An idea for the music section.


Too Sweet To Be Sour
I had an idea last night, it just came to me while doing lounging around. The idea is that a start a series of threads in the music section, where I post the 10-20 greatest songs in a specific genre. Then, if I can come up with enough genres involved (say 8-10), I take the top song or two from each genre and have a vote determine the best songs of all time. I would do all the posting myself, which would consist of a post for each song detailing the song, it's background, the artist, it's place in pop culture, etc, and I would just need to see who is interested and get the genres straight first. Here are the genres I have in mind so far:

Heavy Metal
Rock n' Roll
Rap and Hip-Hop

There are a few other genres like Blues, Jazz, R & B, Techno, and stuff that I don't know as well and wouldn't be as popular, but it could be added in or bunched together in an "other" group, and the rock genre could be divided down into many sub-genres, as could metal and bluegrass could even be divided from country. There are many possibilities with the genre listing, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want more than ten. Firstly, this is the place to discuss the idea, what you think of it. Add in any genres or suggestions to my format, and if it takes off and enough people are interested, I'll add in some more stuff and set it up. What I'd probably ask for in the end is a list of the top 20-25 songs in each genre they know about that's listed for anyone who is interested (via PM), and I would compile the top 10 from each list. That would be the preliminary plan, at least, just to give everyone an idea.
I'll try to keep this at the top of the page, to see if I can get some momentum behind it.
I was thinking about how I would determine the order if I end up doing this, and was thinking I'd ask for a list of 25 songs for a genre, and give them point values, 25 for number 1, 24 for number 2, and so forth, down to number 25, which gets one point. The songs with the top 10 point values are the top 10, clearly.
Bumping to the top again. I am really digging this idea the more I think about it, it could be a fun thing to do for everyone and could get some discussion and traffic for the music section.
The fact that you're going to dedicate one post per song for 10-20 different songs in 8-10 different genres (a total of max 200 posts) tells me you're just doing this for the post count.
The fact that you're going to dedicate one post per song for 10-20 different songs in 8-10 different genres (a total of max 200 posts) tells me you're just doing this for the post count.

Indeed, that and the fact that I'm sure he thinks this will be a rep machine. If this doesn't scream out, "LOOK AT ME AND HOW RELEVANT I AM TO WRESTLEZONE FORUMS!" I don't know what does.

Sign Guy, out of curiosity, what would be your top 10 Rock & Roll songs?
What makes you qualified to pick the top 8-10 songs of each genre?

Are you stupid? I mean, really. Did you even read the opening post, or are you just not smart enough to comprehend it? Or did you just come in here to bash me some more?

You know what, never mind. Just go back and read that opening post again word for word and try to understand that I wouldn't be the sole one picking the songs. I guess it's hard for you to read or something.

The fact that you're going to dedicate one post per song for 10-20 different songs in 8-10 different genres (a total of max 200 posts) tells me you're just doing this for the post count.

Or, I just think it's a good idea and something that would be fun to discuss. You act like I'm going to pick ten songs off the top of my head and post borderline spam posts about them to get that little number on my profile up. Never took a moment to consider that I'd be doing research and making comprehensive posts I to do something to drive music discussion, did you?

Indeed, that and the fact that I'm sure he thinks this will be a rep machine. If this doesn't scream out, "LOOK AT ME AND HOW RELEVANT I AM TO WRESTLEZONE FORUMS!" I don't know what does.

Yeah that's what it is. I was sitting there thinking:

"OMG'z I gon to do a threadz seres to gets the attentions and get shiny repz and get teh post count ups so teh ppl willz luvz me >3!!11!" :rolleyes:

Sign Guy, out of curiosity, what would be your top 10 Rock & Roll songs?

My top three are Smells Like Teen Spirit, Stairway to Heaven, and Freebird in no order. It's take a bit to gather an actual knowledgeable list of the top 10. I can think of some that'd probably be in there but it's sort of hard off the top of my head.
How can a song that stole the most famous part be considered the best in the genre?
Little "Sign Guy" Jimmy;3288534 said:
Are you stupid? I mean, really. Did you even read the opening post, or are you just not smart enough to comprehend it? Or did you just come in here to bash me some more?

Oh my good golly gosh! I said 8-10 songs instead of 10-20 because I mixed up two parts of your fucking ******ed plan! I am sooooooooo sorry buddy! I owe you one!

Oh wait, no, I just didn't give a fuck because your little thread idea is stupid. Let alone the fact that nobody respects your musical opinion, nobody respects you either, so any interactive concept you tried to get going would be almost destined to fail.

I did not come in here to bash you, just to tell you that this idea sucks. If you want (well deserved) bashing to continue, then by all means let me know.

You know what, never mind. Just go back and read that opening post again word for word and try to understand that I wouldn't be the sole one picking the songs. I guess it's hard for you to read or something.

Yes, let's go back to the opening post, shall we?

The idea is that a start a series of threads in the music section, where I post the 10-20 greatest songs in a specific genre. Then, if I can come up with enough genres involved (say 8-10), I take the top song or two from each genre and have a vote determine the best songs of all time. I would do all the posting myself, which would consist of a post for each song detailing the song, it's background, the artist, it's place in pop culture, etc, and I would just need to see who is interested and get the genres straight first.

Gee, I wonder where I got the idea that you were going to be the one picking the songs...

The idea is that a start a series of threads in the music section, where I post the 10-20 greatest songs in a specific genre.

Truthfully I stopped reading after that, because the idea was already too shitty to put much more thought into.

