The New TNA first episode: Melee week 1

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Getting Noticed By Management
The pyro's explode as the Melee zone is shown.
Jimmy Hart: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the Melee zone. My oh my do we have a great show in store for you tonight. Ain't that right Dusty?
Dusty Rhodes: That's right Jimmy this show is going to be more crazy than a mental patient on crack!
Hart: Oh...That's a lovely expression to tell our fans on the first ever show of melee. What a way to kick it off you idiot. Let's go to our general manager already standing in the ring, Vince Russo.

Russo: Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the first ever TNA MELEE! (The crowd cheers) As you all should know by now, my name is Vince Russo. I'm the man who brought WCW to the top for years. I am the man who ran the WWF during the early 1990s. I'm the man who created the NWO! And now I'm the man that is going to take TNA as a whole, and TNA MELEE to the top. See, my opposing general manager on impcact is Eric Bischoff. Unlike Bischoff who will provide you with a half an hour of wrestling and one and a half hours of talking on the microphone, I will provide you with two full hours of high action packed wrestling! MELEE's X tag team division is better than the regular X division because two is definitely better than one. MELEE'S hardcore division is for all of you who like extreme matches, and are sick of that fake WWECW which doesn't even have the final World Champion/TV champion or the final ECW tag team champions because thye're right here on TNA!!!! I am going to save the failing TNA!!!
(Just as Russo is about to leave the ring, Christopher Daniels comes out and stands on the stage ramp)
Daniels: Did I just hear you say that you're going to save TNA?
Russo: That's right.
Daniels: How is getting two shows both with two hours, on primetime, just coming off of the biggest show of the year, and signing a main eventer to come over here failing?
Russo: I don't have to answer any of you questions. I'm the boss and you're not. And if you don't leave right now then you're going to regret it big time!
Daniels: I'll take any punishment as long as it keeps YOU from running your mouth all night and allows the TNA fans to actually see some wrestling here on MELEE.
Russo: I'm Vince Russo!!!! I'm...
Daniesl: Oh yeah, that's right, you're the same Vince Russo that started the NWO and somehow managed to turn a group of four guys into the entire roster by getting carried away with yourself and creating the NWO wolf pack, and the latino world order, and the jimmy cracked corn and I don't care world order! You're also the same guy that was in control of WCW when David Arquette won the World Heavyweight Title! And you're the same guy who drove WCW into the ground despite having names like Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Mach Man Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Mr. Perfect, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and numerous other big name stars. Russo, you're a complete failure, and I'm going to do my best to get rid of you here in TNA so you don't do the same thing to TNA that you did to WCW!
Russo: O.K. You want these fan's to see wrestling right?
Daniels: Yeah, that's right.
Russo: OK. Tonight they get to see you wrestle! (The crowd cheers) When you take on the monster Abyss in his specialty, a hardcore match. And if you don't win, then you're fired.

commercials: 0:15

First match: The Naturals v. Matt Bentley & Kazarian
Stipulation: X tag team title match
During match: Chase Stevens and Bentley start off. Stevens hits a few right hands into a dropkick. Cover: 1...kickout. Stevens catapults off the ropes into a double leg drop. 1...2...kickout. Stevens lifts him up and hits a ddt. Stevens picks him up. Tosses him to the corner, but Bentely reverses into Stevens in the corner. Bentley hits the ten punch. Then gives him a superplex. Bentley drags him to his corner and tags in Kazarian. The two pummel at him while Douglas can't help because of the referee. Kazarian lifts up stevens and hits a russian leg sweep. cover: 1...2...kickout. Kazarian locks on a headlock. After about 45 sec. Stevens finally gets the ropes. 1...2...3...4...Kazarian pulls him back. Douglas runs in and breaks the hold. He steps back to the apron. Stevens hits a spinning DDT. They each make the tag just barely, but when Douglas comes in, Konan and LAX run in and smash him over the head with a chair. The ref calls for the bell.
Winners: None via DQ.
After match: LAX smash douglas and stevens with the chair about 5 times each. Gringo killer on Douglas. Powerbomb on stevens.
(Konan gets on the mic)
Konan: Yo! LAX is in the house! (crowd boos) This is just another sign that LAX is being mistreated again. First ever melee, and the best X tag team in the world don't even get a title shot?
(Russo comes on the screen and gives them a title shot against the injured naturals for tonight)

