The Most electrifying "Rub" in All Of Entertainment?


Its Been a while
By now everyone that watches wrestling is aware of the return of the rock. Their is no doubt that The Rock is one of the greatest entertainers of all time and he will help the WWE no matter what he dose. Personally, I think one of the best thinks he could do for the company is to kinda "pass the torch" to a young star.

So in a wrestling or non wrestling role, what would do you want to see?

Morrison-one of the best wrestlers ever against the most athletic and creative wrestler in the WWE would be a dream match for me. Morrison may not be the best on the mic but he is definitely good enough to give Rock some material to work with. Plus working some face to face promo work could really give him some good experience. On the actual in ring work I see a five star match bound to happen. This would be the feud that would catapult Morrison into stardom.

Kofi- I think kofi is still the most underused asset the wwe has. He's crazy over, has good Mic skill, and he's a fantastic wrestler. I think the match would be great and if the rock went heel and put Kofi over,he might reach the level everyone thought he would reach during his Orton feud.

Ziggler- Simply because Ziggler is a amazing wrestler and the rock would have the easiest time keeping the promo side of things fueled. I the only problem would be The rock over shadowing Ziggler in promo's,however this problem would be easily fix with vicki on Dolphs side.

So, Who do you think The Rock should put over if anyone?
It would be quite hard to really put someone over without actually wrestling, but if anyone could do it, it would be the Rock.

If he would "pass on the torch" as you suggested I would like him to pass it to the Miz, they could have a decent feud, it would be Awesome vs Electrifying, but I don't think the Miz is ready for a push of that magnitude, and he would really have to step up his promo work just so he doesn't get emberrased by Rocky.
I can see Ziggler getting a piece with Rock, him being with Vickie. Of course It'd mainly be directed at Vickie herself but him being there would give him a bit of the magic that flies off. I actually think Vickie herself, as hated as she is, would do quite well at holding her own with Rocky. I can see Morrison doing some backstage segment with Rocky, just a little thing showing that the two are cool, maybe with Truth there as well, but the main focus obviously being John.

But if he is going to put someone over the question is do you go the route of Cena to give him a mega-boost when the guy is already a superstar and the biggest merchandise shipper in the company, or should it go to a younger guy. Honestly, it probably ought to go to someone WWE is trying to develop. At this point Miz isn't even an option, he isn't good enough to exchange pleasantries with the great one.....unless A Ri and Cole were involved, then it may surface as a possibility. Cena is good enough but wouldn't really benefit much from it as I said.

The best option may actually be Ziggler. If he just keeps playing the system he has been, Vickie does most of the mouth work and he does the leg-work and sneak attacks, which is a beautiful combination, I can easily a segment or a few working between both partys. I don't think Ziggler himself is good enough, but Vickie is the instant heat magnet as she is a corporate jackass that people love to hate, I can see that happening. Mind you I don't think it will, the seeds have been layed for some sort of Rocky-Cena-Miz angle so I think that's the route it's going, so If anyone benefits let's hope it is the Miz. And I wouldn't usually say that, cos I hate the Miz.
see i dont think they should give it to miz cause it would only show how much below in mic skills miz isa compared to rock. but if you keep them seperate then people won't notice as much.
i think a face could use it more because no heel will be able to last holding a mic in the ring with the great one
but a face could maybe get hyped up by the rock
You can't pass the torch unless there is someone to pass the torch to.
Hogan passed the torch a little late but to a deserving Rock but The Rock
cannot pass the torch to a crop of nobodies. John Cena is the closest thing
to being able to take the torch and run with it but he really isn't Rock caliber.
Again, you cannot pass a 'torch' to a bunch of no names. A bunch of guys who don't have 'it'. You either have 'it' or you don't..a lot of the guys there aren't just green but essentially nothing more than mid carders.
Well I might go for someone who I don't think has been mentioned, if he has then my bad.

Randy Orton - I think Randy Orton needs the rub from the Rock more than John Cena does. John Cena is already THE man, but Randy Orton isn't quite there yet, almost, but almost isn't there.

