The Miz - The Future?


Fishy Since I was born!

After seeing the poll about the US title match and who should have left as champ, i must say I was very glad The Miz retained the title.

I am very impressed with The Miz of late. He has always had the mic skills, but recently you can see how much he has polished up his ring skills as well! I personally belive this is a man who can continue to climb the ladder if the powers that be of WWE continue. But I also thought this about Shelton Bejamin and he seems to be jobbing in ECW. Someone who can be a massive star dropping down the ranks (and to be hionest, i hope he climbs back up, im a big fan of The Gold Standard!)

So Im asking is The Miz part of the future, or we gona see him back to jobbing on ECW?

Your thoughts.....
After seeing the poll about the US title match and who should have left as champ, i must say I was very glad The Miz retained the title.

I am very impressed with The Miz of late. He has always had the mic skills, but recently you can see how much he has polished up his ring skills as well!

So Im asking is The Miz part of the future, or we gona see him back to jobbing on ECW?

Your thoughts.....

I have to ask you a couple of questions in order to justify keeping the thread open.

First, what do you think? You've said you have been impressed with the Miz and that he polished up his in-ring skills. Now, do you think he is part of the future or not? Answer your own question.

Also, why would you think he would be back to jobbing on ECW? What indication do you see of this happening ... especially after being involved in the Opening segment of Raw with DX, Legacy, and Big Show.

Good topic, but I need you to give me something else here or I'm going to have to close this thread pretty quickly.
I like the Miz I really do, it's just he doesn't scream main event mainstay to me he lacks the "it" factor, I see in guys like Morrison and Kofi Kingston (post Jamaican gimmick).

He can work the stick surely, but he was employed by MTV so that was expected, his in ring skills are pretty solid as well not spectacular but nothing to be ashamed about either.

I guess he just doesn't appeal to me because of the completely generic character he has the "cocky" and "whiny" heel it's just beaten to death, and it makes wrestlers look pretty unoriginal if you ask me.

Could he be a big part of the "future", certainly but creative's laziness and shameful lack of ability to give talent material they can thrive with could undercut him completely.
I really really hope the miz is a part of the future. cuz his character is the archetype for an obnoxious, over the top frat boy. So his character has a lot of lasting hatred power for the future. and I'd be lying if I didn't think Miz Vs. Morrison at Bragging rights wasnt the night stealer. But yeah, the Miz has all the great inner workings of a big big superstar. he's brash, bold, selfish and he really is starting to become a convincing in ring technician. What else do you need? As long as you have both he and Morrison evolve together but seperate, Theyll be headlining Wrestlemania one day. Think about it. A big Poster with the too staring eachother down and below them it says

