The MMA Youtube Thread

Turd Ferguson

I think there needs to be a thread where we share videos with each other... whether it be interviews (especially by Ariel Helwani, who is the best MMA interviewer out there today) or fights themselves on Youtube... there's a lot of stuff out there, and there is always stuff worth posting that doesn't really a place elsewhere, so this is the place for it.

All I ask is that you keep this thread spam-free. This is a thread that could be very useful or awesome, or it could break the spamming rule, forcing me to delete posts that would otherwise be useful. So, all I ask is that you post a few sentences to go along with the video... nothing formal, just why you're posting it. Also, if you want to discuss something from a previously posted video, of course, that's fine, just again, make sure that it isn't what the rules call spam.

If you want to post a video, just embed it here. Put YT in the first bracket, then the video code (so if it were, you put the "dhjdh39" part in between the brackets, with the final bracket being [/YT]. Hopefully that made sense.

I came across a hysterical video where Ariel Helwani interviewed James Toney this past weekend, and he rips on everyone, from Dana, to Liddell, to "Simba", to how he trains with "King Mo Mousasi", and David Haye. He also rips on Randy Couture, talking his usual crap about him, how he's going to beat him, that he isn't a legend or a Hall of Famer... stuff like that. The interview itself is really funny though, and is worth watching the entire way through. James Toney is completely out of his mind, and I can't wait to see Couture beat the everloving shit out of him in person at UFC 118.

Great idea Guy, I'll try to contribute stuff here as well as I now can.

I remember some time ago browsing over some stuff about Rampage. Simply because I find him to be a great personality. Really entertaining guy as well as brutal in the ring.

The one I properly remember would have to be the tribute video made for him where you see a mix of the backstage stuff as well as some stuff he does in the ring. It was perhaps the first time I saw anything related to MMA. And I thought highly of Quinton ever since due to this video. As well as because of the music which had me pretty hooked as well.

The video:


Now without stretching it due to my lack of MMA knowledge. I would definitely say this shows how Rampage Jackson is a prime example of how close MMA and professional wrestling can be compared in terms of physicality as well as entertainment.
Sweet, I wanted to get this thread going anyhow, but wasn't sure what the site's policy was on this because, technically, this is still not cool with UFC. Glad you started it, there's a bunch of good videos that I come across all the time that I would love to share with people.
I felt this thread wasn't getting enough attention. So I'm gonna go ahead and give this one a bump.

After recommendation by the MMA guys telling me "Just google fighters" I went on and googled Rampage Jackson. And after viewing through some video's on Youtube I found this one.


Sports Science taking a look at what has the biggest impact. The size and mass of two sumo wrestlers impacting. Or Rampage Jackson punching a sandbag.

So of course I went to look a little further into this. Seeing as they wanted to find the "hardest hit" so I figured. It couldn't possibly just be use of fists and body weight? And I was right. There was this one as well.


Again. Same concept. Testing what has the bigger impact to find the hardest hit. This time we're testing the power behind a kick to find out whether there's anything strong enough to break a baseball bat.

And of course. Why leave out something that is also essential in MMA fighting? I'm sure Armbar will like this video.


Fedor taking the chance of testing how much power he puts into his choke holds. And of course they have to balance it against something. So the test is against the most powerful snake specie on the planet.

Definitely think these are video's worth checking out if you wanna put yourself in a place to understand the force behind the moves performed by a MMA fighter.
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Welp for those who hasn't seen it heres Chael Sonnen talking some delusional shit like he always does. Enjoying his 15 minutes of fame that he will be receiving until Anderson completely detaches his head with a knee. It's pretty funny how confident Chael seems in himself. It makes me wonder if he really believes the shit hes saying, or if he is just saying it to get attention. Should be interesting to see what actually happens come fight time, and if Chael can put his money where his mouth is.

