The Official "No One Wants You On These Forums, Please Leave" Thread

Do You Want These Two to Leave?

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
Dedicated to WrestlingAuthority90 and Priceless Blaze.

Everyone feel free to join if you want these two douchebags to leave the forums forever.

Hating on a man who hasn't been dead for even a day yet and saying his children are better off without him = Epic Fail.

Trying to argue that Benoit was innocent (despite DNA evidence) but MJ was guilty (despite no evidence at all) = Even Bigger Fail.

Congrats you two, you've officially worn out your welcome. Please leave.

Should I add a poll?
Yes add a poll by all means.

Can I be secretary of state?
I'm in. I wanna be part of this.

It's people like that which are the reason I hate the world.
Hey mods, can you add a poll to this thread asking "Do You Want These Two to Leave?" with the obvious yes and no answers? Would be much appreciated.
You'd need a G-Mod. Sorry.

I don't mind blaze, though WA annoys me
I used to think that Blaze had a little decency about him. I was wrong clearly.
theres just no need for the disrespect when the man has only just died. I mean one or two jokes are acceptable as it is expected but to go out right and call him a pedo is just damn right atrocious.
Why would they do that though!? It really perplexes me why they would actually want to say that this close to his death. Fuck them both!
I'm in, sorry but have a little fucking decency, a man just died and they're just shitting over alleged incidents, which coincidentally, all the parents were after was.....take a guess....anybody? Let me give you a few more seconds to think about was all about the money. Shocking isn't it?
WA90 proved his absolute lack of anything resembling decency by proclaiming Michael's children were better off without him an that he was "glad that pedo is dead".

Priceless proved that he has as much intelligence as a block of wood when he started saying that we can't prove that Benoit killed his family, and then in the next sentence say MJ is guilty.

Congrats you two, you could have just kept your silly opinions to yourselves, but instead you chose to anger a bunch of people in mourning. You both have no class whatsoever, and I hope when that when your parents die someone comes up to you and laughs in your face and says you're better off without them.
you people are all just kissin ass because he's dead. Half of you people prolly didn't even like Jackson. The truth is that he had talent but he was an absolute weird ass. What you all are doing is no better than praising Hitler because he's dead.

He is making me really, really angry.
Dude, WrestlngAuthority90 (or however you spell it) is 17 years old with a 3 year old kid. What more do you expect from someone like that?

I don't mind PricelessBlaze, so I'm not down with him being gone. He may have said something incredibly stupid, but he's still a decent guy.
Dude, WrestlngAuthority90 (or however you spell it) is 17 years old with a 3 year old kid. What more do you expect from someone like that?

I don't mind PricelessBlaze, so I'm not down with him being gone. He may have said something incredibly stupid, but he's still a decent guy.

Shit, really!?

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