He is getting slightly better on the mic and is very good in the ring despite his epileptic fits when he goes for the RKO, I think Orton could benefit from a feud with the Rock. I am aware they were involved in WM20 Evolution vs RNS but I'm talking about a one on one feud. The Rock would be able to help but Orton over on the mic and improve Orton's mic abilities and make him a bit more charismatic. That's the only issue I have with him, yes he's cool, but he doesn't have that personality that I think he really needs more than anything else.
Morrison-one of the best wrestlers ever against the most athletic and creative wrestler in the WWE would be a dream match for me. Morrison may not be the best on the mic but he is definitely good enough to give Rock some material to work with. Plus working some face to face promo work could really give him some good experience. On the actual in ring work I see a five star match bound to happen. This would be the feud that would catapult Morrison into stardom.

Kofi- I think kofi is still the most underused asset the wwe has. He's crazy over, has good Mic skill, and he's a fantastic wrestler. I think the match would be great and if the rock went heel and put Kofi over,he might reach the level everyone thought he would reach during his Orton feud.

Ziggler- Simply because Ziggler is a amazing wrestler and the rock would have the easiest time keeping the promo side of things fueled. I the only problem would be The rock over shadowing Ziggler in promo's,however this problem would be easily fix with vicki on Dolphs side.

So, Who do you think The Rock should put over if anyone?

^100% none of the above mentioned. none of these 3 even deserve to be iin the ring with the great one.

Kofi is not over except with 12 year olds, he s awkward on the mic, and he is so spotty its hard to watch.just look at my sig and youll know all you need to know about kofi.

Rock will pasd thetorch to cena or turn cena heel one of the 2.

Why would vince waste money to use rock with the likes of the mid card brigade in jomo ziggy or kofi?
Someone up above me said it already, there is not one person in the WWE at the moment that could even carry the torch that the rock has. He has done way to much and is so much better than anyone in the ring today. Lets run this down real quick. Andre passed the torch to Hogan, Hogan than passes it to the Rock. Also, we have Flaire being retired by HBK not a passing of the torch, but just saying that your the best to compare to me. So now back to today, we have Cena and Orton the two biggest names, Randy is a rip off and not even close to Stone Cold, and Cena is a cheap make over of the Rock but not even close. Then you got midcarders everywhere who has to main event because thats all we have. JoMo does not derseve it at all, that'd be a joke and a disgrace to the Rock and what he ment to the WWE.
So I guess I just gotta agree that there will be no passing of the torch for a while, and the next person to do it wont have it passed to him he will make his own torch.
You can't pass the torch unless there is someone to pass the torch to.
Hogan passed the torch a little late but to a deserving Rock but The Rock
cannot pass the torch to a crop of nobodies. John Cena is the closest thing
to being able to take the torch and run with it but he really isn't Rock caliber.
Again, you cannot pass a 'torch' to a bunch of no names. A bunch of guys who don't have 'it'. You either have 'it' or you don't..a lot of the guys there aren't just green but essentially nothing more than mid carders.

Agree. You can say the rock can give the rub to them but sure as hell you cant say passing the torch. Besides after mania, The great one will leave. Highly doubt it.
Orton would be a good choice. I remember when he was in the ring with The Rock back in 2003 and they butted heads a bit over being third-generation superstars. WWE wanted to make Orton the next Rock in that regard, but obviously things took a different turn. I'd be interested in seeing the kind of fued they could pull off now. The Rock would really push Orton to give it all on the mic and in the ring, and I'd like to see that.

But the same could be said for Cena, minus the third generation thing. It has to be either Cena or Orton. No other man on the roster really has the credibility to call him out. Cena and Orton are the immediate heirs. The fact that they now represent the PG era vs. The Rock's Attitude Era adds even more intrigue. I can't really picture anyone else doing it.
I'd venture to say Jenna Jameson, but I digress. LOL.

