The next wrestler VS celebrity match you want to see?

CM Steel

A REAL American
For years the WWE has opened it's doors to celebrity's & pro athletes to compete in matches with WWE superstars. From Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Mr. T, to Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow, to the Big Show vs Floyd "Money" Mayweather. For the last couple of Wrestlemania's their has been no celebrity activity (except for like Snooki) in a WWE match. He were suppose to have Daniel Bryan vs Charlie Sheen at Summerslam last year but it never happened. So in future celebrity involve in a WWE match, who would you like to see battle a WWE superstar?

My answer would have to be the Big Show vs Shaquille O'Neal. (As you can see on my profile signature) Show & Shaq never finished their one-on-one mix-up in that WWE ring when Shaq was a celebrity guest host on RAW. Cryme Tyme interfere for Shaq right before Shaq knocked Show down to the mat. Shaq has been itching to get involved in a match in the WWE or the UFC. UFC president Dana White keeps on shutting Shaq down on Twitter about the daddy setting foot in a UFC octagon. But WWE chairman Vince McMahon is all for Shaq (and the $$$$$) in a WWE ring.

But what is the next wrestler vs celebrity match you wanna see in the WWE?
To be honest it pretty much sucks when celebrities get in the ring. I will admit Shaq vs Big Show looked like it could be a legit match but, celebrity matches just suck based on the pure fact it looks slow it is always an excuse for this legit no-body like snooki (as mentioned by OP) to look good. Snooki could never look good even if she got a face transplant.

For pure shits and giggles reason though here are a few (btw I know some of these are cartoon characters);

Tons of funk vs Penn and Teller (Double act vs double act)
Brock Lesnar vs Seth Green (Little and large match plus it would be funny to see)
Doink the clown vs Krusty the clown (Krusty is the only other clown I know)
Jack Swagger vs Sylvester the cat (Promos would be sssssssshhweeet)
Justin Bieber vs Natalya (I don't care what people say about Justin Bieber he would seriously bring attention to the diva's division, he is the biggest most well known woman in the world)
I have no personal desire to see a wrestler vs. celebrity match in WWE. I'm sure one will happen again at some point because such things can often be a big draw for WWE. But, more often than not, the matches pretty much suck and the wrestler, the guy who busts his ass for the company week in & week out, almost always loses to further inflate the, more often than not, already massive ego of a celebrity.

I get why WWE does them, as I alluded to already. At the end of the day, it's about making money and big celeb vs. wrestler matches at WrestleMania tend to draw well. Plus, they also generate a lot of attention from the mainstream media, especially if the celebrity is someone along the lines of Floyd Mayweather.

However, if I had to guess what the next one will be, I'm thinking it'll be Vince McMahon vs. Donald Trump at WM XXX. After WM this year, Trump did challenge Vince for a match at next year's event. Such a happening would generate tons of media interest and, let's face it, people would tune in just for the sheer novelty of Donald Trump being involved in a professional wrestling match. I personally hope that it doesn't happen though as I just see it as being a flat out disaster. Vince McMahon will be 68 years old by that time, I think, and Trump will be about 67. They're both old men no matter how you slice it. Vince isn't the same guy, physically, that he was during the Attitude Era. He practically said so when he mentioned his age when addressing Trump's challenge, though he didn't really accept or turn it down. Trump's athleticism seems limited to signing checks and knows zip about wrestling.

I don't really want another celeb vs. wrestler match to happen, especially not Vince vs. Trump.
There's been a lot of talk of Chael Sonnen getting involved in some way, and while that would be interesting I don't see it having much in the way of mainstream interest.

Shaq/Show's time passed a long time ago now and I'm not sure Show would want to take another celeb loss (nor should he, as he did his part with Mayweather).

One guy I think would be interesting would be James Laurinitis of the St. Louis Rams, why? cos his dad is Road Warrior Animal for starters and NFL players always have a good amount of interest with the mainstream. Who could he face? Someone like Randy Orton would be interesting, with the St. Louis connection especially if he punt kicked Animal...
With Urlacher retired, the E should reach out and see about working with him. He had some involvement in TNA about 10 years ago and looked as if he was enjoying himself. He kind of has an Orton look to him (that somewhat smug, "I don't give a crap what you think," look. The Bieber posts are cracking me up ... so how about Bieber vs. Hornswaggle with the loser never being allowed to come within 3 miles of a wrestling ring again. Do a double countout, count it as a loss for each, and it is a win for everyone.
With Urlacher retired, the E should reach out and see about working with him.

Urlacher was the first celeb who came to my mind after he retired and is no longer contractually forbidden from doing this type of thing (presuming he was).

How about Urlacher vs. C.M. Chicago? With both of them having roots there, they'd probably sell enough tickets and merchandise in that area alone to make the whole thing pay.