commercial: show time: 0:32

Vince Russo's office is shown and LAX and Shane Douglas are standing in his office with him.
Konan: Russo, I'm glad you saw things are way. Now listen gringo...I mean Russo. Sorry It's a habit.
Russo: No problem.
Konan: Listen, you said we can have any type of match we want against the Naturals so we've decided.
Douglas: Hold on! This match isn't going to happen. It can't happen.
Russo: Oh, and why can't it. I'm the general manager and what I say goes.
Douglas: My naturals are too injured to wrestle tonight after already fighting in a match AND being abliterated by these thugs.
Konan: What'd you say gringo?!
(Konan gets in the face of Douglas)
Russo: Easy Konan.
(Konan backs off)
Russo: Listen Shane, you don't have to worry about the Naturals fighting tonight.
Konan: What?! You promised us a title shot!
Russo: Let me finish. Shane, YOU yourself don't have to worry about the Naturals fighting tonight because you won't have to be here when they do. I'm giving you the night off.
Douglas: What?! You can't do that, I need to be here for my guys tonight!
Russo: Oh, I can do that, and I will do that. Security!
Security officer: Yes Mr. Russo?
Russo: Please escort Mr. Douglas out of the arena.
Officer: Yes sir Mr. Russo.
(The officer forces Douglas out of the office)
Konan: Ha ha! Thank you Mr. Russo. Now, about that match stipulation. We choose our specialty. The borderline brawl matchup.
Russo:OK. You got it. Borderline brawl tonight between LAX and The Newly Franchiseless Naturals.
Konan: Thank you. Let's go guys.

commercial: 0:44

Second match: Brother Runt v. Raven v. Monty Brown
Stipulation: hardcore title match
During match: Runt runs at Raven, but Raven tosses him to the outside. Brown runs at Raven when he turns around and chlotheslines him into the turnbuckle. Brown hits Raven with multiple shoulder blocks. When he turns around Runt is back in the ring and hit's him with a conchairto only with two frying pans instead of chairs. Brown goes down and Runt smashes Raven with each pan going back and forth with each one over the head until Raven falls down face first. Runt lifts up Monty, but Monty throws him across the ring. Brown goes to the outside and grabs a chair. He blasts runt in the midsection repeatedly until Raven comes up to Brown and hits him over the back with a trash can. Raven whips Monty into the ropes and when he comes back towards him Raven throws the trash can at his face. He turns around right into a Runt kendo stick repeatedly at the head. Raven goes down.

commercial: 0:55
Runt sets up a table on the outside, but Raven throws runt into the turnbuckle head first onthe outside. Then he throws him back into the ring. Raven goes inside the ring and grabs the chair that Monty was using earlier. He locks it over runts leg and goes up top as if to jump on it to break his leg, but Monty hits Raven with a superplex. As Monty's getting up, Runt takes the chair off of his own leg saving himself. Monty pummels on Raven while Runt goes to the outside and grabs a shopping cart from under the ring. Monty is hitting Raven with multiple shoulder blocks into the corner. Runt runs at Brown with the cart and rams into him. He continues doing this until Raven cracks Runt over the head with a chair. Raven and Brown put Runt in the shopping cart. They then throw him over the ropes to the outside and through the table that was set up earlier!!!!!!!!!!! Brown whips Raven against the Ropes and hits him with a pounce! 1...2...3!
Winner and new hardcore champion Monty Brown.
Monty then goes to the outside and start pummeling on Runt until Rhino comes out and saves him by taking out Monty. Hoyt grabs a mic:
Rhino: Monty, you need to learn to pick on someone your own size. I challenge you to a hardcore championship match at genesis. Accept if you're man enough!

