The Musician/Band Tournament? (Just an idea...)

Sounds good, although I would like it if we worked towards making the best group ever. Like Best Singer, Best Bassist, Best Guitarist (maybe two for lead and rhythm) and Best Drummer.

Anyone not found voting for Robert Plant will also be shot on sight.

This could be a nicer idea than just voting between bands, but voting musicians instead.

We can form the band, then still find out who people think is the greatest.
Looking forward to the "John Frusciante can't do what Michael Angelo Batio does, so the Peppers are inferior to Nitro" - arguments. Also, the simpler "metal>rock>blues" - arguments.

I'll stop shitting on your idea now...
Actually it really wouldn't, and I say that not only having experienced all three BZT's and the music tourney, but having been here on WZ for over 7 years and listening to everyone's opinions on music. Last years BZT would have likely easily thrashed whatever new music tourney gets ran, simply because music is such a subjective topic, while the BZT is objective... and the MT wasn't as versatile as the BZT either.

For example Metallica vs Nirvana would seem like a big match, but you'd be surprised at the number of people that either couldn't weigh in or just don't have much to say.

That's likely the reason why groups like Metallica ended up going as far as they did, and why bands like Pearl Jam didn't make it far at all.

Is that not an argument to make the music tournament more diverse than anything, then? Similar bands draw similar fans; Pearl Jam, Metallica, Nirvana, but if a wider variety of bands were entered, then surely that could yield some more interesting discussion, no?

The BZT had interesting match ups for sure, so if the potential music tournament can find a way to include more varied artists/bands then it could prove more interesting.

Out of interest, did the number of posters contributing to the BZT generally increase with each subsequent tournament? If there has only been 1 music tournament, surely its worthwhile giving it another go to see what the difference will be in terms of people participating?
Looking forward to the "John Frusciante can't do what Michael Angelo Batio does, so the Peppers are inferior to Nitro" - arguments. Also, the simpler "metal>rock>blues" - arguments.

I'll stop shitting on your idea now...

You know you're dampening all my spirits now of having a great tourney here.

I mean yes this is the forum where someone said Goldberg is better at climbing a ladder than Andre.

..............that was me; I said that. Fuck you!

Do a shorter tourney though as it will have a two fold advantage:

A) It will not last longer so people here who get bored easily are catered to.

B) A shorter list will have more people bitching about who got left out thus bringing in more traffic.
Is that not an argument to make the music tournament more diverse than anything, then? Similar bands draw similar fans; Pearl Jam, Metallica, Nirvana, but if a wider variety of bands were entered, then surely that could yield some more interesting discussion, no?

It depends, man. If I listen to both groups but I like group A more than I like group B, even though group B was more popular, had more albums, etc. And that's your argument as to why I should vote group B more the group I like more it's not going to work.

The BZT had interesting match ups for sure, so if the potential music tournament can find a way to include more varied artists/bands then it could prove more interesting.

Those matches came from a set up that was based on objectively - people are going to be split on the question of whether Cyclops could beat Deadpool, or if Superman could handle the Sentry. The fighter with the better powers and feats is going to win.

In the MT if you said "well we're trying to find the most popular band of all time" to make it objective, the winner would likely The Beatles or Justin Bieber or Michael Jackson or Elvis. Not much of a tournament.

Out of interest, did the number of posters contributing to the BZT generally increase with each subsequent tournament?

That would be a question for J or Doc, but considering I was ready to start throttling people in later matches [and probably vice versa right Killam?] and some those of threads dragged on, I'd say it was probable.

If there has only been 1 music tournament, surely its worthwhile giving it another go to see what the difference will be in terms of people participating?

I can see where you are coming from, and I would have interest in it too. But I can easily identify with the people that would be hesitant, and weary that the tournament just wouldn't draw.
PaperGhostopolis said:
Do a shorter tourney though as it will have a two
fold advantage:
A) It will not last longer so people here who get
bored easily are catered to.
B) A shorter list will have more people bitching
about who got left out thus bringing in more

This makes shockingly good sense...
So, which would be better?