WRESTLEMAINA 20 somethin
I think he's one of the few shining stars right now. I place him higher than kofi, Swagger, Morrison, or any other up and comer. The difference between The Miz and everyone else is that he will be able to develope his character as he continues his career. He has shown the most improvement among the younger talent which tells me he's working harder at getting better than most others are. His in ring work has grown leaps and bounds, plus he can hold a mic with anyone. He wants to be at the top. He'll get there, and stay there for a long time. The WWE just doesn't need to rush him. He's young, and the more he learns the better shot he has of staying up top the first time they push him there.
To be honest I see Swagger as the guaranteed Main Eventer of the young midcarders at the moment. I'd like to see the Miz in the Main Event though, i think with a bit of ring work he could be a top heel in the Edge vein!
I'm a huge fan of the miz. I've said it in the past i feel he will be a lot bigger then morrison. IMO miz has a great character to hate, obnoxious, full of himself. The fans can relate to him because knows someone like the miz. That's why out of the upper/mid carders he has the best chance of making it big. I can defiantly see him main eventing ppv's in the future on Raw.
this is pretty interesting, miz as part of the "future". maybe not, maybe so. he is good on the mic, has pretty good in ring skills, but i dont see him as the role of "future" of the bussiness. well i can see him take the part of like a roddy piper. good on the mic, w/ decent in ring skill. give him a mini talkshow like pipers pit and he could be a major part of the "future". becuz piper never won a big title while w/ WWF, but he could win the IC and tag titles, and look were he is now, the freakin hall of fame. so if the wwe play miz like piper he could end up being a major part of the wwe.
The Miz is becoming quite the complete wrestler. His skills in the ring have greatly improved, and his mic skills are as great as ever. His character is very annoying, yet appealing and makes you wonder what he'll do next and who will shut him up! I hope he's the future in some regard. Hopefully his U.S title run will be built up very well as he could really build up that title and bring some credibility to it. He's going to be something special in the WWE.
THe MIZ? the FUTURE???? LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA thats the funniest thing ive ever heard in my life! The Miz? come on you cant be serious whoever made this thread??? Dude listen this guy is so awful ive tried giving him a chance and seeing what he doeson raw but hes just awful i mean he cant wrestle mostly all he does are hits or kicks or looking at the crowd or is finisher or a clothesline you know basic stuff the guy knows nothing in the ring. Second of all listen to how he talks on the mic hes just HORRIBLE hes like "reallyy sharon reallyyy?" hahaha how annoying was that on raw the other night? The guy is completely absolutely horrendous on the mic i remmeber when he'd come out and say "i want johnn cenaaa" o wow real creative there. HE SUCKS! DOWNRIGHT SUCKS! Or heres a good one "im the miz and i'm awesome!" woww i dont know any 3rd grader that couldnt come up with that one! The guy belongs on mtv where he started out in the begining hes just awful and will never be taken serious as a wrestler/sports entertainer. Guys listen to me The Miz is not the future but far from it. If he's ever the WWE champion i WILL stop watching WWE PERIOD.:banghead:
To be honest with you guys he reminds me of Jericho in a few ways.
The Same similar attire,the same cockyness ,the same shape and height. He can even clearly give a promo with the crowd booing him and delivering it without it being dry or too much.

Yea he very well may be a big part of the wwe ,hes come a very long way despite what people thought of him a year ago. You always knew that out of Morrison and the Miz as a team that Morrison stood out more.
Now Miz's light shines as greatly as Morrisons.
THe MIZ? the FUTURE????

That is the discussion here, yes.

LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA thats the funniest thing ive ever heard in my life!

You should really watch Blazing Saddles. Now THAT is some of the funniest stuff I've ever heard in my life. Mel Brooks=comic genius.

The Miz? come on you cant be serious whoever made this thread??? Dude listen this guy is so awful ive tried giving him a chance and seeing what he doeson raw but hes just awful

I'm pretty sure they are serious, or else they wouldn't have made this thread. And I really doubt you've given this guy a chance, because if you did, you'd realize he is, as he claims, pretty damn awesome.

i mean he cant wrestle mostly all he does are hits or kicks or looking at the crowd or is finisher or a clothesline you know basic stuff the guy knows nothing in the ring.

There is nothing wrong with his move set. I'm actually a big fan because of how realistic it is. Ok, he's not doing any springboard headscisor takedowns like Evan Bourne, but sometimes there's nothing like a nice flying knee to the face or clothesline to the back of the head to get a big pop from the crowd. And let's not forget that the other half of in-ring skills is being able to sell the other guy's moves. The Miz doesn't oversell or undersell, which goes a long way into making his opponents look good. Seriously, when was the last time you saw a match with The Miz where the other guy looked like he had no shot (except for his joke matches, like the one with Janetty)

Second of all listen to how he talks on the mic hes just HORRIBLE hes like "reallyy sharon reallyyy?" hahaha how annoying was that on raw the other night? The guy is completely absolutely horrendous on the mic

The Miz is possibly the best young guy on the mic on RAW, which is saying a lot considering Kofi is doing a great job as of late, Swagger is doing alright for himself, and Legacy has been getting better every time they talk.

i remmeber when he'd come out and say "i want johnn cenaaa" o wow real creative there. HE SUCKS! DOWNRIGHT SUCKS! Or heres a good one "im the miz and i'm awesome!" woww i dont know any 3rd grader that couldnt come up with that one!

