The Nexus or NWO?

The Nexus or NWO?

  • The Nexus

  • NWO

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I have to say Nexus is all about John Cena, not the decent faction (which has been missing for a year). WWE are not stupid they know putting Cena up against a faction who everyone under the age of 18 hates with his back against the wall, will only enhance him, Yes they are pushing Barrett slightly, but only for him to take a big fall to Cena and then he'll be a mid carder like Jack Swagger is now and we wont see him again. Although cena is a great worker, i would love to see him turn heel and align with the Nexus, that way you could compare it with the NWO.
Personally I prefer The Nexus simply because I think it was a brilliant idea piecing together a group of people that the WWE Universe didn't know anything about provided they didn't watch NXT. But even if they did they were still a bunch of unknowns.

To make it work as well as it has I think is an amazing accomplishment.


LOL... You probably think Kobe's better than Jordan, too. Your profile says that you're 19, so that would make you 4 or 5-years-old when the NWO debuted. I'd say that makes you a pretty weak and inobjective judge to try and compare the two.

The NWO changed wrestling. It gave you the Hogan heel turn which set the bar for swerves so high that even a Cena heel turn today would not have the same impact. They made it okay to push kayfabe to the limit. You had to have lived through it (and not been in elementary school) to appreciate the impact they had. Nothing the Nexus has done even compares.
I don't want to sound rude but I can't believe how much votes the Nexus has already? whoever voting for Nexus must have really not paid attention to the NWO or never saw the NWO at all...or you have to be a newcomer to wrestling cause it's no comparison at all.

If you think the Nexus are better then NWO I would advice you to do some googling on NWO or Youtube it Lol cause yeah they were great.
No matter how good either side may be in any other aspect, NWO had one thing nexus does not with the exception of barrett and that is attitude. NWO had a unique stable style. The same way that the horsemen had a wee better than you approach. NWO were similar to DX in that they were bunch of renegades and misfits roaming around causing havok not taking things too seriously. So they had this cocky strut epitomised by hogan's "guitar-playing" entrance and that was theyre style and nobody as a stable was quite like them like that.

Nexus in this respect have very little, just a bunch of young guys held loosely togther by wanting to make an impact. Nexus are only starting to develop a smarmy, cocky mood recently but it's only just kicking in now.

But another thing is nexus is short term, and could only ever be short term, if nexus lasted over a year it would be so unpopular it would be like having danny bonaduce as president. NWO took a company to the big times, almost put another company out of busines and lasted a grand total of four years in one company and another year or so in another company. NWO was mor a philosphy about kicking ass and leaving nothing and nexus is just a steadily diminishing group lead by unestablished wrestlers who don't have much impact on fans as individuals.

Nexus is this years big news, NWO was possibly the biggest stable of all time next to DX. There is no words to express how much the answer is NWO to the point where it should be blatantly obvious. You will remember nexus but not even to the point of comparison to evolution, let alone the NWO! I thought it was a good question at first, but the more I think, the more the answer couldnt be more one sided.
I don't see how you can even make this comparison... yet. Nexus hasn't been around long enough, nor have they done enough, and on top of that they're not all all established stars like the nWo was. Sure, in some ways I like to watch Nexus more than I did the nWo, but regardless... the nWo was just plain better. The nWo was unbelievable, it legitimately changed the course of wrestling history forever, can't say that about Nexus, can you? The only thing a comparison like this can accomplish, in my eyes, is make Nexus seem worthless. You're comparing them to a historic, legendary faction, it's just not a fair comparison.

No doubt, the nWo wins it, easily.
NWO by a landslide. That faction was built with credible wrestlers and original. Nexus is a weak knock off at best. Vince is just trying to steal the thunder of what WCW made so famous and it just doesn't work with a bunch of nobody's. In order to believe that the established locker room couldn't whip a bunch of rookies ass's, Vince should have blended in some of the established talent.
I've just realised something, almost all of the comments are in favour of NWO, so how does nexus have so many votes.