commercial: 1:05

Bobby Roode and manager Ted Dibiase come out to the ring with a microphone in hand.
Dibiase: Ladies and Gentlemen, or should I say: tramps and bums (the crowd boos) I'm sure you all know me by now. I am the million dollar man Ted Dibiase. I'm a hall of famer and a wrestling legend. And now I am managing the best wrestler in the world today Bobby Roode! Everyone better mark my words when I say this: Bobby Roode is going to go down as the best NWA world heavyweight champion of all time!
(Lance Hoyt's music hits and he's Bobby's opponent)
Third match: Lance Hoyt v. Bobby Roode
Stipulation: None
During match: Hoyt slides into the ring, but before he can get up Roode kicks at his back and hits him with clubbing blows on his back. Roode then slides him entirely in and locks on a sitting sleeper hold. Hoyt reaches the ropes. 1...2...3...4...Roode pulls him back and breaks the hold and hits him with clubbing blows to the back of the head. Roode lifts him up and hits him with a delayed suplex. Hoyt is sitting up. Roode runs against the ropes to Hoyt's back and delivers a dropkick to the back of Hoyt's head. Roode lifts him back up and whips him into the corner. Roode delivers the ten punches in the corner and sets him up for a superplex. Roode delivers with the superplex. Roode lifts him up and whips him. Roode goes for the back body drop when Hoyt reverses it and knees him in the face. When Roode runs back at Hoyt, Hoyt goes for a boot to face, but Roode ducks under and around it. Roode hits the spinning liriat on Hoyt. Pin attempt 1...2...Roode lifts Hoyts shoulder for him and laughs. Roode picks up Hoyt and gives him the money maker. Pin: 1...2...3!
Winner: Bobby Roode

commercial: 1:20

Back from commercial Jeremy Borash is standing by with Christopher Daniels backstage.
Borash: Hello, ladies and gentlemen I'm standing by with the man who will be fighting for his job tonight, Christopher Daniels. And Chris, what do you have to say about Vince Russo's behavior tonight.
Daniels: Listen Borash, I've been here in TNA for a long time and I've dealt with my fair share of misoppourtunities that general managers or CEOs have dealt me, but Vince Russo is by far the worst man I've ever met in my life and I'm not going to stand idoly by while he destroys this company. Russo, you think that putting me in a match against the monster Abyss for my job scares me? Well think again. I'm the fallen angel and I'm going to be the man that will guide TNA safely away from you! Mark my words when I say that you will regret the day you messed with me. That's my testimony, and everybody said: Amen!
Borash: Christopher Daniels v. Abyss is our main event, but up next is LAX v. The Naturals for the X tag team titles.

commercial: 1:28

Fourth match: LAX v. The Naturals
Stipulation: Borderline brawl match/X tag team title match.
During match: Homicide goes after Douglas and Hernandez grabs Stevens. Homicide whips Douglas to the outside as he and Konan pummel him. Hernandez takes Chase Stevens and whips him to the corner. He hits a body splash in the corner and Stevens goes down. Hernandez lifts him up into the cracker jack. Hernandez whips him into the corner again and hits repeated shoulder blocks. He goes to the outside and attacks Douglas while Homicide attacks Stevens. Homicide hits a t-bone suplex on Stevens. He picks him up and gives him three fishermen suplexes. Homicide goes up top and goes for a frog splash, but Stevens rolls out of the way. Back on the outside, Hernandez is smashing Douglas with the steel steps. He lays his head on the steps, and before he can stomp on his head, Douglas rolls out of the way. Konan kicks at Douglas repeatedly. Back in the ring Stevens has grabbed the advantage and hits a ddt on Homicide. Hernandez is back in and chlotheslines the back of Stevens' head. Hernandez goes back outside and grabs the steps again. Christopher Daniels runs out to the ring though and hits Hernandez with a chair on the back. It gives Konan the angel's wings. Daniels lays Hernandez' head on the steel steps and smashes his head with the chair. Back in the ring Stevens is in the corner, and Homicide attemps a body splash and hits it and turns it into a bulldog. When he gets back up Daniels hits him over the head with the chair and gives him the angels wings onto it. He puts Stevens on top of him. 1...2...3!
Winners via help from Daniels and new X tag team champions: The Naturals
After the match: Daniels gets on the mic.
Daniels: Russo, you want a war?!!!! You got one you son of a bitch!