I'd argue the "I'm better than Cena" storyline was what really established The Miz. It made us realize how obnoxious and arrogant he is, and more importantly, how confidant he is. I'm not really a Cena mark, but I was dying for Cena to come out and knock Miz down a few pegs, and I found myself frustrated week after week when Cena didn't come out. I mean, he managed to bring that level of emotion out in a 19 year old IWC fan. That takes skill. And, "I'm The Miz and I'm Awesome," while admittedly simple, is certainly effective. Every time he says it, the crowd says it along with him (except they change awesome to awful).

The guy belongs on mtv where he started out in the begining hes just awful and will never be taken serious as a wrestler/sports entertainer.

Oh really? He will never be taken serious(ly) as a wrestler/sports entertainer? Really? Really? (See what I did there?) Then explain why he was given the chance to wrestle John Cena so much earlier than most other young stars. Explain why he was given the US title belt. Explain why he was put over John Morrison at Bragging Rights. Explain why he gets some of the loudest reactions at RAW tapings. Explain why it's getting hard for crowds to NOT cheer for him (listen during his match last Monday, you can hear a Miz chant going in the crowd). The Miz is and will continue to be taken very seriously as a wrestler.

Guys listen to me The Miz is not the future but far from it. If he's ever the WWE champion i WILL stop watching WWE PERIOD.:banghead:

Who died and made you Mr. Wrestling-guru? I look forward to the day The Miz gets in the WWE Title scene, it promises to give us some great feuds.
THe MIZ? the FUTURE???? LOLOLOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA thats the funniest thing ive ever heard in my life! The Miz? come on you cant be serious whoever made this thread??? Dude listen this guy is so awful ive tried giving him a chance and seeing what he doeson raw but hes just awful i mean he cant wrestle mostly all he does are hits or kicks or looking at the crowd or is finisher or a clothesline you know basic stuff the guy knows nothing in the ring. Second of all listen to how he talks on the mic hes just HORRIBLE hes like "reallyy sharon reallyyy?" hahaha how annoying was that on raw the other night? The guy is completely absolutely horrendous on the mic i remmeber when he'd come out and say "i want johnn cenaaa" o wow real creative there. HE SUCKS! DOWNRIGHT SUCKS! Or heres a good one "im the miz and i'm awesome!" woww i dont know any 3rd grader that couldnt come up with that one! The guy belongs on mtv where he started out in the begining hes just awful and will never be taken serious as a wrestler/sports entertainer. Guys listen to me The Miz is not the future but far from it. If he's ever the WWE champion i WILL stop watching WWE PERIOD.:banghead:

This brought the lolz. Let me break it down for you:

- Guy can't wrestle can't he? Probably right. Think Cena can? I don't but that doesn't seem to stop him from being top dog. In fact, there hasn't been a truly great wrestler rise to the top of pro wrestling ranks since Lashley debuted. But Miz is a good entertainer, works the crowd well and truly makes himself hated during ring-time, which is all that matters in sports entertainment.

- The "yeah, really Sharon" actually made me applaud him. Sharon Osbourne was absolutely WOEFUL on the mic. I expected Ozzy to suck but he showed the wife up at nearly every turn. Miz was just working with what he had and made the best of it. May not be much but hey, he can improv. Pretty key in entertainment. And calling out the top dog is always the quickest way to get noticed in WWE and Miz claiming forfeit victories over Cena, who was busy against Batista at the time, was a great heel move. How can you not think "you douche" at that?? And if you're thinking that, he's doing his job perfectly.

- "I'm the Miz and I'm AWESOME"...ok, not a great catchphrase, I'll give ya that. But it fits the mold for a workable one; short, simple, sums up the character nicely. May be some 3rd grade bullshit, but look at the PG13 rating of WWE and consider who they're mainly catering to and it fits the audience and his stuck up, self serving character.