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Another interesting interview for those who haven't seen it. Machida's father talks about the loss his son recently suffered, and a bunch more about the stuff Machida was facing going into the fight, and why he feels his son lost. He also expresses he feels Machida should retire right now, as opposed to when Machida feels he himself should retire. Pretty funny, and interesting interview to watch.

Tom Lawlor gives new meaning to his "Filthy" nickname in this video. He's great. He's genuinely funny, and he's something different for the UFC in that he's out there really having fun between his outlandish weigh-in costumes and his hysterical entrances.

The only thing is that he really needs to start picking up some wins. He impressed vs. CB Dollaway but he's lost his last two in fights he should have won. I just wish he was fighting at UFC 118. He's from Boston, and he deserved to be on the card, especially when Phil Baroni is fighting at Middleweight now and you know Lawlor would have had fun with the whole Boston vs. NY rivalry. The prelims on the 118 card, with the exception of the two Spike TV fights, aren't really that interesting in the first place, especially when you look at the 117 prelims. Having a fight like that would have made the prelims worth going to early.
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Not sure if anyone here has seen this before but it's utterly amazing. In fact, all of the videos made by this guy are stunning. This one in particular though really strikes a chord for me. I don't think any other video could so perfectly examine the success's and failures and trials and tribulations of this sport so beautifully. It really shows what this whole crazy sport is about: two men putting all of themselves into one ultimate end. Simply an inspiring video.
Dude, Armbar, that video is great man, I would give you some rep but I must spread first. The video was truly epic.

Here is one of my favorite videos. Its the Build up to the Super Hulk Tournament finals. It shows the paths that Minowman and Sokoudjou took to get to the finals. While it is mostly about Minowman, it really makes Sokoudjou look like a beast. I loved this whole freakshow tournament mostly Minowman vs Hong Man Choi, that fight was awesome. Since it is just the build up, it doesn't show the results of the finals, but Minowa KO'd Soko in the 3rd, but it was really a B.S stoppage IMO. He hit him once and dropped, and before Minowa could even followed up with anything the ref jumped in. Soko didn't look all that out of it to me. I really don't see Minowas GnP being too vicious either. Oh well though. Still a great vid.

I came across a hysterical video where Ariel Helwani interviewed James Toney this past weekend, and he rips on everyone, from Dana, to Liddell, to "Simba", to how he trains with "King Mo Mousasi", and David Haye. He also rips on Randy Couture, talking his usual crap about him, how he's going to beat him, that he isn't a legend or a Hall of Famer... stuff like that. The interview itself is really funny though, and is worth watching the entire way through. James Toney is completely out of his mind, and I can't wait to see Couture beat the everloving shit out of him in person at UFC 118.

I absolutely despise Toney. Ever since I've seen that fucker he has been a cocky piece of shit who never seems to back up his bullshit and bluster, I too will enjoy Couture giving him a thourough ass kicking.

Anyway, a lot of you guys have probably seen this before, but this is one of my favorite moments in MMA, I always mark out for a huge slam and this one was just stunning.
So I just found an awesome FIGHT! Life video of Jose Aldo, and honestly it has made me an even bigger fan of the kid. Just seeing and hearing of what he has overcome, and from where he came from to where he is it's awesome. I can't post the full video because Youtube doesn't have the full version, but I really suggest going and watching the entire video. Really worth the time. Very inspirational, and it makes me want the guy to succeed even more.

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This right here is Hayato "Mach" Sakurai and Matt "the Immortal" Brown playing No Doubt's "Don't Speak" on the video game Band Hero.

Now, for those who don't know, Sakurai is a legend in Japanese Mixed Martial Arts. He's the only person to have defeated Shinya Aoki twice, and he's basically fought the best of the best the sport has had to offer in and around his weight class since debuting in 1996.

Matt Brown of course was a contestant on The Ultimate Fighter Season 7 show. He was popular for his 'no nonsense' attitude and his exciting fights. Since the show he has had numerous main card fights in the UFC, racking up a record of 4-3, fighting big name such as Chris Lytle and Ricardo Almeida.

