powder, truvia (calorie free sweetner basically made from plants. I cant tell the difference between it and sugar),
and for the icing I just spread fat free yogurt. The boston cream pie one is the shit.

This may seem like a lot but surprisingly the calorie count only comes out to around 1600-1700. Gotta love cutting.

As for today's workout:

20 min Interval training. 1 min walk 1 min run
20 bodyweight squats
20 lunges
20 calf raises
30 V ups
30 sec plank
2 rounds of above
10 min run
repeat lower body circuit from earlier 2 times then die.
I do a 30 minute 2 mile jog/ walk
5 minute rest, water, shit break
20 minute fat burner strider
5 minute break
10 minute strider on 5 resistance going above 60 rpm, as much as possible
5 minute break
5 minute strider on 5 for 2.5 minutes, 10 for 1 minute, and max (14) for one minute going hard as I can.

I'm not trying to put anything on, I just try to go ham
fucking love it man, it burns me up. But it don't hurt my knees or hips. I only do a two mile jog and walk a day, out of fear of getting shin splints or my hips going to fuck. Being 350+ I need to drop weight, like now. So I do as much as I can

What is your job?

Also I'm not sure how accurate my machines are, but they have a calorie setting on them. They tell u how much u "burn", I just added up my stuff and it said I did 1110 today. I'm not sure if that's true though. I'm working out in. A sweatshirt, and I weigh more than the Avg. Dude.
Hi protein homemade pizza. Just a whole wheat pita, tomato paste, fat free shredded cheese, mushrooms, chicken.

Im not a fan of the whole 6 meals or whatever a day thing just hitting my macros.

That pizza sounds pretty good. Just sprinkle some basil over it and chow down.

I eat anywhere from 5-7 meals a day simply because if I don't, I won't gain a pound. It also speeds up my metabolism even more though, so I'm hungry after 3 hours most of the time.
My doctor recently cancelled surgery i was gonna have on my back(I deal with permanent back pain) in favour of physical exercise to help my back. Would i be better off doing swimming or yoga? Or is there a better alternative?

A lot of my Army buddies give me shit, but I've been doing yoga for a couple of years now, and all of the aches and pains that I used to have have pretty much gone away.
What is your job?

Im in the Army so as anyone can imagine there is a LOT of running. And i do a thing called a PT test every 6 months where I have to run 2 miles in a certain amount of time (its 16:30, but I try and max it everytime at 13:00 or lower.)

And to reply to Sweep, I'm not necessarily against the whole 6-7 meals a day, it's just not for me. I understand it helps a lot of people with getting in more calories and is more convienent for them.

and that pizza is the shit. I literally eat those same things everyday. Mix up the ingredients a little so i dont get bored but other than that im good to go. Except taco bell or something during WWE pay per views. Once in a while is fine. Taco bell is also like the best pre workout supplement ever. Cause you get around 1000g of carbs :lmao:
What is your job?

I'm in the Army

The Army's not a job. It's an adventure! Oh wait...that's not it at all.

Air Force vet myself.

And I do love me some Taco Bell too.

When you make that pizza, I assume the chicken is pre-cooked going into the oven... How long do you bake it for?
Yeah its pre cooked, i buy like freaking 20 pounds of chicken every grocery shopping day and pre make all of my meals for the entire week. Helps with time. and i usually bake it for 10 minutes at 350 degrees F. Pretty much until the cheese is melted
Im in the Army so as anyone can imagine there is a LOT of running. And i do a thing called a PT test every 6 months where I have to run 2 miles in a certain amount of time (its 16:30, but I try and max it everytime at 13:00 or lower.)

Yeah man I know all about the PT, I could do the pushups and set ups if I was in shape. But the running is something that I've always been shit at. I've had a memeber of my family in the military since the civil war. So when I chose to look into it, it was pretty cool. I cut my foot when I was 18 though, a 3 inch piece of glass went up into it, and cut my tendons or whatever is in there. I don't have insurence, and the doctors never put them back together right. So it's quite a pain to try and run on it, but I'm pushing through it.

I'd love to be in the military, I wanted to go to Ft. Lenoard Wood man.
Yeah its pre cooked, i buy like freaking 20 pounds of chicken every grocery shopping day and pre make all of my meals for the entire week. Helps with time. and i usually bake it for 10 minutes at 350 degrees F. Pretty much until the cheese is melted

Yeah a lot of dedicated lifters do that same thing so all they have to do is grab their daily meals and go.

I don't do that as much as most. I do make this one concoction in the slow cooker that'll last me the whole week. It's packed with protein, good carbs, fiber and a few veggies mixed in. It's actually quite good.
Im in the Army so as anyone can imagine there is a LOT of running. And i do a thing called a PT test every 6 months where I have to run 2 miles in a certain amount of time (its 16:30, but I try and max it everytime at 13:00 or lower.)

And to reply to Sweep, I'm not necessarily against the whole 6-7 meals a day, it's just not for me. I understand it helps a lot of people with getting in more calories and is more convienent for them.

and that pizza is the shit. I literally eat those same things everyday. Mix up the ingredients a little so i dont get bored but other than that im good to go. Except taco bell or something during WWE pay per views. Once in a while is fine. Taco bell is also like the best pre workout supplement ever. Cause you get around 1000g of carbs :lmao:

No shit, someone else in the Army. Where are you stationed?


PT Tests are a bitch.
What's all this now? A part II? Fuck, I might have a reason to post again. Very nice. I miss 'CAP…

My doctor recently cancelled surgery i was gonna have on my back(I deal with permanent back pain) in favour of physical exercise to help my back. Would i be better off doing swimming or yoga? Or is there a better alternative?

All depends on the nature and origin of your troubles. A specific exercise could hurt or help. Did your GP say anything was contraindicated? I recommend seein' a physiotherapist for a session or two. They'll evaluate you based on your medical records and work in concert with doctor. Ideally go for someone well versed in your type of condition e.g orthopedic, neurological, sports medicine.
No shit, someone else in the Army. Where are you stationed?


PT Tests are a bitch.

Im in South Korea at the moment. I do not like it here. I actually miss deployment more lol.

And in keeping with the thread, I will be cheating like a motherfucker on royal rumble sunday. Pizza, wings and cherry dr. pepper galore. Only time i really cheat like this is on wrestling pay per views.

Actually if i dont eat anything the rest of the day, and those items stated above dont go over my calorie intake for the day its technically not a cheat.

Thats one thing a lot of people dont realize about. Places like McDonald's, Papa johns etc. do not make people fat. People make people fat because they cannot control themselves. They go and order the double quarter pounder large meal and have found that they just ate over 1000 of their calories for the day and will be hungry again a few hours later. Its all about portion control and fitting it into your macros and calorie requirements for the day.

I ate Taco Bell yesterday but only had a crunchwrap surpreme which came to about 530 calories i believe. But i still go my protein intake and fat intake for the day and did not go over my calories. And am still shedding fat like crazy.

Things like meal timing, eating before bed etc have no effect on body composition whatsoever. They are merely tools of convienence to maybe tailor to one's specific lifestyle. I can't eat before bed just because I have trouble going to sleep. Some might love eating 6-7 meals a day because it helps fight cravings or keep them satisified while I only eat 3 because I have found it works best with me and my body.

Sorry about the rant, bu to sum it up, you can eat things like mcdonalds, taco bell etc. just dont go overboard and make it fit into your daily requirements.
People make people fat because they cannot control themselves. They go and order the double quarter pounder large meal and have found that they just ate over 1000 of their calories for the day and will be hungry again a few hours later.

No! No! No! It's made entirely ok due to the fact that they ordered it with a Diet Coke. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

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