So to answer the question, can Miz be the future of wrestling? Damn right, so long as he doesn't drop the ball.
My only real gripe with his character, just to balance it out, is his new ring attire. I mean fuck, ANOTHER dude in colourful underwear making his way to the ring? At least with the hat and shorts ensemble he stood out. Now you wouldn't be able to pick him apart from Legacy just looking at him. Lame.
I thinks that The Miz do really sucks. His gimmick will not last long and people will get tired of him. His hair is like Red Rooster's and completely ridiculous. As mic skills go, I hear the same thing from his mouth over and over everytime he is on the ring. "I'm The Miz and I'm awesome." If he is awesome, why can't he beat John Cena? Why is he not in the PPV Maint Events? He is just totally a waste and I don't see any future from this PUNK.
To be honest with you guys he reminds me of Jericho in a few ways.
The Same similar attire,the same cockyness ,the same shape and height. He can even clearly give a promo with the crowd booing him and delivering it without it being dry or too much.

I really like that observation. He does remind me of a young Chris Jericho, and look wise they are similar, but Miz would need to come a long way wrestling wise to garner the same success. He isn't bad by any means, but he could use a little improvement, and a bit better finisher. In my opinion at least.
I thinks that The Miz do really sucks. His gimmick will not last long and people will get tired of him. His hair is like Red Rooster's and completely ridiculous. As mic skills go, I hear the same thing from his mouth over and over everytime he is on the ring. "I'm The Miz and I'm awesome." If he is awesome, why can't he beat John Cena? Why is he not in the PPV Maint Events? He is just totally a waste and I don't see any future from this PUNK.

Ok, if you're Vince would you have your top dog, your main eventer in John Cena do a job to Miz, who's yet to reach main event status? Fuck no, you'd have rocks in your head to think so.
Even Cena started off with the US title and was considered a waste of talent with his Doctor of Thugonomics gimmick. Evolved well didn't he?

Miz has the same amount of charisma. He'll be huge one day if all goes to plan.
I'm somewhat dissapointed in the wwe yea the Miz kept the title which is agood thing for his career. But the way evan bourne has been booked to lose week after week on raw is atrocious. They should've put him on SD! and book him in the future as the IC Champion.
I thinks that The Miz do really sucks.

That's cool. A few people agree with you. I however don't.

His gimmick will not last long and people will get tired of him. His hair is like Red Rooster's and completely ridiculous.

Huh, so his hair is going to be a part of why people will get tired of him? His gimmick is a cocky, brash, aggressive S.O.B. I think Swagger has the same gimmick, just not as good on the mic. I fail to see how people will get tired of booing him.

As mic skills go, I hear the same thing from his mouth over and over everytime he is on the ring. "I'm The Miz and I'm awesome."

Ahh here you talk about mic skills. We always hear the same stuff from people in the ring. Cena talks about how he never gives up. Punk always says he is Straight Edge. Taker says his opponents will rest in peace. Austin did the same thing when he was at the top of the company. What is your point? Miz has a little catch phrase, and it garners heat when he says it. He is one of the better young guys on the mic.

If he is awesome, why can't he beat John Cena? Why is he not in the PPV Maint Events? He is just totally a waste and I don't see any future from this PUNK.

So to be awesome, he has to beat John Cena? An up and coming mid-carder, pretty much just off his tag title run with JoMo, and you want Cena to lose to him? I honestly see no reason at all, and I was hoping Miz would have a good showing. You want him to be in the Main Event on PPVs, from the mid-card? Yeah, I don't see how the Miz can headline something like that, when the Top Titles take precedent. Did you even think before posting?

Miz is definitely one of the young guns that should take hold of the company in the future. Like I posted above, he is brash, cocky, and aggressive. He can work is way in the ring well, and also previously mentioned, he can work the stick very well. He can garner good heat, and I'm curious if they will push something with him and Swagger. He has been one of the bright spots on Raw, and as long as he doesn't screw up too bad, I see him going far.
I think Miz has a brighter future than any mid-carder right now for one major reason:

His promo skills are significantly stronger than anyone else that's been mentioned with him.

