The Nexus or NWO?

The Nexus or NWO?

  • The Nexus

  • NWO

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Stupid Question! NWO had Established Superstars, with a great story line! The element of Surprise, which has been around in the last 5-10 years. The NEXUS is nothing, we dont know if they will be anything in the future! Another bad creation by Vince! Come on Damn it, give us WRESTLING again, the hell with this PG/Superstars/water down crap. We want action, attitude, excitement! WWE BLOWS. Use WCW again, great name WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING! Vince u are an idiot! RETIRE! U should be FIRED!!!!!!
I will slap the mother of anyone who says Nexus. They are boring and played out. Besides Barrett they have nobody. I will watch old school WCW all day long. This crap WWE has out now isn't worth my time. And before you say anything, yes I have tried to watch it.

Nexus... Funny how you said you will slap the mother of anyone who says Nexus.

Anyways, I'd go for Nexus. With the nWo, they were made of established stars already. Sure, they have cultural impact and whatnot but The Nexus are really helping out some of the younger talents get over and become instant main eventers. WWE took 7 up and coming guys and established them. Now, you can't say they aren't established youngsters because they have went on and put some decent matches with the upper echelon of the RAW roster... heck, they defeates Sheamus, Edge, Orton, Jericho, and Cena on RAW, and were main eventing Summerslam.
Stupid Question! NWO had Established Superstars, with a great story line! The element of Surprise, which has been around in the last 5-10 years. The NEXUS is nothing, we dont know if they will be anything in the future! Another bad creation by Vince!

This brings us to the neverending saga of a group creating stars vs established main eventers. Sure it sounds good that you can have this great stable full of established stars but think about it these guys already have the fan base and notoriety of name to pull off such a giant surprise turn and keep it going for a while with complete creative control of everything. If you were to put just about any main eventer in there at the time with such a surprising turn you probably would have had a similar, if not the same, result but with a reduced ego trip most likely. Nexus however used the same surprise but instead of wasting it on people that didn't need it they chose to instead elevate 7 rookies that the majority of the fans hadn't even heard of into the spotlight on Raw and led to them taking down the face of the WWE
week after week after week with no seeming way of being stopped. They may not be a guaranteed hit and the majority of them will probably be sent back to FCW after the angle ends but it has already produced a star that could very well be around for years with the possibility of multiple members going on to have great careers in the midcard/uppermidcard with the chance of one day maineventing down the line. With this single stable Vince was able to start preparing for the days that his top guys and legends will inevitably be forced to retire, without them Vince would most likely be forced to go through a period of time similar to when all of his top stars jumped ship to WCW. Give the rookies some time and don't judge them too harshly and there is a good chance that one day they will make something for themselves and prove that the process of elevating stars is infinitely better than throwing a couple established guys in charge of a stable that will do nothing but work for their own personal gains.

Come on Damn it, give us WRESTLING again, the hell with this PG/Superstars/water down crap. We want action, attitude, excitement! WWE BLOWS. Use WCW again, great name WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING! Vince u are an idiot! RETIRE! U should be FIRED!!!!!!

Get over yourself, the wrestling world would have crumbled if it were not for Vince McMahon. He is in every way the sleazy corporate genius that he is portrayed to be on the programming but toned down quite a bit I'm sure. You need to get with the times and leave the past in the past. Was the attitude era great? Sure, they were some of the best times that I remember from wrestling but even if they went back to the exact same way that they were 10 years ago you'd still bitch about it not being as good as you remember because nothing is ever quite as good as you built it up in your mind. Along with the attitude era leave WCW dead and buried, bringing that train wreck of a company back/merging WWE into it would do nothing but confuse and/or infuriate the loyal WWE fans that have been watching for countless years while turning off the people that never could get into WWE after the buyout even further due to it being a cheap way to cash in on the past.
You can't compare a stable that has been around for only mere months, to the NWO, one of the biggest stables in wreslting history. Sure, Nexus is good, but there is no competition between these two stables, plainly because NWO is one of the biggest stables in wrestling history.
LOL You're comparing nexus to the nWo?! WTF!

NWO is argubly the greatest faction in wrestling history. They had alot of great memories, not to mention members name(hogan, hall, nash, sting, lex lugar, sting, randy savage...etc). They were the reason why the wcw was beating the wwf in ratings for over 10 weeks. Nexus are ok, but they won't reach nWo's level.
While Nexus are still in their infancy and it may be jumping the gun to write off their possible future impact, I am pretty confident in saying that no matter what Nexus accomplish, it will pale in comparison to the impact and legacy of the nWo.

The initial buzz caused by Hulk Hogan joining the New World Order was unrivalled in wrestling at the time, and sparked the rise of WCW to becoming the number 1 company in the business at that time. It was one the catalysts for the nWo becoming one of the longest running storylines of the decade, and whose inpact is still being seen today- most noticably in the Nexus themselves. Without the nWo, there would be no "invasion" type storylines in wrestling, and therefore no Nexus.

While Nexus may go on to be a huge success in WWE, and they are doing well in my opinion so far, I would be very surprised if they leave as big a legacy as the nWo
Too early to say. Were not capable of seeing what the Nexus can really do, with there limits in this PG era. Also with there accomplishments so far. All they have had is tag team titles and that was recent. But since there debut, they have been amazing. Maybe a year from now if the Nexus is still around we can answer this.