As a side point nexus is tied down feuding one man, thats it one man, although he is superman it is still really weak. NWO would take on everyone and then some and come out on top.
Both made impacts but the longer lasting one was NWO. +1 for NWO

Both had credible wrestlers but NWO had more "champions" while Nexus has "rookies". NWO+1

Both have "big" stars, NWO had Hogan and Nexus has Cena but Cena isn't really on the same page as Hogan was to the NWO. +1 for NWO

Both took out important people but Nexus took out the CHAIRMAN. +1 for Nexus

Both did a lot with all of their recruits but Nexus has lees recruits and still manage to be impactful. +1 for Nexus

Total= NWO 3 > Nexus 2

It is now up to "the bigger picture" to help Nexus gain as much credibility as the NWO.
This is really a question here?

You have three of the all time greats beginning a stable in The NWO. As you said it in your post, the Nexus are a group of kids with no pedigree whatsoever. Creative gave them a great angle, and to their credit, they've made it work. But the comparison to the NWO is laughable. They were responsible for one of the biggest "moments" in wrestling history, and while the Nexus invasion was a hot angle, it was NOTHING compared to the Hogan turn.

you could make the case that the NWO got stale, and rediculous, as there were times when they gathered in the ring for their opening promo, you couldn't even see some of them. But they were responsible .for defining what a "cool heel" was like, and they were responsible for really launching the Monday Night Wars, and changing the way WWE went about their business. I like the Nexus and the angle, but its only really elevated Barrett. So many careers were launched, or changed, as a result of the NWO.

So its the NWO, and its really an easy choice.
To be honest, I could give a rats ass about nexus. It has become extremely stale. When they first did the attack on the refs and announcers and cena, i was extremely eager to see what would happen next. And then Daniel Bryan got fired. That took away alot of my excitement and then cena cut a terrible promo building up to summerslam. That took away a little more. And than daniel bryan returned and It was a surprise that saved the night. But then cena made gabriel and barret look like jobbers. And That took all the wind out of nexuses sails. They haven't been shit since.

The nwo changed the wrestling buisness. It had some of the most memorable moments in wrestling history. and some of the worst moments.
But it still didn't get stale after llike two monthes like nexus did so this is easy.

Nwo is better.
nexus needs to do a llot more to compare with the nwo like take out mcmahon wen the show starts so they can run the show or sumthing or mabye recrute (i cant spell it) sum other members like more season 2 of nxt guys and then they might come closer to compare
Both made impacts but the longer lasting one was NWO. +1 for NWO

Both had credible wrestlers but NWO had more "champions" while Nexus has "rookies". NWO+1

Both have "big" stars, NWO had Hogan and Nexus has Cena but Cena isn't really on the same page as Hogan was to the NWO. +1 for NWO

Both took out important people but Nexus took out the CHAIRMAN. +1 for Nexus

Both did a lot with all of their recruits but Nexus has lees recruits and still manage to be impactful. +1 for Nexus

Total= NWO 3 > Nexus 2

LOL... you left out a few points, bucko.

The NWO not only had Hogan, but also had Nash, Hall, The Giant, and Savage. That's got to be worth at least one more point. +1

The NWO took out EVERYONE! They powerbombed Bischoff through a stage. They took over Nitro. There was no "McMahon" figure in WCW for them to take out, but they did more damage to every part of that company than the Nexus has done to WWE. +1

The NWO had Dennis Rodman before he became a washed-up media ****e. The Nexus couldn't even get Dennis Rodman NOW! + 1

The NWO was so popular that it had a sister faction in Japan. +1

The NWO had The Disciple. - 1 (sorry dude... you sucked)

Hogan vs. Sting was one of the five biggest matches in wrestling history. Barrett vs Cena would be lucky to get half the buyrate. +1
The NWO was so popular that it had a sister faction in Japan. +1

Wrong. Bischoff got the idea of the nWo from Japan.

