The Music Newsletter

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Yes because I had planned on doing this when X was still the music mod a few months back. If FTS' approval still stands, let's begin:

What is Music?

Shadowmancer started this excellent thread, and it's one I highly suggest everyone checks out. What is music to you and what impact has it had in your life? A thought provoking thread worth checking out and sharing your thoughts on your love of music.

Random 5

We all love the Post 10 Random Songs thread in the Games section of the Bar Room, but what if we took that a step further and had you actually explain why you like 5 random songs on iTunes or your preferred MP3 player? NSL brought this fun thread to the music section and it counts for posts!

xfear, NSL, and Ty Burna Presents: The Screamo/Post-Hardcore/Metalcore Thread

Are you a fan of these punk sub genres? Are you a scene going hardcore lover? Step into the thread and share some of your favorite bands. With these genres there is always new and exciting bands to find out about. Even if you aren't deeply rooted in the punk genre and sub genres, you may find some bands you didn't know about and may really dig. An old thread reborn!


A look at Metallica's trilogy of songs called "The Unforgiven". TM began the discussion of this trilogy and the meaning behind each song. From what I've read it's been a good debate about which one is the best, and what the songs actually mean. Metal fans and especially Metallica fans will enjoy this thread.

Ty Burna's All Hip Hop Thread

Finally, for all you hip hop heads, we have the mainstay All Hip Hop thread. Discuss hip hop in it's many forms and take part in the many list we have going. If you feel like profiling one of your favorite rappers, we have that here too. Lots of things going in this thread, and I'm always down for older lists getting revived for discussion.

Plenty of other good threads to choose from in the Music Section as well, just do yourself a favor and look it up and see what you can find. New threads of course are always welcome about any kind of music.

I must give props to Shadowmancer and NSL for the work they've been putting into the music section. Much respect to the both of you.

Also, look for the Album of the Year Awards Nominations in Pop, Rock, Punk, Metal, and Hip Hop in the near future. I have a suspicious feeling this could generate some debate on what was truly the best album of the year in each category.
τδιγλε;1573617 said:
Where are the threads on house and dance music?

Unless we're discussing big beat or acidhouse I probably won't be very good.

And Ace of Base of course. Jake and I's favorite band.
τδιγλε;1573617 said:
Where are the threads on house and dance music?

Closest thing to it tdigs is that Dub Step thread that was created. Otherwise I don't know of any threads that's been created in a good while about house and dance music.

I'm good with trip hop but house and dance, not so much. So tdigs, get to it man, we need some house and dance threads! The more music the better.
I need to check out the All Hip Hop Thread more often...and only Dubstep i got into was Burial.

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