Yeah that's what it is. I was sitting there thinking:

"OMG'z I gon to do a threadz seres to gets the attentions and get shiny repz and get teh post count ups so teh ppl willz luvz me >3!!11!" :rolleyes:

You mock the idea, but I'm 99% sure that the only reason you're doing it is so people will think that you're a relevant poster.

My top three are Smells Like Teen Spirit, Stairway to Heaven, and Freebird in no order. It's take a bit to gather an actual knowledgeable list of the top 10. I can think of some that'd probably be in there but it's sort of hard off the top of my head.

1) Not even Nirvana's best song
2) Not even CLOSE to Led's best song
3) A good song, probably not in many top 10 rock song lists though.

You're in no way qualified to run this program. I'd much rather see someone like Naitch or Phatso, two guys who seem to have an extremely comprehensive grasp on music run this type of thing. Then again, I'd rather just discuss music without using a stupid "best song ever" gimmick, as there are way too few people interested in discussing such a thing to provide much of a consensus on anything.
Little "Sign Guy" Jimmy;3285534 said:
I had an idea last night, it just came to me while doing lounging around. The idea is that a start a series of threads in the music section, where I post the 10-20 greatest songs in a specific genre. Then, if I can come up with enough genres involved (say 8-10), I take the top song or two from each genre and have a vote determine the best songs of all time. I would do all the posting myself, which would consist of a post for each song detailing the song, it's background, the artist, it's place in pop culture, etc, and I would just need to see who is interested and get the genres straight first. Here are the genres I have in mind so far:

Heavy Metal
Rock n' Roll
Rap and Hip-Hop

There are a few other genres like Blues, Jazz, R & B, Techno, and stuff that I don't know as well and wouldn't be as popular, but it could be added in or bunched together in an "other" group, and the rock genre could be divided down into many sub-genres, as could metal and bluegrass could even be divided from country. There are many possibilities with the genre listing, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want more than ten. Firstly, this is the place to discuss the idea, what you think of it. Add in any genres or suggestions to my format, and if it takes off and enough people are interested, I'll add in some more stuff and set it up. What I'd probably ask for in the end is a list of the top 20-25 songs in each genre they know about that's listed for anyone who is interested (via PM), and I would compile the top 10 from each list. That would be the preliminary plan, at least, just to give everyone an idea.

Seriously JGlass, learn to read an entire post before you act like a complete jackass. If you read the part in bold, you see that I'd be taking the songs from the lists that everyone sends me and just posting the songs that people voted the best.

I mean seriously dude, is it that hard to realize?
Little "Sign Guy" Jimmy;3288564 said:
Seriously JGlass, learn to read an entire post before you act like a complete jackass. If you read the part in bold, you see that I'd be taking the songs from the lists that everyone sends me and just posting the songs that people voted the best.

I mean seriously dude, is it that hard to realize?

Like I give a fuck if I don't read your whole post. The concept still sucks and on top of all that you are in no way qualified to run it. The idea of you attempting to do anything that requires even a smidgen of intelligence is a concept that packs the lulz.
I know shitting on everything TSG says is the cool thing to do nowadays and he obviously isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer but goddamn some of you are little excessive on the hate. Isn't he like 16?
Little "Sign Guy" Jimmy;3285534 said:
I had an idea last night, it just came to me while doing lounging around. The idea is that a start a series of threads in the music section, where I post the 10-20 greatest songs in a specific genre. Then, if I can come up with enough genres involved (say 8-10), I take the top song or two from each genre and have a vote determine the best songs of all time. I would do all the posting myself, which would consist of a post for each song detailing the song, it's background, the artist, it's place in pop culture, etc, and I would just need to see who is interested and get the genres straight first. Here are the genres I have in mind so far:

Heavy Metal
Rock n' Roll
Rap and Hip-Hop

There are a few other genres like Blues, Jazz, R & B, Techno, and stuff that I don't know as well and wouldn't be as popular, but it could be added in or bunched together in an "other" group, and the rock genre could be divided down into many sub-genres, as could metal and bluegrass could even be divided from country. There are many possibilities with the genre listing, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want more than ten. Firstly, this is the place to discuss the idea, what you think of it. Add in any genres or suggestions to my format, and if it takes off and enough people are interested, I'll add in some more stuff and set it up. What I'd probably ask for in the end is a list of the top 20-25 songs in each genre they know about that's listed for anyone who is interested (via PM), and I would compile the top 10 from each list. That would be the preliminary plan, at least, just to give everyone an idea.

Ok first off if you just want to post ****e I can give you one of my music threads to post in. *shameless plug* 30 day music challenge.

Second off this is a wrestling forum, but we allredy do about a yearly music tourniment. Your plan is somewhat ok, but here is the facts. You want to make a list for 8 diffrent types of music, that is something that one person can't possibly do. I am 19 and I have been playing music, reading music, living music for most of my life. I could never even claim to make a list of the best music in 8 diffrent genres. Want to know why? Because it can't be done.

No matter what ANYONE wants to say, greatist lists are nothing more than writers supporting bands they like. 9/10 times the lists are just based on popular songs. Not songs that include amazing control, technical merit, or even helping build a Genre.

Untill the end of music, and that would be the time. We will NEVER, know what was the best song of all time, or even the top 10. We can only speculate. That my friend would be the flaw in your plan, along with people voting on name, their favorite songs, or just voting to vote.

Even I don't give two shits to support this. Because to me, I don't care what is the best of all time. I know what I like and I support that.

Also, when Noah is your only supporter. You are kinda fucked.

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