NWO by a landslide. That faction was built with credible wrestlers and original. Nexus is a weak knock off at best. Vince is just trying to steal the thunder of what WCW made so famous and it just doesn't work with a bunch of nobody's. In order to believe that the established locker room couldn't whip a bunch of rookies ass's, Vince should have blended in some of the established talent.

Yeah, Vince is trying to relive the "greatness" of a company that's been dead for 10 years. Or maybe it could be the fact that all wrestling storylines/angles are re-used in some capacity and this was the perfect opportunity to get these young guys over. I think I'll go with the latter.

nWo was amazing when formed, as you had Hall, Nash, and Hogan, but it got old fast. Down the road, the shitty booking really killed the nWo. Once guys like Bischoff came in, it was just shit. Not to mention with the nWo "Wolfpack" crap and what not, it was just a clusterfuck.

The original idea was amazing, and the beginning of the angle was great. I loved the idea of having the nWo as a completely different entity from WCW. Hogan was amazing as a heel and it seemed like there was no stopping the angle. But the booking down the road in WCW as a whole was just complete shit. Starrcade 98, Fingerpoke of Doom, among others, just really brought the company down.

Sure, the nWo was first, but the Nexus angle has been booked way better. Nexus is just a bunch of rookies, but Wade has gotten pushed to the moon and the involvement of Cena took the angle to the next level.

Similar to the Attitude Era, people remember the nWo as the greatest thing ever, when in reality it really wasn't. The nWo was a great concept and was executed to perfection in its beginnings, but it just went on WAY too long, and it was booked horrendously down the road, really hurting its legacy.
I don't even understand why you would compare Nexus and the NWO as there's a much better comparison from WCW's history; the Natural Born Thrillers. This was a group of guys, like Nexus, who all came up together from WCW's developmental "Power Plant." They were immediately thrust into the center of things as they were the "muscle" for Bischoff and Russo. This is much more what Nexus is about; not a group of veterans and icons trying to take over a company like the NWO was.
I voted for the nWo, but I feel there are a few caveats. If we are talking about the original nWo, when they first started, the nWo wins this easily, and that is the basis for my vote. However, if we are talking about the joke the nWo became later, with the wolfpack/factions within factions within factions bullshit, I would go with Nexus. As a concept, the nWo was pure gold. But it became a complete parody of itself. Seriously, any group that lets Konnan and Horace into it has totally nuked the fridge, and deserves ridicule. If THAT is the nWo we are talking about, Nexus wins.
I will slap the mother of anyone who says Nexus. They are boring and played out. Besides Barrett they have nobody. I will watch old school WCW all day long. This crap WWE has out now isn't worth my time. And before you say anything, yes I have tried to watch it.
The nWo had 10 former world champions in it (just the original) The Nexus has a bunch of young guys and the only one that anyone is even remotely interested in is Barret and if you count Cena then him too. The nWo wanted to take over WCW and they damn near did The nexus just want to get their leader the title. The nWo was a much more interesting storyline and was a far superior group of wrestlers.

nWo FTW case closed.
No Brainer, the NWO. Simply Being, although there were plenty of factions before the time of the NWO, they revolutionize factions in Pro Wrestling period. They had a mafia of Main Event Stars; Hogan, Giant, Savage, Dibase Sr. Hall, and Nash. As well as some midcard talent such as Syxx, Norton and Bagwell, Michael Wallstreet, and later on came Scott Steiner and Curt Hennig. But you talking about guys who once took over Monday Nitro. Guys who would beat down their opponets and spray paint NWO on them. These guys basically did whatever they wanted when they wanted. They made the entire WCW unite for Fall Brawl and any other WCW vs. NWO Matches they had. Although NWO won the majority of them, and did more damage than described, Nexus ain't even in their league.

