The Nexus or NWO?

The Nexus or NWO?

  • The Nexus

  • NWO

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Just wanted to get your thoughts on which faction you prefer The Nexus or the NWO and your reasons.

Personally I prefer The Nexus simply because I think it was a brilliant idea piecing together a group of people that the WWE Universe didn't know anything about provided they didn't watch NXT. But even if they did they were still a bunch of unknowns.

Don't get me wrong NWO revolutionised the wrestling world in the 90s and had the added bonus of Hogan, Hall & Nash but with the current angle of Nexus and what they may be able to achieve in the business I have taken more of a shine to The Nexus.

To make it work as well as it has I think is an amazing accomplishment.

Too early to say. Were not capable of seeing what the Nexus can really do, with there limits in this PG era. Also with there accomplishments so far. All they have had is tag team titles and that was recent. But since there debut, they have been amazing. Maybe a year from now if the Nexus is still around we can answer this.
nWo by a country mile.

The Nexus has done nothing for me honestly. Nobody else has gotten over other than Wade Barrett and I haven't been impressed with him as most are. The nWo were cool and edgy before half of WCW started to join and they changed the way the WWF did business. Plus, I like Hall and Nash so I prefer them more than any member of the Nexus.
Definitely the nWo and with all due respect to the Nexus, which as a faction and a storyline I am very positive about, it's not even close.

Sure, the Nexus has taken a number of relative unknowns and brought them to instant credibility and recognizability. It has fast-tracked Wade Barrett to the main event. Maybe he would have gotten there anyway, who knows, but he has definitely gotten there more quickly than he otherwise would have. The whole concept of NXT was salvaged by the Nexus. The surprise beatdown which they performed when they debuted as a heel faction caught the wrestling world off guard, something which is hard to pull off in today's Internet world. And adding Cena into the mix, however they go with it, has added some intrigue and guesswork into the whole Nexus angle.

But come on, the nWo was a legendary faction, something that could not possibly be accomplished in today's wrestling world. Hulk Hogan, the biggest name in WWF history and their biggest face, turning heel and telling the fans to stick it (brother). Hall and Nash, big names at the time, defecting from the rival WWF to create the nWo. Other guys jumping ship to be a part of the nWo in some capacity. Let's face it, without the nWo, WCW would have never mounted the challenge to WWF/WWE that it did. The Monday Night Wars would never have been born. The Attitude Era would never have occurred. Who knows how this would have affected the careers of Stone Cold (and his feud with Vince), the Rock, Triple H, and others? Maybe Bret Hart wouldn't have jumped ship to go to WCW, and if not, the Montreal Screwjob may never have happened. The nWo changed the landscape of professional wrestling in a way that had never happened before, at least not in my era. Whether it be positive or negative, professional wrestling was never the same afterwards. It's a good thing that twitter wasn't around back then, and that Dixie Carter wasn't associatd with the company, she would have had an absolute field day with this one.
This really isn't close at all. NWO. Maybe if you made DX vs NWO it'd be close. NWO ran show and had names like Hogan, Hall, Nash, etc. Nexus has Barrett (who is yet to win the title) and uhh who else? John Cena, sure. Reluctant member... if anything he makes them weak because he doesn't want to be apart of them.

Not close, NWO.
As much as I like the Nexus and what that are doing on TV right now they have absolutely nothing on the nWo. The nWo changed the entire landscape of the wrestling industry in the 90s and was the major catalyst for the Monday Night Wars. Without the nWo, the competition between WCW & WWE would have been completely different and to be quite honest WCW would have fell alot earlier than it did thanks to poor booking. As great as the Nexus angle is the fact is that until they have a long lasting impact that is a huge part of what the WWE becomes the whole thing is just a great story line within the WWE machine and nothing more.
Sorry, but who in their right mind would say the Nexus? The NWO was 2 of the biggest stars in WWE jumping ship to their top competition, then joined by the biggest star in pro wrestling history. There was actually the impression that they were embarking on a full-blown invasion of WCW & taking over. The 1st year to year & a half of the NWO is some of the best writing & storylines in pro wrestling history. It definitely went down hill, but the Nexus hasn't come close to reaching the level of the NWO. Can they get there? Maybe if Cena turns & embraces them, but Cena isn't on the level of Hogan when he joined the NWO. Will Cena take over the Tonight Show like the NWO did? Will Cena put 40K in the GA Dome like Hogan & Goldberg did for Nitro? It's partly because wrestling isn't as popular as it was in the late 90s, but also because the NWO had far more talent than the Nexus. Hogan, Savage, Hall, Nash, Big Show, Hennig. Then add in X Pac, Buff Bagwell, & Bischoff. Come on. NWO, & it's not close.
NWO BEFORE the group got ridiculous.

