The NXT Thread Is Like Ring of Honor's Bay-Bay!

Date: November 15, 2017
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Percy Watson, Mauro Ranallo

It’s the last show before Takeover: WarGames and that means things could be getting very fun in a hurry. The big story tonight, aside from the build towards Saturday’s main event of course, it Andrade Cien Almas and NXT Champion Drew McIntyre coming face to face. That match hasn’t gotten a lot of attention so a good focus could serve it well. Let’s get to it.

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Not Since Alexa Bliss
Good job only people from the US ever held the US title, and people from Europe held the European title.

Come on, man.
I had been under the impression when they made the UK Title was that it was a first foray into a potential UK show. I never got the impression that the UK Title would now be the secondary title on NXT.

Couple that with everyone here saying NXT never needed a secondary title. Now that we like the champion everyone loves having the secondary title. How humorous.

Finally what has Gargano done to earn a championship match? He's lost, lost, and lost again. And since we know he isn't winning the title, making it a title match ensures the outcome, whereas a non-title match leaves open the possibilities that he wins.
See my impression was always the UK title as to set up a UK "territory" of sorts, a separate promotion from NXT. Thus, anyone could become champion of the promotion.

And Gargano got the shot via open challenge by Dunne
Can't get enough of Pete Dunne recently, he's really impressed me since that match with Bate. Shame that we won't get to see the match, should be a cracker.
Can't get enough of Pete Dunne recently, he's really impressed me since that match with Bate. Shame that we won't get to see the match, should be a cracker.

Gargano vs. Dunne is on TV next week. They always do this with the Takeover dark matches.
I never saw the UK title as one separate from NXT because WWE was claiming that UK show would come so many times at the start of the year. I don't see it happening. I expect the title to stay in NXT until they give up on that show. Hell, I expect the Cruiserweight title to end up there when they give up on 205 Live.
My least controversial opinion ever: People's Sexiest Man Alive should be Drew McIntyre.



You could see him clutching his arm after the finish. He didn't land well on that final spot and I wouldn't be surprised if that's what did it. I'm utterly flabbergasted - and more than a little miffed - at the reception he's got at the last two Takeovers. You can cheer for who you like but 3MB chants are obnoxious.

The War Games match was an absolute clusterfuck, and I never expected anything less.

The women's title match was a bit of a letdown - and Ember Moon's mystique was gone completely about five minutes after her debut - but there's lots of hope for the future.

Black versus Dream was somehow even better than I'd imagined it would be. What a payoff! It was so good that it was only slightly marred by production repeatedly botching. We missed a) Black doing Dream's taunt, b) Black setting up for Black Mass only to get countered, and c) the fucking finish. Dream is an absolute star now, which will last until the exact second he makes his main roster debut. I'll have to watch it again because I think that was a match of the year contender.

My dream card for Philly is... let's see:

Sane vs. Moon for the women's title
Almas vs. Black for the men's title
Sanity vs. Fish & O'Reilly vs. AoP for the tag titles
Dream vs. Lars (???)
Dunne vs. any fucker
Whoever started that 3MB chant vs. Drew McIntyre's one good arm
Beating a dead horse, but MAN Mcyntire really needs his old theme back. His current one is just so flat and farty. No one gives a shit right off the bat, when honesty, Drew may be the closest thing in the roster right now to the total package. Look and ring skills both a ten, promos not far behind. He is everything Randy Orton should be.
It was humorous but also obvious that the majority kf war games was spent with 9 people all smashed onto each other in one ring . Surpsied no one did anything creative with the dual rings during the rest of the night.
It was humorous but also obvious that the majority kf war games was spent with 9 people all smashed onto each other in one ring . Surpsied no one did anything creative with the dual rings during the rest of the night.

I assume they were told not to. The women's match in particular could have used being a bit more spread out. Felt weird for four people to be ignoring the fact that there was another ring right there.
That was my assumption too, that they wanted to leave the use of the dual rings exclusive to the main event.

Which ended up being a really awkward, confusing direction to take. Also a bit silly since the fact that

1. You kind of need a proper feud to do it

2. Vince shot down the use of this match a hundred times over the past 20 years, and the show didn't draw well...

I doubt we see it again any time soon. Maybe ever. Shame the dual rings weren't used more.
I reckon Drew did his arm less than five minutes in. He was clutching his arm early on and if that's the case then it's it's a superman performance.
I doubt we see it again any time soon. Maybe ever. Shame the dual rings weren't used more.

The dual rings is not particularly interesting to me. The cage, the team and feud aspect of it is what interests me.

What Vince should have done is incorporate aspects of War Games into his pre-existing match types. You could make a good War Games HIAC or Elimination Chamber. The latter really could have happened with Shield vs Wyatts or Shield vs Evolution.

Shield vs New Day could also have used such stipulations.
Somebody being thrown from one ring into another is a very cool spot (hence why I loved the Authors using Roddy as a projectile and just fucking him into everyone). Taking the roof off was a smart move.
Would have been an interesting spot if Adam Cole had pushed Roddy off the cell to the outside.

But then how do you get the AOP out of the cages when Dain swallowed the key (even if it is only a brief 'elimination' before Regal overturns it?


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