Now that Nexus vs. Raw Storyline where they unite the face and heels, u get that in a raw vs. smackdown feud for Survivor Series, Bragging Rights, The WWE Draft, and sometimes the Royal Rumber.

But in all honesty, the only thing I find appealing about the Nexus is the shirts. The NWO had great shirts, great names of wrestlers, and were entertaining, rebellious, and at times made u wanna hate them. So yeah the NWO 4 LIFE!!! Because they're just 2 SWEEEEEEET!!!!!! (NWO Music playing in the Background.)
Sorry, but who in their right mind would say the Nexus? The NWO was 2 of the biggest stars in WWE jumping ship to their top competition, then joined by the biggest star in pro wrestling history. There was actually the impression that they were embarking on a full-blown invasion of WCW & taking over. The 1st year to year & a half of the NWO is some of the best writing & storylines in pro wrestling history. It definitely went down hill, but the Nexus hasn't come close to reaching the level of the NWO. Can they get there? Maybe if Cena turns & embraces them, but Cena isn't on the level of Hogan when he joined the NWO. Will Cena take over the Tonight Show like the NWO did? Will Cena put 40K in the GA Dome like Hogan & Goldberg did for Nitro? It's partly because wrestling isn't as popular as it was in the late 90s, but also because the NWO had far more talent than the Nexus. Hogan, Savage, Hall, Nash, Big Show, Hennig. Then add in X Pac, Buff Bagwell, & Bischoff. Come on. NWO, & it's not close.

Oh my brother, TESTIFY! The only people who would pick the Nexus are the kiddies who never really lived through the mid to late 90's with the Monday Night Wars.

WCW did get worse in the end. However, WCW towards the end of the existence was doing roughly the same ratings the the current version of Raw is doing NOW! Somehow I am suppose to believe that WCW was complete and utter horse sh*t (and it was pretty bad), but that the WWE with Nexus is the great and awesome thing. I do not see any difference between the two. WWE is crap, just like WCW was in the end. It has NOTHING to do with WWE being PG either.

You say that wrestling isn't as popular as it was back then. You hit the nail right on the head. We are living through a brand new version of the "WWF New Generation" of the early 1990's. Cena is not on the same level as Hogan was. Orton is not on the same level as Austin was. Nexus is not on the same level as the nWo. They never will be... And yes, I have quit watching the WWE. So for all the people out there who will tell you to quit watching if you don't like it, I already have. Just waiting for a new revolution before I will watch again.
How is it Nexus is getting so many Votes?!

There was a poster who stated that NWO became ridiculous fast. Yeah, 2.5 years of the number 1 Rated show was REAAALLY fast. Indeed NWO did turn to PWNED after a while, but to even say that they became stale quickly is plain ludicrilous(trademarked and registered).It's a fact that in the next 10 years, if wrestling is still around hopefully, (And even if not) people will remember N-Ne-New New World Order and not want many kids are pushing to be a poor imitation of. People won't remember what the NWO became after the long haul, but during WCW shine: Hogan, Nash, Hall, Waltman, Sting(Another reason people will remember NWO), Giant.

A previous poster said that Nexus launched Wade Barretts career and that's pretty much true as he's the only one who is not shy to show some personality. Even though I feel he is a bit over rated at the moment, if he can put on the weight for the moves he's trying to pull off and look credible in the ring, he's gonna be awesome, leaving the Nexus in the dust.
How is it Nexus is getting so many Votes?!

There was a poster who stated that NWO became ridiculous fast. Yeah, 2.5 years of the number 1 Rated show was REAAALLY fast. Indeed NWO did turn to PWNED after a while, but to even say that they became stale quickly is plain ludicrilous(trademarked and registered).It's a fact that in the next 10 years, if wrestling is still around hopefully, (And even if not) people will remember N-Ne-New New World Order and not want many kids are pushing to be a poor imitation of. People won't remember what the NWO became after the long haul, but during WCW shine: Hogan, Nash, Hall, Waltman, Sting(Another reason people will remember NWO), Giant.