I would either say Ziggler or someone completely off the beaten path. Ziggler is almost to where he needs to be in feuding with Edge, but if the WWE didn't have big plans with him, they wouldn't have stuck him with Vickie. Maybe Wade Barrett because his climb to the top has kind of stalled.
You can't pass the torch unless there is someone to pass the torch to.
Hogan passed the torch a little late but to a deserving Rock but The Rock
cannot pass the torch to a crop of nobodies. John Cena is the closest thing
to being able to take the torch and run with it but he really isn't Rock caliber.
Again, you cannot pass a 'torch' to a bunch of no names. A bunch of guys who don't have 'it'. You either have 'it' or you don't..a lot of the guys there aren't just green but essentially nothing more than mid carders.

I agree with this partially.

I don't think The Rock can pass the torch to anyone and this is why. The Main Event Stars i don't know if they would handle a promo with The Rock or what to say, what do i mean?? Well Do you seriously think John Cena could hold his own in a segment with the Rock? What about Randy Orton? As much as i'm a fan of Orton's i can just picture the Rock saying "It doesn't matter what you think!!" and Orton With the stupid "Viper" persona look on his head.

No offense to any of the Superstars but The Rock i just think is head and shoulders above anyone in the current roster in cutting promo's, building match hype and just going about a storyline build up. Today's superstars are different to the era The Rock came from as is the Rock is Different from the era Hogan and Flair came from.
There are two answers here. Both have already been mentioned. The first being there is nobody deserving who can even hold a candle to the likes of The Rock. People said Miz and Punk were awesome on the mic and they are good, but the The Rock reminded us that they are no where near the level he is or the attitude era was, its simply because they're all in possibly one of the worst eras at the moment, and therefore they all look good. Most wrestlers in the WWE today would not be main event players in the attitude era, many not even in the mid-card which says a lot.

Having said that and not meaning to contradict myself, Orton is probably the person who can benefit the most as he can break out and perform at a higher level. Seeing as how they've wrestled before and had a mini-program it would make perfect sense. Unfortunately the undeserving Cena will get the ''rub'' so to speak, even though he was seriously dis-respectful towards The Rock.
What about Christian, remember in 2003 when The Rock was heel and mentoring Christian, why not try something like that again. You could even do it with both as faces this time with The Rock as a Tag Partner or even a mentor like back then. Christian is someone with a ton of talent but is lacking that little nudge. Who else better to give Capitan Charisma that little rub better then the hands down most charismatic wrestler in wrestling history.
You can't pass the torch unless there is someone to pass the torch to.
Hogan passed the torch a little late but to a deserving Rock but The Rock
cannot pass the torch to a crop of nobodies. John Cena is the closest thing
to being able to take the torch and run with it but he really isn't Rock caliber.
Again, you cannot pass a 'torch' to a bunch of no names. A bunch of guys who don't have 'it'. You either have 'it' or you don't..a lot of the guys there aren't just green but essentially nothing more than mid carders.

I must say I agree with this 1-hunderdededed percent. The "passing of the torch" is of someone who not only deserves it, but has that "it" factor. We know what "it" is: It's an unexplainable, uncanny ability that we see, but can't truly formulate it in words. Hogan had it, Michaels had it, Austin had it, Angle has it, HHH has it, Rock had it, Guerrero had it, even Benoit to a certain extent had it: these crop of guys today....not so much. And this isn't a preference of AE against PG, it just truth that is seen: The Rocks appearance(As everyone agrees) has shown just how really no one backstage has that "it", and he did it in under 30 minutes. The closest is Cena, but you have to imagine; had Angle, Lesnar and Goldberg stayed with the company and Guerrero had not past, these guys would not have had a lucrative career as they had now. Thats not to say they would have never achieved such heights, but they really would've had to step their game up.

Whether you want to admit it or not, these guys are on top by Default. The lack of serious charisma and power from these talented individuals is clearly seen, and none of 'em, Not even all-mighty Cena himself deserves to have the torch passed...just yet that is. Their real test of the "Torch" is being able to handle The Rock. If they can step it up to even 50% of The Rock's prowess, they maybe.

