The next NXT champ is...


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John Cena?

In this Owens feud, I could see them booking a proper title vs title match, where the winner takes both.

What better way to pump up subscriber numbers, push the NXT brand through the roof, and elevate guys like Balor, Breeze etc to the moon?

WWE likes a good swerve every few months, and it's been almost exactly a year since the last big one. Could they? Would they?
Imagine if he was just on NXT. He could then get a months worth of TV in a few days given the tapings are done in a big block. Thus, giving him and his body time off. It would give him a whole new roster to work with as well. It would definitely give exposure to the NXT brand and he would get time off Raw.

Of course, this would never happen. There isn't even much point in explaining why. You'd think Cena needs a break at some point (his last one was 2013) but he is a machine. This would be cool to see, even for a month or so, especially if Owens gets the US title.

Cena holding the NXT championship even for a few days doesn't seem ridiculous. Holding it for months and regularly defending it is. Cena is still way too important on the main roster.
While it's an interesting idea, I think MCMG already stated why it's not all that feasible. It's true that Cena's a friggin' machine and it's that sort of physical & mental endurance that Vince has been banking on for the past 10 years, really to something of a detriment.

Off the top of my head, I'd say the next NXT Champion will be either Finn Balor. Reports suggest that Owens is part of the main roster as he's scheduled for TV events straight through SummerSlam and he's scheduled to face Balor for the title at WWE's big card in Tokyo next month, which'll be broadcast live on the WWE Network. Balor, aka Prince Devitt, was a big star in New Japan before coming to NXT so dethroning Owens could be a crowd pleasing moment.
Noooo. Big mistake. Cena fans already pay for the WWE Network to watch him at PPVs. If anything WWE may alienate the Indy/International fans that are paying for the WWE Network primarily because of NXT by putting at the top of that too. Not too mention how pissed off NBC Universal would be if you took one of WWE's biggest draws and either further exposed him or even worse put him exclusively on the internet.

Huge mistake.
I think the idea is unique but when you think about what NXT is at its core...its a developmental territory/brand.

I don't see how the biggest name the company has had in several years being down there would help the guys down there. I'm sure we could see some good programs/feuds but I mean were bound to see those on TV anyways and why use Cena for NXT when he could be doing something else at that time?

I would not at all like to see Cena as the NXT champion. I'm not a Cena hater or anything but something about him as the NXT champion doesn't appeal to me.
figure it would be Joe. I don't think it would be in WWE's best interest to keep Joe in NXT plus his name value will put over whoever beats him for the NXT title.
Can see Cena showing up on NXT and costing Owens a title(probably against Joe). But other then that, meh. Neither Cena or NXT needs that.

Would be nice story if they do it right. Owens beats Cena once more and doesnt want to give him rematch even if its for US title. But Cena costs Owens NXT title so Owens goes ballistic and then grants rematch in words: You cost me mine, I will take yours. probably wont happen but would be cool promo at least.
I know they say never say never in WWE, but Cena holding the NXT title is probably a safe bet in the never category.

What's the upside to a Cena reign? What does it really accomplish? The NXT brand is already hot as hell, and John Cena is essentially feuding with it in a lot of ways. That in of itself is far more elevating than a title reign.

Cena would have to drop that title. That would lower the significance of Kevin Owens' victory. Even if shenanigans were involved, Cena would want kayfabe revenge, so how long would his NXT reign last for?

Cena will not appear on NXT programming. It's not his character to run in and cost someone their title, it would be in his character to even the odds if Owens were cheating. NXT doesn't need Cena, and the NXT fans would boo Cena out of the building.

Cena holding the NXT title, a developmental title, only damages Cena and pisses off the NXT fans. If anyone from the main roster were to hold it, it would be someone at the end of their career like a Mark Henry or a Christian.

I don't see Owens dropping his title, unless he cheats and a babyface evens the odds. He could lose it in a multi-man type match, where he's distracted, but even that doesn't feel right.

My prediction is Owens vacates the title when the decision is made to move him to the main roster full time. Sami Zayn should beat Owens, but I doubt they go their even with an unclean finish. If anyone wins clean, it's Samoa Joe without a doubt.

WWE belives in Balor and he will hold the WWE world title some day, but I don't see them putting him over Owens clean. Owens is being built into the next monster heel. He'll be the first truly Triple H guy to hold the WWE title. The Japan live event is two weeks before Battleground, I doubt Owens drops the NXT title so close to what will likely host his third meeting with Cena.

Interesting though, a title vs title match is certainly under consideration, but John Cena will never hold the NXT title.
WWE belives in Balor and he will hold the WWE world title some day, but I don't see them putting him over Owens clean. Owens is being built into the next monster heel. He'll be the first truly Triple H guy to hold the WWE title. The Japan live event is two weeks before Battleground, I doubt Owens drops the NXT title so close to what will likely host his third meeting with Cena

That's why Samoa Joe screws Owens out of the title, then that will lead to Joe vs Owens with no title involved.
If I were a betting man I would say Hideo was set to win the NXT title from Owens before the injury so then choosing Balor to face him, and win the title, is the next best option due his history there.

Owens is getting a rub from Cena right now in a bigger way than I ever thought they would do. I've never been a Cena fan but this feud with Owens is pushing him further into legendary status.

It wouldn't surprise me if Cena was taken out by KO to give him a bit of a break and then come back as the #1 face against the #1 heel Owens.
It will probably be balor winning the belt in tokyo

This is what I think also, balor is huge in Japan so it's fitting, on top of that KO is heading full time to the main roster anytime soon so, Cena costing Owens the title to Balor in Japan is my prediction.
Regardless on how they figure out the titles on both men... Cena vs Owens at MITB is going to be hard to top. It clearly should've been the main event of the night. That is how a big match contest is handled, it was fantastic to watch.

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