I'll give Nexus credit, when they debuted it was a huge shock--the IWC skeeted in their pants it was good. The storyline is good BUT besides Wade Barret who has Nexus really helped. I mean yeah the other guys are on tv but they're basically backup. Don't get me wrong, I like Skip and Gabriel but right now its completely about Wade and Cena basically. They barely do the group beatdowns anymore at least not in the intensity as before.

Anyway back on topic--NWO (before it got ridiculous) was insane. It turned Hogan heel, took WCW to a whole 'nother level. The storyline was great. You can't think wrestling without thinking NWO.

Will Nexus get to that point?? Maybe--if they handle the Cena storyline they have going right. It's too early to tell but as of now, NWO all the way (before it got ridiculous).
Can't beat the original. Nexus does a lot of things right and it's actually really refreshing that it's a group of young unknowns, but the nWo is the nWo. You had Hogan turning his back on the wrestling world, can't beat that. Their antics on Nitro will never be forgotten.

Yes eventually the nWo got watered down and became just as terrible as the rest of WCW. But we can't form a fair comparison to Nexus in that respect, because Nexus is still new. They're already adding in new people, maybe they'll overdo it just like the nWo did. Will the Cena thing play out in a satisfying way, or become a disaster? Who knows. Maybe both groups will go down in history as fizzling out with bad endings. Maybe Nexus will do a better job staying on track. We'll have to wait and see.

But comparing the two as we can right now... nWo by far.
the answer is NWO... it shouldn't even merit a comparison.

Nexus is an ok storyline and an interesting stable, but the NWO was one of the biggest & most successful angles in the history of pro wrestling.

Nexus has barely been in existence for five months. Right now, the Nexus (as a faction) has about as much place in WWE history as the Mean Street Posse or the Radicalz. If they are still around a year from now (which is highly doubtful), then maybe the comparisons can almost begin to take place...

...unless you mistyped your initial question and your real intention was to ask if you prefer Nexus or the LWO... ...but then I would still choose LWO.
ok wow....i dont beleive this is even a topic. the nWo changed wrestling as we know it. They are the wuns that made it kool to be bad. They had much bigger of a cultural impact. Plus with the things they would do, they would jump you, then brand you. They damn near swallowed WCW whole. Dont get me wrong, Nexus is kool and all but to put Wade Barret, David Ottunga and Justin Gabriel on the same level as Hogan, Hall and Nash is insane
I'm gonna go ahead and have to assume the OP didn't live or watch through the nWo era because to even have this comparison is ludacris, and while yes the nWo eventually got to a ridiculous point, let's jus point out SOME of the talents that were in it at one time or another, Hollywood, Nash, Hall, Giant (big show), Dibiase, Curt Hennig, Steiners, The Great Muta, Bret Hart, Scott Norton (a personal fav) and a million more... almost literally... and all the other reasons posters have mentioned... the comparison is ridiculous
Really what has Nexus done? Destroy a ring beat up wrestlers and force there way on to the Raw roster. In a sence, NOTHING! I mean the BWO did more then Nexus. Nexus is nothing more then the wwe tryin to recreate the NWO in there own way.
It's not even a competition ...NWO was big and powerful enough to make it's own company.

NWO by a landslide.

Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Hulk Hogan are powerful enough to stop the Nexus so yeah just imagine the full NWO team....yeah NWO are wayyyy better. People get injured left and right from the Nexus and the leader Wade Barrett needs John Cena for he can be a champion...yeah powerful team is the Nexus is Lol
Gotta say OP, no offense to you, but this is a really idiotic least for this point. I really hope you didn't make this just for the poll, cuz that would be even more idiotic.