I really think that the Miz is the only up and comer that isn't given canned material by the writing staff. He's so much fresher and has the ability to get under the crowd's skin.

For example: Look at Kofi. Two weeks ago, his script was tell randy you're standing on his face and then destroy his car. He was allowed to be himself and he was awesome.

Then they gave him that 'left randy his mirror' promo and it sucked.

Back to the Miz......Remember when he was first teamed with Morrison? Miz was the voice and Morrison was the in-ring star. They both made each other a lot better. But I would argue that it is a lot harder to be as over as Miz is versus being competent enough in the ring to have a good enough championship match. See: Warrior, Hogan, Cena, Show, etc

I absolutely believe that Miz and Morrison will headline a Wrestlemania someday. The sooner Vince takes the restraining bolts off of his wrestlers in regards to promos, the sooner the E gets to be more fun again.
I'm not going as far as calling him the future Cena or HHH, but I will say he is a part of the future. He's grown exponentially in, and out, of the ring, and keeps adding to his cocky heel character, like a lot of other young guys forget to do. He'll reign supreme over the mid-card for a long time, alongside guys like JoMo, Bourne, Kingston, and Swagger, but I don't see him getting a legit shot at the WWE Title. He may get involved in a match or two for it, but I don't think they'll be 1-on-1 contests, and I don't think he'll be a favorite or contender at all...
The only thing that can stop The Miz being the future of WWE is a meteorite falling on Earth and killing everyone...The Miz is a future Chris Jericho (yes i said it) I mean like someone said before he reminds me of Chris Jericho, he will be the guy who will go from main event to upper mid-card to tag-team division and be great on the mic all the time and thats what Y2J is now. Im not saying The Miz will be as good as Y2J, but if I had to choose a mid-carder to fill his shoes it would be The Miz 110% guaranteed.

And if The Miz stays in WWE for 5+ years and doesn't become world champ i'll run naked around the world. You can save this in your computer and keep it for 5 years and you will see I will be able to keep my clothes on.
I really like that observation. He does remind me of a young Chris Jericho, and look wise they are similar, but Miz would need to come a long way wrestling wise to garner the same success. He isn't bad by any means, but he could use a little improvement, and a bit better finisher. In my opinion at least.

Yea I would agree on your point too. He needs to feel comfortable both inside the ring and out,and until so I think creative are keeping him with a simple move that does look a bit severe and has a severe name to it.. If that makes sense at all.
Hes been with the wwe for 3-4 years and look how far hes come ,from a temporary fixture for Smackdown and ECW ,to a tag team champion that was over with the crowd with Morrison,to an established character and champion on raw. His future is bright. I think that idiot with no understanding of structure or grammar in his writing needs his own skull crushing finale..
The Miz absolutely has what it takes to be a top star. His In ring work gets better every match. He always makes things look believable, and he is the perfect douchebag heel for todays generation. He is a little jack-ass who still gets over on you. Who doesn't hate that, yet i hear more and more people echoing his "I'm the Miz, and..I'm...AWESOME!!!" every week. This guy is already one of the best up and comers on the mic, and he'll only get better. Is he ever gonna draw like Hogan or the Rock? Probably not, but i think he'll be in the upper mid card and main event, and sooner rather than later.
the mother f**kin miz this guy has all the potential to be a great superstar in the wwe will he make it to main event status that is yet to be seen i really do think that he will make it though i think he will be a world champion at one point. his in ring skills are getting better by the week and his mic skills are the best in the mid card i will be throwing a party the day the miz wins the world title it'll be an awsome day when this happens
The Miz is great. The one thing that could stop him is being heel for to long. Look at Goldust. As I recall, he was heel for most of the 90's. Once you are heel, you lose more big matches. The more big match you lose, the more you lose fans. The Miz is an awsome heel and just needs 1 small face turn.
Miz = WWE Champ

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