Anyways, first of all... Brown and Sakurai are the last two people you'd ever expect to be friends. Secondly, they're the last two people you'd EVER expect to be into something like Band Hero. But yeah.. this is great. Sakurai trying to sing a No Doubt song is just classic beyond words. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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So Roger Huerta was recently in a street fight where he kicked the fucking everliving shit out of some fatass guy who punched a girl. Huerta dropped him with a punch, and proceeded to stomp on his head. Crazy shit. It's fucking awesome even though you can't really see what's happening. That fatass deserved it anyway for hitting a girl.

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So I think this is one of the most badass videos i've ever seen. It perfectly displays Randy's dominance, and why he is considered one of the best of all time. Randy is undoubtedly my favorite fighter of all time, and this video is just awesome. Just wanted to share this with you guys because it's a video i've grown to love.

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Well after seeing how Huerta handled the situation with that woman beating piece of shit I went and researched him a little bit. I found this video. I have never really been a fan of Huerta, I have seen his fight with Clay Guida which was excellent, but he never really stuck out to me until I saw this video. The guy just deserves so much respect for surviving what he went through, and even becoming a fantastic fighter, and making a good living for himself. There are a lot of people who either die, or become homeless after being beaten and kicked out of their houses, and it happened to Huerta when he was twelve? That is a huge accomplishment to go from that to being a very successful man. Huerta deserves a tremendous amount of respect, and I am now a huge fan of the guy. Really impressive hearing of his struggles, and where he is at now.

So, this video has been making the rounds on the internet the last couple of days, and it's pretty hysterical. Usually when a fight begins, in a show of sportsmanship, the two fighters will touch gloves. In the above clip, JR Fuller decides to motion to touch gloves, fakes it, and tries to shoot for a takedown. His opponent, Jonathan Fuller, has the wherewithal to realize the situation going on, and knees him in the face during the takedown, resulting in a 5 second knockout.

One of the things I really love in MMA is when awesome knockouts take place and unsportsmanlike fighters get what they deserve. Both things certainly take place in this clip.
One of the best things about a fight is the stare down between the two fighters, whether its at the weigh in or the start of the fight. Nothing gets you more pumped for the fight than the stare down. The adrenaline flowing between the two fighters has to be crazy during them. Over the years Rampage and Wandi have had some of the best especially when it's against each other. Diego Sanchez will take it to a whole new level with his stare downs and enterances. Here are two videos I found that are a compilation of stare downs.

Then of course theres always a time when a fighter can take it a little to far, being the case at K-1 Dynamite 2005 when Yoshihiro Nakao kissed Heath Herring on the lips during the in ring stare down. Herring then threw a right hook to Nakao's jaw knocking him out. Can't say I blame Herring for his actions, I'd probably do the same thing. Heres the video from that.

I am currently re-watching the first season of the Ultimate Fighter and came across this video. Now, it is several years removed from the show but I still find it interesting that Koscheck, Leben and Sanchez all were in the same car together and appeared to be civil with one another, especially with all the shit between Kos and Leben. It seems that the shit that went on in that house has finally blown over.

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Guy, like I've done with every video in this thread so far, I watched the video before reading the description, so I wouldn't be spoiled. And when I read your description... you put exactly what I was feeling after watching the video. The long hair guy got absolutely what he deserved. It's such a cheap tactic to try and hit someone during something like touching gloves before engaging. Complete cheap shot.

Anyways, that was beautiful. Now, let's just hope this happens Saturday between Anderson Silva and Chael Sonnen when Chael goes in for shot. :icon_wink:
Hey Yo!

Awesome thread idea. Really love it just came across it now.