1) Band/artist Tourney
2) musician Tournet, where we whittle it to the ultimate band, then vote for the single best.
He's a Scotsman who doesn't have a traditionally moany face, that's who ;)

I think the objectivety of a 'most popular artist/band' argument could prove to be a bit of a ball/ovary ache. Sure, one could suppose that Bieber in a non-social media environment or The Rolling Stones in an active social media environment could yield different outcomes, so perhaps some tweaks could be made.

Perhaps the massive scope of musical influences on culture and society, thinking back to Beethoven and perhaps beyond, could prove problematic. On the other hand, even the preliminary round arguments could pose some interesting debates.

I say all this, but if Jeff Buckley doesn't get in then the whole idea can go fuck itself with a twin neck Gibson ;-)
A band tournament. If you'd like to have some stand alone artists in there, like MJ, that would be ideal.

That's exactly how I want it.

Mainly bands, but solo artists that are THAT good, or in the right category, can be in.

Buckley is fine, and I'd throw in someone like Beyonce for shits.
Jeff Buckley, him and his dream brother.

Is Jeff Beck the same Beck who did Loser?, or has a new can of worms just been opened?

Edit - why not have a separate bracket for the solo artists?
What about solo artists who kinda get a free ride, because of their kick-ass bands? I mean I'm a (casual) fan of Ozzy, Hagar and Alice Cooper, but they themselves don't have much to do with it...
Dowds said:
Is Jeff Beck the same Beck who did Loser?, or has a new can of worms just been opened?
Pretty sure you're trolling, but just in case...
What about solo artists who kinda get a free ride, because of their kick-ass bands? I mean I'm a (casual) fan of Ozzy, Hagar and Alice Cooper, but they themselves don't have much to do with it...

Ozzy would go in with Sabbath, but Cooper I'd put in as a solo artist with a backing group.
Thrash said:
Ozzy would go in with Sabbath
Yes, but Ozzy without "Crazy Train"? Or would he loan the song to Sabbath for one round only? Lots of little nits to pick.

Also, will Van Halen, Chickenfoot or another backing band sign Hagar? :p
Pretty sure you're trolling, but just in case...

Honestly, I'd heard the names but never really listened to either. 2 incredibly similar names can throw me off rather easily ;)

Nice enough guitar wank there, but I'd still take Jeff Buckley over him. I'm pretty sure I could/have listened to several songs that Jeff Beck has contributed to and never known it. Buckley has a very distinct voice and has made several of his covers very distinguishable from the originals.

Let the fighting talk begin! :-D
Right, here's what I'm going to try & go for with it;

16 in each category;
00's to present.

Each category will have 4 "genre sections", so we can only have 4 of each kind in each category, to allow diversity. They are;
Solo Artist

Myself and the others running the tournament will pick one artist to put into ea h year category, the rest will be up to WZ. We'll pick based on 1) Popularity (how many people vote it) & 2) Diversity (Is it what we need or not?)

There will 4 Rounds in each category, until we end up with four winners from their respective ones.

Those four will then be randomly drawn into two overall semi finals. The winners of the two SF's will go into a final to be crowned the overall best band/artist.

I'd rather see individual artists have their own separate bracket away from the groups and Metal/Rock seem too close together.

Then again I would never have the patience to run such a competition, so fair play to yourself and don't mind my moaning!
I'd rather see individual artists have their own separate bracket away from the groups and Metal/Rock seem too close together.

Then again I would never have the patience to run such a competition, so fair play to yourself and don't mind my moaning!

It's fine, I just want this to be simple for running my first tourney, then I'd it goes well, make things a bit more complex.
I'd be willing to lend a hand in terms of opening/closing threads if you need a mod for it, Thrash. This could be fun. If Nightwish gets in they have my support to the very end.

EDIT: If you're serious about running this thing, let me know and I can bring it up in The Board Room.
I'd be willing to lend a hand in terms of opening/closing threads if you need a mod for it, Thrash. This could be fun. If Nightwish gets in they have my support to the very end.

That would be appreciated! I dunno if it could warrant its own subsection in the MH while it goes on, like WZT & BZT get.

But yeah, I would be posting it in the media hug so it forces people to post non-spam.

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