A previous poster said that Nexus launched Wade Barretts career and that's pretty much true as he's the only one who is not shy to show some personality. Even though I feel he is a bit over rated at the moment, if he can put on the weight for the moves he's trying to pull off and look credible in the ring, he's gonna be awesome, leaving the Nexus in the dust.

You have to take into account the people out there that hated WCW with a passion and never cared about the NWO because of it. I for one am one of the aforementioned and the only thing I can think of when the NWO is mentioned is a team full of hasbeens that used their political pull to kill the angle and practically bury anyone that wasn't a member. Sure the NWO sparked what turned into the attitude era and bla bla bla all the other cliched NWO responses but it was drawn out and did just as much to kill their own company as it did to bring it on top. To me Nexus has captured my attention more than anything I've ever seen from the NWO and instead of the same overpushed main eventers the group of new heels brought a bresh of fresh air to the business. Some of you may say that Wade is the only person that has gotten over or has a bright future with the company but a lot of you are forgetting Gabriel and Sheffield. Sure these guys seem like a face waiting to happen and just another power wrestler but Gabriel is easily the second most impressive member of the team while Sheffield brought with him an intensity unmatched by almost anyone during every Nexus beat down and subsequent matches. I see both of these men doing quite well after Nexus dissolves and at the very least they could be great uppermidcarders that could easily make it to the main event if the right situations arise. In conclusion the Nexus > NWO in my WWF/E raised mind.
You have to take into account the people out there that hated WCW with a passion and never cared about the NWO because of it. I for one am one of the aforementioned and the only thing I can think of when the NWO is mentioned is a team full of hasbeens that used their political pull to kill the angle and practically bury anyone that wasn't a member. Sure the NWO sparked what turned into the attitude era and bla bla bla all the other cliched NWO responses but it was drawn out and did just as much to kill their own company as it did to bring it on top. To me Nexus has captured my attention more than anything I've ever seen from the NWO and instead of the same overpushed main eventers the group of new heels brought a bresh of fresh air to the business. Some of you may say that Wade is the only person that has gotten over or has a bright future with the company but a lot of you are forgetting Gabriel and Sheffield. Sure these guys seem like a face waiting to happen and just another power wrestler but Gabriel is easily the second most impressive member of the team while Sheffield brought with him an intensity unmatched by almost anyone during every Nexus beat down and subsequent matches. I see both of these men doing quite well after Nexus dissolves and at the very least they could be great uppermidcarders that could easily make it to the main event if the right situations arise. In conclusion the Nexus > NWO in my WWF/E raised mind.

With all due respect, that is a Very biased opinion and point of view. The cliche responses that you say ARE the reasons for the NWO being held high in so many memories. At the beginning of the NWO ,the only one a person could remotely say was washed up was Hogan, but his heel turn was so off guard that it was a reinvention. I honestly see Hollywood Hogan and Hulk Hogan as two completely different individuals.Hall and Nash were at there Peaks, their Primes and far from being washed up. These two were just getting started. You can say they were overpushed at the demise of WCW, but surely not it's revolution. They were pushed just right as they beat out the Competition on a weekly basis. Now I was a WCW basher myself, but I respect them and the Idea and talent that had in the NWO and their normal roster. Their roster from then can blow out any of the current WWE's roster. Nexus hasn't been out 1 whole year yet they are dwindling a bit.

Sheffield has intensity thats matched by the likes of....Sheamus: powerhouse, Batista: Powerhouse, Brock Lesnar: Powerhouse. Sheffield is a cookie cutter powerhouse. He' grunts and makes wide eyed expression after a spear. You know who does that? Rhyno and even he has more personality. And saying well "everything is redone" is a very half assed excuse to not push the limits. Wrestlers or people in general wont get any where with that.