I recently made a thread regarding who Jon Jones should fight next as most of you guys posted in. Good posts really. People doubted if he should be fighting top talent like Rich Franklin and Forest Griffin and this doubter was mainly Pippen, i like that guy. Well to prove to you guys he is all ready to hang with the best he is a highlight video that should change some minds.
The Mods can feel free to move this into whichever thread they feel like it belongs in. I would guess this YouTube thread is where it goes, but given that this is a wrestling forum, I'd really like it to have it's own Thread since I doubt many of the MOSTLY WWE but still casual MMA fans check all our threads.

That being said. Alberto Del Rio made his debut tonight on Smackdown defeating Rey Mysterio by submission. Which, might I add was right here in Bakersfield, CA. No, I did not go, I was doing laundry and hanging out with a very hot 21 year volleyball player, but I digress.

What you may NOT know is that Alberto Rodriguez is actually Alberto Rodriguez AKA Dos Caras Jr. Son of very famous Luchador Dos Caras. What you ALSO might not know is that Dos Caras Jr. was an MMA fighter trained by Marcos Ruas and had 14 professional fights.

FURTHERMORE, what you might STILL not know is that Dos Caras Jr. answered the "open challenge" put out by Pride to face one Mirko Filipovic. He was one of 50 people to answer said open challenge and due to his MMA background and "name" within professional wrestling, Pride gave him his wish. I'll let you watch and see how well that went.

Oh, FYI, as Pride did in those days, they bent the rules and allowed Dos Caras Jr. to wear his Luchador mask. Unfortunately, those masks aren't Cro Cop proof.


Also, I can never seem to get my YouTube videos to embed like your guys', YES I've used the YouTube icon on the post menu, but it never works. Anyone who can help me out it would be much appreciated.

I saw this just a little bit ago, thought I should post it.

I can't believe the shape Iron Mike is in right now. Crazy to thing just last year he was around 300 pounds. If he was really planning that comeback like we discussed in a thread a few months back, he looks like he is ready to.

It was funny to see Dana kinda starstruck at the beginning, when he first started talking to Tyson. How many F' bombs did Dana throw out there? I know he is fond of the word, but in this video it seems like he just learned.
Just a compilation of little know mma facts. Some I was aware of, some not at all. Interesting to see how things went down behind the scenes, especially in the early days of the sport when there was FAR less talent involved. Also, cool to find out why Art wore only one boxing glove infamously. There are plenty of volumes of these facts if you're interested in learning more.

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If it isn't showing up for whatever reason, here's a link:
That video was seriously cool. I'm a bit leery of the alligator filled moat and electric fence, but everything else was way cool.

I'm glad I finally know the origins of Diego Sanchez's "YES!" You're totally getting repped for this video. I moved on and started watching volume 2. Hopefully it's as cool as the first one.
I thought I would make another contribution to the youtube thread. This time its a HL video of one of my favorite LHW's out there today in Thiago Silva. Basically, I thought it was one of the best Thiago Highlight reels I've seen, so I figured I would post it since he has a fight coming up with Vera. Anyways this shows to me why Thiago is such a badass, aggressive as hell, KO power in his hands, crazy kicks to match, and GNP that makes me shiver when I think about how bad that shit would hurt. WAR THIAGO SILVA!!!!!

I totally forgot about this thread, damn. Anyways, I just watched this fucking incredible fight on YouTube, between Rich Crunkilton and Carlo Prater, shit is amazing. Dudes both get hit with some absolute bombs, but somehow keep coming, and somehow both look relatively fresh throughout the fight, see for yourself.




And check out this dudes YouTube account as well, he's always posting some quality MMA bouts.

EDIT: Also, if somebody could post the Don Frye/Ken Shamrock match, I would love you forever, I'm dying to see that fight, and I can't find it.

This is a video I found yesterday, and I absolutely love it. I've been a huge fan of Rickson Gracie for a long time, and have seen some videos of him, but this is the first time I have seen him actually spar against a very high level grappler. Rickson is just amazing, and anything with him sparring, or rolling in is just awesome to watch. A true legend, and just an amazing guy to watch.

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