The Most Successful Artist In The Past 10 Years


Has Returned.
I would like to start off by mentioning that this counts as of January 1st 2000 till now. Not from September 3rd 2000.

The past 10 years have been nicely flowing in terms of introducing new artists, creating solo artists, creating bands etc. All kind of things that brings someone to notice. Albums have been sold all over the world, and of course some have sold more than others.

Also, every year we see various music artists who gets rewarded with awards for a great album, an overall great act or for a great single, all kind of various things.

But some stand out from others, some are simply more accomplished than others, and that is what this thread is all about.

So I want to ask you, who do you think is the most successful music artist in the past 10 years?

To me there's really two that stands out to me.


Eminem's accomplishes really speaks for itself. Over 80 million albums sold since he released the Slim Shady LP in late 1999, only to explode onto the music scene with numerous hit singles and numerous of album sales.

Eminem has been touring all over the world, and sold out pretty much all over as well. His concerts are a massive hit, and he can really get the crowd behind him. Also to top it off, Eminem has been declared one of the greatest rappers of all time, in numerous magazines, only to be outdone by 2Pac at times (definitely nothing to be ashamed of).

Eminem is one of the best selling artists of the 2000, and one of the best selling artists of all time (long list I get that, but he's still in the top 100, not too big of a feature, but still an accomplishment).

Eminem has numerous awards behind his name as well, and he has overall done pretty much it all in the music business, and he continues to make hit records that draws the crowd to buy them once more.

Robbie Williams

Another choice really. While his first 2 albums were released prior to 2000, he has still accomplished a nice share of things in the 2000. His "Live at Knebworth" was the biggest and fastest selling live concert in the history of the United Kingdom, and he is the second best selling artist to ever come out of the United Kingdom, only beaten by the Beatles (just like 2pac and Eminem, really not something you should be ashamed of)

Robbie has continued to deliver, just like Eminem throughout numerous albums with numerous top 10 and top 40 hits around the world. He is the best selling act ever in Latin America, and while he has never really struck through in America, he is a massive hit in Europe.

Also, Robbie Williams is the one to win the most Brit Awards in history, with 16 award winnings, quite a feature if you ask me.

These to me are the two most successful artists in the past 10 years. But if I had to give the edge to one, I would definitely plant the mark on Eminem.
It's no doubt Eminem. He outsold everyone this past 10 years. 10 years ago he was just getting started. You pretty much covered most of the stuff. Eminem's gotten 9 Number One albums on the Billboard Top 200, he was already given the title most successful artist of the decade by Nielsen. He's done damn near everything you can do in a 10 year span, and is famous all over the world.
Yeah my pick goes to Shady as well. The only problem with Robbie is he isn't as big everywhere else in the world. I personally didn't know he was still around. Haven't herd from him since I think '98 or '99. Eminem changed the rap game. There have been many to come and go, but Shady has stayed on top as far as record sales. Not to mention the creation of some of the other top artists, and being featured on some of the biggest songs as well
Eminem is definitely a good pick and I can't argue with it, but since he's been covered, i'll come up with another name - Britney Spears. I have the feeling that she's not everyones cup of tea on this site, but there's no doubt she has been very successful over the past ten years, especially when you consider the trouble she went through in 2006/07 which could have finished her.

She has sold about 100 million records worldwide, I believe about three quarters of them since the turn of the century. She has had 5 number 1 singles over here in the UK, as well as a bundle of top 10 and 20 hits. Although perhaps her biggest success, "Baby One More Time", came in the ninties, she has had many hits like "Oops...I Did It Again", "Toxic" and "Womanizer" over the last 10 years. I wouldn't put her ahead of Eminem, but she deserves a mention.

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