Yeah I think ROH would be a bigger and better product with the support of the Carter's millions rather than the backing of Sinclair, who need to pull their finger out. ROH could and should be doing much better.
Which is a shame because the industry would benefit from a big third company.
Honestly, I'll take Sinclair over the Carters.
Dixie has created WWE-lite. I don't want WWE-lite. I want something different to WWE. I want something that doesn't look like WWE, feel like WWE, that isn't a replica of WWE. I don't want the same style of wrestling as WWE, I don't want to constantly see the same characters as WWE, and that's why I always find it so laughable when some see The Wolves debut in TNA and go, "these guys are cool", cause all people seem to want are new and fresh guys - new and fresh guys is what ROH is about. Don't believe me? Ask CM Punk, Bryan, Cesaro, Rollins, Hero, Aries, Richards, Edwards, Joe and on and on and on. And in a few years ask Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reilly, Tommaso Ciampa, Michael Elgin, Michael Bennett, Andrew Everett, Matt Taven and on and on. They are cool, but they've been cool a lot longer than before TNA and WWE.
Sinclair's only issue is it doesn't want to invest mass amounts of money in ROH. And like Jim Cornette (I hate using him as a reference, but he has been on the inside) said - in his time in ROH, it was making profit, through iPPV difficulties and delays on production equipment and all that, when he left, due to the tightness of the financial analyst it was making profit.
If 2014 thus far has shown anything it doesn't seem like their out for making sure the balance sheet shows no minuses next to the figure or anything in brackets, cause Chris Hero isn't cheap, AJ Styles isn't cheap, if their in discussions with NJPW to bring in a number of guys, it isn't cheap.
I'd much rather have Sinclair who doesn't really interfere than Dixie, who has not only been the major cause for TNA's downfall from the once shining alternative of the WWE, to the WWE on a Thursday night and with a different cast of characters. And if the guy who founded the company pulling out and the guy who the company was built around leaving to join the "minor league" isn't proof of me not being the only one who thinks that, nothing is, so enjoy whatever you get out of it.