The New Power Regime Storyline Close To Ending?


According to a report at, there's a chance that the current storyline with Triple H, Stephanie, and Vince as corporate dictators might be coming to an end in the near future.

The report, well it's not really a report so much as a little tidbit of information, states that Trips. Stephanie or Vince are scheduled for any future television appearances after the November 4th episode of Raw. This is something that can always change, of course, but this does point to the storyline ending soon. There've been rumors of this angle going on into 2014even up to WrestleMania XXX.

If November 4th is their last TV appearance for a while, then it's a little surprising. I figured they'd at least try to extend this angle through the rest of the year and even up to the Royal Rumble. At the same time, however, I think ending it that soon could be a good thing. After all, Daniel Bryan has been screwed over and fans WANT to see him have a strong title run. They MIGHT be able to score one more screwjob ending to Bryan at Battleground before people become disinterested. There's only so many times you can see a guy get screwed over before your interest starts to fizzle out.

Earlier in the summer, there were reports alleging that CM Punk was the top choice to win the 2014 Royal Rumble and go on to challenge for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania XXX. If those do turn out to be the plan, then it's probably better to end this angle in November. Since Bryan's entry into the WWE Championship picture, a lot of people have been licking their jobs in anticipation for a Bryan vs. Punk program. As a result, building Bryan & Punk to look really strong in the closing months of the year and into WrestleMania season is the way to go.
I couldn't give a crap about a Bryan/Punk feud. Nothing we haven't seen before. I'd rather see them split and make 2 good matches instead of one.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this storyline ended so soon. Not because it was the original plan, but because it's been booked so awkwardly. It's confusing. I think HHH/Stephanie are supposed to be the heels along with Shield, but I'm not sure... I mean look at last night's main event. 11 on 3 where the heels are the 3? I know the Corporation is trying to make DB look like the bad guy, but all they're really doing is making a simple story overly complicated.

I am rarely one to agree with Mark Madden (most of his articles are just negative rants for the sake of being negative, mostly at the IWC) but his article on the main page right now ( ) isn't that far off. Last night's episode was stupid. I don't mean that it was necessarily a bad episode, but who's supposed to be the bad guy here? And some people can spout off all they want on how they're trying to make some kind of dramatic storyline with twists and turns and whatnot. That's a long way of saying complicated. Complicated does not work with a professional wrestling audience. It's too diverse. Between children, idiots and generally a mass of people living in the moment and not thinking about the "story," simpler is better. Hence the reason why the standard underdog story works so well for someone like DB.

My opinion is that they've taken this in such a weird direction I just want some sort of payoff soon before I stop giving a shit. Call me impatient all you want, but you can't say the booking here isn't a little strange.
If November 4th is their last TV appearance for a while, then it's a little surprising.

Agreed, but it makes me think they simply started the program too soon. After all, it's a long way to WM30 and seeing the same old power plays from the McMahon-Helmsley faction every week until next April would grow tiresome. I'm sure the writers can find ways to get the bosses off TV for a few months while keeping their influence in the back of our minds, picking it up again after the Rumble, giving them plenty of time to re-establish the program which culminates at the big event.

Here's my hope for the program's ultimate resolution: An evil Mr. and Mrs. Triple H win the power struggle with Papa Vince.....joined by the evil John Cena who puts them over the top.
Agreed, but it makes me think they simply started the program too soon. After all, it's a long way to WM30 and seeing the same old power plays from the McMahon-Helmsley faction every week until next April would grow tiresome. I'm sure the writers can find ways to get the bosses off TV for a few months while keeping their influence in the back of our minds, picking it up again after the Rumble, giving them plenty of time to re-establish the program which culminates at the big event.

Here's my hope for the program's ultimate resolution: An evil Mr. and Mrs. Triple H win the power struggle with Papa Vince.....joined by the evil John Cena who puts them over the top.

That's a good point, and if they make this feud more about DB and Orton I would have no problem with it. Throw the Shield in there as well. That's what the Rhodes' and Show, Miz, etc are for. It's the Corporation's role in this that's bothering me right now.
What would've been interesting is if the R-Truth thing was a ploy to initiate him into the shield. He already has the vest and he can easily go heel. Basically he'd be like the front runner and corporate champion. Also they're looking for that black superstar to be WWE champion; Orton could be put into the closet when they surprise put R-Truth in the match at BG and he wins. Would be something no one expects.

