The new Wyatt Family members


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It's been known since their split that it was an illadvised move. This current fued that bray is in can open the door to a new wyatt family. I say new only because of rowans injury. Who should the new members be?
Definitely Harper as his main goon.
I think his brother bo could be added. They could also turn Adam rose into Leo Kruger and add him,If not they could call up Corbin and it would hide some of his deficiencies if tagging with Harper. Rowan could come back and take out Corbin for costing them matches and tag Again with Harper and put Corbin on his own which he should be once ready
The only reason I say Kruger is because he would finally be relevant and be the one Rowan also could replace upon his return cause more than four members would be too much. They should definitely add bo Dallas and make his bolieve angle darker if they don't drop it. Eventually he could take brays place which allows his face turn. These are just some thoughts and my opinion but who would you add to the wyatt family if they were reformed?
Honorable mention:
the ascension but drop their current look and go back to the nxt look
So my wyatt family would consist of bray, Harper, bo, and Corbin or rose
They could also be that group,a returning Rowan takes out Krueger and once no takes over and kicks bray out add Corbin. What do you think?
Well I for one am tired of the all interference in the matches that we see with the Authority. And I'm also assuming that there would be a great amount of interference with a Wyatt family match. God knows Bray has started almost every feud he's had by interfering in another match, Ambrose, Reigns.

Yes I agree they broke up the family much too early, as they didn't really seem to have a plan for any of the three of them. I was happy to see Rowan and Harper get back together as a tag team, they are about the same size and they compliment each other. It's too bad Rowan got injured and will be out for probably a good part of this year.

Wyatt has moved on though. They still don't have a spot for him it would seem, but by saddling him with lower card wrestlers such as Dallas, Rose and Corbin, it would take him back a few steps. I'm not even sure if Baron Corbin is ready for the main roster, or will be for a long time. He has a good finisher, but other than that, friggin boring is the word I would use to describe him.

The only way this could work, is if they wanted to elevate Dallas, Rose and others. Make them a stable and have Wyatt as their manager. That way he would stay out of the ring, and just basically be the mouthpiece and the promo guy. He's supposed to be a cult leader and that's what cult leaders do, give orders and don't get their hands dirty.

But I don't see them elevating Dallas and Rose anytime soon. Unless there is a mass exodus of main event, and upper mid card level talents, they are pretty much stuck where they are for the time being.
I don't see anything wrong with putting the band back together. Luke Harper - Bray Wyatt - Rowan ( when he comes back ) - Maybe add somebody brand new to the family. Bring back Gene Snitsky with a full beard and backwoods look.
I'm all for a new Wyatt family, but it can't be a slapped together bunch of guys to be lackeys for Wyatt. Positioning Harper as a goon would be a misuse of one of the most agile big men on the roster.

If Harper, and vicariously Rowan, rejoin the Family, Harper has to be positioned as a valued counterpart to Wyatt. I'm thinking of the way Triple H was treated next to Michaels in the original DX. The original Wyatt Family was painfully obviously a vehicle for Bray, the next one would need to be more of it happens at all.

The new Family would need to take a cue from factions like The Four Horsemen or Evolution, with the goal of creating new stars while supporting a current star and possibly mixing in a legend.

If you turn Adam Rose into Leo Kruger, people are going to say, who? The name Leo Kruger is meaningless to the casual fan. You might as well change his name to John Smith or Horace McWhocares. Adam Rose is a name they'll recognize. No apologies, a Rose by any other name will smell as sweet. Rose should be as far away from this angle as he can.

Just because they're brothers doesn't mean they should be paired together. I like Bo, he's super young and could easily mature, but he's not that similar to his brother. The voices are different, the body types are different. I'd save the brother revelation for years down the road when Wyatt is a face.

The name I like the most that you've mentioned is Corbin. He's super green though and may benefit from more time in developmental. There could be an argument made that spending time with a more experienced Wyatt will do him some good.

Another developmental name I'd throw in is Bull Dempsey, he already looks like a Wyatt, just throw some plaid or coveralls on him.

A Wyatt Family reunion has to serve a purpose, because Wyatt doesn't really need them at this point. Reuniting as a partnership of equals will only make Harper and Rowan seem more legitimate. Some new blood will give Harper and Rowan some followers to accompany them to the ring. I had mentioned adding a legend or a veteran, I'm not sure who that should be, or could be. It's not necessary but it could give a young guy like Corbin their JJ Dillon or Ric Flair (Evolution era).

Wyatt doesn't need a bunch of jobbers to win him matches, he needs to be booked as a threat, and long term reviving the Family will give a reunited Shield more opponents in a few years.
Thanks guys. When I mention Leo Kruger I don't necessarily mean the name but more so the persona. Sorry I wasn't more clear on that.I'd want them all to be legit that's to anyone they go after meaning evenly push the faction. Harper as his main goon I do mean so almost as an equal but not quite. I still believe no would be a good Sutton but not just cause of them being brothers but more so because his mic skills are legit and that would allow bray to not have to do every promo or come out at the beginning of their segments. They can use the reigns fued to open the door and randomly have his future members come out and randomly attack or something(thinking add simple as creative does cause there would be much better ways to do so) and slowly implement each member of the renewed wyatt family with every member pushed as strongly as before if not more
When I mention Adam rose as Leo Kruger I don't necessarily mean the name change but the persona. My apologies for not being clearer. I also mean ha appear as his main goon meaning almost an equivalent but not quite. I'd love bo not because they're brothers but because he'd be able to do promos and keep bray of tv show weeks which would make his appearances mean more.Thanks for your responses as well.
It'd be great to see the Wyatt Family reunite in its old form with a new guy or two thrown into the mix to make it be a legit cult.

So I personally would never add Adam Rose or Bo Dallas to the mix because I don't think either mens characters can mesh into a follower of Wyatt type of character. Also they are just two guys who aren't considered a big deal.

Now if I had to choose from the current WWE roster (including NXT) my choices would be:

1) Curtis Axel - he is a really underutilized talent and I think his flaws can be hidden very well if he is cast into a group of people who can cover for his flaws.

2) Cody Rhodes - I don't want to see Stardust just turn into Cody all of the sudden. I think it should happen by having Bray recruiting him and turning him into a family member. I think the eventual split between Rhodes and Wyatt could be really big.

3) Sylvester Lefort - This dude isn't one who I know too much about but I think that he will be a complete jobber if he stays the way he is. Being sent into a group like the Family would help Sylvester out a lot because he isn't very good but he has a decent look.

Now I don't want to add Baron Corbin to the list because I've seen his work down in NXT and I don't feel that he is ready to be called up...anytime in the next two years.

If I could go outside of the WWE I would love to see The Brisco Brothers become members of the Wyatt Family.
The wrench in the works might be Rowan's infirmity because it makes me wonder if Bray's original group would have been put back together had Erick not suffered injury. Is that what was planned?

I can't seeing placing Ascension or anyone else with Bray if Harper & Rowan were available .....with WWE management having seemingly decided they weren't working as singles performers, they seemed good to go back with Wyatt even if that might have been deemed a step backward for the country cousins.

When trying to figure why management broke the group apart in the first place, the only thing I can come up with is Vince McMahon's apparent love for big bodies in the ring; which amply qualifies Bray's guys for singles activity. Perhaps Triple H disagreed with the concept, but was overruled.....I doubt it would be the first time.

But there's no getting around Rowan's injury, so my guess is that Bray will function as a single until he can get both his swamp rats back at his side.

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