The [OFFICIAL] workout thread: Pt. II

What's everyone's take on correcting strangers' form in the gym? Mind your own business? Or help out someone that might hurt themself?

Some...A lot of people can't squat for shit. I saw a couple, YES BOTH, doing squats yesterday and I almost couldn't say their form was complete shit because they weren't going down far enough to judge. I mean it had to be like 1/3 ROM. And neither one was doing enough weight to constitute partial reps (why would a normal woman want to anyways?). Most people it's just not going down far enough, or knees going forward too far.

Anyways, just curious on different philosiphies.
No! No! No! It's made entirely ok due to the fact that they ordered it with a Diet Coke. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I have yet to research this, but my Major was talking to me the other day about a soda the japanese invented that basically blocks all calories and what not from getting stored as fat. Like you could eat an entire pizza but drink the soda and it wouldnt do anything. Again i havent seen or read anything and my Major can be a lunatic but take with it what you will.

As far as your question about correcting people in the gym, I personally despise almost everyone, but if i see someone in a life or death situation (IE 80 percent of the people at the gym) I will say something. I havent lifted weights in about a year in a half but I still remember perfect form and all that and will give them tips if need be.

If they are an ass about it just say fuck it and watch them get crushed by the 400lbs they put on the squat rack. God can't say i didnt try when its judgement day.
You guys should try the Eggo whole wheat waffles. 2 Waffles is only 170 calories. I have that and scrambled eggs for breakfast every morning. Delicious.


Chocolate milk post workout is fucking awesome. Granted you wont get teh big gunz but i've experienced great recorvery as of late just drinking a cup after a workout.

ONE more thing. I personally do not believe the whole 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight suggestion everyone (maybe not everyone) says. What are your guys' takes on that? I've grown off barely 100g a day.
You guys should try the Eggo whole wheat waffles. 2 Waffles is only 170 calories. I have that and scrambled eggs for breakfast every morning. Delicious.

I'm always weary of bigger name brand "whole wheat" "multi-grain" stuff. Multi-grain is simply a way of saying "we threw a whole grain or two in with the sugar." But if it's entirely whole wheat I guess it's fine. Learning to read ingredient labels is something people need to do early. But with me, the last thing I'm concerned about is low calories.

Chocolate milk post workout is fucking awesome. Granted you wont get teh big gunz but i've experienced great recorvery as of late just drinking a cup after a workout.

I drink chocolate milk post workout almost every time. I do it along with my protein shake though. Milk has great protein in it, but not enough. It's the sugar I drink it for. The body is starved of sugar post workout so I figure with a good protein combination, plus the quick sugars in it, it's perfect. But I'm also trying to get bigger, unlike you.

ONE more thing. I personally do not believe the whole 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight suggestion everyone (maybe not everyone) says. What are your guys' takes on that? I've grown off barely 100g a day.

People are different. Plain and simple. Same reason some people grow off high weight/low reps, while others low weight/high reps. It's all in your body composition. I've heard of people who are the same way you are. Me, I can't grow off anything unless I just eat a lot. I have a very high metabolism.
Not to mention, if you arent using all of that protein, it will coagulate in your bloodstream and kidney, giving you high plood pressure and kidney stones.

Get a solid shake for post workout, and a casein one before you got to sleep, and eat right. You will be good to go.
Last few weeks I've been trying to get in 3 shakes per day (some 50+ grams, others down at like 25ish...depending on my food protein intake). That varies based on my training and whole food intake. Basically, your muscles need amino acids throughout the day. Depending on the level of exercise and the amount you want to gain, adjust protein evenly throughout the day to keep muscles nourished.
I have a shake every morning, a pre and post workout and that's it. If my workout is in the morning, my morning shake doubles as my preworkout shake. Other than that, I try to get all my nutrition through good foods.

and a casein one before you got to sleep, and eat right.

My bedtime meal has almost always been cottage cheese. It's almost entirely Casein, like most (all?) dairy. 2 servings is about 24g of protein.
Need some help, guys. Building a trip set, that I'm turning into a quad set by adding pushups for my arms and stuff.

1 Pushups x30
2 Stand reverse curl dumbell, 3x5
3 hammer curl dumbell 3x5
4 bar curl 3x5

1 pushups x30
2Incline dumbell curl 3x5
3 Dumbell bicep curls 3x5
4 preacher curls 3x5

1 push x30
2 dumbbell alt curls 3x10
3. 1 arm curls 3x5 both arms
4 Preacher hammer dbell curl 3x10

Everything look good? Need some help ,don't make fun of me for low reps, I've not been in the gym for years.

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