Everything is just too obvious and as much as they like to take shots at the smarks, we still are correct. If they really wanted to take a shot at us, they would do something we wouldn't expect.

Bryan wins, but they come out and announce that it's not over for him(with all of the elimination sh*t); then like how McMahon picked Batista, Truth comes out with Shield behind him.

While many people would say that R-Truth wouldn't be as interesting at Orton, that's debatable. We've seen all that Orton can do, but just put R-Truth in front of The Shield and they look even more intimidating.

WWE Champion
Tag Champions
US Champion

And it keeps the chase on for Daniel Bryan. It's something that everyone has been wanting and this is the time to do it with Cena out.

With this, it keeps the power trip story line going maybe until TLC where DB finally wins the title, then he defends it in a triple threat match at RR against Truth and Orton.
This storyline pretty much phased out Brad Maddox as a authority figure but it would be good to make the wwe fcus more on storyline feuds between wrestlers again. A good storyline feud with Kofi for the IC title and a build to heavy weight title is good tv.
I'll say it. I liked the HHH and Stephanie Show back then and I like it now. I am surprised Stephanie has been at so many Raws lately. I thought she gave the travelling and on screen up but I'm glad she is around. Her promo on Orton last week was excellent and her words for Miz were equally interesting and executed.

I don't know what HHH and Stephanie are doing. They've made me a mark again. They seemed to be going the power struggle way with Vince but that turned in to clear heel tactics which switched to the "best for business" tagline and has now morphed in to head games. Are they really heels or just fucking with us because we are so jaded and unwilling to accept the traditional WWE roles and model.

Any way I look at it, it is working and I am not sure I want it to end. But with November comes the holidays and both HHH and Steph have worked on screen as much as I can remember. They can pass those responsibilities to Maddox for a few months and come back for when things really matter.
The story is fizzling out badly, I think they may have realised that burying pretty much every face on the roster other than Bryan and Punk continually for 6 weeks isn't the best idea in the world.

I love The Shield and the work they've been doing, but seeing them beat down Bryan every single week was really starting to bore me.

I can see Bryan getting screwed again at Battleground, maybe by Big Show, with a blow-off to the feud at HIAC, but even then I don't know if that's a good idea. As said above, people want to see Bryan as WWE Champion and Orton is not getting over as #1 heel at all right now.
I think it is far too early for this angle to end. They can easily stretch this out till Wrestlemania and there are a series of obvious steps to do that. Adding more people to both sides is the obvious one. It was ridiculous seeing The Shield stand in front of 10 others on Raw. Yes there is Orton but the "HHH side" needs more numbers; Ryback, Axel, Sandow, Barrett, Big E would be the names I would choose.

The "rebels" probably need some more star power. Bryan is fine but thereafter it is a little weak. Punk and potentially Kane, Henry, Sheamus, Mysterio can all be added to this in the near future.

People think this just has to be Orton vs Bryan. There are many different names for Orton to feud with, if he is champ, not just Bryan. Rhodes, Punk and Ziggler are the top three. That is certainly enough to get them through to WM and give us some entertaining matches and top quality TV. Bryan can obviously have a few matches with HHH.

This storyline has been ok so far. Some segments better than others but there is still so much potential and it would be foolish for the WWE to end it so soon. They can still have Punk v Bryan at WM but that doesn't mean this storyline ends.
After last night and the week before, I'm 100% confused. And I don't mean that in a "Wow! They're throwing out so many twists and turns, I can't tell what's going to happen next!" good way. I seriously have no idea about what's supposed to be going on, or the slightest idea of where the story is going.

For me it started at Night Of Champions, when Triple uncharacteristically started showing more face-like behavior.

And Daniel Bryan brought up something I never thought about in his promo the other night. He didn't need a fast count, because Randy Orton was already knocked out by the running knee. Going by what he said on the mic, I got the sense Triple H knew Orton would find himself in that exact scenario, so he plotted with Armstrong to screw Bryan over with a win? Sorry, but that doesn't make the least bit of sense, and there's one too many holes in logic for that "plan".

