And We Wonder Why They Would Rather Stay in NXT?

I don't know why everyone is so sure WWE won't drop the ball with Finn Balor like they did with countless others, I understand that most of us don't even want to think about what could happen if they did Hopefully not another Boogeyman Situation, but i think its inevitable that the WWE Writers will probably at one point or another destroy every one of the great talents in NXT, talent like : Finn Balor, Sami Zayn, Enzo and Cass, Hideo Itami, Perfect 10 Tye Dillinger, Samoa Joe, American Alpha, Dash and Dawson, Bayley, Carmella, Alexa Bliss , Blake and Murphy Asuka will probably be buried by the Roman Reigns' and Eva Maries of the world. My point is just don't get your hopes up with Balor and I'm calling him Balor because that's what they'll end up calling him on the Main Roster Just Balor. Also i feel they should all just stay in NXT where its safe. Also Give NXT a Midcard championship and Call it the NXT Netowork Championship or something.
I guess my question is what percentage of talent (namely male) on NXT is really going to make it? I think most is a huge stretch.

My thinking was the NXT guys will make up much of the tag and mid-card division in the future, not so much the main event. 2-3 years down the line, I doubt we'll see any current tag teams still together except maybe The Usos and possibly the LD... doubt New Day lasts that long. With teams like Enzo and Cass, Gable and Jordan, Dash and Dawson, The Vaudevillians, etc. I think it's safe to say that NXT legitimately has the tag teams of the future.

Other guys that are almost guaranteed to come up eventually include Itami, Balor, Joe, Corbin, Crews, Zayn, and possibly Tye Dillinger and Bull Dempsey. All of these guys, excluding maybe Dempsey and Dillinger seem to be in the plans for the future. And that's not even counting all of the future talent that will come out of NXT. If we're talking home-grown NXT talent, than yeah, I'd agree with you.

Also, the Diva's division will be composed of mainly NXT girls. I think it's just the main event where WWE will build their "own" guys. Reigns, Strowman, etc.
If I was still wrestling now I wouldn't want any part of the WWE either. They should build their name and go wrestle elsewhere. Raw and Smackdown are crap right now. The booking is horrendous. They can still make a great living wrestling over seas and in the indies. I don't blame them one bit for not wanting to go up to the big roster.

As far as the success NXT guys have in the WWE...that's no one's fault but their own. It's not the WWE's job to get you over with the crowd, it's your job. Either you can get over or you can't, but it's all on you. The WWE wants everyone to be successful, because that makes them more money.

It's not always on the talent. Cesaro got over on two different occasions only to be held down. Vince tried many ways to hold Daniel Bryan back until the crowds wouldn't have it anymore.

A majority of wrestlers can't get over without decent booking. There are too many good wrestlers in the WWE right now for a majority of them to not be over. But they can't do much when the booking is shit. Can't blame the wrestlers for that.

It is the WWE's job to get them over.
I disagree I think theres loads of sucessfull people on the main roster now who went through NXT, While I think Tyler Breeze has great capable wrestling skills but on his personality, talking and his gimmick he's boring, In some cases lack of good creative can be a big part of it but in my opinion if they honestly thought this guy could make them a lot of money in the future then their not going to hold the guy back if someone was that talented they could make any bad gimmick work for them.

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