As to whether the match would look believable, remember that Punk has the working ability to lead the football guy through it, selling Urlacher's offense and making sure the linebacker didn't get hurt.

I'm generally not wild about wrestler vs. celebrity matches, but this one would spur my interest......if for no other reason than to see the Windy City fans go beserk, which they would.
My answer would have to be the Big Show vs Shaquille O'Neal. (As you can see on my profile signature) Show & Shaq never finished their one-on-one mix-up in that WWE ring when Shaq was a celebrity guest host on RAW.


I have wanted to see a Big Show VS Shaq feud ever since Shaq guest hosted Raw and provided us with arguably the best guest host performance that the weekly guest gimmick ever saw. Their confrontation was foreshadowing a future match between the two that we unfortunately never saw. Shaq would be able to put on a believable match with Big Show and I cannot fathom why WWE never went through with it. It's still something they could do, but you have to remember that this was almost 4 years ago. WWE would need to run a brand new angle to show the newer fans what this would be all about. That doesn't mean it's not still possible. It absolutely is.... They just need to start a brand new storyline that can center around the footage of Shaq's night as guest host and the confrontation with Big Show in 2009.

Have Big Show bring up the footage in a promo and challenge Shaq. There's your Wrestlemania 30 celebrity match. It could make for a cool storyline and the build has big potential as far as celebrity matches go in the WWE. It is one of the few celebrity matches that I legitimately would want to see. In fact, it might very well be the only one. I usually am not interested in seeing celebrities involved in the actual match, I prefer them being in a wrestler's corner. Shaq should probably win, the celebrities do just about all the time and it's not like Show hasn't lost to celebrities before. Mayweather and Akebono come to mind. He'd be fine and the loss would not do any significant damage to his credibility.
Big Show and Shaq would be my choice as well.

Now would actually be the perfect time to do it too. Back in 2009 when their initial confrontation took place, Shaq was still playing in the NBA, so he couldn't really risk injury to have a match. But now, Shaq has been retired for a number of years, has probably had a chance to recuperate from some lingering basketball injuries, and he'd probably be good to go.

The best celebrities, whether they're actually wrestling or announcing or whatever, are usually the ones that are actual fans. Donald Trump, Muhammad Ali, Andy Kaufman, Mike Tyson, etc. were all lifelong fans of pro wrestling. It makes sense why they've had some of the best celebrity involvement in wrestling history. Shaq is also a lifelong wrestling fan. And he's an athlete. That's the other key ingredient to the usual successful celebrities. Athletes take any form of athletics seriously. That's why Mayweather, and LT did such phenomenal jobs. They were athletes and so they trained hard and took it seriously. I believe Shaq would do the same.

I've wanted to see Shaq and Big Show actually feud and have a match for years. Shaq in his time was one of the biggest NBA players around, and certainly by far the most successful and popular of the giants in basketball. Big Show is the same in wrestling. It makes perfect sense. Also, can you imagine if this match had taken place back in the late 1990's WCW when both of them were younger and were absolute physical beasts? It would've been amazing actually and probably the greatest celebrity match ever.

I've also wondered for years why WWE hasn't went this route. Why go for Snooki and not Shaq, I'll never understand. I'm hoping that this ship hasn't sailed and that they can still do it. Shaq wants to do it (reportedly) and has for awhile, Vince wants the money and media attention. What's keeping them from doing it already?
they should have done the ziggler vs hugh jackman match, there would have been money in that. it would have been awesome to see ziggler jobbing to the adamantium punch to the face in 5 seconds...
well, a man can dream...
What r u talking about Dwayne Johnson has wrestled around 5 or so matches for WWE the past year and a half ... personally I am now celebritied out, for now!
What r u talking about Dwayne Johnson has wrestled around 5 or so matches for WWE the past year and a half ... personally I am now celebritied out, for now!
Dwayne Johnson wrestled under the famous ring name the Rock! Dwayne Johnson is everything that John Cena and the WWE universe hated about Rocky. Dwayne Johnson & the Rock are one yes. But there's a difference in the eyes of wrestling fans I guess. Dwayne Johnson is mr. Money in the Bank at the box office right now. While the Rock is still recoving from injuries he got at Wrestlemania 29.

But I kinda get the point of where your going with this.
hmm this is a tough one but id have to go for undertaker,kane, brock lesner and ryback vs justin bieber and david cameron in a handicap iron man match but i dont think thats on the cards lol tbh i dont really care for matchs vs celebs they are almost certain to win but its cool to see celebs accompanying wrestlers sometimes or just random appearances as long as they dont over do it like with the guest host thing aside from a few exceptions it seemed most of them had never even watched wrestling in there lives
Dwayne Johnson wrestled under the famous ring name the Rock! Dwayne Johnson is everything that John Cena and the WWE universe hated about Rocky. Dwayne Johnson & the Rock are one yes. But there's a difference in the eyes of wrestling fans I guess. Dwayne Johnson is mr. Money in the Bank at the box office right now. While the Rock is still recoving from injuries he got at Wrestlemania 29.