As ALL other posters have said, the NWO revolutionized this industry with only 3 people at first: Hogan, Hall, Nash. Nexus is NOooooo where near the league of NWO.

Now if this thread was Nexus - Evolution, then Maybe something can come of it. I'd would go with Evolution at a close because everyone A) had the shine at some point, including the then rooks of Orton and Batista B) Everyone had Personality C) Each member of Evolution was devastating alone as well as a group. H- The awesome and Power hungry Leader, Flair- The Bad Ass Mentor, Batista- The Monster, Orton- The Diamond in the rough and a deadly youth.

With that comparison to Evolution, lets look at Nexus (not counting Cena): Wade Barrett: The Charismatic and thorough leader, David Otunga (The Powerhouse(?) Justin Gabriel(?) (I dunno)....and that's it, I can't remember their names and I watch Raw on a nearly weekly basis. Now to add, lets do this same comparison to NWO: Hogan: Need I say More, you his role in wrestling, Hall: Charismatic and threatening, Nash: A damn Powerhouse. Even more so, they guys EARNED, which is the key word here, earned the right to be house hold names. Through the years.

Nexus Quick rise is awesome, but with guys who are fairly unknowns, I fear it will burn out as quickly as the fire was lit. The proof is in the weekly audiences.
Each faction brought along something fresh. Hall and nash were "taking over". It was like they still worked for the world wrestling federation. What I like about the nexus is the fact that these "rookies" are trying to take over. I don't see them around long though. I would be surprised to see them after mania.
They are not really doing anything though. Besides beating up one it's like always a 8 on 1 attack or a 7/6 on 1 attack and The Nexus members just keep breaking up like every week.

As ALL other posters have said, the NWO revolutionized this industry with only 3 people at first: Hogan, Hall, Nash. Nexus is NOooooo where near the league of NWO.

I know NWO was bigger than that, I actually watched WCW but I'm just saying that Hogan, Hall and Nash are powerful enough to defeat the Nexus so just imagine the entire NWO? Nexus doesn't stand a chance.
Two different cats, nWo was filled with old timers that realised wrestling needed to change for the better and they did something old but freshend up and it looked good.
Nexus is a bunch of relevently new guys with total domination in the eyes, and their main plan/goal/leader is something beyond our belief, nWo got to big too quick and caught on and you had all these WWF big named guys wanting a piece of the pie and it emploded.
Nexus will be done more smartly and people who are placed in Nexus will have a purpose as to WHY they're in and not just thrown in because Nexus is the cool thing to be in.

All in all I think Nexus has potential to be better then nWo ever was, but only if WWE keeps Nexus free of ego's and main eventers and with the correct people in it, that are given freeway to push the PG limits at the right times.
This NWO by a mile. The NWO is probably the Greatest Faction of All-Time. Nexus is Very Interesting sotryline but NWO is just better in many different ways. They helped changed the Wrestling Business. I really like the Nexus but the NWO was much better.
Nexus being better than NWO ever was? yeah now that's the funniest thing I heard all day.

This NWO by a mile. The NWO is probably the Greatest Faction of All-Time. Nexus is Very Interesting sotryline but NWO is just better in many different ways. They helped changed the Wrestling Business. I really like the Nexus but the NWO was much better.

I agree with this whole post. They did help change the wrestling business...Nexus has a lot of work to even be close to NWO league.
nWo all the way. To be honest nexus is a rehash of what they did a couple years ago with the spirit squad. They just have a bunch of newbies into some new stable shove them down our throats. They just need to put a figure head that is the brains behind the operation. I am betting it will be triple h or someone similar. As an earlier post stated all they have won is a tag team belt (an almost non existant division). Nexus couldnt even follow through for the big gold belt. They are just a splash in the pan. The only one who might get something out of it may be Barret....though he probably wont last long, and daniel bryan, but that wont last long either.
In a lot of ways, it's not really a fair comparison with me. The Nexus & nWo angles are entirely different, were pulled off in different ways with different goals.

