The Mystery Leader could derail Nexus...


The Sunflower Samurai
Sure, the idea of it seems good in the short-term, but I have a feeling that if it's revealed to be a major superstar then Nexus will be typecast as glorified henchmen.

Triple H seems to be the biggest possible culprit at this point. Sure, the initial shock that such a heel turn would give way to would no doubt be quite a memorable moment, but if history shows us anything, it's that a heel HHH has a tendancy to make everything - and everyone around him look redundant.

Don't believe me? Then take a look at his turn from mid-2002. Within the first year of it, HHH had sacrificed several guys who at that stage were knocking on the glass ceiling. RVD, Kane, Jericho, Steiner, Booker. All of them were used by Hunter to really set up that 9 month Big Gold Belt run. I think we can all agree that Raw was really being weighed down by Hunter's grasp on the top spot. (Not surprisingly, this was around the time when the Lesnar/Angle/Benoit era SmackDown! was passing Raw as the A-show of WWE).

The problem that this presents the Nexus situation is that if Hunter is revealed to be the mastermind in this, he will very likely take the wind right out of this story arc. All the momentum that these 7 guys have been building over the past couple of weeks in order to get over could very well disappear and guys like Tarver and Sheffield, who have shown remarkable growth that nobody knew that they had in them, would most likely be reduced to walking flesh shields that Hunter would then use to deflect off attacks from Cena and the rest of the roster each week. And it would certainly be a shame for such promising talent to be so squandered.

The other big name right now is Cena. If John were to turn, I think he'd definately still be able to make Nexus a vehicle for the other seven to make names off this thing. It'd be similar to Hogan joining the New World Order, in that the biggest name of the company marks this massive heel turn by joining/creating this giant brand conquering faction. However the NWO were comprised of wrestlers who were established world champions. The most any of these NXT graduates have accomplished were one of those keg-runs or assault courses. The fact is, Cena joining Nexus, joined with the overall shock of John turning could make the rest of them the shadows in the background, before causing the stable to deflate.

Wade Barrett has been looking like a million bucks since leaving NXT as it's first ever winner. And it's clear that he has a lot more mileage to go with the Nexus staple. However, having someone come in and take his leadership spot could in turn hemorriage his main event push. It's all good saying "U GUYZ, IF (insert name here) WAS DA LEADER OF NExUS, I'D MARK OUT ALL OVER YA MUM'S FACE." but you have to think about the long term plan and how it'd play out for the rest of these young 'uns.

Personally, I'd prefer Shane McMahon to be the leader of Nexus, makes perfect business sense, he has in-ring experience and he won't overshadow Barrett as the head of the group.

Feel free to tell me I'm right here.
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Yeah, but you are aware Shane doesn't work for WWE anymore... Right?

Triple H as a heel is amazing. I'd love to see him turn heel, some of his best feuds have came as a heel.
I don't understand why they have to have a leader in the first place. They're fine on their own. Yoshi Tatsu does need something to do though.
I don't understand why they have to have a leader in the first place. They're fine on their own. Yoshi Tatsu does need something to do though.

YOSHI!!! What about Primo? He doesn't have anywhere to go either... or maybe JTG, or... Shad.... or.... I give up.
Yeah, but you are aware Shane doesn't work for WWE anymore... Right?

Triple H as a heel is amazing. I'd love to see him turn heel, some of his best feuds have came as a heel.

Who the fuck said you could talk to me newbie?!

Don't make me mention your arrival to the Sisters, or shower time comes Shower-while-angry-homosexuals-try-to-make-conversation Time. Just ask poor Andy.


Ah, the food chain system. Tried and tested, but never weathered.
The only way I see this ending smartly is if Vince McMahon slaps creative with his testicles and tells them that it was a dumb ass idea to keep this charade of a diva search going on for as long as it did, that the WWE doesn't need that many rejects when the idea was to only find ONE breakout star.

Let Mr. Jennifer Hudson carry his wife's luggage if he wants media exposure, or wrestle her crazy fans if he wants action. If Skip Sheffield wants to get rough with bodies, let him manhandle farm animals, let Tarver get back into trying to be a wannabe boxer/pitbull impersonator, one of these days animal control will put his ass in the pound. Heath slater, well, there's a rash of Ginger Bashing going around, I foresee his day coming thanks to a fat mealy little kid named Cartman with his gang of Ginger bashers. Then to Darren Young, let him be the spokesmodel for before and after with too much make up, and see if he still thinks he's another look alike for John Cena, have him apply to be a stunt double in Cena's next movie where Cena has to put his head in a lion's mouth. Justin Gabriel, hey, I hear chippendale's is always needing some dancers.

Then Wade Barrett can go on doing what he should've done in the first place, be the ONE star he was meant to be. Not supporting those pansies.

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