But I kinda get the point of where your going with this.

Hey im glad you didnt completely crap on me for my comment. I thought it was good for a laugh. Im no Rocky hater trust me. Im a huge Austin fan so in fact The Rock holds a special place because of their feuds throughout the years. Im appreciative that he came back at all to begin with considering,financially, he never has to step foot at a WWE event ever again. Sucks tho because it seems like a situation where its damned if u do/damned if u dont. If he never came back he would catch major flack. But he did come back and still caught flack. It seems most of the IWC wanted vintage Rock, $500 shirts and all but instead got recycled promos and watered down Rock/Dwayne. Hey to me, it was just nice to see him back in the ring again, though I am one who would have opted for the old school Rock. In saying this, I dont think I ever encountered a celeb vs wrestler feud that sparked my interest or left me with the thought that it was a good match. In fact, I bet most of the long time hardcore wrestling fans could care less about celebs joining a match. At best, its good for comedic relief if it provides that
9 times out of 10 I absolutely hate celebrity matches. They're usually horrible, slow and just done to get mainstream attention that they couldn't get on their own. The only decent matches are the ones with athletes.

Being from Chicago I love the Idea of a Punk Vs. Urlacher match. Urlacher is the most recognizable Chicago Bear of the last 25 years. Punk is literally a Wrestling God around these parts. I see and smell $$$. With Urlacher officially retiring from the NFL this week he'd be available to do it. And WWE's looking to form a relationship with the NFL under the the basis of recruiting new stars. So, the possibility of this match happening isn't that far out there.

Who's to say WWE isn't already taking to Brian?
I've got a match for you that would actually be interesting...

One of the world's best current wrestlers, either Daniel Bryan or C.M. Punk, vs. one of the world's best MMA fighters... Georges St. Pierre.
AJ Lee vs. Mila Kunis

..oh, right, this is non-spam. Umm, they have a similar build, similar sexiness, and I want to see them perform their maneuvers on each other. What's wrong about this matchup is the better question. Book it.
lol I like most of you don't care about celebrity matches at all... I have no preference of vs who, but the general hatred towards floyd mayweather I think could make for some decent segments....

and aj lee looks like the inbred version of Mila Kunis, she's fine, but Mila Kunis is in another league imo
Am I the only one that really wanted to see the Vince McMahon vs Dana White match? The chances of it ever happening are zero ofc but it would be still be a good build up. Oh Punk vs Sonnen, Chael is one of the best talkers in either business and has a very pro wrestling attitude to building fights, a match up between the two of them would be insane to watch, since they are both friends and since they both have the gift of the gab.
I think it'd be interesting to actually see Chael and Brock to be honest. Chael and Heyman could sell it well and the actual match could be similar to Japanese wrestling's "shoot style" matches.
I can't stand celebrity matches. With that being said, I don't mind them coming in as a manager or ref of some sort. Like Hugh Jackman did a couple years back. It'd be entertaining to see some comedians in there, like Conan. He could even build up to it on his show. It would be funny to see him as a ref or something, getting scared by the heel in the match.
I don't usually have a problem with celebrity matches in WWE because, honestly, they ARE pretty few and far between.

I would have a problem with it if we saw Snooki become a regular Diva in the WWE but since that isn't the case I don't have a problem with it.

Face it... WWE is ALWAYS and has for a long time looked to gel its product with Hollywood. It's going to continue to happen so just like a lot of things in pro wrestling you have to take the good with the bad.

The bad... well... I mentioned Snooki, doesn't mean I really liked it. Didn't care much for it but it happened.

On the other hand I LOVED Seth Green getting involved in a match on Raw when he was guest host. I think it was great because it told a story. It was at the time Triple H and Cena were feuding with Orton and Legacy. It was the main event and everyone got time to shine. Green got a shot in and didn't get 'too hurt' and the match ended in a No Contest but with a match saving break up by Seth Green and Cena and Trips standing tall after.

But what's the next Celebrity vs WWE Superstar match I want to see? Well, I'm not exactly itching to see it but since Big Show is widing down his career it would still probably be a good attraction to have Big Show vs Shaq at WrestleMania.
Ryan Lochte vs anyone, JEAHHH!!!!!

In all seriousness, probably no one. But if there had to be one Shaq v Big Show would be ok I guess. Urlacher would be nice in the ring, the only problem was that he was a walking injury the last few years he played for Da Bears.
Even though it wouldn't be a 5 star classic(not EVERY match needs to be) Shaq vs Big Show would be a good spectacle. Two big guys like that going at it. I'm surprised it didn't happen at summerslam 2009 after Shaq guest hosted raw. Shaq was a fun guest host, maybe the best one they had. So Shaq vs Big Show is my pick.

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