The nWo is going to win this particular poll easily due to history. The nWo is one of the last great huge angles before the internet really picked up steam and ruined a lot of the mystique about wrestling. The nWo consisted of some of the biggest names in wrestling at that time and were basically billed as a rogue organization within WCW that was looking to basically take over WCW in and of itself. For the first year or so of its existence, the Outsiders/nWo was extremely good, downright epic even. The downfall of the nWo for me really came when they continued to be the undisputed center of WCW. The branching off of the nWo into different factions and basically inviting damn near everybody into the groups killed the thing for me. What it ultimately meant to wrestling history, however, is undeniable.

The Nexus is comprised of a group of fresh faced unknowns forming a group for, kayfabe, survival reasons really. The Nexus began as rookies from the first season of NXT that play off the bit that they were just supposed to fade away never to be seen again when the WWE was done with them. The Nexus isn't trying to take over the whole company, they're just trying to get their piece of the pie.

As to which I prefer, well Nexus has only been around for 5 months or so and I think it's been very interesting. A faction comprised of fresh faced, young unknown wrestlers elevated into a very prominent position on WWE programming strikes me as extremely fresh. They haven't just utterly dominated everything in sight like the nWo, but that's alright. Not every faction has to be out to take over the world.

The nWo is considered to be a classic, one of the top factions of all time and it will probably remain so for any forseeable time. The nWo was really the key to ultimately keeping WCW a formidable and legitimate competitor to the WWE during the Monday Night Wars for quite a while. It had huge names involved and facilitated possibly the most unexpected and greatest heel turn in wrestling history.

If anything has hurt the overal legacy of the nWo, I think it mostly falls on the fact that the generaly storyline and angle has been recycled a lot of times over the years. Right now, TNA's biggest story of the year is about 80-90% taken out of the nWo playbook.
Wow, yeah i logged on and couldn't believe my eyes... no way this topic could be done by someone who watched wrestling in the 90's. No offense meant personally, but ANY of the top 4 or 5 members of the NWO have done more than the entire nexus group put together. TBH, the chances that any of the nexus group (including Wade Barrett who i really, really like) will ever accomplish as much as either hogan, hall or nash have is very, very remote. These are legends, not new guys who need a gimmick to make most of them relevant.

The NWO put wrestling back on the map after a lull in the early 90's. During their hayday they single-handedly almost brought the WWE to the ground. The reason we had an attitude era in WWE was cause Vince HAD to use adult shock tactics to compete in the ratings. Forced to groom new stars cause most the best ones either retired or were in the nwo, Vinnie Mac was in real trouble. God i think back to how good wrestling was then in both promotions then i watch the pg garbage now thanks to vince having no competition and I literally hate the current state of the business.

I love the Nexus idea and it really made me interested, well it did till around summerslam at least. And Barrett and Gabriel, along with the new guys Husky and McGuillicutty are some great talents that I feel really strongly can become bigtime players. But that does not mean they will be LEGENDS. And guys like Slater just don't impress me as ever being worth much.

Nexus are fun and I like them, but putting them in the same sentence as the NWO is a crime.
Without a doubt, it's the nWo.

The Nexus is a decent angle/stable, but the nWo will go down as one of the greatest factions of all time. Like others mentioned, it simply changed the history of professional wrestling forever. If it wasn't for the nWo, there most likely would have never been the Monday Night Wars. Bischoff, Turner, and WCW may have never been close to putting Vinnie Mac and WWF out of business. Not only did the nWo help sky rocket the popularity of WCW, it literally forced Vince McMahon to change the way he did business and forced him to step up his game. The nWo drew, WCW and the nWo were able to sell out arenas. I could care less if I ever see Nexus live...

Now with that said, this comparison was least for now. There is no way you can compare the Nexus to the nWo.
I love how the first guy to reply tries to throw in the PG thing as if it has anything to do with this thread. Just a thought, the original incarnation of the nWo rose during a time when WcW was PG. They didn't change until the WWF/E's attitude antics forced them to change.

Now on to the topic. The nWo wins by a long shot just on the sheer fact of star power. Even before the nWo got too big, the faction was full of established stars, some of whom held World titles in both WcW and the WWF/E. This doesn't mean I don't like the Nexus, it's just that they haven't done alot to convince me that any of these guys(with the exception of Barrett) can make it once the Nexus angle has run it's course. They have to start establishing them as individuals and putting the tag-titles on Slater and Gabriel is a step in the right direction.

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