Doesn't matter, PG or not, there will never be another faction that can hold a candle to the NWO red or black. Even NWO's weakest member was better than 80% of the Nexus group. All of NWO's characters were hugely over, had multiple very memorable fueds whether as a group or singles competitors, had everyone wearing NWO gear, had incredible chemistry, were around for years, Nexus will never achieve any of this stuff. They have one big name in the whole group and he isn't even that big in Wade Barrett.
It is NWO without a shadow of a doubt. Whichever way you see it NWO brought about the second boom period in wrestling. Also the arguement that Nexus is better because it is a fresh idea fails. The NWO was an extremely new and unseen concept when it first started out. They were a group who set out to invade WCW. It was not just about winning titles but it was also about who would make all the decisions in the company.

Nexus is surely a novel idea. A group of seven guys who are not even midcarders go out and beat up two of the biggest names in the WWE. Surely something that is bound to make an impact. But I don't think that Nexus' actions have been that properly explained thus far. Nor do I think their greater purpose that they are talking about will leave much of an impact. Plus the fact that they lost their first match as a stable at Sumerslam 2010 kinda killed the angle for me.
Everyone should read this post.

The nWo had 10 former world champions in it (just the original) The Nexus has a bunch of young guys and the only one that anyone is even remotely interested in is Barret and if you count Cena then him too. The nWo wanted to take over WCW and they damn near did The nexus just want to get their leader the title. The nWo was a much more interesting storyline and was a far superior group of wrestlers.

nWo FTW case closed.

If you picked Nexus then your obviously never paid attention to the NWO...or you are being bias cause you like Wade Barrett. That is the only reason I can think of anyone picking Nexus.
I have to go with the Nexus on this one. The Nexus came in out of nowhere and dominated Raw by taking out Superstars, announcers and referees. John Cena was decimated in their debut and the entire ring was smashed. It was so intense that one member of the group was released! I really liked the debut and have enjoyed the story all throughout this year thus far.

There is no question the NWO is and forever will be historic and legendary. It gave us the biggest heel turn in wrestling history with Hulk Hogan turning to the dark side. This angle was done to death though. They tore right through WCW and then came to WWE and reaked havoc. The group got way too large as well. Almost all of WCW was in the NWO. I respect Hogan, Hall, Nash and everyone that was in the group for their effort and caring for the promotions but it was way overdue an ending. It has even returned in another promotion from what I've heard.
i really will go with Nexus. As much as NWO was a banner group when they started, it really broke down and got to be too much when there were like ump-teen different factions of NWO and it was too ridiculous. At least with Nexus, I can see the potential in MOST of the people. Some still need some skill training whether it be mic or ring work. But the overall majority works, even with the inclusion of Husky and Migillicutty. I think Wade Barrett is a great leader, HUGE talent and potential, of course I do think he's HOT. But besides that, he does have the ability to control the many branches to hopefully avoid seeing the clusterbomb that the NWO ended up becoming. As much as the Nexus drives people crazy sometimes, it still gets a reaction, and that is EXACTLY what WWE wanted when they got those young guys together. He is a born leader, even if Nexus were to end tomorrow, I think he's still going to thrive a lot longer than any of the other NXT people will.
How ridiculous does this thread look now Lol
NWO in WCW and WWE was by a milestone better then Nexus. Can't even compare the groups.

Nexus just didn't accomplish anything....oh besides beating up one guy at once.
Whoever picked Nexus just didn't ever watch NWO.
Nexus is good but the nwo....just the starpower itself puts their legacy heads and shoulders above who is in the Nexus or what the Nexus have accomplished so far.The NWO had Hulk Hogan,Randy Savage,Scott Hall,Big Show,Shawn Michaels,Kevin Nash,Lex Luger,Curt Henning,Bret Hart,etc.I am very sure guys like Barett,Otunga,Harris,and Gabriel will make it further than where they are now and I am not discrediting your thread,but I would say its fairly obvious that the NWO is better than Nexus and that they have left a bigger footprint than the Nexus will
There is no comparison!! NWO should get all the votes in my opinion.. NWO was made up of 3 of the biggest guys back then.. Nexus?? a bunch on nobodies!!! the members are being used to help build 1 guy! Wade Barrett!!! Maybe if the PG era wasn't here they could do a lot more.. but Nexus hasn't been around for much time.. There are much better stables you can use to compare with NWO and it will be closer!!! Nexus are sooo low in the stable list and NWO are well right at the top!!!
Three names:

Three guys are not known for their in-ring technical abilities.

But what did they have?

Presence. Personality. Mic skill.
Each man had charisma to spare and that sapred charisma is about all Wade, the most popular member of Nexus, has.

You simply can't compare a group of unknowns to three of the most beloved guys in wrestling history; to the biggest name in wrestling history. (at the time anyway)

Their natural talent was used to great effect.Having them come out and just destroy everything, in a much more complete fashion than Nexus has accomplished, was brilliant. Who knew just spray painting three letters on something would be so awesome?

The nWO invasion angle worked so well that it literally stopped being just WCW and became WCW/nWo for a few years. The nWo had its own referee, commentators, an official when Bischoff turned.... They took over so completely it has never been equaled before or since.

Let's face it. These Nexus guys could each have the technical ability of Bret Hart. (they don't) But they're noobies. Noobies are not going to amount to anything near to what the nWo managed with its big names. Though of course crdit has to go out to those big names being used in the most perfect fashion. (for the first two years anyway)

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