Without the NWO, odds are there would be no attitude era. It's a fact, and this era and the NWO paved the way for stables like Nexus. If the attitude era didnt exist, wwe (or wwf) might have been brought out. There would be No Nexus.
NWO by far.. But i believe nexus was one of the best fraction(before summerslam) in wrestling since nwo.. it hasnt even bin a year and it looks like nexus wont last that much longer.. while NWO lasted for years.. NWO wins this.. hopefully wwe can save nexus and make it one of the best fraction EVER
With all due respect, that is a Very biased opinion and point of view.

Of course I know it's a biased opinion which is why I put the part about my mind being WWF raised to acknowledge it.

The cliche responses that you say ARE the reasons for the NWO being held high in so many memories. At the beginning of the NWO ,the only one a person could remotely say was washed up was Hogan, but his heel turn was so off guard that it was a reinvention. I honestly see Hollywood Hogan and Hulk Hogan as two completely different individuals.Hall and Nash were at there Peaks, their Primes and far from being washed up. These two were just getting started. You can say they were overpushed at the demise of WCW, but surely not it's revolution. They were pushed just right as they beat out the Competition on a weekly basis. Now I was a WCW basher myself, but I respect them and the Idea and talent that had in the NWO and their normal roster. Their roster from then can blow out any of the current WWE's roster. Nexus hasn't been out 1 whole year yet they are dwindling a bit.

They may seem to be dwindling down but they have all the chances in the world to keep this going if they continue to keep the air of mystery about it and don't disappoint when it comes time to reveal the "bigger picture" that Nexus has been talking about for months. The way that Survivor Series is handled could make or break the storyline as a whole and keep them going indefinitely while giving more classic moments. Most of my apathy towards the NWO stems from not giving a shit about any of the supposed main eventers that started the revolution since they were before my time of watching wrestling and I just can't seem to find a way to care about any of them, especially the Hulkster. This mainly just stems from different upbringings and a lack of seeing the NWO in action back in the day that perpetuates my biased opinions.

Sheffield has intensity thats matched by the likes of....Sheamus: powerhouse, Batista: Powerhouse, Brock Lesnar: Powerhouse. Sheffield is a cookie cutter powerhouse. He' grunts and makes wide eyed expression after a spear. You know who does that? Rhyno and even he has more personality. And saying well "everything is redone" is a very half assed excuse to not push the limits. Wrestlers or people in general wont get any where with that.
This is true but in the beginning Batista was also nothing more than a stereotypical bodyguard/enforcer powerhouse that did nothing but help keep the WHC on Triple H while teaming with Flair to keep Evolution at the top of Raw in a similar manner. I think that if given time Sheffield could take a similar path to Batista but with the promo classes that are now being given and if he were allowed some more time on the mic after his return he could turn into someone memorable and a possible multi time world champion.

Without the NWO, odds are there would be no attitude era. It's a fact, and this era and the NWO paved the way for stables like Nexus. If the attitude era didnt exist, wwe (or wwf) might have been brought out. There would be No Nexus.

I respect them for being the round about reason for the start of the Attitude Era but that still isn't enough for me to care about the NWO for some reason. I know I should care about all that they did but the apathy sets in and the overratedness seems to shine through in my WWF biased opinion.
To me Nexus has captured my attention more than anything I've ever seen from the NWO and instead of the same overpushed main eventers the group of new heels brought a bresh of fresh air to the business.

Dude, you were 6-year-old when the NWO started! Your attention was captured by Power Rangers and Rugrats at the time. I'm sorry kids, but I can't buy anything you all have to say about an era you weren't around for. I know there are plenty of YouTube clips and WWE-made DVDs about some of this stuff, but it doesn't begin to give you the same experience as having watched Nitro week-to-week and seen it all go down. To have been raised on prayers and vitamins and suddenly find yourself rooting for the black and white, the beatdowns, the spraypaintings... THAT'S what the NWO was. They didn't just change wrestling; they changed the fans.

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