commercial: 1:45

Main event: Christopher Daniels v. Abyss
Stipulation: Christopher Daniels job is on the line
During match: Daniels runs at abyss and hits him with a double axe handle. Abyss isn't faized. Daniels repeats. Abyss isn't faized. Daniels runs against the ropes and before he can hit the double axe handle again Abyss grabs him and throws him to the turnbuckle. Abyss goes for the body splash in the corner, but Daniels moves out of the way and Abyss meets the steel of the post. Daniels runs at Abyss and hits a backcracker. 1...kickout. Daniels goes up top and when Abyss gets up Daniels goes for a cross body but abyss catches him and slams him to the mat. 1...2...kickoout by Daniels. Abyss lifts him back up and hits him with a full nelson slam. Daniels rolls to the outside. Abyss introduces Daniels' face to the steal post on the outside. Daniels is busted open. Abyss grabs a chair and waits for Daniels to get up. When Daniels gets up Abyss runs at him with the chair, but Daniels ducks under him. When Abyss turns around he has the chair up to his face and Daniels hits a spinning kick to the chair into the face of Abyss. Abyss is sitting down leaning against the guard rail. Daniels runs at him and hits a knee to the face of the monster. Daniels throws Abyss into the ring, and Mitchell comes up from behind Daniels with a chair. But before Mitchell can hit him Daniels turns around and spots him. Mitchell tries to run away, but Daniels grabs him by his jacket and tosses him across the ring. Daniels is about to give Mitchell the angel's wings, but Abyss hits Daniels with a double axe handle smash on the back. Abyss whips Daniels, and hits the black hole slam. 1...2...kickout! Abyss lifts him back up and whips him again, but Daniels delivers a shining wizard kick. Abyss is down. Daniels hits the BME. 1...2...3! A bloody daniels just picked up the victory.
Winner: Christopher Daniels
After the match: A1 and LAX come out and destroy Daniels. A1 smashes him over the head with a chair. Konan removes the padding on the turnbuckle and A1 slams his head into the exposed steel about 8 times. Homicide gives him the gringo killer as A1 sets up a table. Hernandez gives him the powerbomb across the ring. A1 lifts him up and gives him a dominator throught the table. Russo comes out.
Russo: Daniels! You wanted a war, ha ha, you got one!

end of show.
Just so everyone knows, this show was written by myself and hbkfanforever. PLEASE leave comments. I noticed there's been 12 people who have viewed this and not one has commented. We don't mind if they're negative comments. We just want to know what you think. Thank you.
GREAT SHOW! That was one of the best shows I've seen on here in a while. I liked the hardcore match. It was insane. I also like the storyline you have with Christopher Daniels and Vince Russo going there. Please keep writing you two are doing a great job!
thatwasawesome said:
GREAT SHOW! That was one of the best shows I've seen on here in a while. I liked the hardcore match. It was insane. I also like the storyline you have with Christopher Daniels and Vince Russo going there. Please keep writing you two are doing a great job!
Thank you for the support.
good show i really liked the main event and love the way you have jimy hart and dusty rohdes as comentry looks good can wait till the next one
lesnerfan222 said:
good show i really liked the main event and love the way you have jimy hart and dusty rohdes as comentry looks good can wait till the next one
Thank you. As HBK fan forever said, thank you for supporting our show. We've been working on this for a while now, and hopefully we can continue to write great shows that everyone will enjoy. Check out our impact version of this show.
Kwl show m8 really kept me on the edge of my chaor main event stole the show but hardcore match was gud 2 plz cud u check out my show DPW and give a quick comment
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