On top of that, Triple H punishes his personal security force by placing them in an 11 on 3 handicap match? Again, that doesn't make sense. I was waiting for Triple H or Stephanie to come out and throw out some random stipulation to stack the deck against Team Bryan, or a heel turn from within Bryan's team, something .

For weeks and weeks, Triple H and Stephanie threatened to fire anyone, who dared to disobey them, if they came to Bryan's aid during the beatings. But all of the sudden, most of the faces are allowed to run out of the locker room, and save Bryan with no repercussions?

I guess WWE's heading in the direction of Triple H and Stephanie throwing another insurmountable hurdle at Bryan in the near future, because there has to be a reason for this recent kiss ass, pandering behavior from Triple H.

But that brings up another puzzling question, what else can Triple H and Stephanie possibly do to Bryan? They've already ordered The Shield to beat him up numerous times, Randy Orton already had a few turns to beat on Bryan, he's been forced to eat a few knockout punches from Show, and Triple H already screwed Bryan out of the WWE Championship twice? So what else can Triple H and Stephanie do to torture Bryan?

For the sake of tying up a lot of loose ends, I think the angle needs to continue for a while longer. Now, it just feels like WWE is trying too hard to be too complex for no good reason. And it doesn't take a genius or an obsessive nitpicker to point out or notice the obvious problems with this whole Bryan VS The World storyline.
If Randy Orton doesn't get the job done at Battleground, I will have absolutely no idea where the hell this entire storyline is going.

Neither Stephanie McMahon or Triple H have screwed anyone over since becoming a factor, which I figure is pretty strange for heels in a position of authority. Something has to give here. The both of them are acting way too passive aggressive in this point of the game for another screwjob not to happen.

I'm positively lost. Something's got to give if they plan on stretching this to Survivor Series, let alone WrestleMania.
It is a good storyline if they used more wrestling logic, or stuck with the angles. Such as, anyone who helps Danial Bryan gets fired. Wouldn't it of made sense to fire all of those who got involved.

Then on the next week of Raw, have someone reinstate them. Enhance the power struggle storyline. Hell, have HBK be the union representative, threaten to take their talents to South Beach.

But, like I stated earlier, this is a good storyline if they can do it right. The shield helps it out, but the Big Show should just be an angry heel. Not the unfortunate face who has to hurt people. We already watched him last year get an iron clad contract. We don't need to know about his dirty laundry about failed investments or how a 7 foot guy can't find work. If a crack head can find work at McDonald's, I'm pretty sure a 7 foot guy can find work. Let him be the muscle that has to help the Shield. A hired gun who likes money, makes a good hell.

They need to copy the Austin vs. McMahon storyline. Use logic, where Bryan comes out one week, then loses the next week. Show a power struggle. In addition to that, quit taking the title away from Danial Bryan. Gotta let him run with it. You can get guys like Ryback involved. Danial Bryan vs. Ryback would be a decent match, and a good storyline. Have Bryan come out with win, the whole David vs. Goliath storyline gets people over.

Just use logic, and this can work.
I think the reason for the 11 on 3 Main Event was to try and 1) show the 10 "rebels" that they are fair and 2) try and show the "rebels" how selfish Daniel Bryan is acting - at the end it was all him basking in the glory and there were still 3 partners that were not eliminated. Also, quite a few of the "rebels" were in matches before the Main Event and were severely beat down in those matches to probably weaken them for the Shield.

I personally do want this "corporation" story to continue because if you think about it with Big Show, The Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, the "rebels", and throw in the Punk/Heyman saga that is 5 ongoing storylines at the same time. WWE hasn't done that in quite a while.
I like the concept behind this storyline because it accomplished turning both Orton & HHH heel, which they are naturally better as. They could even use the walkout from before as Triple H's reason for doing this if they used backstory right. But there has been very little in the way of stable members for this corporate group. Who is in it? HHH/Steph & Randy Orton. Who else? The Shield? They suck and aren't making an impact and have been overrated since they arrived. The problem is they have no active big names to fill this new corporation like they did with the old corporation storyline. It had all big names or at least well known mid-carders who the audience would recognize and who fit in. This new group lacks that kind of depth, which if not remedied could kill the idea before it has a chance to succeed.

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