In conclusion: If Rock were to pass the torch to anyone at this point, many people would find it unbelievable (and not in a good way, myself included) and would be bad for both The Rock and whomever the Torch is "Passed".
I only think that Randy Orton would be the best possible option for a Rock feud. As the two greatest 3rd generation superstars of all-tim they'd really have a lot to work around and Orton defeated Rock in the Rock's last match in tag competition so they even have history. It'd be a perfect feud especially if Orton was still the Legend Killer but it could still be a huge money maker with the Viper gimmick
By now everyone that watches wrestling is aware of the return of the rock. Their is no doubt that The Rock is one of the greatest entertainers of all time and he will help the WWE no matter what he dose. Personally, I think one of the best thinks he could do for the company is to kinda "pass the torch" to a young star.

So in a wrestling or non wrestling role, what would do you want to see?

Morrison-one of the best wrestlers ever against the most athletic and creative wrestler in the WWE would be a dream match for me. Morrison may not be the best on the mic but he is definitely good enough to give Rock some material to work with. Plus working some face to face promo work could really give him some good experience. On the actual in ring work I see a five star match bound to happen. This would be the feud that would catapult Morrison into stardom.

Kofi- I think kofi is still the most underused asset the wwe has. He's crazy over, has good Mic skill, and he's a fantastic wrestler. I think the match would be great and if the rock went heel and put Kofi over,he might reach the level everyone thought he would reach during his Orton feud.

Ziggler- Simply because Ziggler is a amazing wrestler and the rock would have the easiest time keeping the promo side of things fueled. I the only problem would be The rock over shadowing Ziggler in promo's,however this problem would be easily fix with vicki on Dolphs side.

So, Who do you think The Rock should put over if anyone?

That's the best thing he can do is put someone over on his way out. Might as well be Ziggler, if nothing else the Rock ripping on Vicki would be gold. It would be good for them to get some time with the Rock but none of those guys would be the next big thing in wrestling because of it.

Then there's John Cena, the biggest modern star in wrestling. I remember there were plans a while back to turn him heel, and Vince said he want's him to be the biggest heel in wrestling if they do that. It's been said before, but I believe that a Cena heel turn is on the horizon and it will come over The Rock. I know how much merchandise Cena sells, but as a heel that can give other stars the opportunity to be the top guy and sell shirts.
If you heard the same pop that I did on Monday, that should clearly mean the Rock should not be passing the torch anytime soon. I know that he said that he would not be wrestling, but he couldn't just be saying that to give people to talk about. You pass the torch when you clearly can't do anything in the ring anymore. The Rock is only 38. I'd say you pass the torch when you are about the age of 45 or more. And kinda like everyone says there is not really anyone to pass the torch to. If he did pass the torch, I would assume that it would be to Orton or Cena. Or at least some other established star, not someone who needs a rub. However, he could help put a younger star over though. That could actually help add credibility to their reputation.
Well I do not think that any face should go up against The Rock because they'd be booed out of the building if they do so. So I'm ruling Randy Orton out. That leaves us with the heels and in my opinion he should give the rub to thee biggest heel that there is today and that man is CM Punk.

I think that CM Punk is the only guy in the WWE currently who can go toe to toe against The Great One. His segment with Rock, if there is one, will probably be one of the most entertaining segments that we have seen in years. Among the heels who wrestle it is Punk who draws the most amount of heat and if he goes up against Rocky his heat will only multiply.

Also Punk did get punked( pun intended) by The Rock in The Rock's last promo which he cut on Smackdown. So the storyline is there.
id love nothing more to see a rock and vickie segment. with vickie screaming and the rock holds up his hand to shut her up but its not gonna happen.

i thnk the answer is plain and simple. the rock has already picked out his choice. john cena. miz was just a small addition but the fact tht he has singled out john cena means tht cena will get a push (one tht he doesnt really need right now) or cena will turn heel.

in all honesty i would have loved to see cm punk and the rock. the rock vs nexus wud have been something awesome to witness but apparently tht aint happening

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